13 research outputs found


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    Perakitan varietas padi unggul baru dengan produktivitas tinggi dan berumur pendek diperlukan untuk mendukung ketahanan pangan nasional. Varietas padi yang dihasilkan tentu juga harus memenuhi preferensi masyarakat, dalam hal ini memiliki cita rasa beras yang disukai masyarakat Kalimantan Selatan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menentukan perbedaan kandungan amilosa dan amilopektin butiran beras antara material genetik yang terdiri galur mutan M3 dan lima tetua varietas lokal Kalimantan Selatan. Percobaan ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap faktor tunggal berupa material genetik dengan dua kali ulangan, material genetik yang digunakan adalah lima tetua varietas lokal Kalimantan Selatan dan 25 mutan M3 yang berasal dari mutasi masing- masing tetua. Data dianalisis ragam dengan uji F pada taraf =5%, kemudian dilanjutkan uji Scott-Knott taraf =5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan amilosa dan amilopektin butir beras 30 material genetik berbeda secara signifikan. Hasil analisis pengelompokan 25 galur mutan dan lima varietas tetua berdasarkan kandungan amilosa dan amilopektin diperoleh sembilan kelompok. Terdapat tujuh kelompok yang termasuk golongan nasi bertekstur pera terdiri dari 19 galur mutan M3 dan lima tetua. Terdapat dua kelompok yang termasuk golongan nasi bertekstur pulen terdiri dari enam galur mutan M3.The creation of new superior rice varieties with high productivity and short-lived is necessary to support food security. The rice varieties produced must also meet people’s preferences, in this case have a rice taste that is preferred by the people of South Kalimantan. The purpose of study was to determine differences in content of amylose and amylopectin of rice grains between the genetic material, which consists of mutant lines of M3 and five parents of local varieties of South Kalimantan. The experiment used a randomized block design with two replications, the genetic material as single faktor, used being five local varieties of South Kalimantan and 25 M3 mutants derived from each parent’s mutation. The data was analyzed of variants with the F test at the level of α=5%, then continued the Scott-Knott test at α=5%. The results showed that content of amylose and amylopectin of grain of M3 lines significantly different with each parent. The results showed that the amylose and amylopectin content of rice grains from 30 genetic materials was significantly different. The results of the analysis of the grouping of 25 mutant lines and five parent varieties based on the content of amylose and amylopectin were obtained by nine groups. There are seven groups that belong to the rice type of rice textured pera consisting of 19 M3 lines and five parents. There are two groups that belong to the pulen textured rice group consisting of six M3 lines


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    ABSTRAKKecamatan Daha Selatan kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan Kalimantan Selatan merupakan daerah penghasil labu kuning. Selama ini labu kuning hanya dimanfaatkan untuk campuran sayuran dan kue tradisional, seperti nagasari. Untuk  meningkatkan nilai tambah dan penganekaragaman pangan lokal berbasis labu kuning dilakukan pelatihan mengenai pengolahan  labu kuning. Pengolahan labu kuning dibagi menjadi dua tahap, yaitu  pengolahan labu kuning menjadi tepung dan pengolahan  tepung labu kuning menjadi cake, kue kering, dodol dan kerupuk. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberi ketrampilan  dan pengetahuan pengolahan labu kuning kepada masyarakat dengan harapan dapat dikembangkan sebagai sumber ekonomi keluarga. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 22 peserta yang mewakili lima desa yang ada di kecamatan Daha Selatan. Hasil  kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat sangat antusias untuk mengolah labu kuning menjadi beberapa produk olahan  karena selain warna produknya menarik (kuning), rasanya enak dan produk olahan bermacam-macam. Produk olahan labu kuning oleh peserta  akan diikutkan dalam pameran pembangunan  yang diadakan di tingkat provinsi. Kata Kunci: labu kuning; nilai tambah; pangan lokal; penganekaragaman pangan; produk olahan  pangan. ABSTRACTDaha Selatan, Hulu Sungai Selatan District, South Borneo is a sub district which produce pumpkin. Thus far, pumpkin is only used as vegetable mixture and traditional cake, such as Nagasari. The added value and diversification of pumpkin-based products can be increased by training in pumpkin processing. There is two step of pumpkin processing. First step is to processed pumpkin into flour and then the flour could be used to made food products such as, cake, cookies, dodol and crackers. The purpose of this activity is to provide the community with skills and knowledge in processing pumpkin with the expectation it can be developed as a source of family economy. This activity was attended by 22 representatives from five villages in Daha Selatan. The result of this activity show the community processed pumpkin with enthusiasm into various products because it has appealing color (yellow) and tastes good, beside that the products could be has more variance. Pumpkin product processed by participant would be included in development exhibition held at the provincial level. Keywords: pumpkin; added value, local food; food diversification; food products

