26 research outputs found
Implementation of Common Agricultural Policy provisions on direct payments
The concept of "common policy" faithfully reflects one of the defining features of the Common Agricultural Policy. Currently, CAP is built around two pillars: Pillar I- Agriculture and Pillar II- Rural Development. The main way to support agriculture is represented by direct payments. The Regulation (EU) 1307/2013 establishing rules for direct payments to farmers during the programming period 2014-2020 provides uniform payment schemes applicable in all Member States. Some of these schemes are compulsory (such as basic payment scheme or single payment area; payment scheme for farmers using agricultural practices beneficial for the climate and environment), others are optional, leaving it to countries if they want to apply these schemes or not. The proposals for payment schemes applicable in Romania during the period 2015-2020 are: Single Area Payment Scheme (SAPS); Payments for Agricultural Practices Beneficial for the Climate and the Environment; Redistributive Payment; Payments for Young Farmers; Transitional National Aids and Simplified Scheme for Small Farmers
The importance of agriculture in the development of Romanian economy
Agriculture represent one of the most important branches of the Romanian economy. Within performing the suggested analysis we started from the premise that the economy of each country, regardless of developing degree, agriculture, by natural and human resources available, by contributing to the creation of gross domestic product, of gross value added, but also by participating at internal and external trade, obviously holds an important position. Romanian rural economy is currently dominated in a large part by agriculture. Favorable geographical conditions, topography, climate, fertile soils, in addition with workforce, a suitable administrative system, but the connection of rural population to land and animals can make the Romanian agriculture as production branch attractive and profitable to determine economic growth at national level. Thus, we considered necessary to perform an analysis concerning the importance of Romanian agriculture, analysis that represents the basis for finding the most viable solutions to determine this particularly important branch - to relaunch in the development of Romanian rural economy
Analysis of agriculture in the West Region of Romania
The West Region has in its possession a valuable agricultural potential. The agriculture of Timis and Arad Counties plays an important role in the overall economy of the Region, with crucial implications on living standard of the population and food security. West Region is characterized by an average size of farms greater than the national average which allows practicing a more competitive agriculture in the Region, particularly in Timis and Arad Counties. The vegetal sector is better represented in the area than the livestock sector, its share being dominated in the production structure of agriculture branch, which creates a weaker ability to generate the additional added value through livestock production and especially by capitalizing of this in the food industry. Regarding the production structure of agriculture branch in the Region, the vegetal sector has a dominant share (67.3%) and reflects an inadequate structure without preconditions to increase the capacity of generating the additional added value through livestock production and especially through its capitalization in the food industry
The development of rural entrepreneurship in Romania
Small and medium enterprises play a vital role within the economy of a country, representing a source of
entrepreneurial and innovation skills that greatly contributes to the achievement of gross domestic product
and employs a large part of the labor force. The rural economy is more developed and dynamic, as it has a
structure more diverse, and the share of non-agricultural economy is higher.
The purpose of this article is to perform a radiography on the business environment in Romanian rural areas
by identifying the main strategic ways for stimulating entrepreneurial spirit.
Rural communities in Romania is mostly characterized by an aging population, declining birth rates and
dependence on agriculture, especially the subsistence and semi-subsistence. Sources of income are reduced
due to the low number of jobs and have major implications on quality of life in rural communities. Therefore,
local authorities should be concerned about the development of their localities and improving the quality of life through the successful implementation of development programs and projects
Beekeeping sector analysis in Romania
Honey sweet food was first used by man until the discovery of sugar cane and beet sugar. Archaeological
prove that the man began to eat honey since 10.000 years ago. Beekeeping practice started around the year
700 î. Hr. For centuries honey has been considered sacred items due to its sweet taste and its scarcity.
In our country, resource abundance and variety of spontaneous and cultivated bees provide honey nutrition,
early spring until late autumn. In these circumstances, in recent years, beekeeping (an activity that does not
require special investment) has become a profession for people whose existence is assured revenues from
It can be observed that both the number of bee families and the honey production have reached a significant
Aspects regarding the quality of life in Roumanian rural space
The quality of life, is today an area of interest for the specialists of economic and political sciences. The
interest in this field is given by the importance that is given to the human factor within the society. Thus, the
evolution of the main indicators characterizing the quality of life is an important tool for monitoring the
economic and social phenomena that occur within the society, providing an overview regarding the welfare
of society.
An important role in increasing the quality of life in rural area has the renovation and development of
villages. In this respect a special attention should be paid to the modernization and expansion of basic rural
infrastructure, resulting in the development of economic, social and cultural and even creating jobs,
increasing employment degree of the population, thus increasing the revenue.
Improved quality of life of Romanian inhabitants of the villages, determine, in equal measure, the economic
development of rural areas. This, by the effects it produces causes increased income of the population,
increased consumption of goods and services, resulting in a high satisfaction of demand, increase food
security measures and therefore the quality of life.
Development of entrepreneurship spirit of residents from rural area, increased accessibility degree to basic
services and better capitalization of resources and traditional products are other measures which have as
effect the improvement the standard of living of the rural population
Comparative analysis of the strategic objectives of European Union for the past programming period 2007-2013 and for the current programming period 2014-2020
The growing competition between different regions, thus their activities performed under both within and outside the European Union represents a fact of the "globalized" world in which we are living. For many years, the regional disparities in terms of development level and life quality were subject to national policies of the Member States. Many improvements have been observed since the European Union initiated the policy of reducing them. The Cohesion Policy of the European Union has an unique irreplaceable role in the coagulation of integrated development strategies, comprising interventions in different areas, such as infrastructure, research and innovation, employment, education, business, environment protection, climate changes and energy efficiency within a package of coherent policies addressing to regional or even local context, being one of the most visible policies, especially in what regards the relationship with citizens. Thus, the Cohesion Policy target is represented by supporting the process of reducing the disparities between the regions and Member States more developed of the European Union and the ones that are less developed
Implementation of Common Agricultural Policy provisions on direct payments : case study Romania
The concept of "common policy" faithfully reflects one of the defining features of the Common Agricultural Policy. Currently, CAP is built around two pillars: Pillar I- Agriculture and Pillar II- Rural Development. The main way to support agriculture is represented by direct payments. The Regulation (EU) 1307/2013 establishing rules for direct payments to farmers during the programming period 2014-2020 provides uniform payment schemes applicable in all Member States. Some of these schemes are compulsory (such as basic payment scheme or single payment area; payment scheme for farmers using agricultural practices beneficial for the climate and environment), others are optional, leaving it to countries if they want to apply these schemes or not. The proposals for payment schemes applicable in Romania during the period 2015-2020 are: Single Area Payment Scheme (SAPS); Payments for Agricultural Practices Beneficial for the Climate and the Environment; Redistributive Payment; Payments for Young Farmers; Transitional National Aids and Simplified Scheme for Small Farmers
Analysis of agriculture in the West Region of Romania
The West Region has in its possession a valuable agricultural potential. The agriculture of Timis and Arad Counties plays an important role in the overall economy of the Region, with crucial implications on living standard of the population and food security. West Region is characterized by an average size of farms greater than the national average which allows practicing a more competitive agriculture in the Region, particularly in Timis and Arad Counties. The vegetal sector is better represented in the area than the livestock sector, its share being dominated in the production structure of agriculture branch, which creates a weaker ability to generate the additional added value through livestock production and especially by capitalizing of this in the food industry. Regarding the production structure of agriculture branch in the Region, the vegetal sector has a dominant share (67.3%) and reflects an inadequate structure without preconditions to increase the capacity of generating the additional added value through livestock production and especially through its capitalization in the food industry