555 research outputs found

    Effect of cultivars and seed size on field performance of potato micro-tubers in North Eastern Himalayan region in India

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    The present study was carried out at Central Potato Research Station, Shillong during 2013 and 2014 to assess the growth and yield performance of three grades of in-vitro produced micro-tubers viz. >8 mm, 4-8 mm and <4 mm of two potato (Solanum tuberosum) cultivars namely Kufri Girdhari and Kufri Megha under field planting conditions. The experiment was laid out in a randomised block design with four replications using a common spacing of 50 × 20 cm. The larger grade micro-tubers generally exhibited better physiological growth as well as yield parameters. The larger sized micro-tuber (>8 mm) showed significantly superior plant survival, canopy cover, plant height, number of compound leaves per plant, number of stems per plant and plant vigour followed by 4-8 mm grade and <4 mm grade micro-tubers. Similar trend was observed for all the yield parameters. Among varieties, Kufri Girdhari out performed Kufri Megha in all the growth and yield parameters in all the micro-tuber grades. Thus both micro-tuber size and genotype influenced the field performance. The overall finding indicates that micro-tubers irrespective of the size for both the varieties can produce mini-tubers successfully under direct field conditions in the NEH region which will facilitate quality seed production

    Enteric coated HPMC capsules plugged with 5-FU loaded microsponges: a potential approach for treatment of colon cancer

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    The work was aimed at developing novel enteric coated HPMC capsules (ECHC) plugged with 5 Florouracil (5-FU) loaded Microsponges in combination with calcium pectinate beads. Modified quasi-emulsion solvent diffusion method was used to formulate microsponges based on 32 factorial design and the effects of independent variables (volume of organic solvent and Eudragit RS100 content) on the dependent variables (Particle size, %EE & % CDR) were determined. The optimized microsponges (F4) were characterized by SEM, PXRD, TGA and were plugged along with calcium pectinate beads in HPMC capsules and the HPMC capsules were further coated with enteric polymer Eudragit L 100 (Ed-L100) and/ or Eudrgit S 100 (Ed-S 100) in different proportions. In vitro release study of ECHC was performed in various release media sequentially SGF for 2 h, followed by SIF for the next 6 h and then in SCF (in the presence and absence of pectinase enzyme for further 16 h). Drug release was retarded on coating with EdS-100 in comparison to blend of EdS-100: EdL-100 coating. The percentage of 5-FU released at the end of 24 h from ECHC 3 was 97.83 ± 0.12% in the presence of pectinase whereas in control study it was 40.08 ± 0.02% drug. The optimized formulation was subjected to in vivo Roentgenographic studies in New Zealand white rabbits to analyze the in vivo behavior of the developed colon targeted capsules. Pharmacokinetic studies in New Zealand white rabbits were conducted to determine the extent of systemic exposure provided by the developed formulation in comparison to 5-FU aqueous solutions. Thus, enteric coated HPMC capsules plugged with 5-FU loaded microsponges and calcium pectinate beads proved to be promising dosage form for colon targeted drug delivery to treat colorectal cancer.O trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de novas cápsulas com revestimento entérico HPMC (ECHC) conectadas com microesponjas carregadas com fluoruracila (5-FU) em combinação com grânuos de pectinato de cálcio. O método de difusão de solvente modificado quasi-emulsão foi usado para formular microesponjas com base no planejamento fatorial 32 e determinaram-se os efeitos das variáveis independentes (volume de solvente orgânico e conteúdo Eudragit RS100) sobre as variáveis dependentes (tamanho de partícula, EE% e % CDR). As microesponjas otimizadas (F4) foram caracterizadas por SEM, PXRD, TGA e ligadas aos grânulos de pectinato de cálcio em cápsulas de HPMC e estas foram, ainda, revestidas com polímero entérico Eudragit L 100 (Ed-L100) e/ou Eudrgit S 100 (Ed S 100) em diferentes proporções. No estudo de liberação in vitro de ECHC foi realizada em vários meios de liberação sequencial SGF durante 2 h, seguido de SIF para as próximas 6 h, e, em seguida, em SCF (na presença e na ausência de enzima pectinase por mais 16 h). A liberação do fármaco foi retardada em revestimento com a EDS-100, em comparação com mistura de EDS-100: EDL-100, de revestimento. O percentual de 5-FU liberado de ECHC 3 ao final de 24 h foi 97,83 ± 0,12% em presença de pectinase, enquanto que para o controle foi de 40,08 ± 0,02% do fármaco. A formulação otimizada foi submetida a estudos Roentgenográficos in vivo, em coelhos brancos Nova Zelândia, para analisar o comportamento das cápsulas desenvolvidas direcionadas ao cólon. Os estudos de farmacocinética em coelhos brancos da Nova Zelândia foram conduzidos para determinar a extensão da exposição sistêmica propiciada pela formulação desenvolvida, em comparação com solução aquosa de 5-FU. Assim, cápsulas entéricas de HPMC revestidas e conectadas com microesponjas carregadas com 5-FU e grânulos de pectinato de cálcio se mostraram promissoras como formulação para liberação do fármaco no cólon no tratamento do câncer colorretal

