80 research outputs found

    NeuDetect: A neural network data mining system for wireless network intrusion detection

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    This thesis proposes an Intrusion Detection System, NeuDetect, which applies Neural Network technique to wireless network packets captured through hardware sensors for purposes of real time detection of anomalous packets. To address the problem of high false alarm rate confronted by the current wireless intrusion detection systems, this thesis presents a method of applying the artificial neural networks technique to the wireless network intrusion detection system. The proposed system solution approach is to find normal and anomalous patterns on preprocessed wireless packet records by comparing them with training data using Back-propagation algorithm. An anomaly score is assigned to each packet by calculating the difference between the output error and threshold. If the anomaly score is positive then the wireless packet is flagged as anomalous and is negative then the packet is flagged as normal. If the anomaly score is zero or close to zero it will be flagged as an unknown attack and will be sent back to training process for re-evaluation

    Causing Security Threat to Host State by Refugees: Context of Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh

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    Bangladesh has been the host state of a large number of Rohingya refugees since August 2017 Rohingya An ethnic minority group of Rakhine state Myanmar have been fleeing to Bangladesh after the Myanmar army started an ethnic cleansing on that area in august 2017 Since then Bangladesh has been hosting around 1 1 million Rohingya refugees till now In the first three months of the crisis the majority arrived During the first half of 2018 an estimated 12 000 people entered Bangladesh Women and children are the vast majority in Bangladesh and more than 40 percent are under 12 years of age UNHCR 2020 As per the latest update of UNHCR 860 243 Rohingya refugees are living in 187 534 households inside the camps UNHCR 2020 After three years of this influx Bangladesh is bearing the burden of Rohingya refugees and repatriation from Bangladesh is a far cry from reality As Mallick 2020 explain that due to China and India s rising economic and strategic interests in repatriating the Rohingya refugees to the Rakhine State Myanmar foreign and regional organizations were unable to take any visible action Organizations such as the United Nations OIC ASEAN and other regional bodies have struggled to put pressure on Myanmar to take back Bangladeshi Rohingya refugee

    Product Features Affecting Buying Decision for Mobile Phone Handset: A Study on Tertiary Students Segment in Bangladesh

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    In recent times the different features of the mobile handsets have led to great modernization in mobile phone development. All mobile handset companies have added numerous features in their different brands. Manufacturers also try to set apart from their own products by implementing supplementary functions to formulate them more striking to the consumers. This study analyzes the features of mobile handsets affecting buying decision of consumers in tertiary student segment. In this study, sixteen diverse features of mobile handsets have identified under five factors. The purposes of this study are to find out the effect of specific features, to explore relationship between purchase decision and features and to estimate variation in purchase decision for various features through the consumers. Data has been collected from randomly selected 80 respondents from the students of the Comilla University, Bangladesh. In this case the collected data have been analyzed by using statistical devices. Results suggest that internet facility, multimedia, long lasting battery, camera, brand recognition, performance and color of mobile handset mostly persuade purchasing decision and external memory capacities, warranty period, price, customer-care service, phone memory capacities, country of origin have some influence over purchase decision. It is expected that the findings will be useful to improve our understanding about the features of mobile handset. Mobile handset manufacturers also will grasp idea for innovating features for their brands. Key Words: Consumer purchasing decision, mobile handset, features of mobile handset, Tertiary student segment

    A Pragmatic Study on Viral Marketing Scenario of Bangladesh

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    Viral marketing is today's electronic equivalent of old-fashioned word of mouth marketing. In present circumstance, this marketing system may be the most time and cost effective tool for building long term relationship with the customers. The paper aims to identify and analyze the overall system of viral marketing exist in Bangladesh to access the present scenario of this country. At first the study used qualitative approaches to illustrate what viral marketing system (VMS) actually is. The study also attempted to highlight the issues associated with the viral marketing system like significance, classifications, tools, strategies and present situation of Bangladesh. After attaining deeper understanding about VMS through qualitative approaches, the study used quantitative approaches and in this case the primary data has been collected from 100 respondents through survey method. Bangladesh has huge potentials in case of viral marketing system development. But this nation needs to ascertain the scope through development of sufficient technological awareness and internet capacity. Keywords: Viral marketing system, internet marketing, social network marketing system, virtual community and online communication system

    Product Features Affecting Buying Decision for Mobile Phone Handset: A Study on Tertiary Students Segment in Bangladesh

