66 research outputs found

    Konflik Yurisdiksi dan Penegakan Hukum Kekayaan Intelektual dalam Rangka Pasar Tunggal

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    It is invisioned that ASEAN Single Market is to realize in 2015.ASEAN Single Market is what expected from the formation of ASEAN Economic community ( AEC). The basic principle of AEC is free movement of goods, services, personnel and capital. This is inherent with the objective of economic integration that is a fair competition. In relation to single market, there are trans boundary activities. It is highly possibility that International disputes over IP arise. Disputes that involve different countries with law of each their own and the need determination of choice of law /choice of forum or jurisdiction. This paper aims to discuss IP related conïŹ‚ict jurisdiction in the era of economic integration specifcally single market ASEANIntisariPada akhir 2015 diharapkan terwujud pasar tunggal ASEAN sebagai esensi perwujudan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (ASEAN Economic Community). Prinsip utama dalam rangka Economic Community adalah free movement of goods, services, skilled labours and capital. Prinsip ini inheren dengan tujuan utama integrasi ekonomi yakni persaingan sehat (fair competition). Persoalan HKI tidak hanya terbatas dalam suatu wilayah negara tertentu. Untuk itu perlu dianalisis masalah jurisdiksi pengadilan. Artikel ini akan membahas masalah konïŹ‚ik yurisdiksi dan penegakan HKI dalam rangka integrasi ekonomi dan pasar tunggal ASEAN

    Catatan Hukum Kritis Pembiayaan Sekunder Perumahan

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    Eksistensi lembaga Fasilitas Pembiayaan Sekunder Perumahan (SMF) di Indonesia diadopsi dari common law system. Tentu bukan hal mudah untuk mengadopsi lembaga hukum dari tradisi common law ke dalam tradisi civil law. Meskipun telah terbukti lembaga ini dapat mengatasi mismatch dan meningkatkan likuiditas KPR, namun ada beberapa catatan hukum kritis tentang Pembiayaan Sekunder Perumahan. Makalah ini akan membahas perbedaan hukum dan aturan tentang kepemilikan tanah, jual putus untuk penjualan kredit dan hak tanggungannya serta eksistensi perusahaan kendaraan untuk tujuan khusus antara tradisi Common Law dan Civil Law

    Lessons Learned from the British Exit from the European Union for Indonesia and the ASEAN Economic Community

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    A soft Brexit scenario will include an implementation period from the day the UK formally leaves the EU to 31 December 2020. During the implementation period, the UK will continue to be functionally treated as an EU member state and remain a party to EU international agreement. Associated with the ASEAN single market, should be considered the readiness of Indonesian regulations and legislations that in sectorial concerns at least three aforementioned legal instruments to be harmonized with the laws of the ASEAN countries. Important findings were shown by the research from the perspectives of business law, especially, capital investment law, intellectual property and international trade law that Brexit has significant impact for  EU itself, Indonesia and also AEC

    Patent Protection for a Method of Ratoon Rice Management in Supporting Food Security

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    Pursuant to Article 25 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1945) that: “Everyone has the right to a standard of living, adequate health and well-being of himself and his family including the right for food”. Essentially food security can be described as” a phenomenon relating to individual food security which exists when all people at all the times have physical , social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life”. However, since 2009 the food security situation has worsened and continuous to pose a serious threat especially in the developing nations. The internationally agreed target from the World Food Summit of 1996 to halve hunger by 2015 was not met. Despite progress in some countries, United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)’s estimates in 1997-1999 there 865 million people were undernourished, 777 million in developing countries, 27 million in transition countries and 11 million in the industrialized countries. Even if the target is met, it would still leave 400 million people under nourished. The fact that in the year 2017 there was 19, 4 million Indonesian people who did not meet their required food needs.Pursuant to Article 33 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution (UUD1945) stated that: “The earth, the water and all the wealth contained therein are controlled by the State and used as much as possible for the welfare of the people. Production branches that are important and affect the livelihood of many people controlled by the State shall be used for the greatest prosperity of the people.” This paper will argue that the Method of Ratoon’s Rice Management will benefit in supporting Food Security because it has many advantages over the conventional rice cultivation. The Patent right as legalized monopoly is sought to prevent the abuse of this invention by irresponsible parties

    The Practice of Beneficial Ownership and Its Legal Effect According to Indonesian Law

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    Just earlier last year, the President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, issued Presidential Regulation Number 13 of the Year 2018 on the Implementation of Corporation Beneficial Owner Recognition Principle in the Framework of Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Crime. How these laws affect the practice of BO and nominee arrangement in Indonesia there after and how their provisions connect to the provisions of the latest Presidential Regulation are the main topics that this paper aims to discuss. This paper is in the area of business law, capital investment and corporate law, This research is normative and empirical legal research. Normative legal research is mainly library research which was conducted at the Law Faculty of Airlangga University, Indonesia. This research employed statutory approach and conceptual approach by using a number of selected books and international journals , international agreement and international convention. Whereas empirical legal research is conducted in Jakarta city to study in Heritage Hall (Balai Harta Peninggalan ) and Directorate General Law Adminstration Affairs of Ministry of Law and Human Rights, where Shareholder and Director of Corporation registered. There are several findings from the research. The practice of Beneficial Ownership (BO) has long been employed in Indonesia, by foreigners and natives alike, and usually, with the cooperation between the both sides regarding with Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) activities.BO utilizes a nominee clause arrangement where the beneficial owner appoints, or ‘nominees’, someone to act on their behalf. This nominee arrangement can be implemented in the form of tax treaty privilege, nominee in land and real property ownership, nominee director or nominee share holder. These practices can lead to various legal consequences, among others the nominee arrangement become “ null and void”

    Paten Sederhana "Metode Pengelolaan Padi Ratoon".

