277 research outputs found

    Design and Development of High Voltage High Pulse Power Supply using FPGA for Dynamic Impedance Matching

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    High Voltage High Pulse Power Supply (HVHPPS) is designed with the goal to match fixed load, so thatprecise pulse output can be achieved. Generally the loads involve magnetron, klystron, and particle accelerators etc. The HVHPPS output pulse shape changes with load impedance variation due to various reasons. Due to changes in impedance, the performance of Pulse Power Supply degrades and reflects the power at the source end which causes component failure and system shut down. To overcome such problems, a scale down High Voltage High Pulse Power is designed and developed to match the dynamic impedance variations upto 25 % of mismatch. In earlier days, all HVHPPS were designed using microcontrollers where the problem of pulse to pulse monitoring and computational speed was compromised. The availability of variable and self-defined, Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) controller, which provided flexibility to design the pulse to pulse shaping and various vital parameter monitoring, made it possible. This paper presents the design and implementation of HVHPPS over an FPGA platform to meet the fast response requirement. This paper provides a solution for impedance mismatch problems associated with such types of power supply, and also presents specifications for major components in a high voltage pulse power system for various types of load ranges. An experimental test hardware was designed and developed for HVHPPS to implement dynamic impedance algorithm and validate the results

    Investigation on the Effect of Cable Length on Pulse Shape of High Voltage High Pulse Power Supply

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    In the present scenario of pulse power applications, transmission of high voltage pulses varies as per load condition. In the early days of its application, High Voltage High Pulse Power Supply (HVHPPS) design saw short distance between load and source, where the effect of cable length was not taken into account for design. This paper presents the effect of cable length on pulse shape of High Voltage High Pulse Power Supply. The load under observation is Klystron based high energy particle accelerator system. The performance of pulse power systems were observed continuously on a daily basis throughout the year and detailed analysis was carried out. This paper generates the model of pulse forming system and provides details of pattern distortion of the pulse shape due to various dynamic parameter changes i.e. impedance, Load Voltage, Load Current, Cavity Dimensional Changes (Microwave components) due to temperature variations and performance of the power supply. The results were analysed and validated with hardware results across a range of actual industrial loads


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    Presented herein are techniques that provide efficient media anchoring in hosted cloud collaboration deployments. A media path optimization may be achieved by utilizing a local gateway (LGW) that intelligently detects media loops and avoids sending such media to the cloud. The media path optimization may provide a bandwidth savings and may improve user experience by providing a better call quality

    Unlocking Pharmacological and Therapeutic Potential of Hyacinth Bean (<em>Lablab purpureus</em> L.): Role of OMICS Based Biology, Biotic and Abiotic Elicitors

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    Hyacinth bean also known as Indian bean is multipurpose legume crops consumed both as food by humans and as forage by animals. Being a rich source of protein, it also produces distinct secondary metabolites such as flavonoids, phenols and tyrosinase which not only help strengthened plant’s own innate immunity against abiotic/biotrophic attackers but also play important therapeutic role in the treatment of various chronic diseases. However, despite its immense therapeutic and nutritional attributes in strengthening food, nutrition and therapeutic security in many developing countries, it is still considered as an “orphan crop” for unravelling its genetic potential and underlying molecular mechanisms for enhancing secondary metabolite production. Several lines of literatures have well documented the use of OMICS based techniques and biotic and abiotic elicitors for stimulating secondary metabolite production particularly in model as well as in few economically important crops. However, only limited reports have described their application for stimulating secondary metabolite production in underutilised crops. Therefore, the present chapter will decipher different dimensions of multi-omics tools and their integration with other conventional techniques (biotic and abiotic elicitors) for unlocking hidden genetic potential of hyacinth bean for elevating the production of secondary metabolites having pharmaceutical and therapeutic application. Additionally, the study will also provide valuable insights about how these advance OMICS tools can be successfully exploited for accelerating functional genomics and breeding research for unravelling their hidden pharmaceutical and therapeutic potential thereby ensuring food and therapeutic security for the betterment of mankind

    Nutritional and antioxidant properties and their inter-relationship with pod characters in an under-exploited vegetable, Indian bean (Lablab purpureus)

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    Indian bean [Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet] is an underexploited nutritious legume vegetable found in tropical regions of Asia and Africa. The nutritional and anti-oxidant properties of 21 pole type Indian bean genotypes were analysed in edible pods in terms of protein, sugar, chlorophyll, carotenoids, phenol, and proline contents. The analyses revealed a significant genotypic variation in the level of protein (102-635.6 mg), sugar (0.188-1.11 mg), chlorophyll (0.121-0.716 mg), phenol (1.7-9.67 mg), proline (0.02-7.06 µg) and carotenoids (0.04-0.231 mg). Estimation of genetic variability parameters revealed that chlorophyll a and non-reducing sugar had high estimates of PCV than GCV, whereas, protein, phenol, chlorophyll b, carotenoid, reducing sugar and non-reducing sugar had moderately high PCV than GCV indicating that such variability could be exploited for successful identification of genotypes for the specific biochemical property. In general, heritability estimates were recorded to be high for all the characters studied except chlorophyll a and reducing sugar. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance as percentage of mean was observed for proline, non-reducing sugar, chlorophyll a, carotenoidd, protein and phenol. Since such traits are controlled by additive genes, more importance need to be given to these traits while selecting the breeding lines rich in nutritional qualities


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    Conventional Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) line-side edges are not always distributed, and they require that registrations and calls be handled by the same entity. Servers that support Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) clients do not require a hard state and with cloud deployments they are increasingly being deployed as containerized workloads. Containerized deployments (such as Kubernetes) are typically stateless, and even with stateful implementations special handling is required to ensure that registrations and calls are consistently sent to the same SIP edge node, with high availability, in the face of frequent pod failures. To address such challenges, techniques are presented herein that enable a browser (that is stateless) to register via a Kubernetes cluster of pods (which are, again, stateless) but still connect as a SIP line side to a legacy SIP system that requires stickiness in terms of using the same Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection for SIP registrations and calls

    The effects of trap-confinement and interatomic interactions on Josephson effects and macroscopic quantum self-trapping for a Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We theoretically study the effects of trap-confinement and interatomic interactions on Josephson oscillations (JO) and macroscopic quantum self-trapping (MQST) for a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) confined in a trap which has a symmetric double-well (DW) potential along z-axis and 2D harmonic potentials along x- and y-axis. We consider three types of model interaction potentials: contact, long-range dipolar and finite-range potentials. Our results show that by changing the aspect ratio between the axial and radial trap sizes, one can induce a transition from JO to MQST for contact interactions with a small scattering length. For long-range dipolar interatomic interactions, we analyze transition from Rabi to Josephson regime and Josephson to MQST regime by changing the aspect ratio of the trap for a particular dipolar orientation. For a finite-range interaction, we study the effects of relatively large scattering length and effective range on JO and MQST. We show that JO and MQST are possible even if scattering length is relatively large, particularly near a narrow Feshbach resonance due to the finite-range effects

    A novel comparative study of crystalline perfection and optical homogeneity in Nd:GGG crystals grown by the Czochralski technique with different crystal/melt interface shapes

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    Nd:GGG crystals (GGG is gadolinium gallium garnet) grown with different crystal/melt interface shapes (convex/flat/concave) by varying the seed rotation rate while using the Czochralski technique were studied for their optical homogeneity and crystalline perfection by optical polarization microscopy (OPM) and high-resolution X-ray diffractometry (HRXRD), respectively. It was found that there is a remarkable effect of seed rotation rate, which decides the shape of the crystal/melt interface, on the optical homogeneity and crystalline perfection. It was found experimentally that, as the rotation rate increases, the crystal/melt interface changes from convex to flat. If the rate further increases the interface becomes concave. With a steep convex interface (for low rotation rates), certain facets are concentrated in the small central portion of the crystal, and as the rate increases, these facets slowly move outward, leading to improved optical homogeneity and crystalline perfection as observed from the OPM and HRXRD results. The strain developed in the crystalline matrix as a result of segregation of oxygen in the crystals at low seed rotation rates as observed from HRXRD seems to be the reason for the observed optical inhomogeneity. The correlation between optical inhomogeneity and crystalline perfection for a variety of specimens with different shapes of the crystal/liquid interface obtained at different seed rotation rates is reported
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