5 research outputs found


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    This research focuses on the implementation and the challenges of authentic assessment in 2013 Curriculum. Employing case study design, the study draws insights of the implementation embracing the types of assessment, the competences to assess, and the challenges encountered by two English teachers and two classes of the students from a senior high school in Makassar. The obtained data from six nonparticipant observations, two sessions of a semi-structured interview with teachers and documentation toward teachers’ documents were all analyzed using thematic analysis model in relations to the concerns of this study. he findings demonstrated that the teachers implemented the authentic assessment in three cyclical stages covering planning, implementing, and evaluating. Three assessment types covering observation, written test, and performance assessment were employed to assess three competencies consisting of attitude, knowledge, and skills. Unfortunately, this practice still remained challenges for teacher covering pertains to scoring, time and effort consuming, and validity issue. It, therefore, could be concluded that the challenges will adhere to the implementation of authentic assessment. These findings inform teachers, policy maker, and future researcher to take possible actions on what and how to do next in order to enhance the practice of assessment in Indonesia. Keywords: authentic assessment, 2013 curriculum, implementation, competences, challenges

    Pemanfaatan E-learning Moodle pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika di Smk Negeri 5 Makassar

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    Technological developments and the growth of Internet use in Indonesia has a positive contribution, especially in the use of the internet for learning. This study aimed to determine the influence of the use of e-learning moodle on learning motivation in Mathematics at SMK Negeri 5 Makassar,the influence of the use of e- learning moodle learning outcomes in Mathematics at SMK Negeri 5 Makassar, and the effect of e-learning moodle through motivation towards learning outcomes in SMK Negeri 5 Makassar. This quasi-experimental study used two groups, the experimental group who were learning with e-learning moodle and the control group were given with the delivery of learning materials through teacher presentations using LCD projectors. The population in this study was a class XI student of SMK Negeri 5 Makassar to the amount of 177 students with a sample of 69 students. Data collection techniques using the test by administering a written test and non- test methods by administering questionnaires. The data were obtained from the results of a written test and a questionnaire administered before (pre) and after (post) the learning in each sample group meetings take place 4 times. The results showed there is a significant positive effect of the use of e-learning moodle on learning motivation in Mathematics at SMK Negeri 5 Makassar. There is a significant positive effect of the use of e- learning moodle learning outcomes in Mathematics at SMK Negeri 5 Makassar. And there is the influence of e-learning moodle through motivation towards learning outcomes Mathematics at SMK Negeri 5 Makassar significantly with an increase in learning outcomes. Hypothesis test results lead to the conclusion that there is a significant positive effect on the use of e-learning moodle on motivation and learning outcomes of students in subjects of Mathematics at SMK Negeri Makassar

    Students' Perception of Using Microsoft Teams in English Online Learning at SMAN 10 Pinrang

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    This study aims to explore students' perception of Using Microsoft teams in English Online Learning.  The present study applies descriptive qualitative method to achieve the  research objectives, the data collected were in the form of questionnaire and interviews. The subject of this study was students of SMAN 10 Pinrang class XII IPA 3 academic 2021/2022. The sample of the questionnaire were 29 students, and the interview were 5 students who were taken using simple cluster random sampling technique. Based on the results of the study, researchers found that students' perception of the use of Microsoft teams in English online learning as a flexible, affective, effective and facilitate interaction between teachers and students continues to run smoothly during online learning. Of the 29 students who filled out the questionnaire, 22 students agreed that online learning using Microsoft teams is more effective because it comes with a variety of complete features that can make it easier for students to learn online during a pandemic

    Multiple Intelligences Profiles of Junior Secondary School Students in Indonesia

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    This study aimed to investigate the Multiple Intelligences profiles of the students at junior secondary school in Makassar. The Multiple Intelligences Inventory was used to identify the dominant intelligence among the students. The sample of this research was 302 junior secondary schools students in Makassar Indonesia who willing to participated in this study. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to investigate the students’ MI profiles. The results of this study showed that all intelligences were possessed by the students either in strong, moderate, or weak category. Existential intelligence became the strongest intelligence among the nine types of multiple intelligences. Moreover, other types of multiple intelligences in strong category were interpersonal intelligence and verbal-linguistic intelligence. They were the second and the third intelligence of the strongest intelligences. The other types were in moderate category, were intrapersonal intelligence, musical intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, logical mathematic intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, and naturalist intelligence. In terms of gender, the study revealed, male students significantly possessed stronger in logical-mathematic intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, and intrapersonal intelligence, Meanwhile, Female students were significantly stronger in musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and existential intelligence. The results also showed that there was no significant difference between male students and female students in verbal linguistic intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, and naturalist intelligence