23 research outputs found
Sasombaugh Desa Domo Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Kabupaten Kampar (Kajian Semiotika)
AbstractThis research is entitled Sasombaugh Desa Domo Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Kabupaten Kampar (Semiotics Study). This research is based on the background of the Domo Village Community, which is part of the Kampar Malay speech community, which until now still uses the Sasombaugh oral tradition or culture, especially in traditional wedding ceremonies. Sasombaugh was created spontaneously from the party who came, while the recipient answered with a sentence that was made immediately. The purpose of this study was to determine the icon conveyed in Sasombaugh Antau Tando, then to describe the index conveyed in Sasombaugh Antau Tando and to describe the symbols conveyed in Sasombaugh Antau Tando in Domo Village, Kampar Kiri District, Kampar Regency. The research method is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques using documentation and library techniques. The documentation technique is in the form of Sasombaugh Antau Tando text data and data from informants and library techniques which include theories related to the object of research. Data analysis techniques are in the form of identifying data, classifying data, describing data, and concluding data. The results of the study are the icons contained in the Sasombaugh Antau Tando text include; (i) Tando ,; (ii) Tando kocik; (iii) Tando Godang; (iv) Kombuik; (v) Sirih jo Pinang; (vi) Kain Nan Saolai Bonang; and (vii) Upi Ghak. The index contained in the Sasombaugh Antau Tando text is Baati Suko. The symbols contained in the text Sasombaugh Antau Tando (i) Kamanakan and Datuk; (ii) Bano / Gubano; (iii) Baaghak; (iv) Cano; and (v) Ninik mamak. Keyword:semiotics, sasombaugh, antau tando, icons, indexes, symbolsAbstrakPenelitian ini berjudul Sasombaugh Desa Domo Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Kabupaten Kampar (Kajian Semiotika). Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh Masyarakat Desa Domo yang merupakan bagian dari masyarakat tutur Melayu Kampar, yang sampai saat ini masih menggunakan tradisi atau budaya lisan Sasombaugh terutama dalam upacara adat perkawinan. Sasombaugh tercipta secara spontan dari pihak yang datang, sementara pihak penerima menjawab dengan kalimat yang dibuat seketika. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ikon yang disampaikan dalam Sasombaugh Antau Tando, kemudian untuk mendeskripsikan indeks yang disampaikan dalam Sasombaugh Antau Tando dan untuk mendeskripsikan simbol yang disampaikan dalam Sasombaugh Antau Tando di Desa Domo Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Kabupaten Kampar. Metode penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik dokumentasi dan perpustakaan. Teknik dokumentasi berupa data teks Sasombaugh Antau Tando serta data dari informan dan teknik perpustakaan yang mencakup teori-teori yang berhubungan dengan objek penelitian.Teknik analisis data berupa mengidentifikasi data, mengklasifikasi data, mendeskripsi data, dan menyimpulkan data. Hasil penelitian adalahAdapun Ikon yang terdapat pada teks Sasombaugh Antau Tandodiataranya; (i) Tando,; (ii) Tando kocik; (iii) Tando Godang; (iv) Kombuik; (v) sirih jo Pinang; (vi) Kain Nan Saolai Bonang; dan (vii) Upi Ghak. Adapun Indeks yang terdapat pada teks Sasombaugh Antau Tando adalah Baati suko. Adapun simbol yang terdapat pada teks Sasombaugh Antau Tando (i) Kamanakan dan Datuk; (ii) Bano/Gubano; (iii) Baaghak; (iv) Cano; dan (v) Ninik mamak. Kata kunci: semiotika, sasombaugh, antau tando, ikon, indeks, simbo
Nilai Sosial Rumah Lontiok di Desa Pulau Belimbing Kabupaten Kampar
Indonesia is a country that is rich in language, culture, customs and is also rich in traditional houses or traditional houses. A traditional or traditional house is a building with a structure or shape that has its own characteristics as a characteristic or identity of an area and in general, traditional houses are built using local materials. One of the traditional houses in Riau that still exists and is well maintained is the Lontiok House. The Lontiok house has ornaments and architecture like a stilt house which has stairs, steps and a gate in front which signifies respect for every guest who comes to the Lontiok house and also respects the host himself. The philosophy and value of the gate or pavilion of the lontiok house is to respect one another. This study discusses the social values of Lontiok Houses with the aim of describing the social values contained in Lontiok Houses. The benefits obtained from this research can make a foothold to the general public that the Lontiok house is one of Riau's cultural heritage. The research method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. Collection of library research data and field research. Library research relies almost entirely on data from libraries. The results obtained in this study are that there are seven social values contained in the Lontiok house, namely: 1) Social kinship values (deliberation), 2) Religious values, 3) Economic values, 4) values of togetherness or affection, 5) Values of please helping, 6) the value of tolerance and 7) the value of caring
Deiksis dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Kukila Karya M. Aan Mansyur
This jurnal purpose to describe a type of deiksis in a M. Aan Mansyur's short storyes collection. The type of deiksis in a M. Aan Mansyur's short storyes are (1) persona deiksis (2) place deiksis (3) time Deiksis (4) discourse deiksis (5)cocial deiksis. Deiksis persona is divided by three, (1) the first persona (2) the second persona (3) the third persona). Place deiksis is divided by three (1) di sini (2) di situ (3) di sana. Discourse deiksis is divided by two (1) anafora (2) katafora. Where as the other deiksis there is no in the division. There are 138 deiksis in M. Aan Mansyur short Story collection
Deiksis dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Kukila Karya M. Aan Mansyur
This jurnal purpose to describe a type of deiksis in a M. Aan Mansyur\u27s short storyes collection. The type of deiksis in a M. Aan Mansyur\u27s short storyes are (1) persona deiksis (2) place deiksis (3) time Deiksis (4) discourse deiksis (5)cocial deiksis. Deiksis persona is divided by three, (1) the first persona (2) the second persona (3) the third persona). Place deiksis is divided by three (1) di sini (2) di situ (3) di sana. Discourse deiksis is divided by two (1) anafora (2) katafora. Where as the other deiksis there is no in the division. There are 138 deiksis in M. Aan Mansyur short Story collection
Kemampuan Menulis Pesan Singkat Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri Sorek Dua Kabupaten Pelalawan
This study investigated the ability to write a short message class VII student of SMPN Sorek Dua Pelalawan. This study aims to determine the ability to write a short message class VII student of SMPN Sorek Dua Pelalawan This study is a descriptive-quantitative. This research data is data result of taking the test, the ability to write a short message class VII student of SMPN Sorek Dua Pelalawan. Instruments in this research is a form of an essay test on the ability to write a short message Students in grade VII SMP Negeri Sorek Dua Pelalawan. The data collection was done by using the test. The population in this study were 98 students with the determination of the full sample as many as 98 students. Data were analyzed with descriptive methods. The validity of the data obtained through the method of data validation. Results of this study of the test results the ability to write a short message Students in grade VII SMP Negeri Sorek Dua Pelalawan. Judging from the ability to write a short message seventh grade students of SMP Negeri Sorek Dua Pelalawan fall into the medium category with an average value of 79.10
Karakter Pemimpin Melayu dalam Pemimpin Ungkapan Melayu Karya Tenas Effendy
This study discusses the characters in the text Leader Leader Malay Malay phrase Tenas work Effendy. This study used a qualitative approach and descriptive method that aims to describe the characters contained in the text of the Malay phrase Leaders Work Tenas Effendy. In this study the authors used data collection techniques are engineering documentation, then classified based on the character-karakater leader according to Islam formulated into conclusions. The results of the research I have found in this study is the leader according to Islamic code contained in the text leader among Malay expression trustful character, character fathanah, characters and character shidiq sermons
Nilai Moral Dalam Novel Megalomania Karya Marhalim Zaini
This research is titled moral values in the novel megalomania by Marhalim zaini. This study aims to describe the moral values contained in the novel megalomania Marhalim zaini. The method used is descriptive method of analysis. This research date in the form of date in the form or word, phrases in sentencesor events that describe the moral value. Collection techniques by documenting and studying books that can assist in collecting date related to the problem. In the megalomania novel there are 7 noble moral values and 6 disgraceful moral values. The date analyzed by 22 date of good character
Amanat dalam Sampiran Pantun Melayu Kenegerian Kotorajo Rantau Kuantan
This Research study about commendation which is there are in addition of poetry of Malay of country Kotorajo. This Research aim to for mendeskripsikan of commendation in addition of poetry of Malay of country Kotorajo. Source of Data in this research is narasumber representing society in countryside of Kotorajo of subdistrict of Pestle Go downstream to Defect. Narasumber is one who understand poetry and know its background and also remain to or come from countryside Kotorajo. Method used in this research is descriptive analyse. Technique of data collecting in this research use technique ( 1) observation, that is to obtain;get data and information of about poetry utilized by society Kotorajo. This Information got from narasumber that is all prominent society knowing about poetry. ( 2) interview, that is to utilize truth and to look for more valid data. Interview used with two way of that is with direct record-keeping and the record. And ( 3) record, that is used to get data of poetry directly from narasumber. Technique analyse data used in mengalisis of result of this research is technique of study of book of data obtained by writer of through read and involve each;every addition couplet. Commendation which is there are in the poetry more dominant about exploiting natural product, tradition or culture, and also about values of history of exist in Country Kotorajo