385 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan Melalui Bimbingan Klasikal (Studi Di Jurusan Bimbingan Konseling Islam FDK UIN Suska Riau)

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    Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan penulis pada mahasiswa semester VII jurusan BKI FDK UIN Suska Riau Tahun Akademik 2014/2015 diperoleh informasi bahwa mahasiswa yang akan mengikuti Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan Bimbingan Konseling Islam kurang memiliki kesiapan baik secara wawasan, pengetahuan maupun keterampilan dalam memberikan bimbingan serta layanan dalam konseling islam. Maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan melaksanakan Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, karena peneliti mengamati fenomena yang terjadi dilapangan. Hasil Pengamatan peneliti terhadap aktivitas dalam bimbingan klasikal pada siklus 1 masih tergolong rendah dengan perolehan persentase 61%. Hal ini terjadi karena tim peneliti lebih banyak memberikan informasi tentang gambaran pelaksanaan praktek pengalaman lapangan dan kurang mengeksplorasi kebutuhan mahasiswa terhadap praktek pengalaman lapangan

    Pembentukan Keluarga Sakinah Pada Keluarga Jama'ah Tablig Di Kota Palangka Raya

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    In this study, used descriptive avalitative research with the subjeck using purposive sampling. That to be a respondent is a people's. A people of muslim religious teacher, and 3 people's from society that is community such a religious meeting. The objeck is a formation of harmonious family in the community such a religious in Palangkaraya Raya city. The data collection, it used some techniques such as interview, and documentation . for the data validity using triangulasi and analyzing the technique are as follows : data colection, data reduction, data display and conclusion. The main research finding were: 1) the method to making the harmonious family must be loving, to know and function in a family, know basic right and obligation in family. In a family must to ask and more than read a book about marriage, always to communication, to believe and understanding disvantages and advantages in family and always discussion. If a aplly can their be harmonious family. 2) All of agrrement their is no the problem to making the harmonious family. 3) The method to making the harmonious family is a ablution, reading Alquran or reading a Yasin, trust in

    Pemanfaatan Sampah Padat Kota Menjadi Energi Alternative

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan solusi rekayasa teknologi pengolahan plastik yang tepat dan dapat menghasilkan sumber energy yang terbarukan untuk menghasilkan energy alternative dan memungkinkan sebagai bahan bakar alternatif. Hasil pengujian Hasil minyak pyrolisis pada variasi temperature reaktor 300oC, 350oC, 400oC Hasil pyrolisis plastik LDPE didapat jumlah minyak pada temperatur reaktor 300oC paling sedikit, berwarna Bening jumlah sisa padatan lebih banyak dibandingkan pada temperatur reaktor 400 oC jumlah minyak lebih banyak warna minyak keruh jumlah sisa padatan lebih sedikit. Hasil pengujian minyak hasil LDPE dicampur dengan premium dengan variasi Premium murni, Premium 95% + minyak LDPE 5% Premium 90% + minyak LDPE 10%. Nilai CO bahanbakar premium murni sebesar 3,77%, nilai CO campuran minyak pirolisis LDPE 5% yaitu sebesar 3,58%, nilai CO dengan campuran minyak pirolisis LDPE 10% sebesar 2.98%. Pada posisi 7000 rpm menunjukkan nilai CO bahan bakar premium murni sebesar 7,11%, nilai CO bahan bakar campuran minyak pirolisis LDPE 5% yaitu sebesar 6,91%, nilai CO campuran minyak pirolisis LDPE 10% sebesar 6.18%. Nilai CO2 saat 1300 rpm bahanbakar premium murni sebesar 3,1%, nilai CO2 dengan campuran minyak pirolisis LDPE 5% yaitu sebesar 2,7% dan nilai CO2 dengan campuran minyak pirolisis LDPE 10% sebesar 1,4%. Pada posisi 7000 rpm menunjukkan nilai CO2 dengan premium murni sebesar 6,1%, nilai CO2 dengan campuran minyak pirolisis LDPE 5% yaitu sebesar 5,8% dan nilai CO2 dengan campuran minyak pirolisis LDPE 10% sebesar 3,91%

    Persepsi Dan Harapan Warga Binaan Narkoba Tentang Pembinaan Di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas Iib Pekanbaru

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    Many abuses in prisons such as wrongful death, sexual perversion, bribery, which is not optimal health, torture, and the non-fulfillment of the right to a clean and healthy environment, and many more are emerging. In connection with this study it was also raised that aims to reveal the perceptions and expectations of inmates drugs on mental development, social and self-reliance in Class IIB Pekanbaru Penitentiary. This study uses a descriptive approach kantitatif. The population of inmates are drug which totaled 53 in Class IIB Pekanbaru Penitentiary, while all respondents in the sample population. Research instrument using a questionnaire with Likert scale distributed to inmates. The data was then analyzed using SPSS version 11.5. The results showed that perceptions and expectations about the development of drug inmates it can be concluded that the perception of drug inmates in prison Pekanbaru Class IIB pretty good. Meanwhile drug inmates in prisons Class IIB Pekanbaru expects coaching. This means that inmates at the prison drug class IIB Pekanbaru has given the perception that coaching is still far from their expectations related to the development of mental, social and independence

    Visualisasi Motif Itiak Pulang Patang Pada Kriya Kayu

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    Bentuk motif Minangkabau yang beragam jenis, dan memiliki makna menjadikan pengkarya tertarik untuk mengangkat salah satu dari motif Minangkabau yaitu motif Itiak Pulang Patang sebagai ide penggarapan karya seni. Ketertarikan pengkarya mengangkat motif itiak pulang patang karena motif tersebut terlihat seperti susunan bentuk yang harmonis dan selaras. Diambil dari gerak irama itiak ketika berbaris pulang dari tempat mencari makannya, kemudian motif itiak pulang patang bermakna santai dan kekompakkan. Bentuk motif itiak pulang patang ini akan pengkarya visualisasikan kedalam bentuk karya seni berupa lampu hias dudu

    Tanggungjawab Notaris terhadap Akta Otentik yang Penghadapnya Mempergunakan Identitas Palsu di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Notary is a defender of truth and justice so that law enforcement should be run in good faith and sincerity, so that the legal profession is an honorable and noble profession (officium nobile). The number of notaries create tighter competition between notaries and notary sometimes make less careful in their profession. The paper concludes that the notary is responsible for what he saw, that they have seen, heard and done by the notary as a public official in the run position. Notaries are not responsible if any information and documents from a client that is not true

    Sumber Daya Wireless Untuk Menghasilkan Energi Listrik Terbarukan

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    Industri daya dan energi tidak terlepas dari peran penting gelombang elektromagnetik. Tulisan ini memberikan kajian metode pembangkitan daya listrik melalui sistem transmisi wireless. Perhatian utamanya ada pada empat metode karena kepraktisannya yaitu induksi elektromagnetik, kopling resonansi, laser dan penerimaan sinyal frekuensi radio. Metode yang ada dibandingkan satu sama lain dalam beberapa aspek teknis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memilah beberapa desain sesuai metoda pembangkitan daya listriknya masing-masing, dan hasil penelitian ini berupa usulan metode yang paling menjanjikan untuk memanen energi listrik secara wireless dengan tingkat efisiensi yang baik yaitu dengan menggunakan rectenna sebagai bagian utama suatu sistem Wireless Power Transmission (WPT)

    Analisis Perhitungan Pph Pasal 21 terhadap Gaji Pegawai Tetap pada Puskesmas Sambutan Kecamatan Samarinda Ilir

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    The background of this research the law on cutting and collection of tax on income by the taxpayer on income by individual taxpayers according to the Regulation of the Minister of Finance No.: 250/PMK.03/2008 of income tax received by employees up to at minimum wage or minimum wage county / city declared invalid. This resulted in excess deduction. The purpose of this study was to determine the income tax Article 21 of the District Health Center Samarinda Ilir Welcome.There are differences in the results of the analysis mentioned income tax calculation is based on Article 21 by the regional minimum wage rates to the Regulation of the Minister of Finance No.: 250/PMK.03/2008. Each taxpayer should bear what has become dependent and if the taxpayer has more than 2 (two) children , the third child and so are not included in the calculated dependents . Similarly, a taxpayer who has a husband / wife who both work but a different place then the only taxpayers bear the marital status alone . Taxpayers who have the status of TK ( Not Married ) where section 21 income tax withheld by the employer in the can of Income Tax laws and the reduction of income tax article 21 by the government ( including the non-taxable income based on the status of the taxpayer ) . Taxpayers who have K/1/0 marital status , where the income tax is calculated from section 21 of article 21 income tax deduction of income tax payable by Article 21 by the government ( including the non-taxable income ) based on marital status K/1/1 , where tax article 21 income is calculated using income tax article 21 income tax payable decreased by article 21 by which the taxable income that the government has included marital status and 2 (two) people person . Thus the author proposed hypothesis is accepted
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