26 research outputs found

    The Effect of Government Policy Management on the Quality of Health Services

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    Background: Quality of health services is a tool to measure the patient’s satisfaction with medical services in accordance with standard operating procedures and medical service standards. It is based on the potential of available resources, facilities, and infrastructure of Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (Puskesmas) or hospitals that are efficient, effective, safe, and in accordance with norms, ethics, law, as well as the socio-cultural environment while respecting and adapting to the capabilities and limitations of the government and society. Good quality of services in a health service affects the health service. This research aims to analyze, synthesize, summarize, and compare the results of studies about the influence of government policy management on the quality of health services in Puskesmas. Method: This literature review was conducted by searching the literature in Google Scholar, Prayer, and Garuda with the keywords of Government Policy, Health Service Management, and Quality of Health Services. This study reviewed 6 articles as reference sources. Results: This study showed the influence of government policy management on the quality of health services at Puskesmas. Conclusion: Policy management in a health service greatly influences the quality of health services and good service quality results in high patient satisfaction


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    Latar Belakang Menyusui merupakan suatu cara pemberian makanan yang ideal untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bayi. Berdasarkan data dari Riset Kesehatan Dasar tahun 2010 dijelaskan bahwa 67,5% ibu yang gagal memberikan ASI eksklusif kepada bayinya karena kurangnya pemahaman ibu tentang teknik menyusui yang benar. Perilaku menyusui yang salah dapat mengakibatkan putting susu menjadi lecet. Penggunaan media dalam pendidikan kesehatan dapat berpengaruh besar dalam penyerapan informasi yang disampaikan sehingga dapat menigkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan ibu menyusui. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui penerapan metode peragaan dan video untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan pada ibu postpartum. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus yang dilakukan pada 5 ibu bersalin primipara di Praktek Bidan Mandiri (PMB) Aning. Proses pemberian  pendidikan kesehatan  tentang  teknik menyusui dengan menggunakan metode  peragaan dan video  dilakukan  2  kali pertemuan pada hari ke-1 dan ke-3 postpartum. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pendidikan kesehatan tentang teknik menyusui dengan metode peragaan dan video dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu menyusui sehingga meningkatkan kemampuan ibu menyusui. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah metode peragaan dan video dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu menyusui sehingga meningkatkan kemampuan ibu menyusui

    The Relationship Between Husband Support and Behavior of Pregnant Teenagers to Face Pregnancy During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Gombong, Kebumen, Indonesia

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    Background: Age influences pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnant women aged less than 20 years old or pregnant adolescents are not physically and mentally ready to cope with pregnancy or childbirth. The husband's support highly determines the health status of the mother. This research aimed to determine the relationship between husband support and the behavior of pregnant adolescents to face pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Gombong District, Kebumen Regency. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional approach. The population was all pregnant women aged less than 20 years in the Gombong District, Kebumen Regency. It used a saturated sampling technique involving 256 people. Data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis to answer the percentage and the Chi-Square test to answer the research hypothesis. Results: The study showed that 130 (50.8%) husbands did not support the mothers, and 126 (49.2%) husbands supported the mothers. The result also showed that 116 (45.3%) of the pregnant women showed positive behavior, while140 (54.7%) pregnant women showed negative behavior. The chi-square test found a p-value of 0.005, which proved a significant relationship between the husband's support and the behavior of pregnant adolescents to overcome pregnancy during the covid-19 pandemic. Conclusion: Pregnant teenagers with husband support will prepare for pregnancy and childbirth programs more maturely to ensure the safety of both mother and fetus


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    Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara berkembang dengan peningkatan jumlah penduduk yang signifikan setiap tahunnya. Masalah utama yang dihadapi di Indonesia dibidang kependudukan adalah masih tingginya angka pertumbuhan penduduk. Salah satu upaya pemerintah dalam mengendalikan jumlah penduduk adalah melalui Program KB. Hal ini tidak hanya karena terbatasnya metode yang tersedia, tetapi juga oleh ketidaktahuan mereka tentang persyaratan dan keamanan metode kontrasepsi tersebut. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini agar pasangan usia subur dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang program KB dan metode kontrasepsi sebagai proteksi pencegahan kehamilan. Kegiatan ini telah dilaksanakan selama 4 hari di berbagai tempat. Adapun kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa penyuluhan kepada Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) tentang program KB dan metode kontrasepsi. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan metode ceramah dan aplikasi buku saku. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat ini diterima antusias oleh peserta yang terlihat dari banyaknya pasangan yang bertanya seputar informasi mengenai program KB, jenis-jenis metode kontrasepsi, kelebihan dan kekurangan dari masing-masing metode kontrasepsi, dan cara penggunaannya. Disarankan agar kegiatan penyuluhan dilaksanakan berkala dengan frekuensi lebih sering dan jangkauan penyebaran informasinya juga dapat diperluas kepada keluarga secara umum agar setiap orang, keluarga dan masyarakat lebih mengetahui, memahami tentang metode kontrasepsi sebagai proteksi pencegahan kehamilan dan menambah informasi sehingga pengetahuan pasangan usia subur tentang KB lebih baik

