37 research outputs found

    Magnesium Coprecipitation with Calcite at Low Supersaturation: Implications for Mg-Enriched Water in Calcareous Soils

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    The concentrations of magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca) in natural aqueous environments are controlled by sorption and dissolution–precipitation reactions. Ca binding in calcareous soils depends on the degree of solution saturation with respect to CaCO3_{3}. Mg may be bound in precipitating calcite. Here, we investigated Mg incorporation into calcite via the recrystallization of vaterite, which simulates a very low supersaturation in a wide range of Mg to Ca ratios and pH conditions. Increasing the Mg to Ca ratios (0.2 to 10) decreased the partition coefficient of Mg in calcite from 0.03 to 0.005. An approximate thermodynamic mixing parameter (Guggenheim a0 = 3.3 ± 0.2), that is valid for dilute systems was derived from the experiments at the lowest initial Mg to Ca ratio (i.e., 0.2). At elevated Mg to Ca ratios, aragonite was preferentially formed, indicating kinetic controls on Mg partitioning into Mg-calcite. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDX) analyses indicated that Mg is not incorporated into aragonite. The thermodynamic mixing model suggests that at elevated Mg to Ca ratio (i.e., ≥1) Mg-calcite becomes unstable relative to pure aragonite. Finally, our results suggest that the abiotic incorporation of Mg into calcite is only effective for the removal of Mg from aqueous environments like calcareous soil solution, if the initial Mg to Ca ratio is already low

    An Innovative Approach to Modeling Ion Adsorption on Mixed Minerals: Investigating the Charging Behavior of Kaolinite-Goethite Mixture

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    Raw data of the charging behavior of goethite, kaolinite and their mixture are presented here. These data are submitted to "geochimica et cosmochimica acta" via the manuscript "An Innovative Approach to Modeling Ion Adsorption on Mixed Minerals: Investigating the Charging Behavior of Kaolinite-Goethite Mixture".THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    A new surface structural approach to ion adsorption: Tracing the location of electrolyte ions

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    Electrolyte ions differ in size leading to the possibility that the distance of closest approach to a charged surface differs for different ions. So far, ions bound as outersphere complexes have been treated as point charges present at one or two electrostatic plane(s). However, in a multicomponent system, each electrolyte ion may have its own distance of approach and corresponding electrostatic plane with an ion-specific capacitance. It is preferable to make the capacitance of the compact part of the double layer a general characteristic of the solid¿solution interface. A new surface structural approach is presented that may account for variation in size of electrolyte ions. In this approach, the location of the charge of the outersphere surface complexes is described using the concept of charge distribution in which the ion charge is allowed to be distributed over two electrostatic planes. It was shown that the concept can successfully describe the pH dependent proton binding and the shift in the isoelectric point (IEP) in the presence of variety of monovalent electrolyte ions, including Li+, Na+, K+, Cs+, Cl¿, NO¿3, and ClO¿4 with a common set of parameters. The new concept also sheds more light on the degree of hydration of the ions when present as outersphere complexes. Interpretation of the charge distribution values obtained shows that Cl¿ ions are located relatively close to the surface. The large alkali ions K+, Cs+, and Rb+ are at the largest distance. Li+, Na+, NO¿3, and ClO¿4 are present at intermediate position

    Surface complexation of carbonate on goethite: IR spectroscopy, structure & charge distribution

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    The adsorption of carbonate on goethite has been evaluated, focussing on the relation between the structure of the surface complex and corresponding adsorption characteristics, like pH dependency and proton co-adsorption. The surface structure of adsorbed CO3-2 has been assessed with (1) a reinterpretation of IR spectroscopy data, (2) determination of the charge distribution within the carbonate complex using surface complexation modeling, and (3) evaluation of the proton co-adsorption of various oxyanions, including carbonate, in relation with structural differences. Carbonate adsorption leads to a degeneration of the v(3) IR vibration. Currently, the magnitude of the Deltav(3) band splitting is used as a criterion for metal coordination. However, the interpretation is not unambiguous, since the magnitude Of Deltav(3) is influenced by polarization and additional field effects, due to, e.g., H bonding. Our evaluation shows that for goethite the magnitude of band splitting Deltav(3) falls within the range of values that is representative for bidentate complex formation, despite contrarily assignments made in literature. Determination of the charge distribution (CD), derived by modeling available carbonate adsorption data, shows that a very large part (2/3) of the carbonate charge resides in the surface. Interpretation of this result with a bond valence and a ligand charge analysis strongly favors the bidentate surface complexation option for adsorbed carbonate. This option is also supported by the proton co-adsorption of carbonate. The H co-adsorption is very high, which corresponds closely to an oxyanion surface complex in which 2/3 of the ligands are common with the surface. The high H co-adsorption is in conflict with the monodentate option for adsorbed CO3-2. The study shows that the H co-adsorption of CO3-2 is almost equal to the experimental H co-adsorption obtained for SeO (-2)(3) adsorption, which can be rationalized supposing for both XO3-2 complexes the same ligand distribution in the interface, i.e., bidentate complex formation. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Geometry, charge distribution, and surface speciation of phosphate on goethite.

