28 research outputs found


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    Evaluasi pembelajaran berbasis portofolio merupakan salah satu pilihan yang dapat digunakan dalam evaluasi pembelajaran. Kelebihan dari evaluasi berbasis portofolio adalah penilaian dilakukan secara adil, objektif, transparan dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan tanpa mengurangi kreativitas peserta didik di kelas. Selain itu, penilaian portofolio mampu mengajak peserta didik untuk belajar bertanggung jawab terhadap apa yang telah mereka kerjakan, baik di kelas maupun di luar kelas dalam rangka implementasi program pembelajaran. Teknik penilaian yang dikembangkan pada evaluasi berbasis portofolio adalah teknik tes dan non tes. Teknik non-tes dengan mengembangkan rubrik-rubrik penilaian portofolio praktikum, portofolio proyek, presentasi proyek serta digunakan teknik tes untuk penilaian tes tulis. Permasalahan yang muncul pada penelitian adalah sulitnya menentukan format penilaian standar dalam penilaian portofolio, sehingga dibutuhkan format penilaian portofolio yang baku dalam membuat keputusan akhir. Format penilaian portofolio dikembangkan berdasarkan tujuan pembelajaran dan kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan. Penilaian portofolio memiliki empat variabel penilaian yaitu, portofolio praktikum, pengerjaan proyek, presentasi proyek dan tes tulis siswa. Dari keempat variabel penilaian diakumulasikan menjadi nilai akhir. Kata kunci : Evaluasi pembelajaran, Portofolio, Objektif Portfolio-based assessment is one option that can be used in the evaluation of learning. The advantages of portfolio-based assesment is the assessment carried out in a fair, objective, transparent and accountable without compromising creativity of learners in the classroom. In addition, portfolio-based assessment was able to invite students learn to be responsible for what they have done, both in the classroom and outside the classroom in order to implement the learning program. Assessment techniques developed in the portfolio-based assesment are based test and non-test techniques. Non-test techniques to develop assessment rubrics practicum portfolio, project portfolio, project presentation and test techniques used for the assessment of written tests. The problems that arise in the study is the difficulty of determining the format of a standard assessment in portfolio-based assessment, so it takes the format of a portfolio that is standard in making the final decision. The format of portfolio-based assessment is developed based on the learning objectives and learning activities to be carried out. Portfolio-based assessment has four variables assessment, they are practicum portfolio, project, project presentations and written tests students. Of the four variables are accumulated into a final value assessment. Keywords: Evaluation of learning, portfolio, Objectiv

    Analisa Karakteristik Dielektrik dan Kimia Minyak Gas To Liquid (GTL) Sebagai Media Isolasi Transformator

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    Gas to Liquid transformer oil with iso-paraffinic as the main constituent is an alternative insulating medium with fewer impurities, therefore its insulating strength is increasing. This study aims to determine the relationship of changes in the dielectric characteristics of transformer oil to changes in the chemical characteristics of gas to liquid oil. The object of research for gas to liquid oil is treated as the actual condition of the transformer at a temperature of 1000C, then thermal aging was carried out with temperatures of 1200C and 1500C starting from 362 hours to 1008 hours. the dielectric loss value of transformer oil still met the standard value used, namely ASTM D924 of 0.0015%, but the resistivity value was not in accordance with the standard specified by IEC 60442 which was 60 Gm. The value of chemical characteristics such as water content is above the ASTM D1533 standard of 35 mg/kg, the value of the acid content of the oil is above the ASTM D974 standard of 0.20 mg KOH/g, and the color scale value exceeds the predetermined limit of ASTM D1500 by 0,5

    Distribusi Medan Listrik di Kompartemen Busbar Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) Menggunakan Charge Simulation Method

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengilustrasikan distribusi medan listrik di kompartemen busbar tipe gas insulated switchgear (GIS). Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) merupakan rangkaian peralatan gardu induk yang terpasang di dalam sebuah metal enclosure dan diisolasi oleh gas bertekanan yaitu Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6). Dalam simulasi ini, diasumsikan titik referensi berada di sekitar contact pin busbar, dan titik muatan buatan berada disekitar kompartemen busbar. Simulasi dilakukan dengan menentukan titik referensi dan titik muatan bantuan untuk menghitung nilai muatan yang akan dicari yaitu contact pin. Titik muatan buatan ini terletak disembarang titik disekitar kompartemen busbar GIS dan akan dihitung nilai muatannya melalui metode simulasi muatan (charge simulation method)  dengan bantuan komputasi Matla

