45 research outputs found


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    Dalam dokumen Indonesian Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (IBSAP) 2015 2020, keanekaragaman hayati belum memberi dampak kesejahteraan dan peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat, padahal faktanya banyak kekayaan hayati Indonesia yang dapat dipergunakan namun belum tergali dan dipetakan secara maksimal. Tersedianya data dan informasi kehati nasional yang aktual akan memberikan banyak manfaat dalam penyusunan kebijakan nasional internasional dan perencanaan pembangunan yang tepat, serta informasi ilmiah yang selalu terupdate. Untuk mengetahui dan memetakan kehati tersebut, maka pembangunan data kehati perlu dilakukan melalui kegiatan Inventarisasi berbasis teknologi maju seperti drone. Adanya permasalahan pendata an kehati, seharusnya menyadarkan kita untuk tidak hanya menganda lkan kegiatan inventarisasi dengan pendekatan konvensional, namun perlu penguatan sistem pendataan kehati melalui pemanfaatan teknologi maju. Data kehati presisi terwujud, jika metode yang digunakan merupakan sintesis dari 3 indikator penting: kepraktisan, biaya dan output. Adapun sintesis ketiga indikator ini dinamakan Drone Smart Monitoring (DSM) yang telah diimplementasikan dalam membangun data kehati di beberapa kawasan konservasi di Indonesia

    Karakteristik Habitat dan Preferensi Pohon Sarang Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) di Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting (Studi Kasus Camp Leakey)

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    Abstrak. Orangutan (Pongo spp) tersebar luas di Asia, namun saat ini hanya ditemukan di Pulau Kalimantan dan Sumatera. Di Kalimantan Tengah, orangutan dengan jumlah populasi tertinggi dapat ditemukan di Taman Nasional (TN) Tanjung Puting. Orangutan memiliki preferensi dalam pemilihan habitatnya dan memiliki sebaran yang merata atau berkelompok. Akibatnya, pengelolaan populasi orangutan, dan habitatnya harus mempertimbangkan preferensi habitat populasi orangutan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan karakteristik preferensi habitat orangutan, dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor dominan dalam preferensi pohon sarang pada orangutan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Februari-Juni 2008 dengan analisis vegetasi. Hasil penelitian dengan analis regresi menunjukkan faktor-faktor ekologi dominan yang menentukan habitat orangutan. Preferensi pohon sarang adalah jumlah spesies tumbuhan pakan dan struktur pohon sarang. Hal ini menunjukkan peluang keberadaan orangutan pada suatu lokasi akan meningkat dengan meningkatnya jumlah spesies tumbuhan pakan. Analisis indeks preferensial berdasarkan metode Neu (1974) menunjukkan dari 3 lokasi yang diteliti, 2 lokasi (dipterocarp dataran rendah dan hutan rawa campuran) memiliki indeks preferensial yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan lokasi yang lain.Abstract. Orangutans (Pongo spp) were once widespread in Asia but are currently found only on the islands of Borneo (Kalimantan) and Sumatra. In Central Kalimantan, orangutans with the highest population number can be found in Tanjung Puting National Park. Orangutans have preferences in their habitat and therefore tend to spread uniformly or in groups. As a consequence, the management of orangutan populations and habitat must consider their habitat preferences. The objectives of this research were to determine the characteristics of orangutan’s habitat preferences, and identify the dominant factors for nest tree preferences of orangutans. This study was conducted in February-June 2008 by using the vegetation analysis. Results of the study with multiple regression analysis showed that the dominant ecology factors which determined orangutan’s habitat and nest tree preference were the number of food plant species and structure of nest trees. This indicated that the probability of the presence of orangutans in a location would increase with an increase in the number of food plant species. Using Neu’s method of preferential index’s analysis, it was concluded that out of the 3 locations studied, 2 locations (dipterocarp low land and mix swamp forest) had preferential indices greater than the other third location.Key words: Tanjung Puting National Park, orangutan, habitat, nest tree preferences


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    Efforts to develop the sustainable use of Timor deer can be carried out in situ, such as through the management of Natural Tourism Parks and ex-situ through captivity. The existence of the Timor deer and its breeding effort in the Gunung Tunak TWA is intended as an effort to provide tourist attractions which are the primary mandate of the management of the Gunung TWA. Utilization that is carried out needs to pay attention to the principles of leadership and the welfare of the animals. Apart from the biological technical perspective related to the management aspect of the Timor deer, another essential thing that needs to be studied is the economic valuation of the existence of the Timor deer as a tourist attraction in TWA Gunung Tunak. The purpose of this study is to analyze the economic valuation of the Timor deer as a tourist attraction using the methods of observation, interviews, accidental sampling, and data analysis using the calculation of willingness to pay, chi-square test, and bidding game. The results showed that the average economic value of Rp. 21.162 with an estimate of Rp. 52.853.167 in a year based on admission. This research is expected to add and enrich information related to the economic value of Timor deer in the context of developing utilization as a tourist attraction in TWA Gunung Tunak.  Key words: Rusa timorensis, bidding game, willingness to pay, focal animal samplin