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    The surface speciation of phosphate has been evaluated with surface complexation modeling using an interfacial charge distribution (CD) approach based on ion adsorption and ordering of interfacial water. In the CD model, the charge of adsorbed ions is distributed over two electrostatic potentials in the double-layer profile. The CD is related to the structure of the surface complex. A new approach is followed in which the CD values of the various surface complexes have been calculated theoretically from the geometries of the surface complexes. Molecular orbital calculations based on density functional theory (MO/DFT) have been used to optimize the structure of a series of hydrated surface complexes of phosphate. These theoretical CD values are corrected for dipole orientation effects. Data analysis of the PO4 adsorption, applying the independently derived CD coefficients, resolves the presence of two dominant surface species. A nonprotonated bidentate (B) complex is dominant over a broad range of pH values at low loading (1.5 mol/m2). For low pH and high loading, a strong contribution of a singly protonated monodentate (MH or MH-Na) complex is found, which differs from earlier interpretations. For the conditions studied, the doubly protonated bidentate (BH2) and monodentate (MH2) surface complexes and the nonprotonated monodentate (M) complex are not significant contributors. These findings are discussed qualitatively and quantitatively in relation to published experimental in-situ CIR-FTIR data and theoretical MO/DFT-IR information. The relative variation in the peak intensities as a function of pH and loading approximately agrees with the surface speciation calculated with the CD model. The model correctly predicts the proton co-adsorption of phosphate binding on goethite and the shift of the IEP at low phosphate loading (1.5 mol/m2). At higher loading, it deviates

    Carbonate adsorption on goethite in competition with phosphate.

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    Competitive interaction of carbonate and phosphate on goethite has been studied quantitatively. Both anions are omnipresent in soils, sediments, and other natural systems. The PO4¿CO3 interaction has been studied in binary goethite systems containing 0¿0.5 M (bi)carbonate, showing the change in the phosphate concentration as a function of pH, goethite concentration, and carbonate loading. In addition, single ion systems have been used to study carbonate adsorption as a function of pH and initial (H)CO3 concentration. The experimental data have been described with the charge distribution (CD) model. The charge distributions of the inner-sphere surface complexes of phosphate and carbonate have been calculated separately using the equilibrium geometries of the surface complexes, which have been optimized with molecular orbital calculations applying density functional theory (MO/DFT). In the CD modeling, we rely for phosphate on recent parameters from the literature. For carbonate, the surface speciation and affinity constants have been found by modeling the competitive effect of CO3 on the phosphate concentration in CO3¿PO4 systems. The CO3 constants obtained can also predict the carbonate adsorption in the absence of phosphate very well. A combination of inner- and outer-sphere CO3 complexation is found. The carbonate adsorption is dominated by a bidentate inner-sphere complex, (FeO)2CO. This binuclear bidentate complex can be present in two different geometries that may have a different IR behavior. At a high PO4 and CO3 loading and a high Na+ concentration, the inner-sphere carbonate complex interacts with a Na+ ion, probably in an outer-sphere fashion. The Na+ binding constant obtained is representative of Na¿carbonate complexation in solution. Outer-sphere complex formation is found to be unimportant. The binding constant is comparable with the outer-sphere complexation constants of, e.g., SO2¿4 and SeO2¿4

    The interaction of boron with goethite: Experiments and CD-MUSIC modeling

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    Boron (B) is an essential element for plants and animals growth that interacts with mineral surfaces regulating its bioavailability and mobility in soils, sediments, and natural ecosystems. The interaction with mineral surfaces is quite important because of a narrow range between boron deficiency and toxicity limits. In this study, the interaction of boric acid with goethite (a-FeOOH) was measured in NaNO3 background solution as a function of pH, ionic strength, goethite and boron concentration representing as adsorption edges and isotherms. Boron adsorption edges showed a bell-shaped pattern with maximum adsorption around pH 8.50, whereas adsorption isotherms were rather linear. The adsorption data were successfully described with the CD-MUSIC model in combination with the Extended Stern (ES) model. The charge distribution (CD) of inner-sphere boron surface complexes was calculated from the geometry optimized with molecular orbital calculations applying density functional theory (MO/DFT). The CD modeling suggested dominant binding of boric acid as a trigonal inner-sphere complex with minor contributions of a tetrahedral inner-sphere complex (at high pH) and a trigonal outer-sphere complex (at low pH). The interpretation with the CD model is consistent with the spectroscopic observations. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd

    Nanoparticles in natural systems I: The effective reactive surface area of the natural oxide fraction in field samples.

