729 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Program Pengendalian Penyakit Kusta Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Lompentodea Kecamatan Parigi Barat Kabupaten Parigi Moutong

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    Penyakit kusta merupakan salah satu penyakit menular yang menimbulkan masalah yang sangat kompleks. Dimana prevalensi penyakit kusta di Kabupaten Parigi Moutong pada tiga tahun terakhir mengalami peningkatan yaitu pada tahun 2012 sebesar 2,6%, pada tahun 2013 sebesar 4,8% , dan 5,7% pada tahun 2014. Salah satu penyebab tingginya angka penemuan penderita kusta karena tidak adanya pelaksanaan penyuluhan kelompok. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan Program Pengendalian Penyakit Kusta di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Lompentodea Kecamatan Parigi Barat Kabupaten Parigi Moutong. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Jumlah informan keseluruhan adalah 6 informan yang terdiri 1 informan kunci (key informan), 1 Informan biasa, dan 4 Informan tambahan. Pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisa isi (content analisis) dengan teknik matriks. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari aspek input yakni program bisa berjalan dengan baik meskipun adanya keterbatasan SDM, dana dan fasilitas, Process dalam pelaksanaan program sudah sesuai dengan SOP yang sudah di tentukan oleh Dinas Kesehatan, output pada monitoring dan evaluasi pelaksaan program sudah berjalan baik dengan pelaporan yang dilakukan tiga bulan sekali. Diharapkan Dinas Kesehatan terkait untuk memaksimalkan dana untuk pelaksanaan program kusta sehingga input, process yang belum maksimal bisa teratasi dengan efektif dan efesien

    Developed high gain microstrip antenna like microphone structure for 5G application

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    We present a new development of microstrip antenna structure combining a simple circular structure with a ring antenna structure as the parasitic element to improve the antenna gain and bandwidth for 5G mobile application. The proposed antenna was fed by a 50Ω microstrip feeding line due to its advantages in performance. The antenna was designed and simulated using a single substrate with double layered copper (top and bottom) with the radiating patch on the top layer and full ground on the bottom layer of the same substrate. Three antennas have been designed namely; design1, design2 and design3 to complete the research works.The antennas ware simulated and optimized at 18 GHz using Computer Simulation Technology (CST) with permittivity, r = 2.2 and thickness, h = 1.57mm on low-loss material Roger RT-Duroid 5880 substrate. The antennas ware reasonably well matched at their corresponding frequency of operations. The simulation and measurement results have shown that the antenna works well. The simulation results have shown that the three antennas works well at the selected frequency. The final simulated antenna for design1, design2 and design3 has been fabricated to measure the performance and also to validate the simulation result with the measurement result. The measurement data for antenna design1, design2 and design3 shows frequency shift of 3% from the simulation result. The final protype of design3 gives 6.6dB gain, -14.51dB return loss, 180MHz bandwidth, and antenna efficiency of 53.9%. All three antennas ware measured using Vector network analyzer (VNA) and Anechoic chamber

    Feasibility of LoRa Implementation for Remote Weather Monitoring System through Field Measurement and Case Study Analysis

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    This paper discusses the feasibility of Long Range Wide-area network (LoRa-WAN) implementation for weather data collection and transmission in remote locations, specifically in east Malaysia. Currently, Malaysia Meteorological Department (MetMalaysia) has installed more than 100 weather stations around Malaysia, and out of this number, there are many stations, mostly in east Malaysia that are dependent on Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) services for data transmission due to unavailability of mobile coverage. Due to significant cost of VSAT subscription, LoRa communication is proposed as an alternative solution due to its low power, low-cost, and long range characteristics. In this paper, the study has been performed through two stages; first, technical performance of LoRa network was validated through field measurement in urban areas to determine the actual LoRa characteristics in real condition. In the measurement, a LoRa module operating at 433 MHz was used to demonstrate a single channel LoRa gateway that acted as a bridge to communicate between LoRa node to IP network. Parameters such as received power spectrum and free space path loss were recorded for analysis. Second, based on the measured data, extrapolation of maximum feasible distance of LoRa signal propagation was done to analyze the viability of implementing LoRa in various locations of existing weather stations in Sabah and Sarawak. Two case studies are presented in this paper, with the aim to evaluate the suitable location of LoRa gateway to establish communication with the existing weather stations when LoRa network is used. Detailed link budget analysis was performed for each scenario. Based on the comparison between theoretical and measurement, the power transmitted from LoRa node shows inconsistent readings throughout the day, suspected due to the changes in spread factor that has been automatically set by the module. Nevertheless, taking into account this factor, it was found that the transmission range was adequate for some remote locations. Meanwhile, for some locations that are separated too far from each other, higher power is needed to allow consistent communication

