153 research outputs found

    Bridging the Technical Issues for Successful Research: Role of Librarians in Bangladesh

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    Very simply, research is the systematic investigation to explore new knowledge for scientific achievement. Research comprises creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humans, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications” (OECD, 2015). Research carried out by scientists and researchers has made an enormous impact on the world over the centuries specially for developing countries like Bangladesh. Research can make a significant contribution to the growth and development of any nation. Research and the library are closely interconnected with one another. Libraries especially academic and special libraries responsible for research support that is treated as central pillar in their mission. A “researcher life cycle” approach was applied to identify researcher information needs. Librarians continue to play a central role in conducting successful research and are expanding beyond their traditional duties for delivering high quality information services to engage themselves more as educators, technological guides, and communicators. Librarians should pace more and more into a leadership role develop major initiatives and conduct training to increase research reproducibility. The present paper focuses on the basic technical issues of efficient research skills and highlights the librarians’ competencies for research support of Bangladesh for guiding researchers for conducting successful research and ensuring a better work environment to do research. This paper mainly explores the proper referencing and citations, submission of manuscript in impact journals, find out predatory journals and selection for publishing articles in open access journals. This study also highlights the use and impact of various online databases such as Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus in order to explore citation status, h index and research performance of an individual author, country and institution. The study also investigates the role of the library in addressing present and future challenges to bridge technical issues of conducting research in Bangladesh. An attempt has been made to identify the major problems for submission manuscripts in high impact journals and to indicate some possible solutions for developing research information management systems, and efforts to improve training and support for researchers to enhance the research productivity of researchers in Bangladesh. Finally, the study illustrates a real picture of scientific outputs of renowned organizations in Bangladesh using Scopus database

    Classroom management: knowing students' interest to involve them

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    This internship report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in English, 2011Cataloged from PDF version of Internship report.Includes bibliographical references (page 20 - 22).Md. Shafiur RahmanB.A. in Englis

    Profitability Analysis of Poultry Farming in Bangladesh: A Case Study on Trishal Upazilla in Mymensingh District

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    This study aimed to determine the cost, return, and profitability of broiler production in some selected areas of Trishal Upazilla in Mymensing district, Bangladesh. It was mainly based on primary data which were collected through well structured questionnaire from the respondents of poultry production during the month of October, 2014. Selected samples consisted of 80 poultry farm owners selected by using purposive sampling technique. In the selected area maximum people are related with agriculture. The findings revealed that poultry production was a profitable enterprise. The people of this area said that, poultry farming and vegetables cultivation are profitable farm activity in a short run. This study also identified some problems in the production of poultry in the study area. Finally, based on the findings of the study, some recommendations were made for the development of poultry production in Bangladesh. Keywords: Poultry farming, Production, Cost, Return, Profitability

    Determinants of Exchange Rate in Bangladesh: A Case Study

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    The study has been conducted to analyze the determinants of exchange rates in Bangladesh economy for the period of 1990 to 2011 using simple single equation linear regression model (SELRM). Inflation rate, GDP growth rate, interest rate and current account balance is used as explanatory variable. These are the most important determinants of exchange rate, which have major impact on exchange rate. Our conclusion includes that inflation rate, GDP growth rate, interest rate and current account balance has positive impact on exchange rate and the major role played by GDP. Key Words: Exchange rate, Inflation rate, GDP growth rate, Interest rate, Current account balance

    An Analysis of the Production Function of Ready-Made Garments Industry in Bangladesh: A Case of Tex-Town Group Limited

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    More than 78% of Bangladesh’s export earnings come from the garment industry. The ready-made garments (RMG) sector has a greater potential than any other sector in terms of employment and foreign exchange earnings to reduce poverty and make a contribution to the national economy. In this paper, we attempt an econometric estimation of Cobb-Douglas production function in Bangladesh’s ready-made garments industry and also test the hypothesis that ready-made garments industry is expected to reap better economies of scale in a competitive environment. We try to resolve some econometric issues such as heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation and multicollinearity  in the production function estimates by adopting different solutions and adjustment procedures with a view to obtain reliable parameter estimates. . This study has been used the annually time series data about ready-made garments production, labour wages, and capital of Tex-Town Group Limited from 2002-2013. Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method is used to estimate the model. The results show that there is a positive relationship between labour wages, capital and ready-made garments production in Bangladesh. The value of R2 is 0.687. This indicates that about 68.7% of the total variation in the ready-made garments production is explained by the labour wages and capital in Bangladesh. The results are statistically significant at 5% level of significance. This study suggests that increase in labour employment and capital to increase the production of ready-made garments in Bangladesh. Keywords: Ready-made Garments Industry; Production Function; Wage, Capital.

