31 research outputs found

    Miksi ja miten autismin diagnostiset kriteerit muuttuvat?

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    Vertaisarvioitu. English summary• Laaja-alaisiin kehityshäiriöihin luokitellut erilliset diagnoosit, kuten autismi ja Aspergerin oireyhtymä, on poistettu diagnostisista luokituksista DSM-5 ja ICD-11. • Ne on korvattu diagnoosinimikkeellä autismikirjon häiriö. • ICD-11:ssä häiriön alatyypit luokitellaan tarkentavilla koodeilla älyllisen kehityksen ja kielenkäytön häiriön mukaan. • Ydinoireet jaetaan 1) pysyviin puutteisiin kyvyssä vastavuoroiseen sosiaaliseen vuorovaikutukseen ja kommunikointiin sekä 2) rajoittuneisiin, toistaviin ja joustamattomiin käyttäytymismalleihin ja kiinnostuksen kohteisiin.Peer reviewe

    Factors associated with parental recognition of a child's overweight status - a cross sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Very few studies have evaluated the association between a child's lifestyle factors and their parent's ability to recognise the overweight status of their offspring. The aim of this study was to analyze the factors associated with a parent's ability to recognise their own offspring's overweight status.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>125 overweight children out of all 1,278 school beginners in Northern Finland were enrolled.</p> <p>Weight and height were measured in health care clinics. Overweight status was defined by BMI according to internationally accepted criteria. A questionnaire to be filled in by parents was delivered by the school nurses. The parents were asked to evaluate their offspring's weight status. The child's eating habits and physical activity patterns were also enquired about. Factor groups of food and physical activity habits were formed by factor analysis. Binary logistic regression was performed using all variables associated with recognition of overweight status in univariate analyses. The significant risk factors in the final model are reported using odds ratios (ORs) and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fifty-seven percent (69/120) of the parents of the overweight children considered their child as normal weight. Child's BMI was positively associated with parental recognition of overweight (OR 3.59, CI 1.8 to 7.0). Overweight boys were less likely to be recognised than overweight girls (OR 0.14, CI 0.033 to 0.58). Child's healthy diet (OR 0.22, CI 0.091 to 0.54) and high physical activity (OR 0.29, CI 0.11 to 0.79) were inversely related to parental recognition of overweight status.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Child's healthy eating habits and physical activity are inversely related to parental recognition of their offspring's overweight. These should be taken into account when planning prevention and treatment strategies for childhood obesity.</p

    The associations between adolescents' sports club participation and dietary habits

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    For adolescent athletes, data on nutrition behaviors are limited. The present study aimed to evaluate the dietary habits of adolescent sports club participants (SPs) compared with those of non-participants (NPs). The cross-sectional study of 1917 adolescents aged 14-16 was based on data from the Finnish Health Promoting Sports Club (FHPSC) study. The health behavior surveys were conducted among SPs (n = 1093) and NPs (n = 824). Logistic regression was used to test statistical significance of the differences in dietary habits between SPs and NPs. SPs were more likely than NPs to eat breakfast on weekends [89% vs 79%, odds ratio (OR) 1.46, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.07-2.01] and to report daily consumption of vegetables (46% vs 32%, OR 1.33, 95% CI 1.04-1.69) and fat-free or semi-skimmed milk (72% vs 55%, OR 1.33, 95% CI 1.04-1.68). Dietary habits regarded as unhealthy, such as sugared soft drink consumption, were similar between the groups. The aforementioned healthy dietary habits are more frequent in SPs than NPs, and unhealthy dietary habits are equally frequent in the groups. Both adolescent SPs' and NPs' dietary habits have deficiencies, like inadequate vegetable and fruit consumption. Sports clubs' opportunities for adolescents' healthy eating promotion should be examined

    Agreement between an Image-Based Dietary Assessment Method and a Written Food Diary among Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes

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    Valid and useful dietary assessment methods for adolescents with type 1 diabetes (T1D) are needed. In this study, we compared an image-based method with a written food diary for dietary intake estimation among adolescents with T1D and evaluated the adolescents’ experiences of the methods. Adolescents with T1D aged 13 to 18 years (n = 13) photographed their meals (n = 264) with a mobile phone camera and simultaneously kept a written food diary for four consecutive days. The participants filled out electronic background and feedback questionnaires. The agreement between the methods was evaluated using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and Bland–Altman plot analyses. The agreement between the methods was moderate to excellent for the energy intake (ICC = 0.91, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.66 to 0.97, p &lt; 0.001) and good to excellent for total carbohydrate intake (ICC = 0.95, 95% CI: 0.84 to 0.99, p &lt; 0.001). The adolescents considered photographing easier and faster than keeping a food diary. In conclusion, the image-based method appeared comparable to the food diary for dietary intake estimation among adolescents with T1D. The photographing of meals may become a useful dietary assessment tool for adolescents with T1D, but must be further developed and validated