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    Information on the particle size and reactive surface area of natural samples is essential for the application of surface complexation models (SCM) to predict bioavailability, toxicity, and transport of elements in the natural environment. In addition, this information will be of great help to enlighten views on the formation, stability, and structure of nanoparticle associations of natural organic matter (NOM) and natural oxide particles. Phosphate is proposed as a natively present probe ion to derive the effective reactive surface area of natural samples. In the suggested method, natural samples are equilibrated (10 days) with 0.5 M NaHCO3 (pH = 8.5) at various solid–solution ratios. This matrix fixes the pH and ionic strength, suppresses the influence of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions by precipitation these in solid carbonates, and removes NOM due to the addition of activated carbon in excess, collectively leading to the dominance of the PO4–CO3 interaction in the system. The data have been interpreted with the charge distribution (CD) model, calibrated for goethite, and the analysis results in an effective reactive surface area (SA) and a reversibly bound phosphate loading G for a series of top soils. The oxidic SA varies between about 3–30 m2/g sample for a large series of representative agricultural top soils. Scaling of our data to the total iron and aluminum oxide content (dithionite–citrate–bicarbonate extractable), results in the specific surface area between about 200–1200 m2/g oxide for most soils, i.e. the oxide particles are nano-sized with an equivalent diameter in the order of 1–10 nm if considered as non-porous spheres. For the top soils, the effective surface area and the soil organic carbon fraction are strongly correlated. The oxide particles are embedded in a matrix of organic carbon (OC), equivalent to 1.4 ± 0.2 mg OC/m2 oxide for many soils of the collection, forming a NOM–mineral nanoparticle association with an average NOM volume fraction of 80%. The average mass density of such a NOM–mineral association is 1700 ± 100 kg/m3 (i.e. high-density NOM). The amount of reversibly bound phosphate is rather close to the amount of phosphate that is extractable with oxalate. The phosphate loading varies remarkably (G ˜ 1–3 µmol/m2 oxide) in the samples. As discussed in part II of this paper series (Hiemstra et al., 2010), the phosphate loading (G) of field samples is suppressed by surface complexation of NOM, where hydrophilic, fulvic, and humic acids act as a competitor for (an)ions via site competition and electrostatic interactio

    Diffusion of neutral and ionic species in charged membranes: Boric acid, arsenite, and water

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    Dynamic ion speciation using DMT (Donnan membrane technique) requires insight into the physicochemical characteristics of diffusion in charged membranes (tortuosity, local diffusion coefficients) as well as ion accumulation. The latter can be precluded by studying the diffusion of neutral species, such as boric acid, B(OH)30(aq), arsenite, As(OH)30(aq), or water. In this study, the diffusion rate of B(OH)30 has been evaluated as a function of the concentration, pH, and ionic strength. The rate is linearly dependent on the concentration of solely the neutral species, without a significant contribution of negatively charged species such as B(OH)4-, present at high pH. A striking finding is the very strong effect (factor of 10) of the type of cation (K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+, and H+) on the diffusion coefficient of B(OH)30 and also As(OH)30. The decrease of the diffusion coefficient can be rationalized as an enhancement of the mean viscosity of the confined solution in the membrane. The diffusion coefficients can be described by a semiempirical relationship, linking the mean viscosity of the confined solute of the membrane to the viscosity of the free solution. In proton-saturated membranes, as used in fuel cells, viscosity is relatively more enhanced; i.e., a stronger water network is formed. Extraordinarily, our B(OH)3-calibrated model (in HNO3) correctly predicts the reported diffusion coefficient of water (DH2O), measured with 1H NMR and quasi-elastic neutron scattering in H+-Nafion membranes. Upon drying these membranes, the local hydronium, H(H2O)n+, concentration and corresponding viscosity increase, resulting in a severe reduction of the diffusion coefficient (DH2O ˜ 5-50 times), in agreement with the model. The present study has a second goal, i.e., development of the methodology for measuring the free concentration of neutral species in solution. Our data suggest that the free concentration can be measured with DMT in natural systems if one accounts for the variation in the cation composition of the membrane and corresponding viscosity/diffusion coefficient