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    Invensi ini berhubungan dengan suatu metode pengelolaan padi ratoon yang memungkingkan terciptanya suatu padi ratoon yang dapat tersedia dalam waktu tanam relatif singkat dengan kualitas yang baik. Dalam hal ini, tahapan metode yang dimaksud meliputi menyediakan suatu lahan sawah, dimana terdapat pohon padi yang telah selesai panen, lalu, meratakan potongan sisa pohon padi yang telah selesai dipanen tersebut dengan ketinggian rata-rata tertentu, lalu, membersihkan area sawah dari sisa-sisa jerami bekas panen dan bekas potongan hasil perataan batang pohon padi, hal ini dilakukan pada umur s/d 5 hari, lalu, memberikan air di lahan sawah tersebut hingga kondisi mecek-mecek, lalu, menaburkan NPK plus sebanyak 20 karung @25 kg ketika umur 7 hari, dimana kondisi media tanam mecek-mecek, lalu mencabut rumput dan gulma ketika umur 12 hari, lalu mengaplikasikan Urea sebanyak 100kg ketika umur 14 hari dengan kondisi media tanam tetap mecek-mecek, lalu, menyemprotkan pupuk organic super cair sebanyak 5 botol (@500 ml) per hektar ketika umur 15 hari, mempertahankan media tanam tetap pada kondisi mecek-mecek, lalu, menyemprotkan obat peninggi sebanyak 5 tablet yang dicampurkan dengan pupuk organic super air sebanyak 3 botol ketika umur 19 hari, kemudian, mengaplikan NPK Mutiara sebanyak 100kg pada media tanam berkonsisi mecek-mecek ketika umur 20 hari, dan melakukan panen ketika padi sudah matang yaitu antara 45-60 har

    Intellectual Property Protection for Farming Cropping Patterns and Rice Farming Products in Supporting Food Security

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    The Republic of Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world with nearly 17,000 islands in an area of 1,826,440 square km. The largest islands are Kalimantan, Papua, Sulawesi, Sumatra and Java. Most of the smaller islands are not yet inhabited and even only the island of Java alone occupies nearly 60% of the total population in Indonesia which recorded 306,264,595 people in 2005 (Central Bureau of Statistics, 2006). Indonesia which has bio mega diversity coupled with local wisdom of society in conducting agricultural cropping patterns and rice farming products has a very big potential, or should it be called risk, to be exploited by foreign companies. As an illustration, an incident occurred in Sulawesi where local farmers were persuaded by Monsanto, the largest seeds multinational company in the world, to switch from the rice seeds usually farmed there to the cotton seeds from Monsanto. Monsanto promised to buy the harvested cotton products at a high price. However, the harvested products were eventually said to not meet Monsanto’s standards and were not purchased. Another example of problems that occur to Indonesian farmers is criminalization over traditional farmers by PT BISI as a subsidiary of Monsanto in Indonesia. This research’s objective is to study what types of cropping patterns and their each subsequent rice farming product usually used in Indonesia, what existing laws and regulations that are related to the protection of such patterns and products in Indonesia, and which among the patterns and products can be an immense potential to support food security in Indonesia

    Intellectual Property for the Information Management Society

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    Since the making of first draft about computer by John von Neveoance then developed Ly Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) and subsequent With the Project ARPANET and continuing developed with other invention based on computer and internet, hence since then have formed the society of otganizer of information technology' Information and use of computer technology and internet nerwork have made new hegemony in the world as stated by a jargon that:"By controlling informirion, the party can control the world".The most concrere example is Elsevier Besloten Vennotschaap (BV) that became Elsevier Incorporation (InCorp) domiciling in Amglica has been becoming information management sociery that highly influence in the world. Elsevier Incorp. has become a barometer of education world with information mastery in form of e-book such as Scopus and Science Direct. So this paper aims to analyze :(1) What constitute of information management society? (2) What intellectual Property fughts for the protection of information management sociefy

    Potensi dan Perlindungan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual di Perum Pegadaian

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    Sejarah Pegadaian dimulai pada abad XVIII ketika vereenigde oos! Indische Compagnie (VOC), suatu maskapai perdagangan dari Belanda datang ke lndonesia dengan tujuan berdagang. Dalam rangka memperlancar kegiatan perekonomiannya, VOC mendirikan Bank van Leening yaitu lembaga kredit yang memberikan kredit dengan sistem gadai. Bank van Leening didirikan pertama kali di Batavia pada tanggal 20 Agustus 1746 berdasarkan Keputusan Gubernu

    The Tensions On The Protection Of Local-Traditional Indonesian Batik

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    Batik artwork has been known for hundreds of years and has become part of the culture of Indonesian society. Some batik motifs in Indonesia have philosophical values and are part of traditional traditional ceremony activities. Along with the times, the creativity of batik artists has become varied even though ancient traditional motifs are still mass produced and used as inspiration. This research examines the legal protection for traditional batik in order to avoid the abuse of rights by certain parties who merely exploit it in order to benefit from the existence of traditional batik works. The formulation of the problem that will be examined in this research is whether traditional batik gets legal protection under the copyright regime in Indonesia? Are there any legal safeguards at the international level for traditional Indonesian batik works? In answering this problem formulation will use a conceptual approach and a statutory approach. This research is a legal research that will examine existing legal concepts and related legal rules in solving legal problems related to the protection of traditional batik
