11 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Daun Palado (Agave SP) Dalam Proses Pembuatan Virgin Coconut Oil (Vco)

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    VCO lately has been used in medical area especially as a medicine for diabetes mellitus, obesity, cholesterol, heart, osteoporosis and can be used to cure diseases that caused by microbial and fungal. VCO also acts as antibiotic because it contains lauric and oleic acid. The availability of VCO materials in Indonesia is abundant, therefore to be developed as a medicine substance, the process of VCO making should be without any chemical material and high heating. The aim of this research is the utilization of palado leaves in the making process of VCO as well as to determine its quality. The method used in this research is the preparation of palado leaves fiber sample, preparation of cream coconut milk with coconut, the making of VCO fermentative for 20 hours and quality test for the VCO made with extra palado leaves by using parameters of colour, smell, the acid number, peroxide number, water content, refractive index and specific gravity, as a comparison is a commercil VCO (Celebes brand). Data analysis used is descriptive qualitative. The research result shows that VCO made with extra palado leaves has clear colour, normal smell, savory taste, while its acid number is 0.4 mg/g, peroxide number is 1 meq/g, water content is 1%, refractive index is 1.44804 and density is 0.888 g/ml. On the other hand, VCO Celebes has clear colour, normal smell and savory taste, while its acid number is 0 mg/g, peroxide number is 0 meq/g, water content is 0%, refractive index is 1.44803 and density is 0.892 g/ml. The conclusion of this research is that the palado leaves can be used in the making process of VCO and the VCO produced is suitable to APCC standard

    Sq Garden Street Child sebagai Upaya Penanaman Akhlakul Karimah pada Anak Jalanan di Kota Makassar

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    Ajaran islam bersumber dari Al-Qur\u27an dan As-Sunnah sehingga pemeluknya dapat mengetahui hal yang seharusnya dikerjakan, tetapi berdasarkan realita yang terjadi banyak penyimpangan yang dilakukan oleh pemeluknya seperti oleh anak jalanan. Anak jalanan merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang memerlukan perhatian yang sangat besar. Kurangnya pemberdayaan anak jalanan tersebut membuat anak jalanan di kota Makassar semakin bertambah begitupun dengan angka kriminalitas yang terjadi, hal ini di karenakan pergaulan yang tidak sehat pada lingkungan anak. SQ Garden street Child adalah taman kecerdasan spiritual anak jalanan yang didalamnya anak jalanan akan diajarkan tentang ilmu keagamaan dengan menggunakan pendekatan emosional, sehingga adanya SQ Garden street Child akan mempengaruhi perkembangan karakter anak jalanan khususnya di kota Makassar dan diharapkan anak jalanan sebagai generasi muda islam kebanggaan bangsa dalam kehidupannya selalu dilandasi dengan karakter akhlakul karimah

    Ekstrak Enzim Protease dari Daun Palado (Agave Angustifolia) dan Pemanfaatannya dalam Proses Pembuatan Virgin Coconut Oil

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    Virgin coconut oil (VCO) can be made in several ways, namely through a heating process at low temperature, freeze-drying, fermentation, enzymatic, mechanical pressure or centrifugation. VCO with an enzymatic method is the making of VCO fromcoconut milk by using enzyme. The protein-oil bonds in the emulsions in coconut milk can be broken down into protease enzyme. The purpose of this research is to extract the protease enzyme in palado leaves and utilize the enzymes in the manufacturing process as well as determining the quality of VCO. This research method passed through some processes. Firstly enzyme extracts from palado leaves are prepared and coconut milk from coconut cream is made, then it is tested qualitatively the presence of protease enzyme with ninhydrin color reagent. Furthermore, the making of VCO enzymatically is undertaken by varying the ratio of the volume of coconut cream and enzyme extracts of 24 hours. VCO quality is analysis by using the parameters of smell, flavor, color, moisture content, levels of FFA (free fatty acid) and peroxide. The testing result with ninhydrin reagent gave a positive reaction (blue-purple) showing that there is enzymes alleged a class of protease in the palado leaf. The result of VCO made with the comparison of coconut cream and enzyme extracts from palado (10 : 1) has generate a VCO with a yield of 25.4%. However, from the analysis of VCO quality test results, it is obtained the smell of distinctive flavor oils, fragrance, the clean color, water content of 0.5% , FFA content of 0.25% and the peroxide number of 0 meq/kg

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Kimia Menggunakan Multimedia pada Materi Ikatan Kimia Kelas X Smk Negeri Parigi Selatan

