88 research outputs found

    The Development of E-Counseling Gestalt Prophetic to Help Students Cope with Academic Procrastination in Indonesian Islamic Higher Education

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    The numerous cases of academic procrastination of students in various universities in Indonesia are worrying. In terms of intervention, there is a proven effective approach to improve students’ skill to cope with academic procrastination. It’s called Guidance and Counseling Gestalt Prophetic (G-Pro). Unfortunately, due to a lack of access, G-Pro needs to be developed. This article will present a new approach called E-Counseling Gestalt Prophetic (E-G-Pro). The author used the Borg and Gall model research and development (R & D) model with three research steps: a preliminary study, model development, and model validity.  Focus group discussion (FGD) has been done to assess the properness of the model. Four parties, each from information and technology expert, Qur'anic Interpretation expert, Islamic education and religiosity expert, guidance and counselor expert, and counselee, were invited to the FGD. Based on internal judgement by experts and users, the E-G-Pro is highly feasible to be applied to help students cope with academic procrastination in Indonesian Islamic Higher Education

    Konsep bimbingan dan konseling ibu hamil dalam menstimulasi kecerdasan janin dan metode pendekatannya menurut perspektif Baihaqi

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    Fetal intelligence can be influenced through stimulation and the physical and psychic health of pregnant women. Physical and psychic changes during pregnancy cause problems for pregnant women so that negative feelings arise that can inhibit the intelligence of the fetus. So there is a need for guidance and counseling for pregnant women to stimulate fetal intelligence with an approach method. This research method is a literature study by analyzing a book written by Baihaqi, 'Educating Children in the Womb'. The results of the study found that there are 11 methods of approach to stimulate the fetus according to the perspective of baihaqi, namely: prayer methods, worship methods, Qur'an methods, participation methods, compassion methods, methods of the following recitation in taklim assemblies, rewards methods, methods of dialogue and discussion, methods of tadzkirah, methods of story or storytelling, methods of songs or sholawat. Guidance and counseling of pregnant women involve midwives by paying attention to the physical and psychic efforts of pregnant women and providing knowledge and teaching pregnant women about how to stimulate brain boosters in the fetus for their intelligence with the 11 Baihaqi methods.Abstrak                                  Kecerdasan janin dapat dipengaruhi melalui stimulasi dan kesehatan fisik dan psikis ibu hamil. Perubahan fisik dan psikis selama kehamilan menyebabkan problematika bagi ibu hamil sehingga muncul perasaan-perasaan negatif yang dapat menghambat kecerdasan janin. Sehingga perlu adanya bimbingan dan konseling ibu hamil sebagai upaya menstimulasi kecerdasan janin dengan metode pendekatan. Metode penelitian ini adalah studi pustaka dengan menganalisis buku yang ditulis oleh Baihaqi, ‘Mendidik Anak dalam Kandungan’. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa terdapat 11 metode pendekatan untuk menstimulasi janin menurut perspektif Baihaqi, yaitu: metode doa, metode ibadah, metode qur’ani, metode mengikut sertakan, metode kasih sayang, metode mengikuti pengajian di majelis-majelis taklim, metode penghargaan, metode dialog dan diskusi, metode tadzkirah, metode kisah atau bercerita, metode lagu atau sholawat. Bimbingan dan konseling ibu hamil melibatkan bidan dengan memperhatikan upaya fisik dan psikis ibu hamil serta memberikan pengetahuan dan mengajarkan ibu hamil mengenai cara menstimulasi brain booster pada janin untuk kecerdasannya dengan ke 11 metode Baihaqi

    Development of a Scale for Measuring the Competencies of Islamic Counselors

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    The competence of an individual's personality is a crucial aspect in determining the success of guidance and counseling services. It is important to measure the personality competence of Islamic counselors to assess their preparedness to fulfill their responsibilities in the workplace. This measurement serves as a benchmark for the quality of prospective Islamic counselors and can be used as an evaluation tool. The objective of this study is to develop a scale to measure the personality competence of prospective Islamic counselors based on the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), the American Counseling Association (ACA), and the Minister of National Education Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 27 Year 2008 related to counselor competencies. The study employed a qualitative approach in formulating statement items and a quantitative approach to test the internal validity of the scale. The internal validity was confirmed through V-Aiken analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) using the Kaiser Meyer Olkin (KMO) test. Additionally, the reliability of the scale was tested using the Cronbach Alpha method. The results showed that the Islamic counselor personality competence scale was declared to be valid and reliable for all indicators and items


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    Impact counseling/therapy merujuk pada sebuah pendekatan kreatif dalam konseling yang diperkenalkan oleh Dr. Ed Jacobs. Pendekatan ini menghargai ragam cara belajar, cara berubah, dan cara berkembang konseli. Impact counseling menekankan pendekatan multisensori yang melibatkan dimensi verbal, visual, dan kinestetik dalam proses konseling. Impact counseling berupaya mengintegrasikan berbagai konsep dalam rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), transaktional analysis (TA), gestalt, dan reality therapy dengan penggunaan berbagai properti, gambar, dan gerak dalam proses konseling. Adapun media bimbingan dan konseling yang digunakan yaitu powerpoint untuk menunjang kegiatan bimbingan klasikal, papan bimbingan yang digunakan untuk konseling kelompok, Adapun tahapan dalam proses konseling ini adalah Fase rapport, Fase Contract, Fase Focus, Fase Funnel, terdapat satu fase tambahan yaitu fase penutupan. Bimbingan dan konseling impact berbasis Islam berupaya menyadari kembali eksistensi konseli sebagai makhluk Allah SWT dalam proses maupun tujuan dalam bimbingan dan konseling berbasis Islam untuk meningkatkan regulasi diri dalam pemanfaatan gadget. Kata kunci:  bimbingan dan impact, regulasi diri, dan pemanfaatan Gadget

    Guidance of Sex Education for Pre-Puberty Children: Study at Darul Muttaqein Bogor

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    Sex education is a comprehensive education that needs to be disclosed publicly to pre-puberty-children aged between 7 to 10 years old. To ensure that they understood the meaning of life and are not being affected by western ideology. Providing sex education in Islam is very important to find their true identity and understand the concept of life as a Muslim when they reached puberty. This article aims to find out knowledge taught to pre-puberty age children about sex education. This research used qualitative methods, combining library researched (pedagogies aspect) and field researched (psychologist aspect). The results showed that the guidance of sex education about the body anatomy and their relevance to faith, worship, and sharia is to ensure that the child understands their responsibility and to adopt good morals in life. Abstrak         Pendidikan seks merupakan pendidikan komprehensif yang perlu didedahkan kepada anak pra-akil baligh berumur antara 7 hingga 10 tahun. Ini memastikan mereka memahami erti kehidupan dan tidak terpengaruh dengan ideologi Barat. Menyediakan pendidikan seks dalam Islam adalah penting untuk mencari identitas kebenaran mereka dan memahami konsep kehidupan sebagai seorang Muslim apabila mereka mencapai usia akil baligh. Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa yang diajar kepada kanak-kanak umur pra-akil baligh tentang pendidikan seks. Kaedah kualitatif digunakan dalam penyelidikan ini dengan menggabungkan penelitian perpustakaan (aspek paedegogis) dan penyelidikan lapangan (aspek psikologi). Hasil kajian menunjukkan bimbingan pendidikan seks mengenai anatomi tubuh dan kaitannya dengan iman, ibadah dan syariat adalah untuk memastikan anak memahami tanggungjawab mereka dan menyesuaikan akhlak yang baik dalam kehidupa


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    Gestalt Profetik (G-Pro) lahir dari hasil evaluasi dan pengembangan  terhadap konsep dan praktik Terapi Gestalt Frederik S. Perls. Pendekatan bimbingan dan konseling G-Pro merupakan best practice pendekatan bimbingan dan konseling sufistik dengan  merekonstruksi konsep, praktik, dan media layanan bimbingan dan konseling sehingga sejalan dengan tujuan pendidikan Islam. Konsep G-Pro dikenal dengan istilah kesadaran penuh (full awareness), kontak penuh (full contact), dan dukungan penuh (full support). Praktik G-Pro menggunakan strategi bimbingan kelompok dan konseling  individual. Strategi bimbingan  kelompok dilakukan dalam bentuk small group  untuk memberikan layanan dasar pada semua konseli sebagai awal terapi dengan menggunakan pendekatan  permainan kartu SDBHSM. Permainan kartu SDBHSM adalah permainan  interaktif antara konselor dan konseli yang bertujuan mendorong konseli mengalami situasi dalam kontinum kesadaran yang melemah kemudian bergeser pada kesadaran penuh dengan prinsip di sini dan sekarang. Kartu SDBHSM merupakan media G-Pro yang berisi enam slogan, yaitu: (S) siapakah anda?; (D) dari mana anda berasal?; (B) berada di mana anda saat ini?; (H) hendak kemana tujuan anda?; (S) sedang apa anda saat ini?; dan (M) manfaat apa yang anda peroleh?. Strategi konseling individual dilakukan dengan permainan dialog internal meliputi berbagai permainan dialog internal yang diadaptasi dari Terapi Gestalt Frederik S. Perls yaitu permainan dialog internal (empty chair) untuk menghadapi urusan yang belum selesai; teknik “Saya  memikul tanggung jawab“; teknik ”saya memiliki suatu rahasia” dan  “Bolehkah saya memberimu sebuah kalimat”; teknik bermain proyeksi; teknik pembalikan; teknik pengulangan; teknik melebih-lebihkan; teknik “bisakah anda tetap dengan perasaan ini”. Melalui pendekatan G-Pro, konseli dapat dibantu dan dibangun  untuk mampu: meningkatkan kesadaran diri akan eksistensinya sebagai makhluk Allah; secara bertahap dapat mengambil hikmah dari pengalaman dan bersyukur/bersabar atas pengalaman yang telah dilalui; mengembangkan kemampuan secara mandiri untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tanpa harus melanggar syariat agama Islam dan atau melanggar  hak-hak orang lain; lebih sadar akan gerak hati, kecenderungan dan perasaannya; belajar bertanggung jawab pada apa yang mereka lakukan termasuk di dalamnya menerima konsekuensi dari pilihan dan perbuatannya; beralih dari dukungan dari luar meningkat menjadi didukung oleh diri sendiri dan dukungan Allah; menyadari membutuhkan orang lain dan dapat menerima pertolongan orang lain  dan mampu  menolong orang lain dengan berharap mendapat ridlaNya. AbstractGESTALT PROFETIK (G-PRO) BEST PRACTICE  GUIDANCE AND COUNCELLING SUFISTIK APPROACH Gestalt[LD1]  of Prophetic (G-Pro) was born from the results of the evaluation and development concept and practice of  Frederik S. Perls Gestalt Therapy . Approach G-Pro guidance and counseling  is a best practice of  approach sufistik guidance and counseling  by reconstruct concept, practice, and media of guidance and counseling so that it aligns with the objective of Islamic education. The concept of G-Pro is known as full awareness, full contact, and full support. G-Pro Practice uses the strategy of group guidance and individual counseling. Strategy of group guidance is in the form of a small group to provide basic service to all counselees as first therapy by using an approach SDBHSM card game. SDBHSM card game is interactive game between counselor and counselee that aims to encourage the counselee experiencing a situation in a continuum of consciousness that weakens then shifts in full awareness of the principle here and now. SDBHSM card is a G-Pro medium that contains six slogans, those are: (S) who are you ?;  (D) where are you from ?;  (B) where are you now ?;  (H) where do you want to go ?;  (S) what are  you doing now?; and (M) what benefit do you get ? Individual counseling strategy used by the internal dialogue game that consists many kinds of internal dialogue games adapted from Frederik S. Perls Gestalt Therapy is a game of internal dialogue (empty chair) to deal with unfinished business; technique "I take responsibility";  technique "I have a secret" and "Can I give you a sentence"; technique of playing projections; reversal technique; technique of repetition; exaggerating technique ; technique "Can you stay with this feeling". Through the G-Pro approach, counselee can be helped and built to be able to: increase the self-awareness of the existence as a creature of God; gradually able to take lessons from the experience and grateful / patient on the experience that has been passed; develop the ability independently to meet needs without violating Islamic law or violating the rights of others; more aware of the impulse, tendency and feeling; learn to be responsible in what they do which includes accepting the consequences of their choice and action; switch from external support to be supported by themselves and the support of God; aware of the need of others and can receive help others and able to help others expecting to get His pleasure

    Fitrah Guidance And Counseling In The Elimination Of Delinquency

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    At present, the delinquency rate of students continues to increase. This indicates that it is needed for an approach other than the learning process, and the effort is guidance and counseling. But in reality, religious counseling when viewed from operational technical aspects, the intervention model used is not as effective as the intervention model that has been developed in western counseling in general. Focus problem in this study trying to find a creative Islamic guidance and counseling approach, in the effort to eliminate delinquency. The approach used in this research is thematic tafseer and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The researcher focuses on one topic related to a particular problem then the researcher collects Al-Qur'an verses that are related both legally and legally and looks at the interpretation of the verse and copies and analyzes the results of the FGD to be presented as research results. The analytical method used is a qualitative method for finding and designing approach. The results of the thematic tafseer and FGD studies show that the fitrah guidance and counseling in the Qur'an has been successfully formulated in the form of material content used in the fitrah Guidance and Counseling procedures such as simulations of water and black ink, hawa nafsu vs hidayah techniques, tadabbur hadith a sin is one black point, tadabur hadith parable of Saleh friends accompanied by simulations and prayer therapy, zikrullah therapy, muraqabatullah, Social therapy (family therapy, community therapy, friendship with ulama). All material content is designed in a Guidance and Counseling approach in eliminating delinquency summarized in seven stages of the procedure, namely Muqaddimah, Recognize (i'tirof), Regret (nadam), Follow the Fitrah of God, Determine not to repeat ('adamut tikror), Husnudzon Billah and Self Improvement (Ishlah adz-Dzat).