3 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Desa Wisata Lekuk 50 Tumbi Lempur, Kerinci, Jambi

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    Lekuk 50 Tumbi Lempur Village is a rural customary area in Gunung Raya District, Kerinci Regency. This village has a lot of tourism development potential, landscapes that are still beautiful with rural areas as well as the existence of indigenous peoples, historical relics and local traditions, and typical culinary make this village named as a tourist village in 2015. Based on these conditions, the author wants to develop the potential in Lekuk 50 Tumbi Lempur village, so that it is feasible and adds to the attractiveness of sustainable tourism, while still paying attention to environmental sustainability. The basic concept of development carried out is community-based, by growing community awareness to participate and build villages through creativity by utilizing all existing potentials while maintaining environmental sustainability. So it is hoped that the wider community can get to know the culture of the Lempur people, history, and have an impact on improving the regional economy. The design application applied in the design of the area is to pay attention to the standard needs of tourism villages in order to accommodate the needs of the community and tourists, and prioritize the local vernacular architectural approach so as to strengthen the visual image of the area

    Rancang Bangun Rangkaian Pengondisi Sinyal Sensor Kapasitif Pada Sistem Monitoring Greenhouse dan Fertigasi Buah Melon

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    Buah melon merupakan buah yang banyak dibudidayakan karena usianya yang pendek, yaitu hanya butuh 60 hari saja dari waktu tanam hingga panen. Salah satu ancaman terbesar yang dihadapi oleh para petani buah melon adalah gagal panen. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan membudidayakan buah melon di dalam greenhouse. Hal ini memotivasi penulis untuk membuat sebuah karya CDP dengan judul ”Rancang Bagun Sistem Monitoring Greenhouse dan Fertigasi Buah Melon” yang sudah mencapai tahap implementasi dan uji coba. Salah satu uji coba yang dilakukan adalah uji coba pembacaan nilai kapasitif secara non-invasive untuk memantau kadar air terlarut pada media tanam sehingga sistem dapat melakukan proses fertigasi. Sensor kapasitif ini bekerja layaknya kapasitor, dengan media tanam sebagai bahan dielektrik yang diletakkan di antara keeping-keping elektroda. Pada penelitian kali ini, penulis merancang dan mengimplementasikan Rangkaian Pengondisi Sinyal (RPS) untuk mengubah nilai kapasitansi sensor kapasitif menjadi tegangan DC agar dapat dibaca oleh ADC. Rangkaian memiliki spesifikasi seperti: mampu menghasilkan output berupa tegangan DC, mampu menghasilkan output yang berbeda pada kondisi media tanam yang berbeda, dan mampu dibaca oleh ADC mikrokontroler dengan rentang nilai 0-1023. Pengujian dilakukan pada RPS yang terdiri dari: Rangkaian De Sauty bridge, rangkaian full-wave rectifier, dan rangkaian penguat. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa setiap rangkaian dalam RPS dapat bekerja sesuai dengan yang dirancang. Nilai output dari RPS mampu berubah sesuai dengan perubahan kelembapan media tanam, serta dapat memberikan rentang nilai ADC dari 24 hingga 916, atau 0,12V pada media udara dan 4,48V pada media tanah basah

    Influence of amang (Tin Tailing) on geotechnical properties of clay soil (Pengaruh amang timah terhadap sifat geoteknik tanih lempung)

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    Amang or tin tailing is commonly found in the vicinity of disused mining area and responsible in downgrading the water quality, landscape and mechanical behaviour of soils. It was generated from extraction process of separating valuable metal from particular ore. This paper presents the geotechnical characteristics of amang-contaminated clay soil. The geotechnical properties of uncontaminated soils were studied in order to compare to that of amangcontaminated soils. The base soil used in this study represents completely weathered horizon of metasedimentary rock. Meanwhile, tin tailing sample was taken from the disused mine at Sungai Lembing, Pahang. The geotechnical characterisations of base soil and contaminated soils were determined based on consistency index, compaction behaviour, hydraulic conductivity and undrained shear strength (UU tests). Contaminated soil samples were prepared by adding 5, 10 and 20% of tailing, based on dry weigh of the studied base soil. The results from the particle size distribution analysis showed that residual soil from metasedimentary rock comprised 42.6% clay, 32.2% silt and 25.2% sand whilst tailing was dominated by 98% of sand fraction. XRD analysis indicated the presence of quartz, kaolinite and muscovite minerals in the studied soil. The specific gravity of soil used is 2.67 and the pH is 3.88. Tailing found to have higher specific gravity of 3.37. The consistency index of contaminated soils showed that liquid limit, wL and plastic limit, wP decreased with the increase in the percentage of tailing added to the soil samples. The value of maximum dry density, ρ dry max increased while optimum moisture content decreased due to the increase in tailing content in soil sample. The permeability of contaminated soil also increased with the increase in tailing contents ranged from 19.8 cm/hr to 23.8 cm/hr. The undrained shear strength, Cu, of contaminated soil decreased from 646 kPa (5% of tailing) to 312 kPa (20% of tailing) suggesting that the presence of tailing has influenced the geotechnical properties on the studied soil