    Sorption of Phosphate onto Surfactant-Modified Zeolite Particles

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    Slow-release phosphorous (P) fertilizer is basically considered as an approach to increase the efficiency of P fertilization on agricultural lands. This study aimed to examine the effect of pH solutions (3.5, 7, 9 and 11), contact times (10, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 minutes), and solid-solution ratios (1:500 , 1:1000, and 1:1500) on the capability of zeolite as a material for the development of slow-release fertilizers for absorbing phosphate ions. The surface of natural zeolite was chemically modified through surfactant addition (hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide - C9H42BrN or HDTMABr), and the capability of surfactant-modified zeolite (SMZ) to adsorb phosphate ions was studied through batch experiments. Results of the study showed that pH solution affected the sorption of phosphate ions onto SMZ, in which pH solution of 5.0 showed high P adsorption and was below the pHpzc of SMZ. The amount of adsorbed P onto SMZ does not vary based on changes in contact time. Result of the study also revealed that the maximum sorption capacity (Qmax) of phosphate ions onto SMZ increases with increasing solid-solution ratios. Results of this study show that SMZ may potentially be used as an material for the development of slow-release P fertilizers, in which the pH solution and solid-solution ratio control the amount of sorbed P onto SMZ

    The Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae and Sp-36 Fertilizer Application on The Growth of Butternut Squash (Cucurbita Moschata Durch) in Swampy Land

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    This study aimed to: (1) determine the effect of various doses of arbuscular mycorrhizae with SP-36 fertilizer on the growth of butternut squash in the swampy land; (2) determine the best combination of various doses of arbuscular mycorrhizae with SP-36 fertilizer on the growth and of butternut squash in the swampy land. The research was carried out in the Green House of SMK PP Negeri Banjarbaru from October 2020 to November 2021. The study used a factorial completely randomized design (CRD) with 2 factors. The fist factor was arbuscular mycorrhizae dose (M) which consisted of 4 levels, namely: m0 = Control ; m1 = 5 g tan - 1 equivalent to 0.1 ton ha - 1;m2 = 10 g tan - 1 equivalent to 0.2 ton ha - 1; m3 = 15 g tan - 1 equivalent to 0.3 ton ha - 1.The second factor was SP-36 fertilizer dose (S) fertilizer which consists of 4 levels, namely: s0 = Control; s1 = 1,39 g tan - 1 equivalent to 0,125 ton ha - 1; s2 = 2,22 g tan - 1 equivalent to 0,2 ton ha -  ; s3 = 3.06 g tan - 1 equivalent to 0.275 ton ha- 1, combination repeated 3 (three) times, with 6 polybags of them, so that there were 288 plants in total. The result showed that there was an interaction effect on the volume of roots at 2 and 4 weeks after planting, shoot dry weight, root dry weight and shoot root ratio. The single factor of application of arbuscular mycorrhizae and SP-36 fertilizer each had a very significant effect on root colonization. Combination of arbuscular mycorrhizae at a dose of 10 g ton - 1 equivalent to 0.2 ton ha- 1 and SP-36 fertilizer at a dose of 3.06 g ton - 1 equivalent to 0.275 ton ha – 1 could increase the growth of butternut squash in the swampy land

