32 research outputs found


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    This research is a quasi experimental study which intended to find out the effect of using guessing word meaning from the context on students’ reading at Ar-Raniry State Islamic University and the students’ responses toward the implementation of guessing word meaning from the context. The population was the English department students of Ar-Raniry State Islamic University (UIN Ar-Raniry) and the samples were the students at unit I and II in the academic year of 2017/2018 chosen by using random sampling technique. Moreover, the data were collected by giving pre-test, post-test and questionnaires. The finding reveals that there was a significant difference in students’ reading scores who were taught by using guessing word meaning form the context and those who were taught without using guessing word meaning form the context. In addition, the students gave positive responses toward the implementation of guessing word meaning form the context in which 91.4% students agreed that their ability in reading comprehension increased during the implementation of guessing word meaning form the context

    Pengaruh Pemberian Jus Kubis (Brassica Oleracea Var. Capitata L.) Dosis Bertingkat Terhadap Gambaran Makroskopis Dan Mikroskopis Hepar Tikus Wistar Jantan Yang Diinduksi Kuning Telur Ayam

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    Latar belakang: Konsumsi makanan secara terus menerus mengakibatkan akumulasi zat toksik pada hepar dan dapat berlanjut pada kerusakan hepar. Kubis (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata L.) merupakan salah satu jenis sayuran yangbanyak dikonsumsi masyarakat. Kubis diharapkan mampu mengurangi kerusakan sel pada hepar karena kandungannya seperti glukosinolat dan antioksidan.Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh jus kubis (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata L.) dengan dosis bertingkat terhadap gambaran makroskopis dan mikroskopis hepar tikus wistar jantan yang diberikan diet kuning telur.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental laboratorik dengan Post Test Only Controlled Group Design. Sampel adalah 20 ekor tikus wistar jantan, selama 14 hari diberi perlakuan diet kuning telur selanjutnya sampel dibagi secara acak menjadi 4 kelompok. K merupakan kelompok kontrol yang hanya diberi diet kuning telur. P1, P2, dan P3 merupakan kelompok perlakuan yang diberi diet kuning telur dan jus kubis 2,5 ml; 3,75 ml; dan 5 ml. Dosis jus kubis diberikan dua kali dengan selang waktu satu jam. Pemberian jus kubis dilakukan melalui sonde lambung selama 14 hari. Pada hari ke-36 hewan dikorbankan kemudian hepar diamati secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis. Analisis data pada gambaran makroskopis menggunakan Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Normalitas data gambaran mikroskopis diuji dengan Shapiro Wilks. Data dianalisis dengan One Way Anova dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Post Hoc LSD.Hasil: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada morfologi makroskopis hepar (p=0,635). Terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada gambaran mikroskopis yaitu pada kelompok K-P1 (p=0,001), K-P2 (p=0,000), P1-P3 (p=0,000), P2-P3 (p=0,000).Kesimpulan: Pemberian jus kubis tidak memberikan perbedaan bermakna pada morfologi makroskopik hepar tikus wistar jantan yang diberikan diet kuning telur ayam. Jus kubis dosis 2,5 ml dan 3,75 ml dapat berperan sebagai hepatoprotektor, ditandai oleh penurunan rerata kerusakan sel hepar dengan dosis paling aman adalah dosis 3,75 ml

    Hubungan antara Perilaku Makan dengan Status Gizi pada Remaja Putri

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    Perfect body was a dream of all adolescents girl so many girl done a strict diet with bad eating behaviour. Wrong way that they used can decrease their nutritional status. Adolescent eating behaviour who wasn\u27t think about nutritional made adolescents more likely to eat fast food, so will changed adolescent eating behaviour became good or bad behaviour. The aim of this study was to know correlate between adolescent girl eating behaviour and nutritional status in RW 5 Kelurahan Cinta Raja Kecamatan Sail, Pekanbaru City. 62 samples with purposive sampling technique. Univariate and bivariate analysis was conducted to analize the data. Data was analyzed using frequency distribution table and chi square test. Statistic showed p value (0,331). which means there is correlation between adolescent girl eating behaviour and nutritional status and was suggested for the family who had adolescent girl to control their eating behaviour and for the healthcare provider was suggested to increased health education about eating behaviour