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    This study aims to determine whether to use the multimedia macromedia flash points can increase the activity and learning achievement of students in the chemical bond subject at class X SMK South Parigi. The sample is a class X SMK south Parigi is 46 students. This research is the Classroom Action Research (PTK) type which was implemented in three cycles, where each cycle consists of four stages, namely: planning, implementation, observation, reflection. Data obtained from each cycle were analyzed to determine the corrective action in the next cycle. Data collection is carried out through a test which consists of post tests at each end of the learning cycle 1, 2, 3 and also interviews for the entire series of events during the activity, as well as the observation sheet activities of teachers and students of each meeting. The collected data were statistically analyzed using the average of the class, classical absorption, and the thoroughness of learning. On the cycle I the average value of 6.87, the absorption of classical learning 68.81% and 68.42% completeness, in the second cycle the average value was 7.73, 77.32 and 88.37% and classical absorption the completeness study on a third cycle of the average value was 8.23, the absorption of classical learning 82.33% and 93.33% completeness. While on the student activity, the cycle I get an average score of 27 which is an increase in the second cycle to 36 and 40 in cycle III with both criteria. Therefore, the use of power point and multimedia macromedia flash in learning can improve student learning activities and results

    A study of The professionalism of Administrative Personnel at SMK Country 7 Bulukumba, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

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    ABSTRACT Professionalism is a very important aspect of supporting the quality of school administration management. This research is a research that aims to determine the implementation of professionalism of the administrative workforce at SMK Country 7 Bulukumba. In this study using a qualitative descriptive study. The informants in this study were the principal, vice-principal, head of administrative staff, and administrative staff. The technique of collecting data through observation methods, interview methods, and documentation methods. The technique of data analysis in this study uses data collection techniques, data presentation, reduction, and conclusions. The results showed that the professionalism of the administrative staff at SMK Country 7 Bulukumba in their proficiency in using equipment and attitudes in school administrative services can be said to be good and quite satisfying. This is evident in the proficiency of administrative staff in operating all the equipment that supports their work and the friendly and polite attitude of administrative staff in providing services, especially in school administrative services. However, from the readiness, responsibility, and disciplinary attitude in implementing school administrative services, it is considered that they are still not good because there is still administrative staff who have not carried out their duties and responsibilities professionally. This will affect the quality and performance of the administrative staff on the professionalism of their work at SMK Country 7 Bulukumba

    Etika Agen Asuransi Allianz Syariah dalam Memasarkan Produk Asuransi Jiwa pada PT. Asuransi Allianz Kota Palu

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana etika agen asuransi Allianz syariah dalam memasarkan produk asuransi jiwa  pada PT. Asuransi Allianz Kota Palu, kemudian untuk mengetahui bagaimana prespektif ekonomi Islam tentang etika agen asuransi Allianz syariah dalam memasarakan produk asuransi jiwa pada PT. Asuransi Allianz syariah Kota Palu. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis yang telah dilakukan maka dapat diketahui bahwa etika agen asuransi Allianz Syariah kota Palu dalam memasarakan produk tidak ada pelatihan khusus dari Perusahaan tentang asuransi syariah, namun para agen diberi beberapa persyaratan dan diperkuat dengan kode etik agen dari Allianz berupa buku panduan. Strategi pemasaran produk asuransi jiwa pada PT. Asuransi Allianz Kota Palu menurut ekonomi Islam belum berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip Ekonomi Islam karena ada beberapa pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang dilakukan mulai dari perekrutan keagenan sampai dengan sistemnya yang kurang diperhatikan oleh Perusahaan

    Strengthening Character Education Through E-Book During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The purpose of this study was to explore on strengthening character education through e-books for online or distance learning in the times of COVID-19. The present study employs a descriptive qualitative with the aim of being able to provide clear, objective, systematic, analytical descriptions and information, and critical aspect of Character Education-Based E-book for learning during the Covid 19 era in higher education. There were several steps such as collecting the required data, then classification and description were carried out. The sources of data in this study were government policies, books and articles concerning the implementation of distance learning during the covid 19 period and character education. The method used to collect research data is in the form of literary data that has been selected, searched, presented, and analyzed. The application of Indonesian e-books based on character education is a solution that can be done to overcome the problems of character education during the COVID-19 crisis, especially regarding the use of diction and literature. Findings suggests that in utilizing E-book, character values ​​can be inserted in the introduction, materials, and assignments to induce character values to students. Additionally, the e-book was developed based on the curriculum and the values ​​of character education. E-books are provided in online learning and can be studied by students from their homes both online and offline. In order to attract the attention of students, the e-book must be designed to be visually attractive so that the material within can be learned and easily understood by students