42 research outputs found

    The predictive factors of readiness for treatment in stimulant substance abusers

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    Background and aims: Readiness for treatment is affected by some factors that their identification helps greatly to detect the rate of treatment readiness among substance abusers and to plan interventions for effective treatment readiness. The aim of this study was to assess the predictive factors of treatment readiness in stimulant substance abusers. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 123 stimulant substance abusers in outpatients and self-referred to clinics of substance abuse in Tehran were selected by convenience sampling. Assessment was performed by the Pre-treatment Readiness Scale (PRS), Barriers Questionnaire and Demographical Characteristic Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using stepwise multiple regressions by PASW software. Results: There was a significantly positive relationship between problem recognition and desire for change with treatment readiness. There was a significantly negative relationship between severity of substance abuse’s effects and perceived barriers for treatment with treatment readiness as well (P<0.001). Using problem recognition, desire for change, severity of substance abuse’s effects, and perceived barriers for treatment significantly predicted the treatment readiness (P<0.001). All of them explained 86% of the treatment readiness variance (R2=0/866). Conclusion: Problem recognition, desire for change, severity of substance abuse’s effects, and perceived barriers for treatment are important for the treatment readiness of stimulant substances abusers. Assessment and appropriate intervention in readiness for the treatment of stimulant substance abusers are important and necessary before their complete admission for treatmen

    Predicting diabetes management self-efficacy base on hardiness and coping strategies in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Stress and negative emotions has a role in prediction type 2 diabetes mellitus and Self- efficacy effectiveness on commitment to self- management behaviors. Objective: To investigate predicting diabetes management self-efficacy base on hardiness and coping strategies in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: In this correlational study, patients with type 2 diabetes (57 mild and 59 severe) were selected by convenience sampling in diabetic outpatient clinics of Bu-Ali and Velaiat hospitals in Qazvin. Data were collected by demographical characteristics questionnaire and scales of Personal Views Survey (PVS), Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS), and Diabetes Management Self-efficacy Scale (DMSES). Then, data analyzed by T test and multivariate regression. Findings: Results showed mild patient with diabetes are significantly higher than severe patient with diabetes in commitment, challenge and control subscales and total of hardiness. Also, mild patient most used problem solving and avoidance coping strategies and severe patient most used emotional oriented coping strategies. Mild patient have higher score in total of diabetes management self-efficacy. 75% of variance for diabetes management self-efficacy was predicted by hardiness and coping strategies. The total regression model explained that hardiness and emotional oriented coping predicted 0/43 and -0/36 of self-efficacy (P<0/001). Conclusion: Components such as commitment, control, challenge, effective coping strategies (decrease negative feelings and emotional regulation) shared with diabetes management selfefficacy in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients and must be paid attention to this factors for health counseling. Keywords: Hardiness, Coping Strategies with Stress, Self-Efficacy, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitu

    Improving Cognitive Regulation in Patients with Bipolar Disorder Using Cyberspace-Based and Family-Centered Intervention

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    Introduction:Bipolar Affective Disorder is cyclic swinging of mood between mania or hypomania and depression. The present study aimed to examine cognitive regulation in patients with bipolar disorder using the cyberspace-based family-centered intervention.Method:This study was a quasi-experimental research with a pretest-posttest design and a follow-up period. The statistical population of the study included patients with bipolar disorder and a family member. 30 patients with a family member were selected by convenient sampling method and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. Garnefski Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) was the research tool. After administration of the questionnaires, the Miklowitz family-focused therapy was performed for the experimental group using cyberspace. At the end of the course, participants in both groups were evaluated using the research tools. Data were analyzed using SPSS22 software and mixed analysis of variance with the repeated measures.Result:The results of analysis of variance with repeated measures showed that the Miklowitz model led to a significant difference in the score of emotion regulation with an effect size of 45% in the experimental and control groups (P&lt;0.05). In other words, the cognitive emotion regulation and its subscales have been evident in the experimental group. Conclusion:As a result, it can be said that the use of the Miklowitz model through cyberspace affects cognitive emotion regulation and subscales of self-blame, acceptance, rumination, positive refocusing, refocusing on planning, positive reappraisal, putting into perspective, catastrophizing, and other-blame.Declaration of Interest: Non

    اثربخشي برنامه آموزش کنترل قُلدري بر عزت نفس و خودپنداره تحصيلي دانش آموزان قُلدر

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    Background and Objectives: Today, bullying and its methods of prevention and control have attracted the attention of researchers in the field of education. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of control bullying training on self-esteem and school self-concept in bully students. &nbsp;Materials and Methods: The statistical population included male students in the range 14-17-year-old of public schools in Tehran during the academic year of 2018-19.&nbsp; A total of 40 subjects (20 controls and 20 experimental groups) were randomly assigned into two groups of experimental and control groups. Using a pilot, pre-test, post-test, and follow-up one month with the control group, Hartler's bullying and Rosenberg self-esteem and school self-concept questionnaires were completed. Then, experimental testing of control bullying training was performed in 8 sessions on the experimental group and after the completion of the sessions the post-test was presented to both groups. After that, a month's follow-up was carried out. For data analysis, analysis of repeated measurements was used. Results: The results showed that the control bullying training program on self-esteem (F=10.796 and p=0.002) and school self-concept (F=7.971 and p=0.008) between the two groups made a significant difference in the three stages of evaluation. This means that control bullying training helped to promote self-esteem and self-concept of bullying victims. Conclusion: Based on the results of bullying control training, self-esteem, and self-concept of students aged 14-17 years have been effective and can be used to control the students' bullying and anger. Therefore, the awareness of parents, teachers, managers and other professionals is important for these training. How to cite this article: Akbari Balootbangan A, Talepasand S, Mohammad Rezaei A, Rahimian Boogar I. The Effectiveness of Control Bullying Training on Self-Esteem and School Self-Concept in Bully Students. J Saf Promot Inj Prev. 2020; 8(1):1-10.سابقه و هدف: امروزه قلدري و روش‌هاي پيشگيري و کنترل آن مورد توجه عموم پژوهشگران حوزه تعليم و تربيت قرار گرفته است. لذا هدف از پژوهش حاضر تعيين اثربخشي برنامه آموزش کنترل قلدري بر عزت‌نفس و خودپنداره تحصيلي دانش‌آموزان قلدر بود. روش بررسي: جامعه آماري شامل دانش‌آموزان پسر 14 تا 17 ساله مدارس دولتي شهر تهران در سال تحصيلي 98-97 بود. تعداد 40 نفر (20 نفر گروه کنترل و 20 نفر گروه آزمايش) به روش تصادفي در دو گروه آزمايش و کنترل گمارده شدند. با بهره‌گيري از يک طرح آزمايشي پيش‌آزمون-پس‌آزمون و پيگيري يک‌ماهه با گروه کنترل، دانش‌آموزان ابتدا پرسشنامه‌هاي قلدري Harter، عزت‌نفس روزنبرگ و خودپنداره تحصيلي را تکميل کردند و سپس کاربندي آزمايشي آموزش کنترل قلدري در 8 جلسه بر روي گروه آزمايش اجرا و بعد از اتمام جلسات پس‌آزمون براي هر دو گروه ارائه شد. پس از آن پيگيري يک‌ماهه به اجرا درآمد. براي تحليل داده‌ها از روش تحليل واريانس با اندازه‌گيري‌هاي تکراري استفاده شد. يافته‌ها: نتايج نشان داد که برنامه آموزشي کنترل قلدري بر عزت‌نفس (796/10=F و 002/0=p) و خودپنداره تحصيلي (971/7=F و 008/0=p) بين دو گروه در سه مرحله ارزيابي تفاوت معني‌داري ايجاد کرده است. به اين معني که آموزش کنترل قلدري باعث ارتقاي عزت‌نفس و خودپنداره تحصيلي دانش‌آموزان قلدر شد. نتيجه‌گيري: بر اساس نتايج آموزش کنترل قلدري بر عزت‌نفس و خودپنداره تحصيلي دانش‌آموزان 14 تا 17 ساله اثربخش بوده و مي‌توان از اين آموزش جهت کنترل قلدري و خشم دانش‌آموزان استفاده کرد. لذا آگاهي والدين، معلمان، مديران و ساير متخصصان از اين آموزش‌ها حائز اهميت است. How to cite this article: Akbari Balootbangan A, Talepasand S, Mohammad Rezaei A, Rahimian Boogar I. The Effectiveness of Control Bullying Training on Self-Esteem and School Self-Concept in Bully Students. J Saf Promot Inj Prev. 2020; 8(1):1-10

