2,680 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Katup Ekspansi Jenis Kapiler dan Termostatik terhadap Tekanan dan Temperatur pada Mesin Pendingin Siklus Kompresi Uap Hibrida Menggunakan Refrigeran 22

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    Hybrid system is the system that can increase the energy efficiency by recovering waste energy of energy conversion machine. This research aims to investigate the vapor compression refrigeration machine performance that obtained by using capillary expansion valve, thermostatic expansion valve, and addition of hotspot water heater (HWH). The test was conducted with four variations of test, such as using capillary in standard condition, using thermostatic in standard condition, using capillary with HWH, and using thermostatic with HWH. The pressure and temperature data were collected in every 5 minutes during 120 minutes of operation. The results showed that the compressor pressures when using capillary and thermostatic types of expansion valve in standard condition were obtained at 340 Psia and 350 Psia. Meanwhile, the compressor pressures when using HWH addition were obtained at 350 Psia and 291 Psia. The capillary expansion valve pressures in standard condition and with HWH were increased by 4.50 % and 11.13 % respectively to the thermostatic pressures. The compressor temperatures using capillary in standard condition decreased by 4.03 %, but using capillary in HWH condition increased by 1.60 % to the thermostatic temperatures. The inlet temperature of HWH coil using thermostatic was increased by 2.31 % to the temperature of coil while using capillary. Meanwhile, the outlet temperature was decreased by 11.22 %


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    AbstractOver time, the roads will inevitably suffer damage. Roads as a means of supporting the economy do not receive proper maintenance and repair. One of the problems is the limited budget and the inaccurate allocation of funds for priority road repairs. To solve the problem of road repairs, a system is needed to determine the priority order of the repaired roads first, thus optimizing the limited budget. The limited budget of funds from village infrastructure means that village officials must record which ones should be prioritized. In the village of Cilangkap, the village level records and reports on road repair problems or infrastructure are still using manual paper, making it vulnerable to document loss and budget misuse practices, so the author wants to create a system that can overcome these problems in the form of AHP Algorithm implementation to determine road infrastructure priorities in Cilangkap village. The method used is Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results of this enelitianis to create a website to calculate the value of alternatives such as road repair proposal based on the criteria that have been set, so it can be used as a basis for decision-making to determine the priority road improvements. Based on the calculation of the criteria and alternatives for the first road section of Cicenga-Ciburih 0.158980253, second Cigandok-Lengasar 0.153384629, third Cijeruk-Panyindangan 0.141288856, and finally Cijablog-Lengsar 0.108639971Keywords : Infrastructure, Road Repair, Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP, PrioritySeiring berjalannya waktu, jalan pasti akan mengalami kerusakan. Jalan sebagai salah satu sarana penopang perekonomian kurang mendapatkan perawatan dan perbaikan yang tepat. Salah satu masalahnya yaitu keterbatasan anggaran dan kurang tepatnya pengalokasian dana untuk prioritas perbaikan jalan. Untuk mengatasi masalah perbaikan jalan, dibutuhkan sistem yang menentukan urutan prioritas jalan yang diperbaiki terlebih dahulu, sehingga mengoptimalkan anggaran yang terbatas. Anggaran dana dari sarana prasarana desa yang terbatas membuat perangkat desa harus mendata mana yang harus diprioritaskan. Pada desa Cilangkap perngkat desa mendata dan melaporkan masalah perbaikan jalan ataupun infrastruktur masih menggunakan kertas manual, sehingga rentan terhadap kehilangan dokumen dan praktik penyalahgunaan anggaran sehingga penulis ingin membuat sebuah system yang dapat mengatasi masalah tersebut berupa Implementasi Algoritma AHP untuk menentukan prioritas infrastruktur jalan di desa cilangkap. Metode yang digunakan adalah Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah membuat sebuah website untuk menghitung nilai perangkingan dari alternatif-alternatif berupa usulan perbaikan jalan berdasarkan kriteria - kriteria yang telah ditetapkan, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai dasar dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk menentukan prioritas perbaikan jalan. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan kriteria dan alternatif ruas jalan pertama Cicenga-Ciburih 0,158980253, kedua Cigandok-Lengasar 0,153384629, ketiga Cijeruk-Panyindangan 0,141288856, dan terakhir Cijablog-Lengsar 0,108639971.Kata Kunci : Infrastruktur, Perbaikan Jalan, Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP, Prioritas


