3,799 research outputs found

    Analisis Kekuatan Landasan Aluminium Pada Perangkat Brakiterapi Medium Doserate

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    A STRENGHT ANALYSIS OF THE ALUMINiUM ANVIL OF THE MEDIUM DOSE RATE (MDR) BRACHYTHERAPHY EQUIPMENT. A strenght analysis of the aluminium anvil of the medium dose rate (MDR) brachytheraphy equipment has ben performed. The analysis is to evaluate the strenght of anvil structure used in brachytheraphy equipmen. The anvil serves to connect the wire driver module, the source container module and the channels distributor module. The method is to analyze stresses by using mathematical model. The analysis shows that the aluminium anvil has the largest stress at 6,676 N/mm2 and it is still under the yeild stress at 199,73 N/mm2 . Evaluation results of the structure analysis can be used in designing the anvil for MDR brachytheraphy equipment. ANALISIS KEKUATAN LANDASAN ALUMINIUM PADA PERANGKAT BRAKITERAPI MEDIUM DOSERATE (MDR). Telah dilakukan analisis kekuatan landasan aluminium pada perangkat Brakiterapi medium doserate (MDR). Analisis dilakukan untuk mengetahui kekuatan struktur landasan perangkat brakiterapi. Landasan berfungsi menghubungkan modul penggerak sling, modul container sumber dan modul distributor chanel. Metode yang dilakukan adalah menganalisis tegangan dengan menggunakan pemodelan matematika. Dari analisis diperoleh bahwa nilai tegangan stress sebesar 6,676 N/mm2 masih jauh dibawah nilai yield sebesar 199,73 N/mm2. Hasil evaluasi dari analisis pada struktur tersebut dapat digunakan dalam desain landasan untuk perangkat brakiterapi MD

    Penentuan Urutan Perakitan Bagian Bergerak Dari Modul Distributor Channel Pada Perangkat Brakiterapi Dengan Kriteria Dimensi Dan Mating

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    A DETERMINATION OF THE ASSEMBLING SEGUENCES FOR THE MOVING SECTION OF THE DISTRIBUTOR CHANNEL MODULE ON THE BRACHYTHERAPY DEVICE BY USING DIMENTION AND MATING CRITERIA. A Determination of The assembling seguences for the moving section of the distributor channel module on the brachytherapy device by using dimention and mating criteria has been made. The moving section of the distributor channel module contains of 10 components. The criteria to be used are the date base of dimension and matings (Coincidence contrain, Contac coincidence, and Fix Component). The components are assembled or installed by following the assembly sequences during the assembly design by using Catia V5R17. The assembly process is created as a guide to assist good and right assembly step. The results of this process can be used as a seguence determinations for assembling the moving section of the channel distributor module on the medium dose rate brachytherapy device. PENENTUAN URUTAN PERAKITAN BAGIAN BERGERAK MODUL DISTRIBUTOR CHANNEL PADA PERANGKAT BRAKITERAPI DENGAN KRITERIA DIMENSI DAN MATING. Telah dibuat penentuan urutan perakitan bagian bergerak modul distributor channel pada perangkat mekanik brakiterapi untuk kanker servik. Bagian bergerak modul distributor channel terdiri dari 10 jenis komponen. Kriteria yang dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan basis data dimensi dan mating (Coincidence contrain, Contack coincidence dan Fix Componen ). Komponen dirakit atau dipasang mengikuti proses urutan perakitan pada waktu desain menggunakan Catia V5R17. Proses perakitan dibuat sebagai pemandu langkah untuk membantu perakitan yang baik dan benar. Hasil dari proses tersebut dapat dijadikan penentuan urutan perakitan bagian bergerak modul distributor channel pada perangkat brakiterapi medium dose rate

    Pengaruh Atribut Sidlacom Terhadap Penilaian Kinerja Jasa Konsultansi Core Team Jalan Nasional Pada Snvt-p2jn Provinsi Gorontalo

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    Consultant has a very important role in coordinating project at the planning and supervision step. At present the performance of companion consultancy service (core team) in SNVT-P2JN Gorontalo is based on the absorption of core team's contract value itself. This study aims to determine the effect of SIDLACOM (Survey, Investigation, Design, Land acquisition, Action program, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance) attributes towards core team's performance in the working area of SNVT-P2JN Gorontalo. Analysis results of four methods, i.e. IPA method, CSI method, factor analysis, and regression analysis show that the attributes which determine the effect of SIDLACOM are: (1) Survey, consist of data accuracy and validation; (2) Investigation, consist of investigation of problem and obstacle control in the site and investigation of method accuracy; (3) Detail Engineering Design, consist of inspection of DED anticipation towards the changes in the site, appropriate of dimension in accordance with technical standard and criteria; and relevant to the technology; (4) Land Acquisition, consist of accuracy of land acquisition cost analysis; (5) Action Program, consist of examination of accurate DED preparation; (6) Construction, consist of making of road construction Standard Operating Procedure (SOP); (7) Operational, consist of investigation of traffic volume growth prediction data preparation; and (8) Maintenance, consist of the progress of making road maintenance Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Keywords: core team, performance appraisal, SIDLACOM Konsultan memiliki peran penting dalam melakukan koordinasi pekerjaan proyek pada tahap perencanaan dan pengawasan. Selama ini penilaian kinerja jasa konsultansi pendamping (core team) di lingkungan SNVT-P2JN Gorontalo dilakukan berdasarkan penyerapan nilai kontrak. P2JN belum memiliki metode penilaian kinerja core team ditinjau dari tugas dan fungsinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh atribut SIDLACOM (Survey, Investigation, Design, Land Acquisition, Action Program, Construction, Operation, Maintenance) terhadap penilaian kinerja core team di wilayah kerja SNVT-P2JN Gorontalo. Metode nalisis yang digunakan adalah metode IPA, CSI, analisis faktor dan regresi, yang hasil analisisnya menyimpulkan beberapa atribut SIDLACOM yang berpengaruh terhadap penilaian kinerja core team: (1) Survey, meliputi kesiapan akurasi dan validasi data; (2) Investigation, meliputi pengendalian masalah dan kendala serta pemeriksaan ketepatan metode yang digunakan; (3) Detail Engineering Design, meliputi antisipasi terhadap Perubahan di lapangan, kesesuaian dimensi terhadap standar dan kriteria teknis, dan relevansinya terhadap perkembangan teknologi; (4) Land Acquisition, meliputi analisis kebutuhan biaya pengadaan lahan; (5) Action Program, meliputi penyusunan desain dan program pendanaan yang akurat; (6) Construction, meliputi pembuatan manual pekerjaan jalan; (7) Operational, meliputi penyusunan data prediksi pertumbuhan volume lalulintas; dan (8) Maintenance, meliputi pembuatan manual pemeliharaan jalan. Kata

    Simple Estimation Air Temperature From Modis Lst in Gifu City, Japan

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    In the developing country or poor country difficult to access meteorological data such as air temperature, it\u27s caused by the limitation of equipment or funding. Air temperature is one of the meteorological data commonly used to predict evaporation or to understanding climatic condition in a specific location. Nowadays from satellite data can estimate some meteorological data. But the detail of explanations about how to get and how to use satellite data is limited and difficult to adopt for beginners. This paper explains how to get MODIS LST data to estimate air temperature data study case in Gifu City, Japan. The results show data from MODIS LST is higher than data from the local meteorological station for day time and lower for night time, but still can use because the pattern is similar. Mean of maximum air temperature and minimum air temperature can be used as daily average air temperature. MOD11A2 product data was better than MYD11A2 data to predict air temperature. MODIS LST data can be used for untouched areas like desert or forest

    Reaktualisasi Nilai Islam dalam Budaya Minangkabau melalui Kebijakan Desentralisasi