    Assessment of Nutrition Profile of Pregnant Women in Rural Area (Mymensingh District) of Bangladesh

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    Malnutrition is the most common nutritional disorders in the developing countries like Bangladesh. The most vulnerable groups of population to malnutrition are under-5 children, pregnant women and lactating mother. This study makes an attempt to investigate the nutritional status of pregnant women and to correlate different factors with pregnancy. The cross-sectional study was followed to determine nutritional status by anthropometric and biochemical assessment as well as clinical appearance. The obtaining result of all assessments was compared with standard data (NCHS & UNHCR/WFP). A total of 380 pregnant women were randomly selected from health care centers (governments and non-governments) in the Mymensingh district of Bangladesh from early June 2007 to January 2008. The result of research showed that 30.52% severely malnourished, 36.57% moderately malnourished, and 23.15% well nourished and 9.73% were overnourished by calculating weight gain during different stages of pregnancy. By using Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) 28.94%, 35%, 25.26% and 10.78% of pregnant women were found severely malnourished, moderately malnourished, well nourished and overnourished respectively. It observed that the prevalence of nutritional status to pregnant women were found 29.69% severely malnourished, 34.39% moderately malnourished, 26.36% well nourished and 9.56% over nourished by observing the clinical appearance. In average it showed that 29.71% were severely malnourished, 35.32% were moderately malnourished, 24.92% were well nourished and 10.02% were overnourished. By estimating hemoglobin (Hb) level during pregnancy it obtained that 5.52% severely anemic, 61.84% moderately anemic, 18.15% mildly anemic and 14.47% of pregnant women were nonanemic. In my study, 12.63% of pregnant women were under 18 years old while 50% were severely malnourished and 30.4% were malnourished. It found that the primary education levels were 16.57% and total monthly family incomes of 16.57% of pregnant women were below Tk. 5000. Most of them (73.66%) were malnourished because of those stated reasons. In Mymensingh district, the major responsible factors were younger marriage, frequent birth, illiteracy, poverty, misconceptions, food taboos, lack of nutritional knowledge, geographical location (hill tract region) etc. The data obtained from my study is very much alarming and need to address by governments and nongovernmental organization

    Determinants of Unemployment in Bangladesh: A Case Study

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    A very important issue that plays a crucial role in development of the economies is the underutilization of its human capital i.e. unemployment. This paper investigates macroeconomic determinants of unemployment rate in Bangladesh economy for the period of 2000-2011 using Simple Single Equation Linear Regression Model (SELRM). The variables selected for the study are Unemployment rate, GDP growth rate, Exchange rate and Inflation rate (CPI based). The results of regression analysis showed significant impact of all the variables. Our main finding includes that Inflation rate stimulate unemployment positively and GDP growth rate and Exchange rate has negative impact on unemployment. Keywords: Unemployment rate, GDP growth rate, Exchange rate, Inflation rate

    Digital Paradigm in Medical Libraries of Bangladesh with Special Reference to icddr,b Library: Key Observations and Future Directions

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    Medical libraries are facing new challenges and opportunities due to dynamic changes in the digital era for offering excellent services to health scientists and professionals. The usage of information and communication technology (ICT) has become increasingly important in various fields, including the healthcare industry. Medical libraries, in particular, have also witnessed a significant transformation in terms of their functions and services due to the adoption of the digital revolution. This article aims to investigate the usage of ICT in the selected medical libraries in Bangladesh, with a special reference to the icddr,b Library. In this connection, a comparative study is made based on six major medical libraries of Bangladesh. These libraries are compared in terms of ICT use for providing library services through library websites. Collected data are analyzed in quantitative as well as qualitative methods to explore better results. Results are shown in the form of tables and figures. This paper gives a snapshot of ICT use in medical libraries of Bangladesh

    An Econometric Analysis of the Balance of Payments of Bangladesh

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    Balance of payment plays the most important role in a country’s economy. As a developing country our performances are not satisfactory. The objective of this analysis is to develop some idea about the balance of payments of Bangladesh. Trade liberalization could lead to faster import growth than export growth and hence the supply side benefits may be offset by the unsustainable balance of payment position. This study uses 36 year observation of GDP, import, export and exchange rate of Bangladesh to estimate their effect on trade balance. Our conclusion is that Bangladesh should relax restrictions on imports more slowly than barriers to exports. Keywords: Trade balance, Export, Import, Terms of trade, GDP, Exchange rates

    An efficient hybrid system for anomaly detection in social networks

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    Anomaly detection has been an essential and dynamic research area in the data mining. A wide range of applications including different social medias have adopted different state-of-the-art methods to identify anomaly for ensuring user’s security and privacy. The social network refers to a forum used by different groups of people to express their thoughts, communicate with each other, and share the content needed. This social networks also facilitate abnormal activities, spread fake news, rumours, misinformation, unsolicited messages, and propaganda post malicious links. Therefore, detection of abnormalities is one of the important data analysis activities for the identification of normal or abnormal users on the social networks. In this paper, we have developed a hybrid anomaly detection method named DT-SVMNB that cascades several machine learning algorithms including decision tree (C5.0), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naïve Bayesian classifier (NBC) for classifying normal and abnormal users in social networks. We have extracted a list of unique features derived from users’ profile and contents. Using two kinds of dataset with the selected features, the proposed machine learning model called DT-SVMNB is trained. Our model classifies users as depressed one or suicidal one in the social network. We have conducted an experiment of our model using synthetic and real datasets from social network. The performance analysis demonstrates around 98% accuracy which proves the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed system. © 2021, The Author(s)
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