535 research outputs found

    Worker’s Remittances and Economic Development in Pakistan A Time Series Analysis (1980-2010)

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    The present study is conducted to examine the role of worker’s remittances on the economic development of the Pakistan. Time series data is utilized which is comprises on 1980 to 2010, from the world data bank and Handbook of statistics. Co-integration technique has been used to explain the long run relationship between worker’s remittances and economic development in Pakistan. Results indicated that there is long run relationship exist between the worker’s remittances and economic development. Furthermore study applied VECM to detect the short run adjustment in variables to attain equilibrium in the long run. However, the results indicated that in short run Economic development is in disequilibrium position

    Private Investment, Personal Remittances and Economic Growth of Pakistan

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    The present study is conducted to find out the association among the variables such as private investment, personal remittances and economic growth in the short run as well as in the long run. Time series data is employed from 1976 to 2013 from world data bank. Johansen cointegration test is used to find out the long run relationship among the variables such as personal remittances, private investment and economic growth. The results indicates that all three variables are cointegreted in the long run. Furthermore study applied VECM to detect the short run adjustment in variables to attain equilibrium in the long run. However, the results indicated that in short run Economic development takes time to converge its equilibrium

    Influence of Health Care Amenities and Health Expenditure to Enhance the Economic Growth in Pakistan

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    The present study is conducted to examine the role of paramedical staff and government expenditure in the health field to enhance the economic growth of the Pakistan. Time series data is utilized which is comprises from 1961 to 2014, which is collected from Handbook of statistics. Co-integration technique has been used to explain the long run relationship among paramedical persons, expenditure and economic growth in Pakistan. Results indicated that there is long run relationship exist among the expenditure, paramedical persons and economic growth. Furthermore study applied VECM to detect the short run adjustment in variables to attain equilibrium in the long run

    Trends and composition of institutional credit to the agriculture sector during the post-reform period

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    This paper attempts to analyse the changes in trends and composition of multi-agency network (Co-operatives, SCBs, and RRBs) in issuance of credit to agriculture sector during the post-reform period by using time series data from 1975 to 2005. The analysis reveals that the trends of direct (short and long-term) and indirect institutional credit to agriculture sector has increased significantly during the post-reform period. As far as the composition is concerned, the share of SCBs as percentage of total direct institutional credit has increased significantly whereas the co-operatives share has decreased. The regional rural banks contribution has been almost constant. We have also tried to find out the distribution of indirect finance through Scheduled Commercial Banks.Credit;Agriculture;Post-reform period;banks;India;

    Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth in Pakistan

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    The study is conducted to find out the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on economic growth of Pakistan. Time series data is utilized which is comprises from 1981 to 2010, collected from the world data bank. Multiple regression technique is used in which gdp is dependent variable while foreign direct investment (FDI) and  consumer price index (CPI) are independent variables. The result indicates that there is a positive relationship between the FDI and GDP and have a negative relationship with CPI. When FDI increase the GDP of Pakistan will positively affected by FDI

    Influence of Surface Modification on Corrosion and Biocompatibility of Titanium Alloys

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    Titanium alloys enhance the quality and longevity of human life by replacing or treating various parts of the body. However, the aggressive body fluids lead to corrosion and metal ions dissolution. These ions leach to the adjacent tissues and causes adverse reactions. Surface modifications improve corrosion resistance and biological activity. In this investigation, electropolishing, magnetoelectropolishing, titanium coating and hydroxyapatite coating were carried out on commercially pure titanium (CPTi), Ti6Al4V and Ti6Al4V-ELI (Extra Low Interstitials). These surface modifications are known to affect surface chemistry, morphology, wettability, corrosion resistance and biocompatibility of these materials. In vitro cyclic potentiodynamic polarization tests were conducted in phosphate buffer saline in compliance with ASTM standard. The surface morphology, roughness and wettability of these alloys were studied using scanning electron microscope, atomic force microscope and contact angle meter, respectively. Moreover, biocompatibility of titanium alloys was assessed by growing MC3T3 pre-osteoblast cells on the surfaces

    The Limitations of Global Social Movement Unionism as an Emancipatory Labour Strategy in Majority World Countries

