4 research outputs found


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    Corruption is a problem that threatens various sectors, such as politics, education, economy, culture, and health. At the area level, corruption cases are a threat that is difficult to detect because of the absence of ad-hoc institutions in conducting surveillance. Therefore, it takes an independent civil society at the area level to enable monitoring and voiced the idea of anti-corruption. This study aims to determine the role of non-governmental organizations namely Malang Corruption Watch in building an anti-corruption culture in Malang Raya. The method used in writing this article is a literature study. The results of this study indicate that Malang Corruption Watch is a non-governmental organization that has an independent nature. In overcoming the problem of communal corruption, Malang Corruption Watch provides citizenship education to the people’s in the form of people political education, public schools, citizen forums, community groups guarding public services, campaigning for anti-corruption movements, and anti-corruption schools to increase the critical power of citizens in addressing the middle public problems happen. Furthermore, there are several posts complaints that are provided so that citizens can easily express their aspirations to realize an anti-corruption cultur


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            Rights and obligations are one of the important elements that need to be cared for by the state. In the context of citizenship, rights and obligations become intrinsically basic values of citizens in building a civil society. Almost everyone has understood between rights and obligations as citizens, but because everyone does various activities, their rights and obligations are often forgotten. In state life, sometimes the rights of citizens face each other's obligations. So the writing of this article aims to find out the mapping of citizenship rights and obligations broadly which can be the basis of an intrinsic study by citizens in shaping civil society. Writing this article uses the library study method. The results of this study are theoretical explanations about (1) Overview of citizenship. (2)The mapping between complex rights and obligations of citizens. (3) Citizenship Education as an instrument to strengthen the intrinsic value of citizens' rights and obligations. (4) Establishment of civil society. And (5) Discussion. Abstrak       Hak dan kewajiban merupakan salah satu elemen penting yang perlu di rawat oleh negara. Dalam  konteks kewarganegaraan, hak dan kewajiban menjadi nilai dasar secara intrinsik warga negara dalam membangun sebuah masyarakat sipil. Hampir semua orang telah memahami antara hak dan kewajiban sebagai warga negara, akan tetapi karena setiap orang melakukan aktivitas yang beragam maka apa yang menjadi hak dan kewajibannya seringkali terlupakan. Dalam kehidupan kenegaraan kadang hak warga negara saling berhadapan dengan kewajibannya. Maka penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemetaan hak dan kewajiban kewarganegaraan secara luas yang dapat menjadi dasar kajian secara intrinsik oleh warga negara dalam membentuk masyarakat sipil. Penulisan artikel ini menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini berupa penjelasan secara teoretis tentang (1) Sekilas tentang kewarganegaraan. (2) Pemetaan antara hak dan kewajiban warga negara secara kompleks. (3) Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan sebagai instrumen penguatan nilai intrinsik hak dan kewajiban warga negara. (4) Terbentuknya masyarakat sipil. Dan (5) Diskusi

    An Enculturation Model of Anti-Corruption Values Based on a Heutagogical Approach in High Schools

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    In recent years, moral issues have become a trending topic in various circles, from students to the general public. Likewise, corruption is a social phenomenon that causes chronic and crucial problems. Corruption will undermine the accountability of a person and the government in providing services to the community. Therefore we need a concept of action in fighting corruption without tolerance for corruption. This study aims to analyze the implementation model of anti-corruption education which is carried out by enculturation by applying anti-corruption values which is carried out heutagogically in high school. This research approach is qualitative. The research method used is a case study, because there is a single holistic case with a single case design and placing the case as the focus of research. The case in this study is corruption so that the focus of the research is on preventing and eradicating corruption cases through a cultural approach that is carried out in schools. The population in this study were state high school students in the Special Region of Yogyakarta spread across State senior high school 6 Yogyakarta, State senior high school 1 Sleman, and State senior high school 2 Bantul. Research data obtained from interviews, observations, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is triangulation. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the model of enculturation of anti-corruption values based on the heutagogical approach is carried out curricular and extracurricular which is centered on students by providing full autonomy in creating an anti-corruption climate according to students’ abilities. The resulting implication is that students are more open in showing their integrity character with an enculturation model of anti-corruption values based on a heutagogical approach

    Inovasi pembelajaran berbasis digital melalui Liveworksheet untuk membudayakan keterampilan digital peserta didik

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    Technological transformation in education challenges teachers' pedagogical thinking. Teachers are required to be experts in learning technology in working with students. This present study aims to develop a Liveworksheet-based LMS; and investigate the functions and practicality of the LMS Liveworksheet for Science lesson in the 6th grade. The employed methodology was Research and Development (R&D) using the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) stage model. The data were obtained through questionnaires, observations, interviews, and documentation. The results indicate that the developed Liveworksheet LMS was validated by both material and media experts with the feasibility and practical validation tests of 90%. Meanwhile, the functional and substance validation tests were 85%, qualified as highly valid. Based on the questionnaire responses, 80% students scored valid, indicating that and the LMS was suitable for use. The post-test results were averagely 87%, showing a very good (effective) criteria. This finding reveals that the resulting LMS Liveworksheet is feasible, practical, functional, and substantial for learning, and is effective to improve student learning outcomes. It is implied that the development of the LMS Liveworksheet is important generate interactive content, such as open discussion forums where students can be more enthusiastic and active in learning through the LM