863 research outputs found

    beta decay of In-133 : gamma emission from neutron-unbound states in Sn-133

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    Excited states in Sn-133 were investigated through the beta decay of In-133 at the ISOLDE facility. The ISOLDE Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source (RILIS) provided isomer-selective ionization for In-133, allowing us to study separately, and in detail, the beta-decay branch of In-133 J(pi)= (9/2(+)) ground state and its J(pi) = (1/2(-)) isomer.Thanks to the large spin difference of the two beta-decaying states of In-133, it is possible to investigate separately the lower and higher spin states in the daughter, Sn-133, and thus to probe independently different single-particle and single-hole levels. We report here new gamma transitions observed in the decay of In-133, including those assigned to the deexcitation of the neutron-unbound states.Peer reviewe

    Ventrogluteaalinen injektio : Opetusvideo oppimisen tueksi

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    Toiminnallisen opinnÀytetyön tuotoksena toteutettiin itse kuvattu opetusvideo, jossa nÀytetÀÀn injektion anto ventrogluteaalisesti. Video jaetaan kaikkien saataville Youtu-be- videontoistopalveluun. Videota voidaan hyödyntÀÀ ammattikorkeakouluissa opis-kelijoiden parissa jo opitun tiedon sisÀistÀmisessÀ. OpinnÀytetyön teoreettiset lÀhtökohdat on pyritty rajaamaan kÀsittelemÀÀn injektion antoa sairaanhoitajan osaamisessa ja ventrogluteaalisen injektion antoa. OpinnÀyte-työn kirjallisessa osuudessa esitellÀÀn tutkimuksia, joita on tehty ventrogluteaalisen injektion annosta. NÀmÀ tutkimukset osaltaan puoltavat kyseessÀ olevan pistoalueen suosimista. Kirjallisessa osuudessa saatiin selville monesta eri nÀyttöön perustuvasta tutkimukses-ta, ettÀ ventrogluteaalisesta injektion annosta tulisi antaa enemmÀn koulutusta hoito-henkilökunnalle, kuten sairaanhoitajille. Kahdessa tÀssÀ työssÀ esitellyssÀ tutkimuk-sessa annettu koulutus edisti ventrogluteaalisen pistotavan kÀyttöÀ huomattavasti.The output of this practice-based thesis was an educational video, which shows how to give a ventrogluteal injection. Educational video can be watched on Youtube. The vid-eo can be used at Lahti University of Applied Sciences as a learning material. Theoretic starting points consist of giving the injections as part of a nurseŽs daily work and to giving ventrogluteal injections. The theoretic part of the thesis presents studies which show that every nurse should prefer the ventrogluteal site for intramuscular in-jections. Various evidence-based studies show that nursing staff should receive more training on giving ventrogluteal injections. According to two studies presented in this thesis, such training increased the use of ventrogluteal injections considerably

    Coherent quantum Boltzmann equations from cQPA

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    We reformulate and extend our recently introduced quantum kinetic theory for interacting fermion and scalar fields. Our formalism is based on the coherent quasiparticle approximation (cQPA) where nonlocal coherence information is encoded in new spectral solutions at off-shell momenta. We derive explicit forms for the cQPA propagators in the homogeneous background and show that the collision integrals involving the new coherence propagators need to be resummed to all orders in gradient expansion. We perform this resummation and derive generalized momentum space Feynman rules including coherent propagators and modified vertex rules for a Yukawa interaction. As a result we are able to set up self-consistent quantum Boltzmann equations for both fermion and scalar fields. We present several examples of diagrammatic calculations and numerical applications including a simple toy model for coherent baryogenesis.Peer reviewe

    YhteistyöllÀ voimaa vesiensuojeluun! Siuruanjoki kuntoon -yhteishankkeen (2000-2006) loppuraportti

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    Siuruanjoki kuntoon -yhteishanke oli pilottihanke, jossa pyrittiin soveltamaan suuren valuma-alueen hajakuormituksen vĂ€hentĂ€miskeinoja kolmen kunnan alueella, jotka sijaitsevat Lapin ja Pohjois- Pohjanmaan maakunnissa. Hankkeen aikana luotua toimintamallia voidaan soveltaa myös muualla. Hankkeen tavoitteena oli Siuruanjoen veden laadun sekĂ€ vesistön tilan parantaminen siten, ettĂ€ se soveltuu entistĂ€ paremmin virkistyskĂ€yttöön, kalastukseen ja matkailuun. Hankkeen toimenpiteet jakautuivat ulkoisen hajakuormituksen vĂ€hentĂ€miseen, vesistönosien kunnostamiseen ja rantojen hoitoon. Ulkoista kuormitusta pienennettiin turvetuotannon ja  maa- ja metsĂ€talouden ympĂ€ristöhaittoja vĂ€hentĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ sekĂ€ haja- ja loma-asutuksen jĂ€tevesien kĂ€sittelyratkaisuja parantamalla. LisĂ€ksi hankkeen keskeisenĂ€ tavoitteena oli lisĂ€tĂ€ alueen asukkaiden ympĂ€ristötietoisuutta ja vastuullisuutta. Hankkeessa laadittiin muun muassa kokonaisvaltaisia metsĂ€talouden vesiensuojelusuunnitelmia, kokeiltiin uusia turvetuotannon valumavesienkĂ€sittelymenetelmiĂ€, laadittiin kiinteistökohtaisia suunnitelmia jĂ€tevesien kĂ€sittelyn tehostamiseksi sekĂ€ toteutettiin maatiloille ravinnetasetarkasteluja ja ympĂ€ristökatselmuksia. PudasjĂ€rven SaunajĂ€rveĂ€ kunnostettiin tehokalastamalla. Hanke toteutettiin Pohjois-Pohjanmaan alueella vuosina 2000–2006 tiiviissĂ€ yhteistyössĂ€ paikallisten toimijoiden kanssa. Toteuttamisesta vastasi Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ympĂ€ristökeskus. Hankkeen kokonaiskustannusarvio oli 630 705 euroa