    Analisa Kelayakan Pembangunan Jalan Tol Pemalang Batang

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    Pemalang – Batang Toll Road construction has been delayed due to land acquisition problems. It would require second feasibility analysis to the present conditions. Methodologies used include : performance evaluation of Pantura using MKJI 1997, analysis of traffic diverted to the toll road using diversion curve, economic feasibility in term of VOC saving, time saving and cost of accident saving; financial feasibility in term of NPV, BCR, IRR, payback period and NPV=0; and sensitivity analysis in term of reduction income, interest rate changes in toll rates, early year income and increase in investment cost. Pemalang – Batang Toll Road economically feasible. VOC saving for category I Rp 23,49; category IIA Rp 39.237,66 and category IIB Rp 52.518,90. Time saving for category I 27.98 minutes, category IIA 45.745 minutes, and category IIB 63.02 minutes. Accident cost can be saved Rp 43.363.019,00/year/km. Pemalang – Batang Toll Road also financially feasible with NPV= Rp 4.301.297.387.339,00; BCR= 1.787; IRR= 23.226%; payback period occurred in 8 years 7 months 16 days and NPV=0 occurred in 13 years 7 months 23 days. Results of sensitivity analysis are reduction income at least 44.032%; early year income in 21 years and the increase in investment cost amounted to 78.763%. Changes interest rate in toll rates did not affect the financial feasibility

    Penerapan Learning Management System BelajarBareng.id di SMK Negeri 1 Leuwiliang pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi permasalahan dalam pembelajaran daring pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di SMKN 1 Leuwiliang. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini, sekolah tersebut menggunakan LMS BelajarBareng.id. Penelitian ini berjenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah LMS BelajarBareng.id milik SMKN 1 Leuwiliang, sample penelitiannya akun milik operator, guru dan siswa. Teknik pengumpulan datanya dengan metode observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa pembentukan dan implementasi Learning Management System (LMS) BelajarBareng.id  dipengaruhi oleh teknologi pendidikan dan sumber daya manusia antara lain:(1) profesionalitas, (2) fungsional, (3) kompetitif), dan (4) partisipasi dan kerjasama. Learning Management System (LMS) BelajarBareng.id memiliki fitur-fitur yang sangat lengkap, yaitu: (1) administrasi guru, (2) kalender akademik, (3) memberikan materi dan tugas yang lebih variatif, (4) forum diskusi, (5) pelacakan, dan (6) penilaian. Kelebihan dan keunggulannya  antara lain  guru mudah dalam pemberian tugas kepada siswa, fitur forum chat untuk memudahkan proses diskusi dalam pengerjaan tugas, fitur participation untuk absensi siswa, penilaian kuis langsung tampil di LMS siswa, pembelajaran menjadi lebih menarik dan hemat biaya dan waktu. Sedangkan kekurangannya adalah guru tidak dapat menggunggah file dengan resolusi yang besar baik berupa video, audio, atau dokumen membutuhkan koneksi internet yang stabil, kurangnya interaksi secara real time antara guru dan siswa, membutuhkan perangkat seperti komputer, laptop, atau handphone

    “No good man will ever want me”. How structural social inequality increases women’s vulnerability to HIV transmission: a qualitative study from Bandung, Indonesia

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    Understanding the pathways that expose women to HIV transmission are vital in improving HIV prevention, especially among a “hidden” group of women without pre-established known risk for HIV. We investigated the pathways which place certain women at greater risk for HIV in a qualitative exploratory study with theoretical sampling using an emergent theory study design in an urban setting in Indonesia. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 47 HIV-infected women, one focus group discussion with five young women who occassionally engage in sex work, participant observation at six sex work venues and two midwife clinics, and 11 informal interviews with midwives, nurses, and obstetricians. Our research found that many women not characterized as belonging to a “high-risk group” or “key population” were nevertheless at increased risk for HIV. A history of sexual abuse, premarital sex, divorce, or involvement in sex work, often precipitated by poverty coupled with discriminatory public health policies further heightened women’s exposure to HIV. While reaching at-risk populations is a key strategy in HIV prevention, a novel and more tailored approach is needed to reach more hidden categories of women with less apparent risk behavior yet considerable risk for HIV infection