182 research outputs found

    News Feature Bicara Karya

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    “Bicara Karya” as a news feature program created as a new show that can be a source of information and education about the creative industry in the city of Semarang. The program elevates creative industry activities from making, success story, to barriers that occur in a creative industry. Packed with a personal explanation of someone who has expertise in their fields, discussed with a light language but not leaving the essence. In the “Bicara Karya”, The program directors are technically responsible for programming programs both visualizing the manuscript and communicating what they see to the entire production crew (camera person, scriptwriter, voice over, editor, etc.) to realize quality and in accordance with the event's concept and producer's direction. . After going through the pre-production stage, the production process, post production, the work is shown on Cakra Semarang TV every week, starting from 25 April 2017 until 18 July 2017 every Tuesday at 18.00 WIB. Through this work, it is hoped that the public will get educational program to educate and increase the audience information about the creative industry in Semarang and add insight to the viewers. Through the television program "Biacara Karya" which aired on Cakra Semarang TV is a show that raised about the industry keratif, the program director has completed its duties to run for 13 episodes without re-run and certainly not leaving the essence to be conveyed by packing it into an educative and motivating program but not being patronizing

    Development and use of Bacteroides 16S rRNA polymerase chain reaction assay for source tracking dog faecal pollution in bathing waters

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    Faecal pollution on bathing beaches poses a potential threat to human health and as a result may also negatively affect the local economy. In instances where the source of such pollution is not obvious, it may be necessary to track such sources using a host-specific genetic markers technique. Bacteroides species are potential indicators for source tracking of faecal pollution in bathing waters. This study designed specific primer sets to amplify sections of the 16S rRNA gene unique to Bacteroides from domestic dogs and used quantitative PCR (qPCR) to quantify such genetic markers in environmental samples. The sensitivity and specificity of the primer sets was determined; they were specific in silico against known dog Bacteroides sequences and in vitro against Bacteroides sequences originating from human and livestock faeces. Dog faecal Bacteroides contamination was then detected in sea water during the bathing season at a local beach where dogs are banned during the summer months, in spite of the fact that these waters had met EU directive standards based on the culture-based enumeration of faecal indicator bacteria. Quantitative PCR was used to determine the limit of detection (LOD) of the dog Bacteroides genetic markers in these water samples. The copy number of dog Bacteroides genetic markers in the water was low and the LOD of those markers was 4 copies per reaction. The use of these dog primers has the potential to supply important additional information when source tracking faecal pollution at bathing beaches and maintaining water quality

    A methodological evaluation and predictive in silico investigation into the multi-functionality of arginine in directly compressed tablets

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    The acceleration of solid dosage form product development can be facilitated by the inclusion of excipients that exhibit poly-/multi-functionality with reduction of the time invested in multiple excipient optimisations. Because active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and tablet excipients present diverse densification behaviours upon compaction, the involvement of these different powders during compaction makes the compaction process very complicated. The aim of this study was to assess the macrometric characteristics and distribution of surface charges of two powders: indomethacin (IND) and arginine (ARG); and evaluate their impact on the densification properties of the two powders. Response surface modelling (RSM) was employed to predict the effect of two independent variables; Compression pressure (F) and ARG percentage (R) in binary mixtures on the properties of resultant tablets. The study looked at three responses namely; porosity (P), tensile strength (S) and disintegration time (T). Micrometric studies showed that IND had a higher charge density (net charge to mass ratio) when compared to ARG; nonetheless, ARG demonstrated good compaction properties with high plasticity (Y=28.01MPa). Therefore, ARG as filler to IND tablets was associated with better mechanical properties of the tablets (tablet tensile strength (σ) increased from 0.2±0.05N/mm2 to 2.85±0.36N/mm2 upon adding ARG at molar ratio of 8:1 to IND). Moreover, tablets' disintegration time was shortened to reach few seconds in some of the formulations. RSM revealed tablet porosity to be affected by both compression pressure and ARG ratio for IND/ARG physical mixtures (PMs). Conversely, the tensile strength (σ) and disintegration time (T) for the PMs were influenced by the compression pressure, ARG ratio and their interactive term (FR); and a strong correlation was observed between the experimental results and the predicted data for tablet porosity. This work provides clear evidence of the multi-functionality of ARG as filler, binder and disintegrant for directly compressed tablets

    [sup]1H NMR quantification of spray dried and spray freeze-dried saccharide carriers in dry powder inhaler formulations

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    Quantitative analysis using proton NMR (1H qNMR) has been employed in various areas such as pharmaceutical analysis (e.g., dissolution study), vaccines, natural products analysis, metabolites, and macrolide antibiotics in agriculture industry. However, it is not routinely used in the quantification of saccharides in dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulations. The aim of this study was to develop a 1H NMR method for the quantification of saccharides employed in DPI formulations. Dry powders as DPI carriers were prepared by spray drying (SD) and spray freeze drying (SFD) using three saccharides: namely D-mannitol, D-sorbitol and D-(+)-sucrose. The calibration curves constructed for all three saccharides demonstrated linearity with R2 value of 1. The 1H qNMR method produced accurate (relative error %: 0.184-3.697) and precise data with high repeatability (RSD %: 0.517-3.126) within the calibration curve concentration range. The 1H qNMR method also demonstrated significant sensitivity with low values of limit of detection (0.058 mM for D-mannitol, 0.045 mM for D-(+)-sucrose, and 0.056 mM for D-sorbitol) and limit of quantitation (0.175 mM for D-mannitol, 0.135 mM for D-(+)-sucrose, and 0.168 mM for D-sorbitol). Pulmonary deposition via impaction experiments of the three saccharides was quantified using the developed method. It was found that SFD D-mannitol (68.99%) and SFD D-(+)-sucrose (66.62%) exhibited better delivered dose (total saccharide deposition in throat and all impactor stages) than SD D-mannitol (49.03%) and SD D-(+)-sucrose (57.70%) (p< 0.05). The developed 1H qNMR methodology can be routinely used as an analytical method to assess pulmonary deposition in impaction experiments of saccharides employed as carriers in DPI formulations

    Different Concentrations of Honey's Antimicrobial Activity Against ‎Staphylococcus Aureus by HPLC Determination

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    Honey has been used in ancient times as a treatment. It is used for healing wounds and also can be used as antiseptic to kill bacteria and other microorganisms. The aim of this study was to examine the activity of honey as a bactericidal and bacteriostatic and to measure the most active compounds of honey with highly bacterial inhibition zone using HPLC technique. In this experiment and the honey was used to check whether the honey can be used as an antimicrobial agent or not. First by well diffusion method is done by adding different concentrations of honey (25, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, microliter). Th results showed a little inhibition zone for the three types of honey but in different size for each type. The industrial honey showed the largest effect. Different concentrations were used (10 %, 30 % 50%). The antibiotic sensitivity was applied, the result showed only two resistant antibiotics (Azithromycin and Erythromycin). The concentration of Catalase, Amylase, Invertase, Glucose oxidase in honey tested by HPLC and showed the concentration of each substance cons of catalase = (32877 ÷ 170253 ) x 20 = 3.862 u/ml; cons of amylase = (136985 ÷ 180849) x 20 = 15.149 u/ml; cons of Invertase = (58466&nbsp; ÷ 193624) x 20 = 6.039 u/ml; cons of glucose peroxide = (105204 ÷ 163245) x 20 =12.889 u/ml. Moreover, the presence of gluconic acid ‘Organic acid’ gives the honey its acidic characteristic which is about 3.2 pH

    Exploration of Near-Horizon CFT Duality and AdS2/CFT1AdS_2/CFT_1 in Conformal Weyl Gravity

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    We compute near horizon black hole entropy via the N\"other current method within the conformal Weyl gravity paradigm for vacuum and non-vacuum spacetimes. We do this, in the vacuum case, for the near horizon near extremal Kerr metric and for the non-vacuum case we couple the conformal Weyl gravity field equations to a near horizon (linear) U(1)U(1) gauge potential and analyze the respective found solutions. We highlight the non-universality of black hole entropy between black hole solutions of varying symmetries, yet their congruence with Wald's entropy formula for the respective gravity theory. Finally, we implement an AdS2/CFT1AdS_2/CFT_1 construction to compute the full asymptotic symmetry group of one of the non-vacuum conformal Weyl black holes. We do this by performing a Robinson-Wilczek two dimensional reduction, thus enabling the construction of an effective quantum theory of the remaining field content. The effective stress energy tensor generates an asymptotic Virasoro algebra, to ss-wave approximation, whose center in conjunction with their proper regularized lowest Virasoro eigen-mode is implemented to compute black hole entropy via the statistical Cardy formula. We additionally implement quantum holomorphic fluxes (of the dual CFT) in the near horizon to compute the Hawking temperature of the respective black hole spacetime. We conclude with a discussion and outlook for future work.Comment: 20 pages, no figure

    Stress transfer from pile group in saturated and unsaturated soil using theoretical and experimental approaches

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    Piles are often used in groups, and the behavior of pile groups under the applied loads is generally different from that of single pile due to the interaction of neighboring piles, therefore, one of the main objectives of this paper is to investigate the influence of pile group (bearing capacity, load transfer sharing for pile shaft and tip) in comparison to that of single piles. Determination of the influence of load transfer from the pile group to the surrounding soil and the mechanism of this transfer with increasing the load increment on the tip and pile shaft for the soil in saturated and unsaturated state (when there is a negative pore water pressure). Different basic properties are used that is (S = 90%, γd = 15 kN / m3, S = 90%, γd = 17 kN / m3 and S = 60%, γd =15 kN / m3). Seven model piles were tested, these was: single pile (compression and pull out test), 2×1, 3×1, 2×2, 3×2 and 3×3 group. The stress was measured with 5 cm diameter soil pressure transducer positioned at a depth of 5 cm below the pile tip for all pile groups. The measured stresses below the pile tip using a soil pressure transducer positioned at a depth of 0.25L (where L is the pile length) below the pile tip are compared with those calculated using theoretical and conventional approaches. These methods are: the conventional 2V:1H method and the method used the theory of elasticity. The results showed that the method of measuring the soil stresses with soil pressure transducer adopted in this study, gives in general, good results of stress transfer compared with the results obtained from the theoretical and conventional approaches

    Experimental Study to Improve the Shear Stress of Silty- Sandy Soils by Using Urease Producing Bacteria

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    In this paper, microbial calcite cementation that affect the properties of soil specially shear strength was achieved by using the common soil microorganism Bacillus Pasteurii and cementation reagent containing urea and calcium chloride. While a number of significant factors can affect the success of the microbial treatment, this study focused on the effects of microorganisms on the shear strength of silty sandy soils where the treated soil samples tested by direct shear test to evaluate the effect of microorganisms on shear strength of silty sandy soils. The results showed that the angle of internal friction decreased subsequently from 49.5° in untreated soil to 34.9°,36.8°,36.3°,33.5° with treatment period of two weeks, one month, two months and three months and cohesion of soil increased subsequently from 6.09 kPa for the untreated silty sand soil to 10.21,9.586,10.99,11.93 kPa for the same treatment period