    A study of knowledge beliefs and attitudes regarding aids and human sexuality among medical college, engineering college and university Undergraduates of gorakhpur.

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    Research Problem: i) What is the level of knowledge and altitude of undergraduates about AIDS and human sexuality? ii) What arc the preferred modes of obtaining such knowledge?. Objectives: To assess the knowledge, beliefs and attitudes of undergraduate students regarding AIDS and human sexuality. Study Design: Self administered questionnaire. Setting and Participants: 1289 undergraduates from B.R.D. Medical College., M. M. M. Engineering College and University of Gorakhpur. Study Variables: Knowledge, beliefs and attitudes regarding AIDS and sexuality. Outcome Variables: Proportion of students having correct knowledge and positive attitudes. Statistical Analysis: By proportions. Result: l.evcl of knowledge about AIDS was generally high. Most of the students obtained knowledge about it through mass media. Few students had misconceptions about transmission of 1IIV infection. Knowledge about sex was obtained mainly from friends (36%) and books (31.31%). Most of the students preferred doctors (44.15%) and friends (43.66%) for asking something about sex. and not their parents (4.37%) or teachers (4.61%). 59.13% of boys and 34.49% of girls thought that students of their age had sex. Conclusion and Recommendations: The most peculiar fact in (his study is that students have no reliable means of obtaining correct information about subjects related to sex. Medical profession contributed very little in providing such knowledge. Most of them relied on their friends for such information. So. emphasis is to be given on recommending proper education material for the youth

    Lack of Correlation of Plasma HDL With Fecal Cholesterol and Plasma Cholesterol Efflux Capacity Suggests Importance of HDL Functionality in Attenuation of Atherosclerosis

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    A number of clinical findings suggested HDL-raising as a plausible approach to treat residual risk of CVD. However, lack of CVD risk reduction by elevated HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) through cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP) inhibition and enhanced risk reduction in apolipoprotein A-I Milano (apoAI-M) individuals with low HDL-C shifted the focus from HDL-C level to HDL function. In the present study, we investigated correlations between HDL-C, HDL function, fecal cholesterol excretion, and ex vivo plasma cholesterol efflux capacity (CEC) in animal models using two HDL modulators, LXR and PPAR-α agonists. In C57Bl mice, LXR agonist, T1317, raised HDL-C by 30%, while PPAR-α agonist, fenofibrate, reduced HDL-C by 30%, but fecal cholesterol showed twofold increase in both cases. CEC showed a 30–40% increase. Combination of LXR and PPAR-α agonists showed no changes in HDL-C, but, interestingly, fecal cholesterol increased by 4.5-fold, and CEC by 40%, suggesting existence of additional pathway for fecal cholesterol excretion. Regression analysis showed a lack of correlation between HDL-C and fecal cholesterol and CEC, while fecal cholesterol showed significant correlation with CEC, a measure of HDL function. ABCA1 and G1, the two important players in RCT showed greater induction with LXR agonist than PPAR-α agonist. HDL-C increased by 40 and 80% in LXR and PPAR-α treated apoA-I transgenic mice, respectively, with 80% increase in fecal cholesterol. A fivefold increase in fecal cholesterol with no correlation with either plasma HDL-C or CEC following co-treatment with LXR and PPAR-α agonists suggested existence of an HDL-independent pathway for body cholesterol elimination. In hyperlipidemic diabetic ob/ob mice also combination of LXR and PPAR-α agonists showed marked increases in fecal cholesterol content (10–20-fold), while HDL-C rise was only 40%, further suggesting HDL-independent elimination of body cholesterol in mice treated with combination of LXR and PPAR-α agonists. Atherosclerosis attenuation by LXR and PPAR-α agonists in LDLr-deficient mice was associated with increased fecal cholesterol, but not HDL-C. However, fecal cholesterol counts showed inverse correlation with aortic cholesteryl ester content. These data suggest: (a) lack of correlation between HDL-C and fecal or aortic cholesterol content; (b) HDL function (CEC) correlated with fecal cholesterol content; (c) association of reduced aortic lipids in LDLr−/− mice with increased fecal cholesterol, but not with HDL-C, and (d) existence of an HDL-independent pathway for fecal cholesterol excretion following co-treatment with LXR and PPAR-α agonists