    The effect of spiritual/religious intervention on inner strength in women with breast cancer

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Background and Objective: Cancer is accompanied with psycho-social aspects that require complementary spiritual/religious interventions along with medical interventions for treating these patients. Thus, the present study aimed at examining the effect of religious/spiritual interventions on the inner strength of women suffering from breast cancer.Method: This study adopted a quasi-experimental design with pretest and posttest in three groups–namely experimental, placebo, and control. Convenience sampling was used to select 41 participants out of the women referring to Omid radiotherapy and chemotherapy center, and Bandar-Abbas specialized clinics from Mehr 95 through Tir 96. The participants were randomly assigned to experimental (14 persons), placebo (14 persons), and control (13 persons) groups. The experimental group underwent individual spiritual/religious intervention in 10 sessions and the placebo group was exposed neutral training, while the control group received no treatment. Data were collected by questionnaires on inner strength and demographic features in pretests and posttests and analyzed through repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance. All ethical issues were observed in this study and the researchers declared no conflict of interests.Results: The findings indicated significant differences between the intervention group and placebo/control group in terms of the rise of inner strength, and the subscales of Engagement, Connectedness, Anguish and Searching, and Movement (p&lt;0.05).Conclusion: Based on the findings, as a complement to typical medical cares, individual spiritual/religious intervention has positive effects on internal power and its subscales in women suffering from breast cancer. It is possible to use this intervention to enhance the psychological status in cancer treatment.For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Please cite this article as: Davari S, Rahimian Boogar I, Talepasand S, Evazi MR. The effect of spiritual/religious intervention on inner strength in women with breast cancer. J Res Relig Health. 2019; 4(5): 27- 44

    Predictive Role of Psychological, Socioeconomic, and Lifestyle-Related Factors in the Incidence of Migraine Headaches

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    Background and Aims: Identifying risk factors for incidence of migraine headaches through an integrated model of psychosocial factors is important. This research aimed to investigate the predictive role of psychological, socioeconomic and lifestyle-related factors in migraine headaches. Methods: In a cross-sectional descriptive study, 71 patients with migraine headaches who referred to Imam Hossein Hospital (Tehran, Iran) and 162 healthy staff members of the same hospital were selected by convenience sampling. Data was collected by a questionnaire including demographics and disease characteristics and the short form of the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21). The collected data was analyzed using chi-square test, t-test and binary logistic regression analysis. Results: There were significant differences between patients with migraine and healthy individuals in anxiety [odds ratio (OR) = 4.775; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.371-12.895], depression (OR = 5.668; 95% CI: 1.449-14.811), stress (OR = 5.896; 95% CI: 1.339-12.924), low socioeconomic status (OR = 6.230; 95% CI: 2.466-13.487), body mass index greater than 30 kg/m2 (OR = 5.051; 95% CI: 2.454-14.660), physical activity of less than two hours a week (OR = 5.290; 95% CI: 1.432-11.572), smoking (OR = 4.253; 95% CI: 2.493-15.171), and history of negative life events (OR = 6.899; 95% CI: 1.626-13.755). Conclusion: Psychological risk factors, inappropriate socioeconomic status, and unhealthy lifestyle could predict the incidence of migraine. This finding is fundamental for further investigations and administration of preventive and therapeutic interventions for patients with migraine. Keywords: Migraine, Risk factors, Psychological, Socioeconomic, Negative event

    The Role of Defense Mechanisms, Personality and Demographical Factors on Complicated Grief following Death of a loved one by Cancer

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    Objective: Identification of the risk factors and psychological correlates of prolonged grief disorder is vital for health promotions in relatives of persons who died of cancer. The aim of this research was to investigate the role of defense mechanisms, character dimension of personality and demographic factors on complicated grief following a loss of a family member to cancer. Method: A number of 226 persons who had lost a family member to cancer in a cancer institute at Tehran University of Medical Science were selected through compliance sampling and completed the Inventory of complicated Grief-Revised (ICG-R), the Defense Styles Questionnaire (DSQ), the Character dimension of Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), and the Demographical questionnaire. Data were analyzed by stepwise multiple regression analysis,using the PASW version 18. Results: Findings revealed that neurotic defense style had a significant positive predictive role in the complicated grief; and cooperativeness, age of the deceased person, self-transcendence and mature defense style had a significant negative predictive role in complicated grief (p<0.001). R2 was 0.73 for the final model (p<.001). Conclusion: The results revealed that two character dimensions (low cooperativeness and self-transcendence), high neurotic defense style and young age of the deceased person were involved in the psychopathological course of the complicated and prolonged grief. It was concluded that personality characteristics of the grieving persons and demographics of the deceased person should be addressed in designing tailored interventions for complicated grief