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    This study assesses the applicability of Peter Waterman’s model of global social movement unionism as an emancipatory labour strategy in Bangladesh, an important site for the manufacture of ready-made garments in the neo-liberal era. Our main conclusions are that Waterman’s North Atlanticist model fails to comprehend the present-day necessities and struggles of the Bangladesh working class; ignores the impacts of colonialism, militarism and imperialism on Bangladesh’s socio-economic development and labour movement; and privileges democratic dialogue as a means of action when militant collective mobilization has been shown to be the only effective way to get action on workers’ issues in countries like Bangladesh. Our recommendation is for Waterman and others to abandon the quest for a universal model of progressive labour unionism and instead come up with a variety of models that apply to different typical patterns of socio-economic and labour movement development in the globalized world. Cette Ă©tude Ă©value l’applicabilitĂ© du modĂšle global de syndicalisme de mouvement social de Peter Waterman en tant que stratĂ©gie libĂ©ratrice au Bangladesh, un site important pour la fabrication de textiles dans l’ùre nĂ©olibĂ©rale. Nos conclusions principales sont que le modĂšle nord-atlantiste de Waterman Ă©choue Ă  comprendre les besoins et souffrances de la classe ouvriĂšre au Bangladesh aujourd’hui; qu’il ignore l’impact du colonialisme, du militarisme et de l’impĂ©rialisme sur le dĂ©veloppement socio-Ă©conomique et sur le mouvement ouvrier ; et qu’il privilĂ©gie le dialogue dĂ©mocratique comme seul moyen d’agir alors que la mobilisation collective militante s’est montrĂ©e comme la seule maniĂšre efficace d’attirer l’attention sur les questions ouvriĂšres dans les pays comme le Bangladesh. Notre recommandation, pour Waterman et d’autres, est d’abandonner la quĂȘte d’un modĂšle universel du syndicalisme progressiste et au lieu de cela de crĂ©er une variĂ©tĂ© de modĂšles qui s’appliquent aux diffĂ©rentes rĂ©alitĂ©s du dĂ©veloppement socio-Ă©conomique et du mouvement ouvrier dans un monde globalisĂ©

    Study on Improving Flotation Effect and Mechanism of Fine Anthracite by Polyacrylamide, Sodium Silicate and Sodium Oleate

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    The flotation performance of clean coal with different reagents and pretreatment agents was investigated. The study examines the efficient recovery of anthracite coal using polyacrylamide flotation pretreatment. The mechanism of pretreatment agents and anthracite was investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), zeta potential measurements and focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM). The wetting behavior and flotation performance of anthracite and pretreatment agents were investigated using contact angle measurements and series of flotation tests. The coal samples were treated with reagents like kerosene, sec-octanol and pretreatment agents like polyacrylamides, (cat-ionic polyacrylamide, non-ionic polyacrylamide, an-ionic polyacrylamide), sodium silicate and sodium oleate to investigate their impact on coal surface properties and the subsequent flotation performance. The optimum dosage of kerosene was found to be 10 kg/t and that of sec-octanol was 1.84 kg/t. Moreover, the optimum dosages of cat-ionic polyacrylamide, sodium oleate and sodium silicate were 200 g/t, 350 g/t and 500 g/t respectively. The yield of clean coal of cat-ionic polyacrylamide was 70.70 %, ash content of clean coal of cat-ionic polyacrylamide was 11 %. The sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) has the yield of 66.66 % and the ash content of 13.9 %. The results indicated that the cat-ionic polyacrylamide demonstrated the most substantial improvement in flotation performance, particularly when used in conjunction with kerosene and sec-octanol

    An Overview of the Positive dimensions of the Human Personality in the Light of Qu’rān

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    This article analyzes the different positive dimensions of the Human Personality which are discussed in the Qurān. Actually, the whole Qurān is about the human beings. It is the desire and will of Allah Almighty to see the man that he/she is going on the positive path. All the teachings and the stories of different nations mentioned in the Qurān are just to convey the message that when someone adopts the right path, he would get his/ her destination. At the beginning of the twentieth century, American journalist Napoleon Hill wrote a book called "Think and Grow Rich" which became the best-selling book of that era. After many years of sweating, Thomas C. Corley concluded his research that there is a heavy barrier of 11 habits between success and failure. There are 11 qualities in the lives of all successful people that no one can stop them from moving forward if they adopt them. Many of these characteristics are permanent but they also change over a long period of time and based on these characteristics one person stands out from the other and in every case behaves differently from others. Some of these attributes are also a product of temporary conditions. There are basically two types of human characteristics. One is that which he has received directly from Allah Almighty, these are called non-acquired or natural attributes. The others are the qualities that man can either create within himself or acquire them by making some changes in his natural attributes or they are the product of his environment. These are called acquired attributes. Natural attributes include our color, race, shape, physical constitution, mental abilities, etc. Acquired attributes include man's level of knowledge, his profession, his thoughts, etc. Personality building is the name given to the proper development of both of these qualities

    Terrorism and Its Impacts on Export of Pakistan an Empirical Analysis

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    This research paper study the empirical relation between export and terrorism in Pakistan. Using data from 1996 to 2015, by applying the simple linear regression model, the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) testing approach is used to check the relationship among variables, the normality and linearity of the data have been checked. By estimating the Model the result clearly showed that there is significant relationship between both variables, terrorism have negative significant effects on Pakistan export. The study suggests that government should take positive step to maintain peace in the country and negotiate with all terrorist groups and parties who are responsible for all that kind of vicious activities. It hampers economic growth of Pakistan, as export play a vital role in the economic growth of a country. Keywords: Export, Terrorism, Pakista
