8 research outputs found

    Understanding the implementation of an at-home language test: A case of an online version of TOEFL-PBT

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    An at-home test is a unique mode of language test delivery as a result of mass-gathering prohibition during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the uniqueness, little is known about how to effectively implement an at-home test. This study aims to provide a deeper understanding of the test by exploring the execution of the online version of TOEFL-PBT in the Language Center of Syiah Kuala University. Four test administrators were interviewed to share their experiences and opinions related to considerations for implementing an at-home proficiency test, which includes technological resources, security, and validity concerns. The data were then analyzed descriptively. The results of this study revealed that the Language Center used Safe Exam Browser to deliver the test and Zoom to supervise the test-takers in real time. The proctors could stop the test and privately investigate the test takers using the Zoom Breakout feature. The validity of the test was claimed not to be a concern since the test provider used the same form of questions as the offline version. In addition, the Language Center expressed exhaustion in carrying out the online test, thus suggesting the development of a less complicated procedure of an at-home test

    “Did They Review My Work Correctly?”: Students’ Perspectives towards the Implementation of Peer Review

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    The notion of utilizing peer review to assist student’s performance in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms has been the focus of research, yet there are still some shortcomings emerged in its implementation from both students’ and teachers’ sides. This study aims to determine students’ perspectives towards the implementation of peer review technique in their English writing class. The relevant data of this study are obtained by giving online survey questionnaire consisting of 14 questions regarding their perception towards the implementation of peer review technique in the students’ previous Argumentative Writingclassroom of Syiah Kuala University. The responses are analyzed by employing both of quantitative and qualitative method. The result of the analysis indicates that most of the students perceive that peer review is useful for the success of their learning, while at the same time 50% of them still get anxiety while giving feedback due to lack of English competence. Students’ responses also suggest that teacher intervention is the most essential factor in giving appropriate feedback since students are unconfident of their friends work and still favor teacher’s correction

    Supporting Literacy of English Language Learners in Mainstream Classrooms

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    English language learners (ELLs) may not yet be proficient enough to participate in a mainstream classroom in the U.S. schools, and they often feel anxious, frustrated, and embarrassed. Identifying best instructional practices to foster literacy learning of ELLs has been an urgent priority in research given the fact that the ELLs population continues to increase. Teachers in the U.S classrooms need to be equipped with sufficient knowledge and skills to meet the needs of these students. In this paper, current understanding of teaching literacy to ELLs in elementary classroom is presented, which revolve around discussion of oral language, complex text, and teacher engagement which is both culturally and linguistically relevant

    Assessing Indonesian college students’ reading stamina in reading different text formats

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    Reading stamina, a term for someone’s ability to keep reading in one sit, is believed to be affected by the reading formats. Despite the crucial benefit of reading stamina for lifelong reading performance, it has not received much attention in literacy research. This study, thus, aims to find out the effect of reading formats (digital and print) on the reading stamina of college students. 70 Indonesian college students taking an English course were involved in this study. They were divided into two groups. 35 of them were asked to read a novel in digital format and the rest were asked to read a novel in print format for four-time meetings (30 minutes each). Their reading stamina was assessed through a reading behavior observation sheet. The students’ perception about their reading behavior was also collected through a self-reflection questionnaire adapted from Lynch (2018). The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively. The result showed that there was an increase in the students’ reading stamina for digital format from meeting one through meeting four, but a decrease in print format. Additionally, statistical analysis showed that there was a significant difference in the students’ reading stamina between those who read digital and print format (t (68) = 5.013, p < 0.05, d = 1.2). Regarding the students’ perception about their reading behavior, 69.20% of them mentioned that reading in print format was easier than reading digital format. These findings suggest that choosing appropriate reading format is pivotal for college students since abundant reading resources are available nowadays

    Understanding Language Testing Impacts in Optimizing Its Positive Washback

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    This article aims to discuss the impacts of language testing on someone’s personal life continuance and how language teachers should compromise to this reality and bring out the positive impacts that language testing can have on language learning (positive washback). The rationale of position of language testing in determining the flow of education, job and movement is firstly reviewed and then the cases of language testing impacts on various contexts is explored from previous studies. We then try to point out the main keys to maintain and optimize the positive washback from the existence of language testing. The consideration includes a good coordination between test producers, teachers and test-takers. Teachers, in addition, should provide follow-up teaching activities from the results of the students’ tests

    Reviewing the Maintenance of Acehnese Language from the Language Policy and Planning Perspectives

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    For over the last decade, the number of Acehnese speakers has continuously declined. The obstruction of Acehnese transfer from one generation to the next generation is believed to contribute to this condition. This paper addresses the role of language policy and planning to overcome the mentioned problem. The situation of Acehnese use and the studies related to this topic are reviewed to conclude the suggestions for the improvement of Acehnese language policy and planning. The results of the review indicate that the Acehnese language policy and planning is not well prepared, specifically related to corpus planning which affects Acehnese teaching in school. In addition, the local government does not optimally support the efforts of using Acehnese in public


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    Masalah siswa tidak mampu berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris karena masalah linguistik dan psikologis masih banyak terjadi di kelas bahasa Inggris saat ini, seperti yang terjadi di SMPN 6 Kecamatan Meureubo, Kabupaten Aceh Barat. Para siswa memiliki kosakata bahasa Inggris dan waktu praktik yang terbatas serta tidak percaya diri untuk berbicara. Literatur menunjukkan bahwa teknik Information Gap dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk membantu memecahkan masalah berbicara Bahasa Inggris siswa dengan menerapkan teknik Information Gap dalam kegiatan mengajar. Teknik tersebut diterapkan pada topik Pengenalan Diri untuk siswa Kelas VII. Kegiatan ini dilakukan pada 19 Oktober 2021 selama satu hari. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah siswa menunjukkan semangat untuk berusaha berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, siswa setuju bahwa teknik ini bermanfaat bagi mereka untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara. Disarankan bagi para guru di SMPN 6 Meureubo untuk tetap menerapkan teknik Information Gap dalam pembelajaran berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas