9 research outputs found

    Obligatory, Optional and Contrastive Occurrences of KE Modern Persian

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    The function of particles like ke in modern Persian varies according to context. As a morphosyntactic element with a range of roles, it functions as a subordinator, an adverbial conjunction, a focus marker and an interrogative word. Ke is most frequent in subordinate clauses, and the majority of Persian grammars discuss it in the context of complex sentences. Though almost every Persian grammar deals with ke, obligatory, optional and contrastive occurrences of this particle remain to be investigated. Predicting such occurrences is the goal of this article. With relative clauses ke is optional provided the head N P is followed by pronouns like ance 'that, which'; otherwise it is obligatory. With content clauses the head NP is obligatorily followed by ke, whereas the head NP is optionally followed by it. As a temporal element ke is always obligatory; as a focus marker and a temporal element it is always contrastive. Besides the above roles, some residual cases are discussed: as a complementizer of minor clauses ke is obligatory; in response to a statement of warning ke is optionally used

    Principles of Therapeutic Discourse of Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach

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    Background and Aim:Opening conversations in psychotherapy discourse is very sensitive. Therefore, identifying the principles of how opening conversations in such discourses is extremely important. The present study uses the conversation analysis approach to find the principles of opening conversation in the therapeutic discourse of treatment sessions for patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) based on the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach. Materials and Methods:The method used in this research is based on the logic of qualitative research. The corpus used in this study included 2520 minutes of conversation in psychotherapy sessions. Participants in this study were selected from both sexes. To analyze the data, methods of conversation analysis, word counting and finding keywords in the text have been used. Also, ATLAS ti. Computer software has been used to construct and present the verbal pattern. Results:The results of data analysis show that opening conversation pattern in psychotherapy sessions consists of five stages of which only the “Identification-recognition sequence” is used in the initial treatment sessions and the rest is used in all sessions. Psychologists have opened conversations in all psychotherapy sessions.It takes about 5 to 10 minutes to open a conversation. Conclusion:The abundance of data also shows that when using the general pattern of conversation initiation sequence, there was no verbal difference between psychotherapists and male and female clients, and all behaved according to the rules governing psychotherapy sessions. This confirms the high sensitivity of the type of approach to clients and how to begin to communicate in conversations related to therapeutic discourse

    The relation between metaphor and impoliteness in the context of interpersonal media gossip

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    The present study aims at examining the possible relation between metaphor and impoliteness in the context of interpersonal media gossip. To this end, we collected data related to 20 celebrities (10 actors and 10 actresses) regarding 60 linguistic situations that occurred from August 2018 to April 2020. Words under examination were 51449. According to the findings of the study, human conceptualization based on source domains such as shit/ animal waste matter, useless things, cartoon/ fictional characters, useless money, dirty substance, imaginary/ metaphysical beings, mushroom, bread, weekdays, fat, and disease/blight were accompanied by impoliteness. These findings justify the role of impoliteness in confirming the direct relation between metaphor and impoliteness to the extent that human is considered as one of the above domains. Interpersonal media gossip prepares the grounds for the use of 345 metaphors along with impoliteness which has its roots in special features of this type of gossip. Among all source domains, concepts such as shit/ animal waste matter are of the highest frequencies. Among impoliteness strategies related to naming, one must point to the negative impoliteness sub-strategy. Language users attempt to hurt the positive face of people from themselves by using positive impoliteness

    Principles of Turn Taking in Psychotherapy Conversations of Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach

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    Therapeutic discourse is a special type of organizational discourse which is used by psychotherapists when treating their patients. The present study uses the conversation analysis approach to find the principles of turn taking in the therapeutic situation. This study specifically examines the therapeutic discourse of treatment sessions for patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) based on the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach. The method used in this research is qualitative. The corpus used in this study included 2520 minutes of conversation in psychotherapy sessions. The participants in this study were 16 people of both sexes. ATLAS ti. computer software has been used to construct and present the verbal pattern. The results of this study show that most of turn taking were related to female clients and psychotherapists. This result is related to the relationship between clients and psychotherapists, women's verbal habits, excessive curiosity, and their challenging personality. The presence of overlap in the speech of female psychotherapists and clients and pause in other conversations have been the most widely used signs of turn taking in this type of conversation. The present study has faced some limitations. One of the most important limitations of this research was the prevalence of Covid 19 virus. Also, obtaining the consent of some psychologists and clients to record their videos and voices in psychotherapy sessions has been another limitation of this research. Given the importance of communication and linguistic studies in psychotherapy, it is suggested that future research be conducted on the following topics: “Comparison of GAD Patients’ Speech Pattern with Speech Pattern of Other Anxiety Disorders” and “The effect of direct and indirect expression on anxiety in patients with anxiety disorders”

    A Phonemic Description of Prosodic Meters of Classical Persian Poetry Based on General Phonetics Theory

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    The aim of phonemic description of prosodic meters of classical Persian poetry was applying the theoretical framework of General Phonetics in: 1. Describing the prosodic meters, 2. Indicating the phonemic differences between prosodic poetry and Standard Persian language, 3. Investigating the changes of phonemes and syllabic patterns before and after applying prosodic meters on their syllabic segmentations. Therefore, some verses with prosodic meters have been selected randomly, and their syllabic segmentations have been indicated before and after applying prosodic meters on them. Regarding the structures of the syllabic patterns of Persian language, the results indicated clear differences in the syllabic patterns of prosodic meters of Persian poetry. 1. The number of prosodic quantities is lower than that of Standard Persian language considering type of meter, 2. the behaviors of vowels and consonants in prosodic poetry differ from the behaviors of vowels and consonants in Standard Persian language extensively; consonants can be solely presented as a prosodic quantity, and none of the Persian vowels have a fixed length in the context of prosodic poetry

    An Investigation into Lexical Aspect of Persian Light Verbs: zadan, dÇŽdan and xordan Based on Huddleston and Pullum (2002)

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    The verb and its complement have their specific contributions to the meaning of predicate. Sometimes, the verb takes a more modest share than the complement in expressing the predicate; such verbs are referred to as light verbs. However, the degree of the lightness of the verbs is neither systematic nor predictable in verb constructions. We aim to investigate the lexical aspects of the Persian light verbs “zadan” (to hit), “dǎdan” (to give), and “xordan” (to eat) based on Huddleston and Pullum’s Model (2002). There are many verbs that lend themselves to light verb constructions. The data are collected from the Updating Persian Corpus consisting of 48M words. To this end, we extracted all light verbs in the sentences stored on the Updating Persian Corpus using the AntConc software based on Mansouri’s approach (2013). The sampling was done using random sampling method that has scientific validity and is generalizable. In random sampling, every entity of the population enjoys equal chance of inclusion in the sample. Then we analyzed the sentences containing light verbs in terms of the state and activity lexical aspects. The results were plotted in tables and figures with annotations of the verb features. For similar patterns, only one pattern was selected for further analysis. The light verb patterns were listed and analyzed in an inventory one by one. The study adopted a descriptive-analytical method and a corpus-based survey design. Descriptive research has both applied and basic aspects so that it leads to the discovery of facts and bodies of knowledge in an inductive way. An important characteristic of descriptive studies is that the researcher may not manipulate or control the status and role of variables. The researcher merely tends to study and describe what already exists. In this study, we used library research and content analysis methods

    Method parameters’ impact on mortality and variability in rat stroke experiments: a meta-analysis

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