613 research outputs found

    Clinical application of ceramics in anterior cervical discectomy and fusion: A review and update

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    Study Design: Narrative review. Objectives: Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) is a reliable procedure, commonly used for cervical degenerative disc disease. For interbody fusions, autograft was the gold standard for decades; however, limited availability and donor site morbidities have led to a constant search for new materials. Clinically, it has been shown that calcium phosphate ceramics, including hydroxyapatite (HA) and tricalcium phosphate (TCP), are effective as osteoconductive materials and bone grafts. In this review, we present the current findings regarding the use of ceramics in ACDF. Methods: A review of the relevant literature examining the clinical use of ceramics in anterior cervical discectomy and fusion procedures was conducted using PubMed, OVID and Cochrane. Result: HA, coralline HA, sandwiched HA, TCP, and biphasic calcium phosphate ceramics were used in combination with osteoinductive materials such as bone marrow aspirate and various cages composed of poly-ether-ether-ketone (PEEK), fiber carbon, and titanium. Stand-alone ceramic spacers have been associated with fracture and cracks. Metallic cages such as titanium endure the risk of subsidence and migration. PEEK cages in combination with ceramics were shown to be a suitable substitute for autograft. Conclusion: None of the discussed options has demonstrated clear superiority over others, although direct comparisons are often difficult due to discrepancies in data collection and study methodologies. Future randomized clinical trials are warranted before definitive conclusions can be drawn. © The Author(s) 2017

    Incidence of self-reported interpersonal violence related physical injury in Iran

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    Background: Violence is the cause of death for 1.5 million people in a year. Objectives: Our study aimed to estimate the incidence rate of self-reported interpersonal violence related physical injury (VRPI) and its associated factors in Iran. Patients and Methods: The sample included people ranged from 15 to 64 years old who were residing in Iran. A total of 1525 clusters were selected from the whole country. Six families were selected from each cluster via a systematic random sampling method. Then, the residential units were identified and the interviewers contacted the inhabitants. In the next step, one of the family members was selected by using Kish grid method. The instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire and consisted of two sections; demographics and project related data. Face validity and content validity of our questionnaire were investigated based on expert opinions and the reliability was confirmed by a pilot study, as well. The inclusion criteria were considered for choosing the interviewers. An interviewer was assigned for each 42 participants (7 clusters). An educational seminar was held for the administrative managers (54 persons) and interviewers (230 persons) for a week. The field work was distributed among all 46 Medical Sciences universities in Iran. In each university, administrative issues were related to an executive director. Mann-Whitney U test and odds ratio were used to analyze the data with 95 confidence interval. α value was considered less than 5. Results: The frequency of VRPI among 7886 participants was 24 during the last three months. The incidence rate of interpersonal VRPI was estimated at 3.04 per 1000 population (95 CI: 2.66-3.42) during a three-month interval in Iran. The incidence was 4.72 per 1000 population (95 CI: 4.01-5.43) for males and 1.78 per 1000 population (95 CI: 1.39-2.17) for females during a three-month interval. The mean (SD) of age of the participants with and without a history of VRPI were 26.5 (7.21) and 33.05 (12.05) years, respectively (P = 0.008). Considering the participants� gender, 66.7 were males (OR = 2.66, 95 CI: 1.14-6.23). Khuzestan Province had the most VRPIs (25 of all VRPIs). Streets and roads were the places with the highest frequency of injury (50). The most frequent injured organ was the upper limb (54.17). The most prevalent type of injury was a superficial wound (50). Finally, the most common place of treatment was home (45.83). Conclusions: We determined the incidence rate of self-reported interpersonal VRPI for the first time in Iran based on a national survey. The injuries were more common among young men. We suggest consecutive national surveys with different data gathering methods and more sample sizes. © 2015, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal

    Principles of primary survey and resuscitation in cases of pediatric trauma

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    Trauma is a common cause of death and disability in children. Proper approach to pediatric trauma involves adherence to ABCDE sequence in the primary survey and resuscitation in order to promptly recognize and manage life-threatening conditions immediately. This readily reviewed sequence includes A: establishment and maintenance of a patent airway while maintaining cervical spine immobilization; B: evaluation of breathing, ventilation and oxygenation, immediate treatment of tension pneumothorax, open pneumothorax and massive hemothorax; C: evaluation and treatment of circulatory compromise and shock; D: Disability and Neurologic Status, assessment of signs of increased intracranial pressure and impending cerebral herniation; and E: Exposure while preventing hypothermia. Implementing these assessment and management priorities can result in more favorable outcomes. © 2015 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserve

    Assessing measurement error in surveys using latent class analysis: application to self-reported illicit drug use in data from the Iranian Mental Health Survey

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    Latent class analysis (LCA) is a method of assessing and correcting measurement error in surveys. The local independence assumption in LCA assumes that indicators are independent from each other condition on the latent variable. Violation of this assumption leads to unreliable results. We explored this issue by using LCA to estimate the prevalence of illicit drug use in the Iranian Mental Health Survey. The following three indicators were included in the LCA models: five or more instances of using any illicit drug in the past 12 months (indicator A), any use of any illicit drug in the past 12 months (indicator B), and the self-perceived need of treatment services or having received treatment for a substance use disorder in the past 12 months (indicator C). Gender was also used in all LCA models as a grouping variable. One LCA model using indicators A and B, as well as 10 different LCA models using indicators A, B, and C, were fitted to the data. The three models that had the best fit to the data included the following correlations between indicators: (AC and AB), (AC), and (AC, BC, and AB). The estimated prevalence of illicit drug use based on these three models was 28.9, 6.2 and 42.2, respectively. None of these models completely controlled for violation of the local independence assumption. In order to perform unbiased estimations using the LCA approach, the factors violating the local independence assumption (behaviorally correlated error, bivocality, and latent heterogeneity) should be completely taken into account in all models using well-known methods

    Telephone versus face-to-face administration of the Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, for diagnosis of psychotic disorders

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    Objective: The current study aims to compare telephone vs face-to-face administration of the version of Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, (SCID) for diagnosis of any psychotic disorder in a clinical population in Iran. Method: The sample consisted of 72 subjects from 2 psychiatric outpatient services in Tehran, Iran. The subjects were interviewed using face-to-face SCID for the purpose of diagnosing psychotic disorders. A second independent telephone SCID was administered to the entire sample within 5 to 10 days, and the lifetime and 12-month diagnoses were compared. Results: The positive likelihood ratio of telephone-administered SCID for diagnosis of any lifetime psychotic disorder was 5.1 when compared with the face-to-face SCID. The value for the primary psychotic disorders in the past 12 months was lower (2.3). Conclusions: The data indicate that telephone administration of the SCID is an acceptable method to differentiate between subjects with lifetime psychotic disorders and those who have had no psychotic disorders and provides a less resource-demanding alternative to face-to-face assessments. © 2012 Elsevier Inc

    Psychiatric disorders among people living with HIV/AIDS in IRAN: Prevalence, severity, service utilization and unmet mental health needs

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    Background: HIV and psychiatric disorders are closely correlated and are accompanied by some similar risk factors. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess psychiatric comorbidity and health service utilization for mental problems among people living with HIV/AIDS in Iran. Methods: A total of 250 cases were randomly selected from a large referral center for HIV treatment and care in Tehran, Iran. Psychiatric disorders in the past 12 months including mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders were assessed through face-to-face interview, using a validated Persian translation of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI v2.1). Severity of psychiatric disorders, social support, socio-economic status, service utilization and HIV-related indicators were assessed. Results: Participants consisted of 147 men and 103 women. Psychiatric disorders were found in 50.2 (95 confidence interval: 43.8�56.6) of the participants. Major depressive disorder was the most prevalent diagnosis (32.1), followed by substance use disorders (17.1). In bivariate analysis, psychiatric disorders were significantly higher among male gender, single and unemployed individuals and those with lower social support. In multivariate regression analysis, only social support was independently associated with psychiatric disorders. Among those with a psychiatric diagnosis, 41.1 had used a health service for mental problems and 53 had received minimally adequate treatment. Conclusion: The findings of the study highlight the importance of mental health services in the treatment of people living with HIV/AIDS. © 2018 Elsevier Inc

    Major anxiety disorders in Iran: Prevalence, sociodemographic correlates and service utilization

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    Background: It has been shown in the past two decades that anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders in general population across the world. This study sought to assess the prevalence of major anxiety disorders, their sociodemographic correlates and mental health service utilization as part of the Iranian Mental Health Survey (IranMHS). Methods: A national household face-to-face survey was carried out on a representative sample of Iranian adults from January to June 2011 using Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI 2.1). A total of 7886 subjects between 15 and 64years who can understand Persian language were included. The 12-month prevalence of anxiety disorders according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), their socio-demographic correlates, health service use and days out of role were measured in this study. Results: The 12-month prevalence of anxiety disorders (not including specific phobias) was 15.6. The prevalence was 12.0 in males and 19.4 in females. The three most prevalent anxiety disorders were generalized anxiety disorder (5.2), obsessive-compulsive disorder (5.1) and social phobia (3.2), respectively. Factors found to be significantly associated with anxiety disorders were: female gender (OR=1.16, 95 CI: 1.09-1.23), middle (OR=1.23, 95CI: 1.01-1.50) or low (OR=1.66, 95CI: 1.31-2.10) socioeconomic status, unemployment (OR=1.98, 95CI: 1.49-2.62), and urban residence (OR=1.31, 95CI: 1.10-1.57). Comorbidity with non-anxiety disorders significantly increased service utilization. In all subgroups, service utilization was higher among females while the number of days out of role was higher among males. Conclusions: Anxiety disorders are common conditions with a higher prevalence among the female gender, unemployed individuals, and people with low socioeconomic conditions living in urban areas. Comorbidity of anxiety disorders with other psychological disorders aggravates the disability and significantly increases the number of days out of role. © 2018 The Author(s)

    Integrating a suicide prevention program into the primary health care network: A field trial study in Iran

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    Objective. To describe and evaluate the feasibility of integrating a suicide prevention program with Primary Health Care services and evaluate if such system can improve screening and identification of depressive disorder, reduce number of suicide attempters, and lower rate of suicide completion. Methodology. This was a quasi-experimental trial in which one community was exposed to the intervention versus the control community with no such exposure. The study sites were two counties in Western Iran. The intervention protocol called for primary care and suicide prevention collaboration at different levels of care. The outcome variables were the number of suicides committed, the number of documented suicide attempts, and the number of identified depressed cases. Results. We identified a higher prevalence of depressive disorders in the intervention site versus the control site (� 2 = 14.8, P < 0.001). We also found a reduction in the rate of suicide completion in the intervention region compared to the control, but a higher prevalence of suicide attempts in both the intervention and the control sites. Conclusion. Integrating a suicide prevention program with the Primary Health Care network enhanced depression and suicide surveillance capacity and subsequently reduced the number of suicides, especially in rural areas. © 2015 Seyed Kazem Malakouti et al

    Province-level Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders: Application of small-area methodology to the Iranian Mental Health Survey (IRANMHS)

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    Objective: National surveys revealed a high prevalence of psychiatric disorders in Iran. Province-level estimates are needed to manage the resources and focus on preventive efforts more efficiently. The objective of this study was to provide province-level estimates of psychiatric disorders. Method: In this study, Iranian Mental Health Survey (IranMHS) data (n = 7886) was used to produce province-level prevalence estimates of any psychiatric disorders among 15-64 year old males and females. Psychiatric disorders were diagnosed based on structured diagnostic interview of the Persian version of Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI, version, 2.1). The Hierarchical Bayesian (HB) random effect model was used to calculate the estimates. The mental health status of half of the participants was also measured using a 28-item general health questionnaire (GHQ). Results: A wide variation in the prevalence of psychiatric disorders was found among 31 provinces of Iran. The direct estimates ranged from 3.6 to 62.6, while the HB estimates ranged from 12.6 to 36.5. The provincial prevalence among men ranged from 11.9 to 34.5, while it ranged from 18.4 to 38.8 among women. The Pearson correlation coefficient between HB estimates and GHQ scores was 0.73. Conclusion: The Bayesian small area estimation provides estimation with improved precision at local levels. Detecting high-priority communities with small-area approach could lead to a better distribution of limited facilities and more effective mental health interventions. © 2019 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved