285 research outputs found

    The mathematical approach for proximity analysis for 3D GIS

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    Next generation of GIS software would highly depend on 3D analysis in solving geographic problems. 3D analysis is a very important component for GIS as it defines as decision making tools for geographic features. One would like to query about geographic object from numerical calculation or propose optimum solutions for GIS applications. Such desired components in future software or system are to deal with the 3D analytical solutions. This paper presents a portion of the problems, which are 3D solid buffering for 3D GIS. This analytical solution is very important for 3D spatial analysis. The discussion related to the implementation of buffering model for solid object is the main concern in the research, where the primitive objects of point, line, and face will be taken in consideration for the development of 3D solid bufferin

    Rubric for Assessing ICT Vision, Plan, Policies and Standards in Malaysian Higher Education

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    The paper proposes a rubric for assessing the ICT vision, plan, policies and standards in Malaysian higher education institutions. Based on a selection of twelve survey questionnaires and rubrics that are used to assess ICT implementation, the paper identifies sixteen performance indicators. ICT vision is assessed based on who drives the vision, its focus and the level of awareness and understanding by the campus community. The indicators for ICT plan include the scope of plan, participation in plan development, level of detail, funding for plan and multi-year planning. ICT policies and standards cover the scope, characteristic, participation in the development, level of development and implementation, awareness and understanding by the campus community and how they are reviewed. The paper then uses these indicators to describe the characteristics of three case higher education institutions representing low, moderate and high level of ICT implementation

    Differentiating KMS Strategy from Business Strategy, KM Strategy and IS/IT Strategy

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    The era of the new millennium has witnessed a wide range of the revolutionized technology that affects our lives and the way an organization is conducted. The contemporary business sectors start to recognize the potential use of knowledge management in the new organizational processes. As a result, increasing numbers of organizations pay attention to the creative value of leveraging knowledge as one of their potential assets. Therefore, organizations start to focus on knowledge as one of the important elements in competitive advantage that needs to be utilized efficiently and effectively. They have shown a great attention of knowledge management in their business strategy incorporated with technology. The role of technological tools and applications is essential in supporting and enhancing knowledge management strategy. There has been a transition from traditional information system to new a concept of knowledge management system employed by organization to sustain competitive advantage in dynamic and unstable environment. Further, to shift the paradigm of knowledge management systems concept from business sectors, this study focused on the KMS applications and tools particularly in Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) environment. The purpose of this study is to (a) identify the relationship of business strategy, knowledge management (KM) Strategy, knowledge management systems (KMS) strategy, information system (IS) strategy and information technology (IT) strategy, particularly in the context of IHE, (b) describe those strategies and their relationship based on the context of IHE. This will provide guidance and effective methods for formulating the KMS strategy with the aim to align it with business strategies and ensuring success of its implementation

    Persepsi kualiti servis sistem maklumat di IPTA: Kajian kes Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

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    Servis sistem maklumat (SSM) merupakan satu elemen yang penting dalam menjayakan sistem maklumat (SM) di organisasi. Kualiti servis menjadi tumpuan pengurusan sistem maklumat bagi sesebuah organisasi, di samping kualiti teknikal dan kualiti maklumat. SSM mempengaruhi keberkesanan sistem maklumat dan seterusnya mempengaruhi produktiviti individu dan organisasi. Rantaian nilai ini sangat diutamakan untuk mencapai produktiviti yang optima. Semakin besar peranan yang dimainkan oleh sistem maklumat, semakin penting peranan yang dipikul oleh SSM. Pengurusan kualiti servis amat dititikberatkan dalam menguruskan SM bagi memastikan pengguna dapat memanfaatkan SM sepenuhnya. Adalah mustahak bagi pengurus SM untuk memahami ciri-ciri kualiti yang diharapkan oleh pengguna dari SSM tersebut. SSM ditakrif sebagai aktiviti yang menyokong dan memudahkan pengguna dalam mengeksploitasikan SM di dalam organisasi. SSM merangkumi penyediaan prasarana Teknologi Maklumat (TM) dan perkhidmatan yang menyokong pengguna untuk menggunakan prasarana tersebut. Seperti servis lain, SSM melibatkan interaksi antara pelanggan dan pembekal servis. Namun begitu bagi kes SSM, servis mungkin dibekalkan oleh staf yang mewakili unit pembekal servis atau diperolehi terus daripada prasarana TM. Antara SSM adalah seperti penggunaan sistem maklumat berkomputer (SMB), pembangunan SMB, penggunaan sistem e-mel, khidmat perundingan, penyenggaraan dan baik pulih komputer peribadi serta latihan/ kursus TM. Artikel ini membentangkan hasil kajian kes yang telah dikendalikan di kampus induk Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Perbandingan tanggapan kualiti servis dari perspektif pelanggan dan pembekal SSM akan dibincangkan. Pengenalpastian ciri-ciri kualiti SSM boleh membantu pengurusan SM untuk memahami keperluan pelanggannya dan membuat penambahbaikan berdasarkan maklum balas yang diperolehi