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    AbstractOver time, the roads will inevitably suffer damage. Roads as a means of supporting the economy do not receive proper maintenance and repair. One of the problems is the limited budget and the inaccurate allocation of funds for priority road repairs. To solve the problem of road repairs, a system is needed to determine the priority order of the repaired roads first, thus optimizing the limited budget. The limited budget of funds from village infrastructure means that village officials must record which ones should be prioritized. In the village of Cilangkap, the village level records and reports on road repair problems or infrastructure are still using manual paper, making it vulnerable to document loss and budget misuse practices, so the author wants to create a system that can overcome these problems in the form of AHP Algorithm implementation to determine road infrastructure priorities in Cilangkap village. The method used is Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results of this enelitianis to create a website to calculate the value of alternatives such as road repair proposal based on the criteria that have been set, so it can be used as a basis for decision-making to determine the priority road improvements. Based on the calculation of the criteria and alternatives for the first road section of Cicenga-Ciburih 0.158980253, second Cigandok-Lengasar 0.153384629, third Cijeruk-Panyindangan 0.141288856, and finally Cijablog-Lengsar 0.108639971Keywords : Infrastructure, Road Repair, Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP, PrioritySeiring berjalannya waktu, jalan pasti akan mengalami kerusakan. Jalan sebagai salah satu sarana penopang perekonomian kurang mendapatkan perawatan dan perbaikan yang tepat. Salah satu masalahnya yaitu keterbatasan anggaran dan kurang tepatnya pengalokasian dana untuk prioritas perbaikan jalan. Untuk mengatasi masalah perbaikan jalan, dibutuhkan sistem yang menentukan urutan prioritas jalan yang diperbaiki terlebih dahulu, sehingga mengoptimalkan anggaran yang terbatas. Anggaran dana dari sarana prasarana desa yang terbatas membuat perangkat desa harus mendata mana yang harus diprioritaskan. Pada desa Cilangkap perngkat desa mendata dan melaporkan masalah perbaikan jalan ataupun infrastruktur masih menggunakan kertas manual, sehingga rentan terhadap kehilangan dokumen dan praktik penyalahgunaan anggaran sehingga penulis ingin membuat sebuah system yang dapat mengatasi masalah tersebut berupa Implementasi Algoritma AHP untuk menentukan prioritas infrastruktur jalan di desa cilangkap. Metode yang digunakan adalah Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah membuat sebuah website untuk menghitung nilai perangkingan dari alternatif-alternatif berupa usulan perbaikan jalan berdasarkan kriteria - kriteria yang telah ditetapkan, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai dasar dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk menentukan prioritas perbaikan jalan. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan kriteria dan alternatif ruas jalan pertama Cicenga-Ciburih 0,158980253, kedua Cigandok-Lengasar 0,153384629, ketiga Cijeruk-Panyindangan 0,141288856, dan terakhir Cijablog-Lengsar 0,108639971.Kata Kunci : Infrastruktur, Perbaikan Jalan, Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP, Prioritas

    Superparamagnetic iron oxide as photocatalyst and adsorbent in wastewater treatment - a review

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    Superparamagnetic iron oxide has been applied in different fields for various reasons. Its abundant availability, non-toxic properties, environmentally friendly and good chemical stability in aqueous medium are beneficial for water treatment applications. In addition, its low bad gap (2.3 ~ 2.4 eV) has contributed to highly possible electrons-holes activation under the visible light spectrum. On the realization of iron oxide capabilities as a promising alternative to conventional anatase TiO2 photocatalysts, this review is presented to critically discuss the photocatalytic behaviour of organic water pollutants as a function of iron oxide properties. The concluding remarks in terms of the way forward in the opportunities of iron oxide superparamagnetic properties can benefit towards the photocatalytic activities including recycling, retrieving and controlling in wastewater treatment

    Preliminary study on degree of conversion of uv curable maleinated acrylated epoxidised palm oil pressure sensitive adhesives synthesised with isobornyl methacrylate monomer via FTIR-ATR analysis

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    UV curable PSA of maleinated acrylated epoxidised palm oil (MAEPO) from palm oil via UV LED lamp has been introduced with the existence of Chivacure 300 as photoinitiator. By involving the isobornyl methacrylate (ISBMA) as a monomer in the PSA formulation, the degree of conversion recorded low percentage of conversion, which was below 50 % although the loading of photoinitiator has been raised to 5 parts per hundred (phr). The ISBMA has affected to the slow curing speed on the maleinated PSA and restricted the conversion of C=C to more than 50 % even though the curing time and photoinitiator loading has been increased up to 300 min and 5 phr. It is expected that the double bonds are still present in the synthesised of PSA which indicated that most molecules were bonded at one end of another in methacrylate group. In the present study, real-Time FTIR-ATR spectroscopy was used to follow the crosslinking process of the adhesive and the adhesive properties of the cured coatings