    Air Pollutant Index Calendar-Based Graphics for Visualizing Trends Profiling and Analysis

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    Detection of air quality abnormality is important as an early warning system for air quality control and management. The information can raise citizens’ awareness towards current air quality status. By using time series plot, the data pattern can be identified but not able to exactly determine the abnormality due to overcrowded plot. Therefore, visualization data profiling was presented in this study by using seven years Malaysia daily air pollutant index to improve the detection. Result shown, the developed approach can simply identify the poor air quality across the month and year. Malaysia air quality was good and consistent between November and May. However, upward trend existed between June and October due to the forest fire happened in Sumatra. This visualization approach improved air pollution detection profiling and it is useful for related agencies to guide the control actions to be taken. This approach can be applied to any countries and data set to give more competent information

    Design of Serial-Fed Bend-Array and Measured Results

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    For the next generation mobile system (5G), a cylindrical lens antenna is developed for mobile base station application. As for the feed radiator for this lens antenna, bendarray configuration that produces a bifurcated beam is also developed. The bend-array configuration consisting of four rectangular patch array elements with serial feed network. In previous work, achievement of the bifurcated beam by bendarray configuration was shown by electromagnetic simulations. In this paper, a practical bend-array composed of four numbers of patch elements is fabricated. To verify the radiation characteristics, measured results of antenna input characteristic and radiation pattern are compared with the designed results. Through good agreement of measured and designed results, achievement of practical antenna is ensured

    Dynamic Mechanical and Gel Content Properties of Irradiated ENR/PVC Blends with TiO2 Nanofillers

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    Numerous studies reported on irradiated epoxidized natural rubber/polyvinyl chloride (ENR/PVC) blends and the blends were found miscible at all compositional range thus it offers a broad of opportunity in modifying the blend characteristic. Addition of low loading titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanofillers in the ENR/PVC blends has shown a remarkable increment in tensile strength. Thus, this study was initiated to address the effect of TiO2 nanofillers on ENR/PVC blends dynamic mechanical and gel content properties and its morphology upon exposure to electron beam irradiation. ENR/PVC blends with addition of 0, 2 and 6 phr TiO2 nanofillers were first blended in a mixing chamber before being irradiated by an electron beam accelerator at different 0-200 kGy irradiation doses. The influence of TiO2 nanofillers on the irradiation crosslinking of ENR/PVC blends was study based on the dynamic mechanical analysis which was carried out in determining the glass transition temperature and the storage modulus behavior of ENR/PVC blends incorporated with TiO2 nanofillers. Formations of irradiation crosslinking in the blend were investigated by gel content measurement. While, the TiO2 nanofillers distribution were examined by Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). Upon irradiation, the ENR/PVC/6 phr TiO2 formed the highest value of gel fraction. For dynamic mechanical analysis, it was found that electron beam radiation increased the Tg of all the compositions. The relationship between the crosslinking and the stiffness of the nanocomposites also can be found in this study. The enhancement in the storage modulus and Tg at higher amount of TiO2 in the blend could be correlated to the enhancement of the irradiation-induced crosslinking in the nanocomposites characteristic and also with the higher agglomerations of TiO2 evidence shown from the TEM micrograph examination. Lastly, the dimensions of TiO2 in the blends were found less than 100 nm in diameter which indicates incorporation of TiO2 nanofillers in ENR/PVC blends is potentially to provide the nanocomposites features. Doi: 10.12777/ijse.6.1.24-30 [How to cite this article: Ramlee, N.A., Ratnam, C.T., Alias, N.H., Rahman, M.F.A.. 2014. Dynamic Mechanical and Gel Content Properties of Irradiated ENR/PVC blends with TiO2 Nanofillers. International Journal of Science and Engineering, 6(1),24-30. Doi: 10.12777/ijse.6.1.24-30