    Coherent quasiparticle approximation cQPA and nonlocal coherence

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    An invited talk presented at the conference "Progress in Nonequilibrium Greens Functions IV", University of Glasgow, August 17-21 2009. 15 pages 8 figures Volume: 2010We show that the dynamical Wigner functions for noninteracting fermions and bosons can have complex singularity structures with a number of new solutions accompanying the usual mass-shell dispersion relations. These new shell solutions are shown to encode the information of the quantum coherence between particles and antiparticles, left and right moving chiral states and/or between different flavour states. Analogously to the usual derivation of the Boltzmann equation, we impose this extended phase space structure on the full interacting theory. This extension of the quasiparticle approximation gives rise to a self-consistent equation of motion for a density matrix that combines the quantum mechanical coherence evolution with a well defined collision integral giving rise to decoherence. Several applications of the method are given, for example to the coherent particle production, electroweak baryogenesis and study of decoherence and thermalization.Peer reviewe

    Quantum kinetic theory for fermions in temporally varying backrounds

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    We derive quantum kinetic equations for fermions in a homogeneous time-dependent background in presence of decohering collisions, by use of the Schwinger-Keldysh CTP-formalism. The quantum coherence (between particles and antiparticles) is found to arise from new spectral solutions for the dynamical 2-point correlation function in the mean field limit. The physical density matrix ρ\rho and its dynamics is shown to be necessarily dependent on the extrenous information on the system, and expressions that relate ρ\rho to fundamental coherence functions and fermionic particle and antiparticle numbers are derived. For an interacting system we demonstrate how smooth decoherence effects are induced by collisions. As special applications we study the production of unstable particles during the preheating stage of the inflation and an evolution of an initially quantum ρ\rho towards a statistical limit including decoherence and thermalisation.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figure