    Occupational Safety Practice of Hazardous Health-care Waste Management in Bengkulu City

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    Background: Facing many patients while the workers were limited prompted health workers to make a quick decision regarding health-care waste. High workload pressured health workers and put them at risk of getting diseases than others, especially diseases from medical waste that they took care. Besides, as health workers, they should be clean from bacteria or viruses that can transmit  diseases to their patients. This research aimed to investigate the factors associated with occupational safety practice of hazardous health-care waste management in Bengkulu City. Method: This cross-sectional study used a stratified random sampling technique to select 230 respondents who work as health workers to respond to a questionnaire interview. The data were analyzed using multivariate logistic regression to find the association between the outcomes and the independent variables. Results: The prevalence of   poor  occupational safety practice of hazardous health-carewaste management was 35.21 % (95% CI = 29.27-41.66).  The factors significantly associated with occupational safety practice of hazardous health-care waste management were; gender (p-value < 0.001), department/unit (p-value < 0.001), knowledge (p-value < 0.001), and spirituality (p-value  < 0.001). Conclusion:  gGnder, department/unit, knowledge, and spirituality were associated with occupational safety practice of hazardous health-carewaste management in Bengkulu City


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    Abstract The aimed of study to investigate the effect of body composition on physical fitness of adults with obesity. This study applied a cross-sectional design and it involved 80 adults aged 30-45 years consisting of 46 men (12.79±0.38) and 34 women (12.77±0.46). The BMI mean scores of male and female subjects were (24.41±5.55) kg/m2 and (21.64±4.98) kg/m2 based on fitnessgram test and validated PAR-Q questionnaire. None of the subjects had moderate, good, or very good physical fitness levels. Most of the subjects have a low physical fitness level. The increase of BMI will decrease the physical fitness level. Keywords: body composition, physical fitness, obesit


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    Abstrak: Kasus penderita stunting Di Kabupaten Pacitan sangat tinggi. Pada tahun 2022 sejumlah 10.375 anak berpotensi mengalami stunting yang diakibatkan genetik dan ekonomi, serta kurangnya asupan nutrisi serta gizi (salah satunya dengan pemberian MPASI). Pendampingan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan softskill dan hardskill mitra dalam bidang pengelolaan MPASI Fishkuit dan pemasaran produk. Metode pendampingan yang digunakan adalah Participatory Action Research (PAR), yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 27 Januari 2023 dengan jumlah peserta 30 orang di GDM Kabupaten Pacitan. Evaluasi dilakukan melalui test tertulis. Hasil yang telah dicapai dalam pengabdian adalah: (1) Pemahaman peserta tentang bahaya dan solusi atas stunting meningkat menjadi 83%; (2) wawasan pengolahan makanan MPASI bertambah; dan (3) pengetahuan pengemasan produk, pengurusan label produk halal dan manajemen pemasaran meningkat menjadi 71%.Abstract: Cases of stunting sufferers in Pacitan Regency are very high. In 2022, a total of 10,375 children have the potential to experience stunting due to genetics and the economy, as well as a lack of nutritional intake (one of which is by providing complementary foods). This assistance aims to improve the soft skills and hard skills of partners in the field of MPASI Fishquit management and product marketing. The mentoring method used was participatory action research (PAR), which was held on January 27, 2023, with a total of 30 participants at GDM Pacitan Regency. The evaluation technique using written test. The results that have been achieved in community service are: (1) participants' understanding of the dangers and solutions to stunting increased to 83%; (2) knowledge of complementary food processing has increased; and (3) knowledge of product packaging, handling halal product labels, and marketing management increased to 71%