    Upaya pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat berbasis bambu: Studi deskriptif kelompok serumpun bambu di Desa Maja Selatan Kecamatan Maja Kabupaten Majalengka

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    Indonesia merupakan suatu negara dengan potensi alam yang melimpah, salah satunya adalah potensi bambu. Kelompok Serumpun Bambu memiliki suatu metode khusus dalam pemanfaatan bambu menjadi benda yang bernilai ekonomi tinggi untuk tujuan pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan potensi bambu yang melimpah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis realitas tentang pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat melalui teknik pemanfaatan bambu oleh kelompok Serumpun Bambu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif yaitu menggali kondisi di lapangan melalui pengamatan yang akurat. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa : pertama, kesadaran pendiri kelompok Serumpun Bambu yang sadar akan ketertindasan ekonomi dan melihat suatu potensi keberlipahan bambu yang biasanya identik dengan rakyat miskin yang kemudian muncul ide untuk mengolah bambu menjadi benda yang modern dan berdaya saing tinggi. Kedua, teknik pengolahan bambu secara sederhana mauapun secara modern dengan memanfaatkan lahan yang ada untuk pengawetan dan pengolahan di rumah yang sederhana. Ketiga, pembentukan wadah pemberdayaan masyarakat dan pengembangan usaha untuk belajar mengolah bambu secara gratis melalui kelompok Serumpun Bambu dan segalikus sebagai merk dagang hasil olahan bambu

    Diversity and colonization of butterfly (Lepidoptera) on Pasoso Island, Central Sulawesi

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    Various biotic and abiotic environmental factors influence the preservation of butterfly species in an area. The pressure and threat of extinction for butterflies that occupy relatively narrow and isolated habitats such as small islands are pretty large. This study aims to estimate the diversity of butterfly species, predict colonization, predict local extinction of butterflies,  and conservation implications to minimize local extinction of butterflies in the habitat type on Pasoso Island, Central Sulawesi Province. Data was collected using field observations in four land cover types (primary forest, gardens, “ecoton” between garden-primary forests, and shrubs) on a 100 m line transect line. Each line transect is divided into point counts, with a distance between points of 100 m. The results of the identification of butterfly species in four habitat types on Pasoso Island found 16 species from 78 individual butterflies belonging to four families (Nymphalidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, and Lycaenidae). Butterflies in all habitat types on Pasoso Island are in the moderate category. Species diversity in garden habitat types based on the analysis of the Shannon-Wiener index showed higher than other habitat types (H'=1.89), while the Ecoton habitat type has the lowest diversity value (H'=1.06). The results of the t-test showed that there was no significant difference in the diversity of butterfly species in the four habitats. The results showed that colonization and local extinction occurred in butterfly species on Pasoso Island. Four of the nine species are included in the extinct category, namely Apias albina, Family Lycaenidae, Ideopsis juventa, Phalanta alcippe celebensis Wallacea. Five other species were colonized, namely Arhopala araxes, Catochrysops strabo, Catopsilia pomona, Hypolimnas anomala, and Idea blanchardii


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    Illegal wildlife trade is a criminal act of enormous value, almost equivalent to drug trafficking. One species vulnerable to being traded illegally is the moluccan eclectus which has a high number of enthusiasts. Law enforcement in cases of illegal wildlife trade in Indonesia is difficult because there is no standardization in calculating the economic value of wild animals. The economic valuation approach is one approach in quantifying the economic value of wildlife. This study aims to analyze the economic value of moluccan eclectus based on the market price approach, analyze the economic value of moluccan eclectus based on the maintenance cost approach, and compare the two approaches in the economic valuation of moluccan eclectus. Data were collected by two methods, namely literature study and interviews. The literature study collects data in the form of moluccan eclectus market prices circulating in the domestic and international markets. Meanwhile, interviews were conducted with managers of conservation institutions at Siantar Zoo, Medan Zoo, Tasikoki Animal Rescue Center (PPS) Manado, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Bird Park in Jakarta, Kekewang Zoo in North Sulawesi, and Andy Hoo Captivity in East Java to obtain data on maintenance cost. Data analysis was carried out quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that the economic value of moluccan eclectus based on the market price approach reached IDR 16,138,820/individual. Meanwhile, based on the maintenance cost approach, the economic value of moluccan eclectus reaches IDR 6,313,333/individual. Based on the accuracy of the results, both approaches have the same level of accuracy. Meanwhile, based on the effectiveness and cost-efficient aspects of data collection and analysis, the market price approach is relatively better than the maintenance cost approach.    Key words: Economic valuation, illegal wildlife trade, moluccan eclectu


