2 research outputs found

    Impact of opioid-free analgesia on pain severity and patient satisfaction after discharge from surgery: multispecialty, prospective cohort study in 25 countries

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    Background: Balancing opioid stewardship and the need for adequate analgesia following discharge after surgery is challenging. This study aimed to compare the outcomes for patients discharged with opioid versus opioid-free analgesia after common surgical procedures.Methods: This international, multicentre, prospective cohort study collected data from patients undergoing common acute and elective general surgical, urological, gynaecological, and orthopaedic procedures. The primary outcomes were patient-reported time in severe pain measured on a numerical analogue scale from 0 to 100% and patient-reported satisfaction with pain relief during the first week following discharge. Data were collected by in-hospital chart review and patient telephone interview 1 week after discharge.Results: The study recruited 4273 patients from 144 centres in 25 countries; 1311 patients (30.7%) were prescribed opioid analgesia at discharge. Patients reported being in severe pain for 10 (i.q.r. 1-30)% of the first week after discharge and rated satisfaction with analgesia as 90 (i.q.r. 80-100) of 100. After adjustment for confounders, opioid analgesia on discharge was independently associated with increased pain severity (risk ratio 1.52, 95% c.i. 1.31 to 1.76; P < 0.001) and re-presentation to healthcare providers owing to side-effects of medication (OR 2.38, 95% c.i. 1.36 to 4.17; P = 0.004), but not with satisfaction with analgesia (beta coefficient 0.92, 95% c.i. -1.52 to 3.36; P = 0.468) compared with opioid-free analgesia. Although opioid prescribing varied greatly between high-income and low- and middle-income countries, patient-reported outcomes did not.Conclusion: Opioid analgesia prescription on surgical discharge is associated with a higher risk of re-presentation owing to side-effects of medication and increased patient-reported pain, but not with changes in patient-reported satisfaction. Opioid-free discharge analgesia should be adopted routinely

    Sosialisasi Pengelolaan Sampah Dengan Metode Ecobrik Serta Partisipasi Dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Upaya Mewujudkan Bantul Bersih Sampah 2025 Dusun Mangir Kidul

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    Bantul clean waste 2025 is a program launched by the Bantul district government. This program is expected to reduce the risk of environmental pollution, build creativity, and increase income for local residents. To prepare for this, the 15 Sendangsari KKN-T UAA group collaborated with youth youth organizations to empower the waste produced and collected by residents in the Mangir Kidul hamlet. Responding to the similarity of the work program of KKN-T and youth organizations regarding waste management, the waste collected by residents is divided into several criteria, in this program using inorganic waste (cardboards, drinking bottles and plastics) to be separated for kilokan and processed into decorations in order to welcome independence day by means of red and white paint and arranged like the colors of the flag and then hung over Mangir Kidul.Keyword: trash, socialization, bantu