    Indoor and outdoor navigation based on 3D game engine

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    GIS expands from simple display to advanced visualization. Today, more and more visualization research were carried out, tested and incorporated with GIS as an effort to realize one of the components in 3D GIS, i.e. 3D navigation. Many navigation systems use 2D maps to represent the real world objects and situations and most of them were not able to provide real information of the situations like shapes, colors and materials of the objects or scenes, as we perceived. Features and navigational landmarks were not easily available for navigating in the real world, as they were very useful and helpful for the navigation purposes. This paper describes an experiment on 3D navigation (indoor and outdoor) within building environment. We utilize a freely available 3D game engine as a navigation tool couple with simple programming effort. We also incorporated the navigation engine with spatial database management system (DBMS). The navigation system works and will be presented. The outlook and future works on the proposed navigation system for 3D GIS will be highlighted

    The design and implementation of a two and three-dimensional triangular irregular network based GIS

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    It has been realised in the GIS community that most 2D GISs are capable of handling 2D spatial data efficiently, but systems have had less success with 3D spatial data. This is reflected in the current GIS market place where systems which can handle 3D data are hardly available - due to several impediments in implementing such systems. This thesis attempts to address some of the impediments. The impediments which related to spatial data especially data representation, data structuring and data modelling using object-oriented (OO) techniques are the foci of this thesis. OO techniques are utilized because they offer several advantages over the traditional (i.e. structural) techniques in software development. In the aspect of spatial representation, several major representations are investigated, which then lead to identifying an appropriate representation both for 2D and 3D, that is triangular irregular network (TIN) data structures. 2D data is represented by a 2D TIN, and 3D data is represented by a 3D TIN (also called a tetrahedral network or TEN). Several algorithms were developed for the construction of the data structures where procedures such as distance transformation (DT) and Voronoi tessellations were utilized. Besides standard Delaunay triangulations, constrained triangulations were also developed, thus the inclusion of real world objects in the spatial data modelling can be facilitated. Four classes of real world objects are identified (i.e., point, line, surface, and solid objects). For the purpose of spatial data modelling of the four types of objects, a formal data structure (FDS) is utilized

    Market share analysis of Malaysia's palm oil exports: implications on its competitiveness

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    The objective of this article is to analyse the market share of Malaysia's palm oil exports using the constant market share (CMS) approach in order to assess its competitiveness in the world market. Palm oil exports in period 1981·85 were analysed in comparison to the base period 1976·80 quantities. Next, palm oil exports in period 1986-90 were analysed in comparison to period 1981-85, and finally a comparison between period 1981-85 and 1986-90. The results of the CMS analysis show that size of market is the dominant factor in contributing to the country's palm oil export expansion. The competitiveness [actor plays relatively minor role and it is declining over time

    Menentukan tahap kesediaan pelajar kejuruteraan sebelum memasuki pasaran kerja

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    Kajian ini adalah untuk menentukan sama ada terdapat perbezaan di antara persepsi siswazah dengan majikan terhadap tahap kesediaan ke alam pekerjaan dalam kalangan siswazah kejuruteraan dari sebuah universiti tempatan di Malaysia. Data untuk kajian ini diperoleh melalui soal selidik yang dihantar melalui mel elektronik kepada 150 orang pelajar dan 80 pihak majikan di industri dan dianalisis menggunakan SPSS 20. Kebolehpercayaan soal selidik diuji dengan menggunakan kaedah alfa Cronbach yang menunjukkan nilai kebolehpercayaan 0.947. Analisis faktor dan Ujian Mann-Whitney telah digunakan untuk menjawab persoalan yang dikaji. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat perbezaan antara persepsi siswazah dengan majikan terhadap tahap kesediaan ke alam pekerjaan. Didapati bahawa persepsi majikan terhadap persediaan pelajar untuk menempuh alam pekerjaan adalah lebih baik berbanding dengan persepsi pelajar itu sendiri