312 research outputs found

    Tarik Menarik antara Desentralisasi dan Sentralisasi Kewenangan Pemerintah Daerah dalam Urusan Pertanahan

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    Indonesian government does not have “political will†in implementation local government in the land field based on authority principles.This problem can be seen from overlapping regulation in land’s field,on the one hand stipulated that land as local’s autority,on the other hand it still as central’s autority.This tension brings to effect more confflicts in Indonesia. To solve the above problem,it needs regulations sincroization in the land field which regulater that land task is local governments authority,while central government only to do preventive and refresif,monitoring through making regulation,standard and norm that will become the rule of the game for local government in implementing the lands authority

    Politics of Land Law for Indonesian Farmers(Towards the Bill of Land in Indonesia)

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    The purpose of this paper are: first, to examine critically how the politics of agrarian law in Indonesia canprovide legal protection for land ownership for farmers in Indonesia, so that the transition of function ofthe land from agricultural land into non-agricultural sector still pays great attention to the farmers as thevulnerable groups (poor, abandoned); second, to examine critically how the draft of the land law whichis now being discussed in parliament can give protection to the farmers, so that they have bargainingposition of land ownership equally with those of the capital owners.This paper uses three analysis namely: 1) juridical analysis to understand the legal norms of the land lawfor the farmers in Indonesia; 2) historical analysis to understand the history of land ownership for farmerssince independence of Indonesia which had not been proporsionil compared with the ownership to thoseof investors in Indonesia; 3) analysis of prospective of agrarian law corcerning with the pros and cons ofthe Bill of Land being discussed before the Parliament.This paper wishes to provide alternative for the rule of land for the farmers, so that the politics of lawrelated to land in Indonesia correlated with farmers' strategic position as one of the main agents of thedevelopment

    Standarisasi Lingkungan (ISO 26000) sebagai Harmonisasi Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan dan Instrumen Hukum di Indonesia

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    Kesadaran tentang pentingnya mengimplementasikan tanggung jawab sosial Perusahaan menjadi tren global, seiring dengan semakin maraknya kepedulian masyarakat global terhadap produk produk yang ramah lingkungan dan diproduksi dengan memperhatikan kaidah-kaidah sosial dan prinsip-prinsip Hak Azasi Manusia (HAM). Banyak Perbangkan menerapkan kebijakan dalam pemberian pinjaman hanya kepada Perusahaan yang melaksanakan ISO 26000. Kondisi ini mengindikasikan bahwa Pemerintah, dunia USAha dan masyarakat adalah pihak yang sangat menentukan dalam menjalankan fungsi lingkungan, saling mendukung, berkerja sama dan saling mengontrol satu sama lainnya, sehingga saling bersinergi dalam menjalankan hak ekonomi sosial dan budaya, sebagai hak azasi manusia yang fundamental

    Perancangan dan Pengembangan E-commerce Penjualan Ikan Teri Sibolga

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    The anchovy shop is a company engaged in the sale of fish. The sales system used today is a conventional system, in which the buyer must come directly to the anchovy shop to see the products offered. One of the most supportive aspects is the existence of e-commerce facilities that can assist in the sales process or product offering. With e-commerce, companies can market their products online so consumers who are out of town can see and order products without having to come directly to the store. With the e-commerce system, the system certainly requires a good product data management or management. Based on the results of interviews from the anchovy shop and referring to the problems above, it is necessary to create a system that can solve all the problems that exist today


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    Objective : Chronic rhinosinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa and paranasalsinuses established based on a history of rhinosinusitis lasting more than 12 weeks. Rhinosinusitis may becaused by allergies, infections and anatomical structural abnormalities or other causes such as idiopathic,nasal, hormonal, drugs, irritant, fungi, emotions, atrophy. Lingkungan VIII and X Kelurahan Tegal Sari IMedan Area District was selected as a community service partner based on location and environmentcharacterized.Method : We trained the cadres to know rhinosinusitis and we screened the population to do early detectionof the disease.Result : From 100 patients who came, 56% of them are males, with most age 21-25 years as many as 36%,while the main complaint was runny nose as many as 43%

    Analisis Transmisi Harga Jagung sebagai Bahan Pakan Ternak Ayam Ras di Sumatera Barat

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    The reseacrh was conducted in West Pasaman West Sumatera. There was a phenomenon in the research area that poultry farmers had difficulty to get maize for layer feed and the tendency of price increase of maize after the operation of feed industry. The purpose of the reseacrh were to analyze the elasticity of price transmission between producers and consumers pricing. Method of the research was a quantitative description and statistic analyze to measure elasticity of price transmission between producers and consumers pricing. Data used in the research was secondary data. The result of research revealed that elasticity of price transmission was small (η = 0,26), indicated that the price change at farmer level was lower than consumers level therefore the market of maize in West Sumatera was not efficient

    Analisis Perkembangan Harga Protein Hewani Asal Ternak dan Bahan Pakan Ternak di Kota Padang Tahun 2012

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perkembangan harga protein hewani asal ternak khususnya daging, telur, susu serta bahan pakan ternak di Kota Padang tahun 2012. Metode penelitian adalah studi literatur tentang data bulanan harga protein hewani tahun 2012. Analisis data disajikan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perkembangan harga protein hewani di Kota Padang tahun 2012 untuk harga daging sapi mengalami kenaikan harga tertinggi pada bulan September sebesar 9% jika dibandingkan dengan harga daging sapi pada Agustus 2012 yaitu Rp78000/kg. Harga daging kambing atau domba mengalami penurunan sebesar 33% pada bulan Maret ke April 2012. Harga telur ayam ras dan telur puyuh cukup stabil dengan harga rata-rata untuk ayam ras sebesar Rp 1.050/butir dan telur puyuh Rp 283/butir. Harga bahan baku pakan khususnya jagung mengalami fluktuasi sejak bulan Januari sampai dengan Desember 2012 sedangkan harga dedak sebesar Rp 2.500/kg stabil sampai akhir tahun 2012
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