9 research outputs found

    Legal Perspective of Forest Resources Management Community Based Study for Prosperity in the District Ngawi, East Java, Indonesia

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    Managing forest resources in Java during this run is centralized, policy decisions are top-down based state (state-based forest resource management) that Characterized the conflict and community action, especially during the reform, so it requires a new paradigm of forest resource comunity-based management (community-based forest resource management). The research objective to analyze the legal perspective and the community management of forest resources in Ngawi. The research method used is socio legal approach (socio-legal research) with qualitative naturalistic. The results Showed that the management of forest resources with the community (CBFM) in the perspective of the legal implications on the economic aspects of Reviews their Increased income of the rural community, the social aspect to an Increase in welfare and legal guarantees in the form of a cooperation agreement between the company and community forest village and ecological aspects in the which the function maintained forest preservation. Keywords: Forest, CBFM, and Prosperit


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    Enactment of Timber Legality Verification System (known as SVLK) is an important issue for wooden handicraft industry, particularly in Bantul District. The majority of wood industry in Bantul still relies on manual methods in doing the business so that the data processing system and the administrative system are not running well. It causes slow process in preparation of export documents. Information technology is needed to improve these conditions; among others, to facilitate the management of the business, to meet the accountability aspects of the business, and in particular to support the administration of SVLK to be more effective and efficient. This paper describes the experience of implementation of information systems to support SVLK on wooden handicraft export industry in Bantul. From the analysis of software requirements; it is known that wooden craft entrepreneurs need software that is able to record daily transactions for goods flows. Since the implementation is known that the transaction data can be processed and presented for various purposes, ranging from daily to annual reports, financial statements, and specifically for the purpose of taking care of SVLK documents for export. From the initial trials showed that the information system (SIP-LK) is successfully developed and meet to the industrial needs, mainly to suppress human error at the time of making the reports and simplify the process of preparing documents for export purposes. The main finding in the implementation is that although the software is ready to use, but the commitment of employers to use it consistently remains low


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    This research purposes to find an explanation how the role of social capital in development of forests for settlement of deforestation and forest resource management conflicts involving the community through CBFM. Another purpose of this study was seeking clarification community relations role of social capital in addressing deforestation forest, looking for explanations of social capital in the form of material activity and the implementation of the principles of CBFM, seeking an explanation of social capital utilization in CBFM implementation of conflict management, as well as finding an explanation elaboration capital and social forestry development. Research conducted in the Ngawi District covers an area of three KPH Ngawi, KPH Lawu Ds, and KPH Saradan. This study used qualitative analysis to analyze or explain the social capital in forestry development with a focus to understand social action in forest management with communities (CBFM) with descriptive method. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with resource persons who are considered to have in-depth information about deforestation, CBFM and conflict as well as field observations. The data analysis starts with organizing all the data, with information gathering step, through interviews, questionnaires and direct observatio

    Monitoring Implementation Impact of the EU-Indonesia’s VPA on SME Livelihood

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    The Europe Union (E.U.) has agreed to grant the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) license to Indonesia as the first country in the world to receive it. FLEGT VPA (Voluntary Partnership Agreement) is a bilateral agreement between the European Union (E.U.) and wood exporting countries, to improve forest governance sector and ensure that timber and wood products imported into the E.U. are produced by the laws and regulation of partner countries. The Indonesian government has obliged to implement Article 12 relating to social safeguards. Indonesia has to periodically monitor to see the extent to which the VPA has an environmental and social impact that affect the lives and welfare of vulnerable and marginalised groups. The purpose of this study is to analyse how the effect of implementation of the Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (SVLK) as part of VPA in the small and medium forestry industry sector. Methodology survey with focus group discussions, structured interviews, and semistructured interviews to find out the response and opinion of SME’s owner and employee addressed the effect of SVLK in East Java and Central Java, Indonesia. The theory of change (ToC) was used to consider the implications of SVLK implementation on the sustainable livelihood of small and medium enterprises (SME’s). The results of this study showed that SVLK had a more significant impact on livelihoods, as follows. First, the vulnerable and marginalised groups need to be supported by stakeholders to encourage readiness in faces of SVLK impact. Second, SVLK is susceptible to the effects and at risk of losing livelihoods for women and disabled groups in a short time. This group includes vulnerable groups of aspects of adaptability and sensitivity to the effect. Third, SME’s worker groups who do not have a labour organisation are sensitive to the impact on the workplace company. This group is classified as a group that is quite vulnerable if the effect lasts long enough and on a large scale of impact

    The Influence of Stand Density and Species Diversity Into Timber Production and Carbon Stock in Community Forest

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    Stand density and species diversity are two indicators that are highly related to forest productivity. However, the effect of those variables on the productivity of community forest is rarely documented. This study evaluates the influence of stand density and species diversity on timber production and carbon stock in the community forest. The study area was located in Madiun District. A field survey was conducted in four different community forest sites, i.e. Morang, Kuwiran, Randualas, and Kare. The sampling technique was by quadrat method using a sample plot size of 25 m x 25 m. The number of sample plots used in this study was 64 units, which were evenly distributed in every site. Comparison of stand attributes among sites was examined by Kruskal-Wallis test and followed by Kruskal-Nemenyi test on the effects of stand density and species diversity on timber production and carbon stock were assessed separately for each parameter using the generalized least square regression test. The process of statistical analysis was applied using a significance level of 5%. Results show a significant difference in stand volume, aboveground biomass, and carbon stock among sites (P<0.05). This study also recorded a meaningful effect of stand density and species diversity on timber production and carbon stock of community forest, wherein stand density provided a higher effect (R2 = 0.68; P<0.05) than species diversity (R2 = 0.26; P<0.05)

    The Approach in Selecting the Best Genetic Resistance against Invasive Aphid for Indigenous Tropical Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vriese in Indonesia

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    Pinus merkusii, a natural tropical pine species of Indonesia, is cultivated as the second most important artificial forest for the industry in Java, after teak, to produce oleoresin. Its genetic improvement began in 1977 because of its critical role in raising community incomes. Meanwhile, the effort for genetic improvement in aphid (Pineus boerneri) resistance has just recently started since its spread was only found broadly in Java by 2004. The second-generation progeny trial for this purpose was established in 2010, with materials from the best growing 34 families of the first generation. This study aimed to obtain the best pine genotypes through screening the existing natural variations found on important characters. The reported incidence of the trigger was when the experiment was attacked significantly at 30.7% after four years, while some 67 individuals were unexpectedly still performing well after six years. The results show that blocks affect differences for all traits of diameter, aphid resistance, and oleoresin productions, and all families differ except for the west-side yield of oleoresin production. Furthermore, heritability values at individual and family levels were moderate for the diameter (h2i = 0.16; h2f = 0.53) and eastern oleoresin (h2i = 0.14; h2f = 0.42). The gain is 4.3% when 30% of families with the best diameters are retained, while the genetic gain reaches 11% for oleoresin production. As one of the important traits in the breeding program, aphid resistance has a weakly inherited trait (h2i =0.07; h2f =0.29). Interestingly, this trait shows positive moderate genetic correlations with the two essential economic values of diameter (rg = 0.66) and oleoresin production (rg = 0.40). Therefore, the selection of the diameter and oleoresin production will not substantially affect the resistance