    Analysis on Wearable Antenna Performance on Different Radiating Elements for GPS Application

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    This paper presents a study on the performance of self-manufactured electro-textile (SME-T) antenna that was designed at 1.575 GHz based on the allocated spectrum for Global Positioning System (GPS) application. However, due to its known low-conductivity characteristic, the ability of the newly developed material to perform as a good antenna shall be verified. Therefore, the performance of the antennas are compared and studied with respect to established materials such as adhesive copper tape and commercial conductive fabric named SHIELDITTM as the radiating elements. Here, four e-textile antennas having approximately the same size are fabricated and tested. The performance of all antennas, in terms of return loss, radiation pattern, gain, and efficiency; manufactured by using different radiating elements, such as copper, SHIELDITTM and SME-T fabricated on polyester fabric as the substrate are analyzed. The measured return loss and radiation pattern of SME-T antenna has proven that the antenna is well suited for wearable application. The measured antenna gain and efficiency of 0.61 dB and 25.95% are obtained and it is proven that the fabricated SME-T antenna can act as a receiving antenna designed for GPS applications which requires low gain antenna for passive monitoring

    Development of Ray Tracing Algorithms for Scanning Plane and Transverse Plane Analysis for Satellite Multibeam Application

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    Reflector antennas have been widely used in many areas. In the implementation of parabolic reflector antenna for broadcasting satellite applications, it is essential for the spacecraft antenna to provide precise contoured beam to effectively serve the required region. For this purpose, combinations of more than one beam are required. Therefore, a tool utilizing ray tracing method is developed to calculate precise off-axis beams for multibeam antenna system. In the multibeam system, each beam will be fed from different feed positions to allow the main beam to be radiated at the exact direction on the coverage area. Thus, detailed study on caustics of a parabolic reflector antenna is performed and presented in this paper, which is to investigate the behaviour of the rays and its relation to various antenna parameters. In order to produce accurate data for the analysis, the caustic behaviours are investigated in two distinctive modes: scanning plane and transverse plane. This paper presents the detailed discussions on the derivation of the ray tracing algorithms, the establishment of the equations of caustic loci, and the verification of the method through calculation of radiation pattern

    Micropropagation and production of eurycomanone, 9- methoxycanthin-6-one and canthin-6-one in roots of Eurycoma longifolia plantlets

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    Eurycoma longifolia or Tongkat Ali is a well known medicinal plant in Malaysia. The plants are used as main portion in herbal preparation, and have been extensively harvested. Generally, most of the raw materials required by the industries are heavily collected from the natural forests, thereby resulting in the uncontrolled exploitation of the plant in the wild. Hence, there is a need to ensure adequate supply of quality E. longifolia for the use of the related industries and for conservation purposes. Micropropagation has proved to be an alternative for the multiplication of medicinal and aromatic plants and it can allow the future commercial use of E. longifolia in the herbal industries. In this study, E. longifolia plantlets were successfully mass-produced using axillary shoot multiplication techniques, and the production of eurycomanone, 9-methoxycanthin-6-one and canthin-6-one compounds of E. longifolia were detected in roots of tissue culture plantlets.Key words: E. longifolia, Tongkat Ali, micropropagation, eurycomanone, 9-methoxycanthin-6-one, canthin-6- one