590 research outputs found

    Automatic Bridge between BPMN Models and UML Activity Diagrams based on Graph Transformation

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    Model Driven Engineering (MDE) provides available tools, concepts and languages to create and transform models. One of the most important successes of MDE is model transformation; it permits transforming models used by one community to equivalent models used by another one. Moreover, each community of developers has its own tools for verification, testing and test case generation. Hence, a developer of one community who moves to work with another community needs a transformation process from the second community to (his/her) own community and vice versa. Therefore, the target community can benefit from the expertise of the source one and the developers do not begin from zero.In this context, we propose in this paper an automatic transformation to create a bridge between the BPMN and UML communities. We propose an approach and a visual tool for the automatic transformation of BPMN models to UML Activity Diagrams (UML-AD). The proposed approach is based on Meta-Modeling and Graph Transformation, and uses the AToM3 tool. Indeed, we were inspired by the OMG meta-models of BPMN and UML-AD and implemented versions of both meta-models using AToM3. This last allows generating automatically a visual modeling tool for each proposed meta-model. Based on these two meta-models, we propose a graph grammar composed of sixty rules that perform the transformation process. The proposed approach is illustrated through three case studies

    Thermophysical Properties Enhancement in Construction Materials Based on Cement and Plaster

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    Enhancing insulating power of buildings envelope saves energy costs and minimizes associated CO2 emissions. The development of materials with good thermal performance is a major challenge. This work shows the effect of incorporating different additions on the thermal properties of composites based on plaster and cement through a series of experiments. The additives used are among the most widespread wastes in Morocco. Dozens of new samples based on cement and plaster have been prepared and experimentally characterized by the box method to develop environmentally friendly materials with the best thermal characteristics. The results show that increasing incorporation rate of additives significantly improves thermophysical properties of based materials. The addition of 4% alfa and 6% of coffee grounds in plaster matrix and the replacement of cement by 50% of ashes in mortar and concrete record the low thermal properties including thermal conductivity, diffusivity, effusivity and specific heat. The good performance of new materials encourages us to integrate them into the building envelope. The results of the annual simulations carried out for a typical building located in Meknes indicated that the use of these proposed materials has significant economic and environmental benefits. A reduction of 50% in energy and a limitation of 3029.13 kgCO2eq/yr are observed thanks to an effective combination between the developed material

    A new method based on fast Kurtogram for the identification of pitting fault versus crack fault in gearbox systems

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    This paper presents a new technique to diagnose differentially two localized gear tooth faults: a pitting and a crack. These faults could have very different prognoses, but existing diagnostic techniques only indicate the presence of local tooth faults without being able to differentiate between a pitting and a crack. In the aim to diagnose differentially these tow faults, a dynamic model of one stage spur gear is proposed witch make it possible to simulate the effect of pitting and crack faults on the vibration signal. Then, simulated vibration signal is analyzed by using a Fast-Kurtogram technique. This method is suitable for differentiate between a pitting and a crack faults

    A new method to enhance of fault detection and diagnosis in gearbox systems

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    The kurtogram analysis presents some limitations when diagnosing gearbox systems, particularly in time domain. Its envelop signal analysis is not able to detect any defects. This paper presents a new approach to enhance the detection and diagnosis in gearbox systems. This new approach is based on Maximum Correlated Kurtosis Deconvolution combined with Spectral Kurtosis fault diagnosis methodology. This technique allows us to obtain better detection in the gearbox system which is not the case of the spectral kurtosis analysis alone. For this purpose, a dynamical model of a simple stage gearbox is proposed. The approach can detect and identify at early stage the gearbox and also the crack tooth defects

    Wheat-Faba bean intercrops improve plant nutrition, yield, and availability of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in soil

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    Received: June 27th, 2022 ; Accepted: July 27th, 2022 ; Published: August 1st, 2022 ; Correspondance: [email protected] order to promote agroecological practices, this study compares two cropping systems, i.e., intercropping versus sole cropping of a cereal - durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf. ) and a nitrogen-fixing legume - faba bean (Vicia faba L.) on plant growth, Efficiency in the use of rhizobial symbiosis (EURS), grain yield and phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) accumulation in soil and plant. This study conducted during two cropping seasons in a field trial in the region of Tizi Ouzou, Algeria, shows that shoot dry weight (SDW), nitrogen nutrition index (NNI), phosphorus use efficiency (PUE), land use efficiency (LER), and grain yield were significantly higher for intercropped than for the sole cropped wheat. Furthermore, there was a considerable increase in soil P and N content across the two years of intercropping and sole cropping compared to the unseeded weeded fallow. Intercropping, it is claimed, improves wheat N nutrition by increasing the availability of soil-N for wheat. This increase might be due to reduced interspecific competition between legumes and wheat plants than intraspecific competition between wheat plants due to the legume’s ability to compensate by atmospheric nitrogen fixation

    Initial Value Problems Between Taylor and Volterra Integral Equations

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    In this work, we solve initial value problem for a second order numerically using Euler and Taylor series. On the other hand, we show that after the transformation of the (IVP) into Volterra integral equation of the second kind, its numerical solution using trapezoidal method and modified Simpson method are better than the two first ones Euler and Tayor methods

    Upper bound estimate for the blow-up time of a class of integrodifferential equation of parabolic type involving variable source

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    Consider a class of integrodifferential of parabolic equations involving variable source with Dirichlet boundary condition \begin{equation*} u_{t}=\Delta u-\int _{0}^{t}g\left(t-s\right) \Delta u\left(x,s\right) \mathrm{d} s+|u| ^{p(x) -2}u. \end{equation*} By means energy methods, we obtain a lower bound for blow-up time of the solution if blow-up occurs. Furthermore, assuming the initial energy is negative we establish a new blow-up criterion and give an upper bound for blow-up time of the solution