    Persebaran Medan Listrik akibat Proses Exothermic Welding pada Kabel Tegangan Menengah 20 kV

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    In the 20 kV distribution system, insulated cables and conductors of fibrous and solid copper are used. Some problems on 20 kV system occur due to the line length of the lines. This obstacle occurs in the cable, mostly at the cable connection. To overcome this problem, a cable connection technique known as extothermic welding was developed. However, in this process, it is also undeniable that there is a thickening due to the contact which causes the uneven distribution of the electric field in the cable. To see the distribution of the electric field on the surface of the cable that was carried out by the exothermic welding process, a simulation was carried out in FEMM 4.2 with 3 final connection conditions, namely perfect jointing, jointing with a thickness of 0.5 mm and jointing with a thickness of 1 mm. As a result of this imperfect connection, the distribution of the electric field on the surface cable is uneven. There was a high electric field surge at the ends of the cable joint with a thickness of 1 mm and a reduced surge in the cable with a thickness of 0.5 mm at the joint. In a perfect connection, the distribution of the electric field occurs evenly

    Monitoring of Rice Dryer Machine Using Tray Dryer Method

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    Indonesia is an agricultural country with 40% of the population's livelihood provided by farmers. Harvested rice typically has a moisture content of 20-27% on a wet basis. The type of artificial dryer that is often used is the tub or rotary type. This research aims to develop a rice dryer using a combined tray and rotary-type method. Based on the result, the higher the speed dryer, the shorter the drying time. The net result of this test is that the relationship between time and engine speed is inversely proportional. The higher the speed, the shorter the drying time. The net result of this test is that the relationship between time and engine speed is inversely proportional. Rice drying results can be described as dry, but not including ready-to-eat rice standards. The higher the speed, the shorter the drying time

    ANALISA CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT (Studi Kasus : Proyek Pembangunan Aston Ciloto Puncak Hotel Resort - jalan Ciloto no.54 Cipanas, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat)

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    Activities in the implementation of construction generate a lot of construction waste that has a negative impact on the surrounding environment and is also the biggest contributor to environmental damage that is one of the factors of the onset of construction waste. with one of the construction waste to realize green construction (environmentally friendly). This study aims to (1) to find out the type of construction waste of the Aston Ciloto Puncak Hotel Resort Development Project (2) to find out the cause of construction waste (3) to know the effectiveness of Waste Management to realize Green Construction (4) to know that the importance of Green Construction This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. The study samples used purvosive sampling method. The person who will be the source is the contractor who handles the construction project of Aston Ciloto Hotel Resort. this study knows the effectiveness of contractors in construction waste management efforts and also to find out the causes of construction waste. The result of this study is (1) the type of constructural waste from the 3 buildings is dominated by solid waste and for gas waste and search is almost invisible or little. (2) The cause of construction waste in the 3 buildings is caused by design changes that become one of the highest factors resulting in construction waste with an index of 0.014. (3) Assessment of Waste Management Peformance Evaluation Tools (WMPET) shows that construction waste management in the 3rd development is very effective to reduce construction waste. The value of effectiveness obtained is 715.00 or 71.50% of 1000

    The Development of Translation Capability for the Holy Quran of Student of Teacher Candidate for Islamic Religious Education: A Tamyiz Learning and Teaching Strategy

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    It has become a Global Issue that the quality of education will never exceed the quality of teachers. Therefore, improving the quality of teachers should be the main priority of every party concerned about the quality of education, including religious education in schools. Therefore, improving the quality of Islamic Religious Education (IRE) teachers needs to be a priority for every educational institution that prints candidates for religious teachers, one of which is the study program of Islamic Education Science (IPAI) at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) as part of efforts to improve religious education in schools. One of the competencies that IRE teachers need to have is the ability to translate the Quran. Related to this matter, this paper specifically describes how the implementation of tamyîz method to improve the ability of the student to translate the Quran as prospective teachers of IRE at Schools. The tamyîz method is an innovative method of learning Arabic developed by Abaza, M.M. This paper used qualitative research with descriptive methodTelah menjadi suatu Isu Global bahwa kualitas pendidikan tidak akan pernah melebihi kualitas guru. Karenanya, peningkatan kualitas guru harus menjadi prioritas utama setiap pihak yang berkepentingan akan kualitas pendidikan, termasuk pendidikan agama di sekolah. Atas dasar itulah, peningkatan kualitas guru PAI perlu menjadi prioritas setiap lembaga pendidikan yang mencetak calon-calon guru agama, salah satunya program studi Ilmu Pendidikan Agama Islam (IPAI) di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) sebagai bagian dari upaya peningkatan pendidikan agama di sekolah. Salah satu kompetensi yang perlu dimiliki guru PAI adalah kemampuan menerjemahkan Alquran. Terkait hal tersebut, tulisan ini secara khusus mendeskripsikan bagaimana implementasi metode tamyîz dalam perkuliahan Ulum Alquran di Prodi IPAI, UPI sebagai upaya membekali kemampuan menerjemahkan Alquran kepada para mahasiswa sebagai calon guru PAI. Metode Tamyîz merupakan metode inovatif dalam belajar bahasa Arab yang dikembangkan oleh Abaza, M.M. Sekaitan dengan hal tersebu, pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskripti

    Studi Kelayakan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Minihidro Cilaki Kapasitas 5000 kW

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    Tenaga air telah digunakan untuk berbagai kebutuhan tenaga (energi) sejak lama, mulai dari teknologi sederhana (seperti kincir air di pedesaan) hingga teknologi yang kompleks dengan menggunakan berbagai turbin. Ada banyak sungai di Kabupaten Garut di Jawa Barat yang bisa berkembang menjadi pembangkit listrik dari kecil hingga besar. Sungai Cilaki merupakan salah satu sungai yang dapat dimanfaatkan dan berpotensi untuk menghasilkan listrik pada skala hidroelektrik kecil. Studi kelayakan dimulai dengan analisis hidrologi, perhitungan daya dan energi, perencanaan peralatan mekanik dan listrik, analisis ekonomi dan analisis lingkungan. Hasil analisis hidrologi Sungai Cilaki menunjukkan bahwa sungai tersebut berpotensi memiliki debit tahunan yang stabil sebesar 4.2 m3 / dt dengan probabilitas debit 70%. Ketinggian pipa penstock PLTM ini adalah 100,5 m, sehingga efisiensi turbin masing-masing generator dengan turbin Francis horizontal adalah 90% dan masing-masing dapat menghasilkan 3500 kW dan 1576 kW. Hasil analisis finansial menunjukkan bahwa rencana pembangunan PLTM dengan biaya investasi Rp 63.660.430.800,00 layak karena NPV 39.528 dan IRR 19,69% masih lebih tinggi dari suku bunga pinjaman 14%

    Rancang Bangun Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gelombang Laut Menggunakan Sistem Oscillating Water Column

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    Ocean wave power plant is one of the plants that uses sea waves as the main energy. Although the amount of energy is abundant, in Indonesia the use of sea waves as electricity generators is still small. This is due to the lack of human resources to manage the wave energy of sea water. Many research studies on the Oscillating Water Column have been carried out, but it is only limited to a potential or feasibility study to be installed on the coast. Therefore, the focus of this research is to design a sea wave power plant with an oscillating water column system. The working process of the tool begins by adjusting the pwm to drive the motor power window which is connected to the wave arm. When the wave arm moves back and forth, it will produce artificial ocean waves. Artificial waves in the chamber produce compressed air, the air produced is used to rotate the turbine blades that have been connected to the generator to produce electrical energy. The greatest voltage and current is obtained when the wind speed reaches 7.7 m / s and the largest pulley rotating speed reaches 31,9 rpm at the 17 cm water level, which is 3.03 V DC and 6,07 mA. The test results prove that the potential of water waves can be used to generate electricity The development of the capacity of ocean wave power plants can be done by changing the dimensions of the turbines and increasing the capacity of the generator

    Analisa Terjadinya Electrical Treeing Pada Isolator Komposit dengan Bahan Pengisi Serat Pelepah Nipah

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    Technological developments in materials are increasingly evolving, one form of development is the type of composite insulation. One of the natural fiber composites currently available is a composite from palm fiber which provides increased dielectric strength. Partial discharge due to voids in the composite results in structures such as electrical treeing due to changes in the properties and morphology of the composite causing increased insulation failure and disrupting power distribution. This research tested the strength of Epoxy composite insulation and palm leaf ash filler. By combining these two materials, a complementary composite insulating material will be formed to prevent electrical treeing. The results of the research show that the composite insulating material with nipa palm fiber as filler has an average breakdown voltage value of 40 kV and is above the standard breakdown voltage value for medium voltage insulators of 30 kV. The addition of more and more palm leaf ash filling material will produce voids, thereby accelerating the occurrence of electrical treeing and decreasing the breakdown voltage of the insulation. &nbsp