6 research outputs found

    Compassion Education in Guarding Children's Psychological Development in Orphanages

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    This study aims to analyze the impact of compassion-based education on the psychological development of children in orphanages. This research uses a type of field study research with a qualitative approach. This research was located at the Putri 'Aisyiah Orphanage Yogyakarta. Research data were obtained from observations, interviews, and required documents with 3 informants, namely the management of the panti, the foster parents, and musrifah. The collection of research data was carried out In the first stage, the selection of the location of the orphanage and the identification of the main participants, caretakers, foster parents, and musrifah. Data collection was conducted through three main methods: in-depth interviews, observation, and analysis of documents such as caregiver diaries and child development reports. The next stage is the data coding process, where the collected data is transcribed and encoded thematically. Each data segment is categorized based on indicators of compassion, such as emotional attention, psychological support, positive interactions, and fulfillment of basic needs. Next, thematic analysis is conducted to find patterns and relationships between themes. These findings were verified through data triangulation by comparing results from interviews, observations, and document analysis. This process ensures consistency and increases the validity of findings at the final stage, interpretation, and conclusion. The thematic analysis results were interpreted to assess the effectiveness of compassion education in orphanages. The conclusion shows that children who still struggle to obey the rules and daily activities in the orphanage have successfully implemented compassion education. There needs to be a more comprehensive understanding of foster parents so that children in orphanages can grow up psychologically healthy

    Manajemen Logistik Non Medis Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Salewangan Maros

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    This study aimed to discuss the implementation of non-medical logistics management at the Salewangan Maros General Hospital which discussed the planning function, procurement function, care function and rescue function. This study  used qualitative research with the type descriptive research that did not test certain hypotheses. It  was to find out the logistics management. The results showed that planning function indicators were categorized as good because they were structured. Logistics goods procurement, the implementation of the procurement function had not been well categorized, according to the nature of the procurement was already using direct procurement. Then in the goods maintenance function was effective but did not damage goods that were not suitable for use, the change depends on the procurement process itself. The implementation of the appointment function indicator could not be categorized as good or bad this year, but there had not been a removal of goods

    Pemanfaatan Pekarangan dan Sampah Organik di Kelurahan Pejarakan Karya

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    One of the health problems in Indonesia today which is also a global pandemic is the spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 cases. The Indonesian government through Presidential Decree No.11 of 2020 concerning the Determination of Public Health Emergencies for Corona Virus Disease 2019 has stated that COVID-19 is a public health emergency that is prevention efforts must be made. The fairly dense population living in this area can cause the spread of the COVID-19 virus to accelerate if comprehensive prevention efforts are not made. Every individual needs to make efforts to prevent the development and spread of the COVID-19 virus. Actions that can be taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Pejarakan Karya Village are by consuming healthy and nutritious food which is realized by creating a Sustainable Home Yard Socialization (P2L) program and to support the Sustainable Home Yard program a P2L pilot area and fertilizer manufacturing plant have been created. organic liquid made from household waste that can be used by the surrounding community. Keywords: Penjarakan Karya, COVID-19 prevention, yard, liquid organic fertilize

    Penentuan Parameter Fused Deposition Modeling Untuk Mencapai Kekuatan Tarik Optimal Dengan Metode Taguchi

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) merupakan proses untuk membangun sebuah benda atau komponen layer-by-layer secara bottom-up berdasarkan data desain 3D yang telah dibuat. AM memiliki kelebihan terkait kompleksitas dan kustomisasi dibanding manufaktur tradisional yang harganya semakin meningkat jika benda yang dibuat semakin kompleks. AM memiliki beberapa teknologi, salah satu yang paling banyak digunakan adalah Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). FDM merupakan proses pembuatan benda dimana filamen yang dipanaskan pada ujung nozzle atau print head akan meleleh dan nozzle tersebut bergerak di area kerja membentuk lapisan-lapisan. ABS adalah bahan umum rekayasa penggunaan akhir yang digunakan pada teknologi FDM yang memiliki kekuatan tarik yang kecil dibanding material-material lain. Kekuatan tarik memiliki peranan penting dalam perencanaan suatu produk yang berkaitan dengan penarikan dan penggunaan beban dengan nilai tertentu. Perencanaan tersebut dilakukan agar produk dapat bekerja dengan baik sesuai dengan fungsinya. Perlu adanya pendekatan agar dapat memaksimalkan kekuatan tarik sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas produk yang dicetak dengan adanya optimalisasi parameter. Taguchi pada penelitian ini menjadikan produk kokoh (robust) terhadap adanya faktor-faktor pengganggu (noise) agar dapat meminimalkan penyimpangan produk dari karakteristik kualitas yang telah ditetapkan sehingga ketika sampai pada konsumen produk benarbenar layak digunakan karena sesuai dengan spesifikasi yang ditetapkan. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan identifikasi faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh pada kekuatan tarik dan mengidentifikasi parameter yang tidak dapat dikendalikan yang berpengaruh terhadap tekuatan tarik material ABS, menetapkan faktor beserta level dari masing-masing faktor, menetapkan Orthogonal Array dan jumlah replikasi. Selanjutnya, pelaksanaan eksperimen menggunakan spesimen uji ASTM D638 yang dibuat menggunakan 3D printer dengan merk XYZprinting berdasarkan penugasan faktor dan level faktor pada Orthogonal array, melakukan pengumpulan data uji dengan proses pengujian tarik menggunakan mesin uji tarik universal dan melakukan pengolahan data menggunakan metode Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) sehingga didapatkan kombinasi faktor dan level faktor yang optimal serta memprediksi kondisi optimal dan menghitung interval kepercayaan untuk eksperimen konfirmasi. Eksperimen konfirmasi merupakan prosedur untuk melakukan validasi terhadap setting faktor dan level faktor dengan cara membandingkan nilai interval kepercayaan untuk kondisi optimal dan konfirmasi. Hasil penelitian yan dilakukan didapatkan faktor yang memiliki pengaruh paling besar terhadap kekuatan tarik material ABS dengan teknologi Fused Deposition Modeling yaitu Faktor B (Layer Height) dengan nilai persentase kontribusi sebesar 67.544%, Faktor D (Shell Number) dengan nilai persentase kontribusi sebesar 5.899% , Faktor A (Nozzle Temperature) dengan nilai persentase kontribusi sebesar 1.826% dan yang terkecil merupakan Faktor C (Nozzle Speed) dengan nilai persentase kontribusi sebesar 1.573%. sedangkan untuk setting level faktor optimal yang didapatkan yaitu faktor A level 1 (Nozzle Temperature 220ÌŠC), faktor B level 1 (Layer Height 0.2 mm), faktor C level 3 (Nozzle Speed 30 mm/s) dan faktor D level 3 (Shell Number 3). Hasil dari eksperimen konfirmasi yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai setiap parameter pengukuran masih berada dalam interval kepercayaan prediksi, sehingga hasil dari eksperimen Taguchi diterima dengan kekuatan tarik optimal sebesar 3.401 kN