    \u3cem\u3e Albizia procera\u3c/em\u3e Based Silvipastoral System: An Ideal Alternate Land Use System for Sustainable Forage Production in Semi-Arid Region

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    India’s economy is agro-based and about 69% of the total population depends on it for their livelihood (GoI, 2013). Livestock is the integral component of Indian agriculture since time immemorial. Its contribution to national economy through milk, meat, wool as well as farmyard manure is enormous. India has the largest number of livestock, representing over 17% of the world. Among four important species of livestock, cattle represent over 43% of the population followed by buffaloes (19%), goats (26%) and sheep (10%). The share of livestock reared is highest in marginal followed by small and semi-medium land holders implying that marginal holders and small land holders are playing seminal role in development of livestock sector in country. The productivity of livestock and growth of animal husbandry are closely linked with the biomass and quality of forages. Currently there has been radical change in realising the importance of forages in integrated farming system, crop diversification, watershed management, restoration of degraded lands and climate resilient agriculture. Grasslands represent some 70% of global agricultural land area; unfortunately as much as 35% of the grasslands are degraded. The insufficient fodder availability has adversely affected all the three systems of livestock production. Silvipasture systems is an integrated approach of growing ideal combinations of grasses, legumes and trees for higher land productivity, conserving biodiversity and nutrients and producing forage, timber and firewood from a single unit area on a sustainable basis. The trees and shrubs used in silvipasture are used primarily to produce fodder for livestock. Looking at the enormous production potential of the slivipastoral systems, it is pertinent to introduce these in the arid and semi-arid regions so that large area of wasteland which is not suitable for crop production can be used for of fodder and biomass production. Dev et al. (2014) observed significant impact of participatory silvipastoral intervention and soil conservation measures for forage resource enhancement in western Himalaya. The study aims to present the suitability of silvipastoral systems in detail and advocate the extensive use of silvipasture in semi-arid regions for higher production

    Identification of heterotic groups in South-Asian-bred hybrid parents of pearl millet

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    Five hundred and eighty hybrid parents, 320 R- and 260 B-lines, derived from 6 pearl millet breeding programs in India, genotyped following RAD-GBS (about 0.9 million SNPs) clustered into 12 R- and 7 B-line groups. With few exceptions, hybrid parents of all the breeding programs were found distributed across all the marker-based groups suggesting good diversity in these programs. Three hundred and twenty hybrids generated using 37 (22 R and 15 B) representative parents, evaluated for grain yield at four locations in India, showed significant differences in yield, heterosis, and combining ability. Across all the hybrids, mean mid- and better-parent heterosis for grain yield was 84.0% and 60.5%, respectively. Groups G12 B × G12 R and G10 B × G12 R had highest heterosis of about 10% over best check hybrid Pioneer 86M86. The parents involved in heterotic hybrids were mainly from the groups G4R, G10B, G12B, G12R, and G13B. Based on the heterotic performance and combining ability of groups, 2 B-line (HGB-1 and HGB-2) and 2 R-line (HGR-1 and HGR-2) heterotic groups were identified. Hybrids from HGB-1 × HGR-1 and HGB-2 × HGR-1 showed grain yield heterosis of 10.6 and 9.3%, respectively, over best hybrid check. Results indicated that parental groups can be formed first by molecular markers, which may not predict the best hybrid combination, but it can reveal a practical value of assigning existing and new hybrid pearl millet parental lines into heterotic groups to develop high-yielding hybrids from the different heterotic groups

    Radial Flow in Au+Au Collisions at E=0.25-1.15 A GeV

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    A systematic study of energy spectra for light particles emitted at midrapidity from Au+Au collisions at E=0.25-1.15 A GeV reveals a significant non-thermal component consistent with a collective radial flow. This component is evaluated as a function of bombarding energy and event centrality. Comparisons to Quantum Molecular Dynamics (QMD) and Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (BUU) models are made for different equations of state.Comment: 10 pages of text and 4 figures (all ps files in a uuencoded package)
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