    Pathogenic Yersiniae in Small mammals

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    The main causes for human enteritis in Finland are Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Yersinia enterocolitica after Salmonella spp. and Campylobacter spp. Registered yersinia infections exceed 700 yearly in Finland. Y. enterocolitica is the main cause for most of these cases. Reported outbreaks and a number of cases of Y. pseudotuberculosis have increased in Finland. Infections caused by Y. pseudotuberculosis and Y. enterocolitica transfer mostly via food and water. The epidemiology of Y. pseudotuberculosis and Y. enterocolitica infections is unclear. The main reservoirs of Y. pseudotuberculosis are rodents and birds. A major reservoir for human pathogenic strains of Y. enterocolitica is a swine. In this study, reservoir of Y. pseudotuberculosis and pathogenic strains of Y. enterocolitica were examined from small mammals caught in Finland. Small mammals examined were European common shrew (Sorex araneus), bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) and field vole (Microtus agrestis). One hundred specimens were examined. The second purpose of this study was to determine how a new agar, developed for isolation of Y. pestis, was suited for isolation of Y. pseudotuberculosis and Y. enterocolitica in practise. BIN-agar was described as a well selective agar. Additionally, colony morphology formed by Y. pestis, Y. pseudotuberculosis and Y. enterocolitica on BIN-agar were reported to appear recognisable. These colonies distinguished from colonies formed by other gram-negative bacteria tested on BIN-agar. In this study, Yersinia spp. were isolated from 6% specimens examined. Pathogenic yersiniae were not isolated. Prevalence for Y. enterocolitica was 2 %, after isolated from two specimens. Biotype for these two strains was 1A. Biotype 1A is considered as a non-pathogenic biotype. Y. pseudotuberculosis was not isolated. Nonpathogenic Y. kristensenii was isolated from four (4 %) small mammals. BIN-agar did not prove any especially good practical characteristic of use. BIN-agar was not selective enough for isolation of yersiniae. Also the morphology of colonies of yersiniae were not recognisable.Yersinia pseudotuberculosis ja Yersinia enterocolitica ovat salmonellojen ja kampylobakteerien jÀlkeen Suomessa kolmanneksi merkittÀvimpiÀ ihmisten suolistoinfektioiden aiheuttajia. Yersinioiden aiheuttamia tautitapauksia raportoidaan vuosittain Suomessa yli 700. NÀistÀ tapauksista on suurin osa Y. enterocolitican aiheuttamia. Raportoidut Y. pseudotuberculosiksen aiheuttamat epidemiat ja tapaukset ovat lisÀÀntyneet Suomessa. Y. pseudotuberculosis ja Y. enterocolitica tarttuvat yleensÀ elintarvikkeiden ja veden vÀlityksellÀ. Y. pseudotuberculosiksen ja Y. enterocolitican epidemiologia tunnetaan huonosti. Y. pseudotuberculosisksen pÀÀvarastona luonnossa pidetÀÀn pikkujyrsijöitÀ ja lintuja ja Y. enterocolitican pÀÀvarastona pidetÀÀn sikaa. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ Y. pseudotuberculosiksen ja Y. enterocolitican patogeenisten kantojen esiintymistÀ Suomessa pyydystetyissÀ pikkunisÀkkÀissÀ, joita olivat metsÀpÀÀstÀinen (Sorex araneus), metsÀmyyrÀ (Clethrionomys glareolus) ja peltomyyrÀ (Microtus agrestis). NÀytteitÀ tutkittiin sata. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ myös uuden Y. pestistÀ varten kehitetyn BIN-agarin soveltuvuutta Y. pseudotuberculosiksen ja Y. enterocolitican eristykseen kÀytÀnnössÀ. BIN-agar on kuvattu hyvin selektiiviseksi ja lisÀksi BIN-agarilla raportoitiin muodostuvan tunnistettavan nÀköisiÀ pesÀkkeitÀ Y. pestiksen lisÀksi vain Y. pseudotuberculosiksesta ja Y. enterocoliticasta. NÀmÀ pesÀkkeet erottuvat muiden maljalla testattujen gram-negatiivisten bakteerien pesÀkemorfologiasta. Yersinia spp. eristettiin 6%:sta tutkituista nÀytteistÀ. Patogeenisia yersinioita ei eristetty. Y. enterocoliticaa eristettiin kahdesta (2 %) pikkunisÀkkÀÀstÀ. Löydettyjen kahden Y. enterocolitica -kannan biotyypit olivat 1A. TÀtÀ on pidetty biotyyppinÀ, joka ei aiheuta sairautta. Y. pseudotuberculosista ei eristetty. Nonpatogeenista Y. kristenseniitÀ eristettiin neljÀstÀ (4 %) pikkunisÀkkÀÀstÀ. BIN- agarin kÀyttöominaisuudet eivÀt olleet erityisen hyvÀt. Se ei ollut riitÀvÀn selektiivinen yersinioiden eristykseen eikÀ BIN-agarille viljeltyjen yersinioiden pesÀkemorfologia ollut tunnistettava

    Caveolin 3, Flotillin 1 and Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin Reside in Distinct Domains on the Sarcolemma of Skeletal Myofibers

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    We examined the distribution of selected raft proteins on the sarcolemma of skeletal myofibers and the role of cholesterol environment in the distribution. Immunofluorescence staining showed that flotillin-1 and influenza hemagglutinin exhibited rafts that located in the domains deficient of the dystrophin glycoprotein complex, but the distribution patterns of the two proteins were different. Cholesterol depletion from the sarcolemma by means of methyl-ÎČ-cyclodextrin resulted in distorted caveolar morphology and redistribution of the caveolin 3 protein. Concomitantly, the water permeability of the sarcolemma increased significantly. However, cholesterol depletion did not reshuffle flotillin 1 or hemagglutinin. Furthermore, a hemagglutinin variant that lacked a raft-targeting signals exhibited a similar distribution pattern as the native raft protein. These findings indicate that each raft protein exhibits a strictly defined distribution in the sarcolemma. Only the distribution of caveolin 3 that binds cholesterol was exclusively dependent on cholesterol environment

    Kinetic theory for scalar fields with nonlocal quantum coherence

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    We derive quantum kinetic equations for scalar fields undergoing coherent evolution either in time (coherent particle production) or in space (quantum reflection). Our central finding is that in systems with certain space-time symmetries, quantum coherence manifests itself in the form of new spectral solutions for the dynamical 2-point correlation function. This spectral structure leads to a consistent approximation for dynamical equations that describe coherent evolution in presence of decohering collisions. We illustrate the method by solving the bosonic Klein problem and the bound states for the nonrelativistic square well potential. We then compare our spectral phase space definition of particle number to other definitions in the nonequilibrium field theory. Finally we will explicitly compute the effects of interactions to coherent particle production in the case of an unstable field coupled to an oscillating background.Comment: 33 pages, 7 figures, replaced with the version published in JHE