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    The decentralization have been represent the form of law development in pasca-reform 1998 era. Stipulate of regulation in Solok Sub-Province represents responsibility to this policy. Through this institution, the Minangkabau's elite figure shown the integration of Islamic value with Minangkabau's culture to maintain its individuality in modern era

    Efektifitas Metode Diskusi Dan Ceramah Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Beragama Pada Mata Pelajaran Pai Siswa Kelas IX Di SMP 03 Dan SMP 07 Kota Gorontalo

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    Kecenderungan mengikuti gaya hidup yang baru, yang «trendy» dan menempatkan nilai-nilai baru dalam ukuran keberhasilan telah merusak dan menghancurkan nilai-nilai tradisional yang sebelumnya dipegang teguh dan diyakini sebagai kebenaran. Nilai yang mementingkan kebersamaan dan menumbuhkan sikap gotong royong dilibas oleh nilai individualistis. Nilai yang meletakkan unsur spiritual berganti dengan unsur materi. Sikap yang mementingkan keselarasan dalam kehidupan bersama, sebagaimana yang telah mewarnai kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia, diubah menjadi sikap yang selalu mau bersaing dan memenangkan persaingan, tak peduli apapun caranya dan siapapun yang dihadapi. Didalam pendidikan khususnya pelajaran pendidikan agama Islam ditekankan bahwa kita harus menegakan agama yaitu agama Islam secara keseluruhan didalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dengan adanya pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam ini diharapkan kita lebih meningkatkan motivasi beragama.Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas penulis tertarik untuk meneliti tentang efektifitas metode diskusi dan metode ceramah dalam meningkatkan motivasi beragama pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Siswa Kelas IX di SMP 03 dan 07 Kota Gorontalo.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah efektifitas metode diskusi dan metode ceramah dalam meningkatkan motivasi beragama pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Siswa Kelas IX di SMP 03 dan 07 Kota Gorontal

    Small Group Discussion Strategy Towards Students\u27 Reading Comprehension of SMA Negeri 11 Bulukumba

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    The objective of this research was to find out the effectiveness of Small Group Discussion Strategy in improving the students\u27 reading comprehension ability at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 11 Bulukumba. This research employed quasi experimental design with pre-test and post-test design. There were two variables; they are independent variable (Small Group Discussion Strategy) and dependent variable (the students\u27 reading comprehension). The population of this research was the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 11 Bulukumba in academic year 2013/2014 which consisted of 122 students. The researcher took 56 students as the sample of the research with 28 students as experimental class in XI IPA 1 and 28 students as control class in XI IPA 2. The sample was selected by using purposive sampling. The instrument of this research was a written testused in pre-test and post-test. The result of the data indicated that there was a significant difference between students\u27 post-test in experimental class and controlled class. The mean score of post-test (77.3) in experimental class was greater than the mean score of post-test (71.9) in controlled class and from t-test, the researcher found that the value of t-test (3.176) was greater than t-table (2.000) at the level of significances. It means that this is a significant difference between the result of the students\u27 pre-test and post-test. Therefore, H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. Based on the finding and discussion of the research, the researcher had drawn a conclusion that the use of Small Group Discussion Strategy in Improvingthe student\u27s reading comprehension at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 11 Bulukumba was effective

    Entrepreneurial Management Coastal Muslim in the Village Bongo Gorontalo

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    The aim of this research activities to proving the entrepreneurial management of the coastal Muslim community in the village of Bongo. Experimental design used in this research is quasi experiment with the design of "The One-group pre-test - Post-test Design". The results showed that the model of functional skills for women of fishermen in the village of Bongo district of Gorontalo, can be seen from several aspects, namely: (1) The control / understanding of learners (female fisherman in the village of Bongo) of the learning materials functional skills wives of the fishermen in the form of entrepreneurship, practice makes kolombengi taste of fish, practice makes fish nuggets and practice makes sticks corn fish. (2) understanding wives of the fishermen village of Bongo towards community empowerment programs and Improved skills of students in the field of entrepreneurship, especially in terms of business development and business administration, and (3 ) the ability of learners work together in a business group that can produce a product with the criteria and processes in place