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    In recent times the different features of the mobile handsets have led to great modernization in mobile phone development. All mobile handset companies have added numerous features in their different brands. Manufacturers also try to set apart from their own products by implementing supplementary functions to formulate them more striking to the consumers. This study analyzes the features of mobile handsets affecting buying decision of consumers in tertiary student segment. In this study, sixteen diverse features of mobile handsets have identified under five factors. The purposes of this study are to find out the effect of specific features, to explore relationship between purchase decision and features and to estimate variation in purchase decision for various features through the consumers. Data has been collected from randomly selected 80 respondents from the students of the Comilla University, Bangladesh. In this case the collected data have been analyzed by using statistical devices. Results suggest that internet facility, multimedia, long lasting battery, camera, brand recognition, performance and color of mobile handset mostly persuade purchasing decision and external memory capacities, warranty period, price, customer-care service, phone memory capacities, country of origin have some influence over purchase decision. It is expected that the findings will be useful to improve our understanding about the features of mobile handset. Mobile handset manufacturers also will grasp idea for innovating features for their brands. Keywords: Consumer purchasing decision, mobile handset, features, Tertiary student segment and Mobile handset manufacturers

    Turbinoplasty by laser

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    This is a study of 61 cases of turbinoplasty done in 3 hospitals of Bangladesh from August’ 2007 to July’ 2009 (2 years). This study compares turbinoplasty by laser with that of non-laser techniques. 60.65 % of patients were operated by laser and 39.34 % of patients were operated by non-laser techniques. Majority of the patients were from 21- 40 years of age, (62.16% in laser group and 54.16% in non-laser group). Male & Female patients ratio was 3:1 in both groups. 100 % of the patients were presented with nasal obstruction. 98.36% with nasal discharge, 95.08% with headache and 75.40 % with frequent sneezing (p<0.01). Most patients were operated under local anesthesia in both groups (78.38 % and 58.33 % respectably). Follow up was satisfactory up to 3 months (Laser group 81.08 % and non-laser group 70.83%). Most of the patient were all symptoms free (86.48 % in laser group and 79.16 % in nonlaser group). Only 8 patients (21.62 %) present with crusting in laser group in respect to 22 patients (91.66%) in non-laser group with no incidence of severe post–operative nasal bleeding in laser group. 34 patients (91.89 %) of Laser group and 13 patients (35.13 %) of non-laser group were treated as day care surgery.Most of the cases (70.27 %) were operated by diode laser. Recurrences of symptoms were negligible in laser group (2.70%)

    Interfacing Relationship among Work Stress, Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Evidence from Banking Industry of Bangladesh

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    The performance of the employees serving at different levels of an organization gets directly affected by work stress which is also associated with employee motivation and customer satisfaction. Many scholars have argued on the previous comment. The present study's primary purpose is to determine the interfacing relationship among work stress, quality of services, and customer satisfaction of Bangladesh's banking industries. The study mainly followed a quantitative research method based on survey technique. The study has been completed in two sections. The first one was designed for bank employees to measure job stress and job satisfaction. The second one was for customers to investigate their satisfaction level on selected banks. Using the SERVQUAL model responses on service quality and customer satisfaction were collected. A total of 200 employees of the sampled banks were selected conveniently from 40 branches. Subsequently, 110 customers of the sampled Bank were selected randomly from bank premises. Besides, a total of 130 customers were selected purposively based on the contact number collected from the Bank, and the link of the google survey was sent to the selected customers but only 90 responses were collected out of the 130 respondents. Collected data were analyzed by using SPSS and Spreadsheet. Job stress and employee satisfaction were measured with the Kahn et al. (1964) instrument by descriptive statistics. The SERVQUAL model of Parasuraman et al. (1988) was applied to measure the quality of service and satisfaction level of customers.The present study found that bank employees are not satisfied with four dimensions: Governance, working environment, structure and facilities, benefits, etc. Subsequently, the SERVQUAL model analysis found that customers are not satisfied at all on all dimensions. The study concludes with having a positive relationship between the stress level of employees, quality of service, and satisfaction level of the customer within Bangladesh's banking industry. Keywords: Work stress, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, SERVQUAL model] DOI: 10.7176/JESD/12-4-04 Publication date: February 28th 202

    Role of CRM in Profitability of Service Organizations: A Case of a Leading Telecommunication Company in Bangladesh

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    Realizing the importance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to increase profitability almost every organization regardless of their size are increasingly adopting CRM systems. Firms use CRM systems not only to automate customer oriented business processes to reduce costs, but also to collect and analyze customer data to better fulfill customer needs and improve customer satisfaction. Telecommunication business in Bangladesh is in a growth stage with stiff competition and making an enormous profit every year. Most of the companies are using CRM. In this study, we have attempted to identify level of application of CRM in leading Telecommunication Company in Bangladesh considering developing model of CRM. Paper will also reveal how important is the CRM strategy of Grameen Phone (GP) Ltd., a leading telecommunication company in Bangladesh contributes in changing Return on Assets (ROA), Return of Equity (ROE) of the company in the stiff competitive market
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