    Keragaman Karakter Varietas Lokal Padi Pasang Surut Kalimantan Selatan

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    Artificial mutation could be used in the formation of base population for selection. Local varieties which have a wide distance of relationship are expected to have a greater opportunity for obtaining more diverse offspring. The purpose of this study was to select five distinct local tidal swamp rice varieties of South Kalimantan that could be used for parental mutation. The study was conducted from March to December 2009. The distance of varietal relationship was estimated by cluster analysis using the SPSS Programme Version 11.5. Selection of the five best varieties was carried out by the Exponential Rank Method (ERM) applying 7 criteria, namely plant height, number of panicles, panicle length, grain weight/panicle, number of grains/panicle, weight of 1000 grains, and grain yield. Results of the cluster analysis based on a 82.5% similarity level showed that diversities of the 40 accessions of local tidal swamp rice in South Kalimantan were spread in four clusters, namely Cluster I (13 varieties), Cluster II (1 varieties), Cluster III (6 varieties) , and Cluster IV (20 varieties). Five varieties that were selected based on the cluster analysis and the ERM were Siam Harli, Siam Unus (Bumi Makmur), Siam Kuatek, Datu, dan Siam Unus (Barambai)

    Ilmu dan teknologi benih 1

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    xii, 118 p. ; 23 cm


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    This study aims to analyze the interaction of Bacillus subtilis and water hyacinth bokashi on the growth and yield of the Siam Lantik and to analyze the best combination of Bacillus subtilis and the water hyacinth bokashi on the growth and yield of Siam Lantik. This study was conducted using a factorial randomized block design. The first factor was the concentration of Bacillus subtilis (E), which consisted of 3 (three) levels, namely e1: 16 L ha-1, e2: 32 L ha-1, and e3: 48 L ha-1. The second factor was the dose of water hyacinth bokashi (G), which consisted of 5 (five) levels, namely g1: 10 t ha-1, g2: 15 t ha-1, g3: 20 t ha-1, g4: 25 t ha-1, and g5: 30 t ha-1. The analysis of variance showed the effect of the interaction for the number of tillers per clump aged 4 and 5 WAP. The results showed that the Bacillus subtilis treatment significantly affected plant height at 4 WAP and the weight of filled grain per panicle. In comparison, applying water hyacinth bokashi significantly affects plant height at 3 WAP

    Keseragaman Dalam Galur dan Keragaman Antar Galur Padi Mutan M5 Berbasis Iradiasi Varietas Lokal Kalimantan Selatan

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    Keseragaman dalam Galur dan Keragaman antar Galur Padi Mutan M5 Berbasis Irradiasi Varietas Lokal Kalimantan Selatan. Preferensi petani lahan rawa terhadap padi varietas lokal tinggi, namun varietas lokal berumur panjang dan hasilnya rendah, sehingga perlu perbaikan varietas lokal.  Penelitian ini merupakan bagian kegiatan perbaikan padi varietas lokal untuk menghasilkan galur-galur harapan berumur pendek-sedang, sedangkan butir gabah yang ramping dan pera tetap dipertahankan.   Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keseragaman dalam galur  dan keragaman antar galur M5.  Penelitian dilaksanakan di Sawah Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lambung Mangkurat sejak Maret - September 2014. Penelitian menggunakan 300 galur terpilih tanpa ulangan.  Keseragaman dalam galur dianalisis dengan membandingkan ragam masing-masing galur mutan  dengan ragam tetuanya.  Keragaman antar galur dilakukan dengan membandingkan ragam semua galur  dengan tetuanya.   Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar galur M5 asal tetua Siam Harli dan Siam Kuatek  sudah seragam, sedangkan ragam galur tetua Siam Harli dan Siam Kuatek tidak berbeda nyata dengan galur-galur M5, tetapi  sebagian galur tetua asal Siam Harli maupun Siam Kuatek lebih baik  daripada tetuanya, sehingga berpeluang untuk memilih galur-galur yang lebih baik daripada tetuanya