    Brief Report : Syndromes in Autistic Children in a Finnish Birth Cohort

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    We studied the association between specific congenital syndromes and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in the large Finnish Register material. Our data include all children diagnosed with ASD (n = 4441) according to Finnish Hospital Discharge Register in 1987-2000. Four controls per each case were matched to sex, birthplace, date of birth (+/- 30 days) and residence in Finland (n = 17,695). The prevalence of specific congenital syndromes in the Finnish Register of Congenital Malformations was evaluated among the ASD group and the controls by sex. The results of this study suggest that there is an association between several etiologically different syndromes and ASD when compared to controls without ASD. Statistically significant associations were observed with 47,XYY, Sotos syndrome, neurofibromatosis I, and syndrome not otherwise specified. Syndromes were more common among males with ASD compared to controls. These results support the previous studies of etiological heterogeneity of ASD and have importance in clinical examination, management and rehabilitation.Peer reviewe

    Agreement between an image-based dietary assessment method and a written food diary among adolescents with type 1 diabetes

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    Abstract Valid and useful dietary assessment methods for adolescents with type 1 diabetes (T1D) are needed. In this study, we compared an image-based method with a written food diary for dietary intake estimation among adolescents with T1D and evaluated the adolescents’ experiences of the methods. Adolescents with T1D aged 13 to 18 years (n = 13) photographed their meals (n = 264) with a mobile phone camera and simultaneously kept a written food diary for four consecutive days. The participants filled out electronic background and feedback questionnaires. The agreement between the methods was evaluated using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and Bland–Altman plot analyses. The agreement between the methods was moderate to excellent for the energy intake (ICC = 0.91, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.66 to 0.97, p &lt; 0.001) and good to excellent for total carbohydrate intake (ICC = 0.95, 95% CI: 0.84 to 0.99, p &lt; 0.001). The adolescents considered photographing easier and faster than keeping a food diary. In conclusion, the image-based method appeared comparable to the food diary for dietary intake estimation among adolescents with T1D. The photographing of meals may become a useful dietary assessment tool for adolescents with T1D, but must be further developed and validated

    Kutsuntaikäisten poikien syömishäiriöoireilu:väestöpohjainen MOPO-tutkimus

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Eating disorders in boys are poorly detected in health care. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Among 922 boys attending evaluation for military service in Oulu, in 2013, disordered eating behavior was assessed by the SCOFF and Eating Disorder Inventory questionnaires (Drive for thinness and Bulimia). RESULTS: Disordered eating behavior was present in 129 (14%) boys, of whom 57 (44%) were overweight. Every fourth overweight boy had symptoms of eating disorders, typically constant thoughts of weight loss. CONCLUSIONS: Screening of eating disorders should be included in medical examinations, especially in overweight boys.Tiivistelmä AINEISTO JA MENETELMÄT: Tutkimusaineisto koostui 922:sta Oulun alueen vuonna 2013 kutsunnanalaisesta pojasta. Heidän syömishäiriökäyttäytymisensä ydinpiirteitä kartoitettiin SCOFF-kyselyllä sekä Pyrkimys laihuuteen- ja Bulimia-mittareilla, jotka ovat osa kansainvälistä Eating Disorder Inventory -kyselyä. Tutkittaville tehtiin myös terveystarkastus, ja heidän elintapojaan tiedusteltiin. TULOKSET: Syömishäiriökäyttäytymistä esiintyi 129 pojalla (14 %), joista 57 (44 %) oli ylipainoisia tai lihavia. Joka neljännellä ylipainoisella tai lihavalla oli syömishäiriöoireita, tavallisimmin pakonomaista laihtumisen halua. Tyypillisiä oireita olivat esimerkiksi jatkuva laihduttamisen ajatteleminen (37 %:lla) ja pelko syömisen hallinnan menettämisestä (16 %:lla). PÄÄTELMÄT: Syömishäiriöoireilua tulisi arvioida osana terveystarkastuksia esimerkiksi seulontaan tarkoitetuilla kyselyillä. Erityisesti ylipainoisia ja lihavia hoidettaessa syömishäiriöoireilun mahdollisuus tulisi muistaa