    Risk factors associated with depression in type 2 diabetics

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    Background: Depression is one of the most common psychological states in type 2 diabetes that contributes to adverse health outcomes. This study aimed to investigate the risk factors for the incidence of depression in type 2 diabetic patients.Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 254 type 2 diabetic patients were selected through convenience sampling among diabetes outpatient clinics of Tehran university of medical sciences and also Iranian diabetes society during 2010-11. Data were collected using demographic and disease characteristic questionnaire, patient health questionnaire, social support scale and diabetes self-management scale (DSMS) and then analyzed using Chi square, t-test and binary logistic regression.Results: Increased pain and functional disability (OR=11.725), decreased social support (OR=3.086), decreased performance for diabetes self-care (OR=4.088), longer duration of diabetes (OR=1.328), diabetes complications (OR=2.324), the need for insulin therapy (OR=2.431), HbA1c>9 (OR=21.575), BMI>25kg/m2 (OR=2.251) and major life events (OR=14.043) were significantly different between the diabetic patients with and without depression (P=0.001). There was no significant difference in age, sex and socio-economic status between the two groups. The regression model correctly was fitted in 95.3 of the cases.Conclusion: Pain and functional disability, poor social support, weaker diabetes self-care, longer duration of diabetes, diabetes complications, the need for insulin therapy, HbA1c>9, BMI>25kg/m2 and the experience of major life events all together contribute to the incidence of depression in type 2 diabetic patients. The results of the study have implications for the prevention of depression in diabetic patients

    Role of workload, sleep, mental health and individual factors in occurrence of nursing errors

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    Background and Objective: Occurrence of nursing error is important issue in patients safety. This study was done to determine the role of workload, sleep, mental health and individual factors in occurrence of nursing errors. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was done on 268 nurses who employed in hospitals of Tehran University during 2011. Data were collected by demographical information questionnaire along with work environment conditions, Global Sleep Assessment Questionnaire (GSAQ), Pittsburgh Sleep Symptom Questionnaire (PSSQ) and Mental Health Inventory (MHI-28). Results: Sleep distruptions (OR=3.260, P<0.002), sleep behaviors (OR=2.946, P<0.003), psychological distress (OR=2.530, P<0.006), psychological well-being (OR=0.775, P<0.002), and work overload (OR=5.240, P<0.009) significantly able to predict occurrence of nursing errors (P<0.05). Conclusion: Work overload, sleep distruptions, sleep behaviors, psychological distress and psychological well-being cooperatively were resulting in occurrence of nursing errors

    Predicting diabetes management self-efficacy base on hardiness and coping strategies in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Stress and negative emotions has a role in prediction type 2 diabetes mellitus and Self- efficacy effectiveness on commitment to self- management behaviors. Objective: To investigate predicting diabetes management self-efficacy base on hardiness and coping strategies in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: In this correlational study, patients with type 2 diabetes (57 mild and 59 severe) were selected by convenience sampling in diabetic outpatient clinics of Bu-Ali and Velaiat hospitals in Qazvin. Data were collected by demographical characteristics questionnaire and scales of Personal Views Survey (PVS), Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS), and Diabetes Management Self-efficacy Scale (DMSES). Then, data analyzed by T test and multivariate regression. Findings: Results showed mild patient with diabetes are significantly higher than severe patient with diabetes in commitment, challenge and control subscales and total of hardiness. Also, mild patient most used problem solving and avoidance coping strategies and severe patient most used emotional oriented coping strategies. Mild patient have higher score in total of diabetes management self-efficacy. 75% of variance for diabetes management self-efficacy was predicted by hardiness and coping strategies. The total regression model explained that hardiness and emotional oriented coping predicted 0/43 and -0/36 of self-efficacy (P<0/001). Conclusion: Components such as commitment, control, challenge, effective coping strategies (decrease negative feelings and emotional regulation) shared with diabetes management self- efficacy in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients and must be paid attention to this factors for health counseling