411 research outputs found

    How do Ontology Mappings Change in the Life Sciences?

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    Mappings between related ontologies are increasingly used to support data integration and analysis tasks. Changes in the ontologies also require the adaptation of ontology mappings. So far the evolution of ontology mappings has received little attention albeit ontologies change continuously especially in the life sciences. We therefore analyze how mappings between popular life science ontologies evolve for different match algorithms. We also evaluate which semantic ontology changes primarily affect the mappings. We further investigate alternatives to predict or estimate the degree of future mapping changes based on previous ontology and mapping transitions.Comment: Keywords: mapping evolution, ontology matching, ontology evolutio

    Parameterized XPath Views

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    We present a new approach for accelerating the execution of XPath expressions using parameterized materialized XPath views (PXV). While the approach is generic we show how it can be utilized in an XML extension for relational database systems. Furthermore we discuss an algorithm for automatically determining the best PXV candidates to materialize based on a given workload. We evaluate our approach and show the superiority of our cost based algorithm for determining PXV candidates over frequent pattern based algorithms

    A Grid Middleware for Ontology Access

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    Many advanced grid applications need access to ontologies represent-ing knowledge about a certain application domain. To deal with the high heterogeneity of available ontologies, we propose a general ser-vice-oriented middleware for making ontologies accessible to grid ap-plications. Our implementation is integrated in the German D-Grid in-frastructure and provides several applications a uniform access to biomedical ontologies such as Gene Ontology, NCI Thesaurus and several OBO ontologies

    On Parallel Join Processing in Object-Relational Database Systems

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    So far only few performance studies on parallel object-relational database systems are available. In particular, the relative performance of relational vs. reference-based join processing in a parallel environment has not been investigated sufficiently. We present a performance study based on the BUCKY benchmark to compare parallel join processing using reference attributes with relational hash- and merge-join algorithms. In addition, we propose a data allocation scheme especially suited for object hierarchies and set-valued attributes

    TID Hash Joins

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    TID hash joins are a simple and memory-efficient method for processing large join queries. They are based on standard hash join algorithms but only store TID/key pairs in the hash table instead of entire tuples. This typically reduces memory requirements by more than an order of magnitude bringing substantial benefits. In particular, performance for joins on Giga-Byte relations can substantially be improved by reducing the amount of disk I/O to a large extent. Furthermore efficient processing of mixed multi-user workloads consisting of both join queries and OLTP transactions is supported. We present a detailed simulation study to analyze the performance of TID hash joins. In particular, we identify the conditions under which TID hash joins are most beneficial. Furthermore, we compare TID hash join with adaptive hash join algorithms that have been proposed to deal with mixed workloads

    Citation analysis of database publications

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    We analyze citation frequencies for two main database conferences (SIGMOD, VLDB) and three database journals (TODS, VLDB Journal, Sigmod Record) over 10 years. The citation data is obtained by integrating and cleaning data from DBLP and Google Scholar. Our analysis considers different comparative metrics per publication venue, in particular the total and average number of citations as well as the impact factor which has so far only been considered for journals. We also determine the most cited papers, authors, author institutions and their countries
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