573 research outputs found

    The Underdog can still arise

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    Bercerita tentang motivasi untuk membuat yang lemah menjadi yang kuat, artikel ini dimuat di Medium pada tanggal 13 April 2020. Ini adalah bacaan untuk jadi bahan Studi Naskah B. Inggris Magister Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Program Pascasarjana UIN SGD Bandung Semester II 2019/2020

    The meaning of place and the edu-tourist experience in Wot Batu Bandung, Indonesia

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    Many places in this world become places of spiritual and cultural pilgrimage. Call the City of Mecca for Muslims and the Vatican City for Catholics among the examples of places that become a mass visitor magnet, especially for adherents of the religions mentioned above. But there are also places that are used as tourist destinations because of its culture. This includes pyramids in Egypt, temples at Angkor Wat and at Java, or cultural relics such as at Machu Picchu, Peru. The two types of places, the spiritual and the cultural, are closely related to people's search for the meaning of their lives

    Transferring technology in a religious based school: A case in West Bandung

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    This study analyses deeply and systematically the ability of religious based schools (pesantren) to adapt the development of information technology. This study takes the case in a religious-based school, i.e. Pesantren Nurul Falah, West Bandung Regency. The study was conducted descriptively and qualitatively by using techniques of interviews, observation and document analyses. Face to face interviews using a list of questions were developed for this study. The findings of the study indicate that Islamic boarding schools can positively accept the transfer of technology, with the internet as the outmost. In practice, students of the pesantren could also happily use the technology, mainly for accessing information from the outside world

    Pluralism in the Light of Islam

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    Kemajemukan tidak bisa dihindari, seolah-olah itu adalah takdir manusia. Tetapi manusia sendiri seringkali tidak dapat mentolerir pluralitas ini. Karena intoleransi semacam inilah perang, intimidasi, pengusiran, konflik, dan kekacauan terjadi sepanjang waktu. Padahal, kemajemukan ini merupakan fenomena yang tak terbantahkan. Kita hidup dalam kemajemukan dan kita secara aktif atau pasif terlibat dalam dan bagian dari kemajemukan ini. Kemajemukan melekat pada semua gerakan spasial kita. Oleh karena itu, penerimaan dan eksistensi dengan orang lain atau hidup berdampingan dengan asumsi kesetaraan dalam bingkai kemajemukan adalah kebutuhan yang sangat penting. Karena kemajemukan ini selayaknya menjadi alat relasi bagi manusia untuk hidup damai dengan sesamanya. Namun demikian, agama dalam kehidupan masyarakat yang sebenarnya bisa menjadi fenomena yang sepenuhnya saling bertentangan. Seperti banyak agama lain, Islam juga sering menjadi penyebab konflik. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk melihat lagi apa pandangan Islam yang sebenarnya tentang pluralisme ini langsung dari sumbernya yang sah (yaitu, Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah). Kajian analisis tekstual ini dapat dijadikan pegangan bagi para tokoh Islam yang bergulat sehari-harinya dengan permasalahan kemajemukan di berbagai level pergaulan masyarakat


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    This paper proves that the ideological construction of an interpretation will determine the tendency of a product of interpretation and has the potential to reduce the meaning of a text and even reject other interpretations. The product of such interpretation is only more concerned with the process of elaborating verses for certain interests by designing themes and sub-themes as well as tendentious conclusions and even blaming "infidel" Muslims who are not in line, intolerant of differences of opinion, partial and fanatical which are full of radical ideologies. The findings in this article prove that the construction of Rokhmat S. Labib's interpretation is more of a process of elaborating verses for certain interests by designing themes and sub-themes with tendentious conclusions and even blaming "infidels" Muslims who are impartial, intolerant of differences, partial and fanatical. . The interpretation is often separated from the context of the verse, which causes this work to be inconsistent in taking references even though it does not ignore the historical context of the verse. This article also proves that the author's background determines ideological tendencies and interests in an interpretation

    Preparing a Journal to be Accredited Nationally by Sinta

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    Journals, which represent the most recent findings from a particular scientific expertise, are the most visible scientific output for the scientific community. This specialization is also what makes a journal visible to indexers like Sinta. In this case, the Religious Studies Doctoral Study Program at State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Gunung Djati (SGD) of Bandung has the Hanifiya Journal following Sinta's standards. Thus, to support improving the quality of management, preparation activities for the Accredited Journal of Sinta are needed. Journal management has unique characteristics for its scientific field. With the unique characteristics of journal governance, the study program-based scientific community is expected to be able to obtain appropriate and detailed knowledge and services regarding study program science. This program of Journal upgrades four essential elements: articles, reviewing, editorial and publication. The targets aimed at the management of this journal are primarily lecturers and study program students, plus journal managers and the Postgraduate Administration of the University. Resource people with appropriate knowledge of the Sinta journal were invited to participate in this project. Additionally, it is customary for visiting writers from various universities to be invited to contribute to the Hanifiya Journal. As a result, each writer and management receives support and ongoing guidance in order to prepare them for Sinta's national journal certification in Indonesia

    Archiving knowledge transmission in Islamic educational institution: The case of pesantren Miftahul Huda Tasikmalaya, Indonesia

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    This paper discusses the archiving system of knowledge transmission in traditional Islamic educational institution in Indonesia. The process of knowledge transmission in Islamic traditional educational institution cannot be separated from its position as the center of Islamic education and information. This study focuses its analysis on the Pesantren Miftahul Huda, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia, using qualitative method and data collection techniques through observation and interview. The results show that archiving knowledge transmission was limited and not well-managed in the pesantren Miftahul Huda. The pesantren was traditional in its archiving system in that it relied on the teachers’ memories in the process of transmission of Islamic science. To maintain an archiving system in traditional Islamic educational institution, pesantrens in Indonesia must pay serious attention to the archiving of their documents and activities for practical and scientific purposes. The support of local and central government support and other parties will be valuable and useful for these purposes

    Karena Mulia Diukur dengan Kekayaan

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    Ini adalah wawancara dengan M. Taufiq Rahman tentang korupsi. Menurutnya, korupsi itu berakar dari persepsi masyarakat tentang kekayaan

    Pendidikan Karakter Islam Modern di Sekolah Berbasis Pesantren

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    Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa pesantren merupakan agen pembangunan SDM modern. Melalui pertimbangan seksama dari kandungan doktrin dalam kurikulum pesantren dan kehidupan praktis sehari-hari di pesantren, kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pesantren merupakan jenis institusi yang menanamkan karakter yang handal untuk generasi muda. Kajian ini secara spesifik mengungkap keunggulan-keunggulan sekolah berbasis pesantren dalam mencetak karakter Islam yang modern. Untuk ini, dibuktikan pula bahwa pesantren adalah sekolah berbasis masyarakat (pedesaan). Karena pesantren itu merefleksikan keperluan masyarakat –yaitu pencapaian kemajuan. Pesantren juga dibuat oleh masyarakat dan untuk masyarakat itu sendiri. Di situlah mengapa masyarakat Muslim di Indonesia masih memerlukan keberadaan pesantren sehingga hari ini

    Cendekiawan dan Negara dalam Sejarah Islam

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    Tulisan ini merupakan terjemahan dari karya Nazih N. Ayubi, Religion and Politics in the Arab World. Ini merupakan kesaksian Ayubi tentang berbagai mazhab politik di dunia Islam, terutama di Timur Tengah
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