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    Nepenthes aristolochioides is an endemic species found in Indonesia. This species has a narrow ecological distribution on Mount Tujuh, in the forest area of Kerinci Seblat National Park (TNKS), Kerinci Regency, Jambi Province. Nepenthes aristolochioides is a rare and critically endangered species of Nepenthes. Unfortunately, the study of environmental factors that influence its existence has not been widely studied. Therefore, a prediction model for the distribution of N.aristolochioides is needed as a solution for managing its habitat. This study aims to make a prediction map of the habitat of N.aristolochioides in Kerinci Seblat National Park. Characteristics of the environmental factors of the N.aristolochiodes  habitat that play an essential role in habitat suitability are the variables BIO19 (Precipitation of Coldest Quarter), BIO1 (Annual Mean Temperature), BIO13 (Precipitation of Wettest Month), DEM (Digital Evaluation Model). Prediction of the distribution of N.aristolochiodes  habitat with moderate habitat suitability of 10.523 ha, while with a high suitability level, is 4.176 ha. Habitats with a high level of conformity are spread over two main administrative areas, namely, Gunung Tujuh Sector, Gunung Kerinci Sector Key words: Habitat distribution, Maximum Entropy, Nepenthes aristolochioide

    Precision of Nest Method in Estimating Orangutan Population and Determination of Important Ecological Factors for Management of Conservation Forest

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    Orangutan as an umbrella species is closely interlinked with sustainable forest management meaning that the protection of this species has implications on the protection of other species and maintain ecosystem stability.  The total natural habitat required to support orangutan’s population could only be determined by the appropriate population size. It is associated with the carrying capacity to accommodate or fulfill the habitat requirements of a wildlife population. Selection and delineation of core and wilderness zones as habitat preference should be based on the results of preference test shown by the spatial distribution of orangutan population. Value of the coefficient  of  variation (CV) was used to observe the precision of the population estimation and to identify important ecological factors in selection of nesting trees.  The study resulted in varied CV spatial values for various habitat types: 22.60%,  11.20%, and 13.30% for heath, lowland dipterocarp, and peat swamp forest, respectively. In the other side, CV temporal values for various habitat types were 5.35%, 22.60%, and 17.60% for heath, lowland dipterocarp, and peat swamp forest, respectively. This indicated that the population density in each type of forest ecosystems had a variation based on location and did not varied according to time of survey.  The use of  nest survey technique showed good reliable results in estimating orangutan population density.  Efforts to improve the precision of estimation can be done by formulating r value as the harmonic average of nest production rates and t as the average of nest decay time per nest category. Selection of habitat preference and nest trees were influenced by food availability thus should form important consideration in conducting nest survey to avoid bias in estimating orangutan populations

    Precision of Nest Method in Estimating Orangutan Population and Determination of Important Ecological Factors for Management of Conservation Forest

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    Orangutan as an umbrella species is closely interlinked with sustainable forest management meaning that the protection of this species has implications on the protection of other species and maintain ecosystem stability.  The total natural habitat required to support orangutan’s population could only be determined by the appropriate population size. It is associated with the carrying capacity to accommodate or fulfill the habitat requirements of a wildlife population. Selection and delineation of core and wilderness zones as habitat preference should be based on the results of preference test shown by the spatial distribution of orangutan population. Value of the coefficient  of  variation (CV) was used to observe the precision of the population estimation and to identify important ecological factors in selection of nesting trees.  The study resulted in varied CV spatial values for various habitat types: 22.60%,  11.20%, and 13.30% for heath, lowland dipterocarp, and peat swamp forest, respectively. In the other side, CV temporal values for various habitat types were 5.35%, 22.60%, and 17.60% for heath, lowland dipterocarp, and peat swamp forest, respectively. This indicated that the population density in each type of forest ecosystems had a variation based on location and did not varied according to time of survey.  The use of  nest survey technique showed good reliable results in estimating orangutan population density.  Efforts to improve the precision of estimation can be done by formulating r value as the harmonic average of nest production rates and t as the average of nest decay time per nest category. Selection of habitat preference and nest trees were influenced by food availability thus should form important consideration in conducting nest survey to avoid bias in estimating orangutan populations

    Thermal Drone Technology Used to Capture Thermoregulation in Wild Sumatran Elephants

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    Drone technology plays a critical role in supporting conservation efforts for endangered species, not only in terms of species monitoring within various landscapes, but also potentially when applied to behavioral studies to investigate interaction patterns and response to environmental change. We tested a thermal drone to investigate thermoregulation and surface temperature of wild Sumatran elephants in the lowland tropical forest of Jambi, Indonesia. Thermoregulation data was obtained using RGB images and videos, while temperature values were measured from thermal images (R-JPEG) extracted into TIFF equipped with pixel temperature. We detected a visual thermoregulation mechanism known as mud bathing. Our study demonstrated that the trunk functions to draw mud and throw it onto the head, back, and stomach, the tail functions to distribute the mud to all parts of the back of the body, while the ears flapped to keep head temperature cool. Our measurements showed that the surface temperature of Sumatran elephants is between 28.9-30.3°C. The head had a relatively lower temperature than other body parts. This study also revealed that the environmental humidity variable significantly affects the elephant's temperature rise. The use of drone technology for future behavioral studies is recommended as it accurately provides high quality data and can be widely used in any type of terrain