Implementation of Common Agricultural Policy provisions on direct payments : case study Romania


The concept of "common policy" faithfully reflects one of the defining features of the Common Agricultural Policy. Currently, CAP is built around two pillars: Pillar I- Agriculture and Pillar II- Rural Development. The main way to support agriculture is represented by direct payments. The Regulation (EU) 1307/2013 establishing rules for direct payments to farmers during the programming period 2014-2020 provides uniform payment schemes applicable in all Member States. Some of these schemes are compulsory (such as basic payment scheme or single payment area; payment scheme for farmers using agricultural practices beneficial for the climate and environment), others are optional, leaving it to countries if they want to apply these schemes or not. The proposals for payment schemes applicable in Romania during the period 2015-2020 are: Single Area Payment Scheme (SAPS); Payments for Agricultural Practices Beneficial for the Climate and the Environment; Redistributive Payment; Payments for Young Farmers; Transitional National Aids and Simplified Scheme for Small Farmers

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