108 research outputs found

    The audit approach to the internal control in electronic data processing (EDP) environment / Rahimah Ibrahim

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    Electronic Data Processing (EDP) system is one of the most important technological developments of the twentieth century. The use of EDP in profit-oriented companies began in the early 1950s. Little attention has been given to the use of accounting information system

    The relationship between parental belief on filial piety and child psychosocial adjustment among Malay families

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    This study examines the relationship between parental belief on filial piety and child psychosocial adjustment among Malay families. The study sample comprised 108 mother-child dyads of Malay families from the central zone of Peninsular Malaysia. Data were collected using structured questionnaires. Parental belief was measured using Parental Belief Scale, while child psychosocial adjustment was measured using Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Results showed that children whose parents believed in filial piety had significantly lower levels of total difficulties in behavioural, emotional symptoms, conduct problem, and hyperactivity or inattention. Findings implied that filial piety could be used as a positive measure of behavioural and emotional control of a child. Therefore, it is important for parents to nurture their children about filial piety expectations so as to provide them with moral education associated with positive psychosocial adjustment

    Theories of Grandparental Stress

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    Many grandparents today have the responsibility of caring for their grandchildren. Clearly, grandparenting has become a complex, diversified role within families. As the number of grandparent-headed households continues to increase in society, so do their stressors. Although it is not a new phenomenon, interest in examining grandparental stress is relatively new. The focus of this paper is to provide an overview of theories and factors influencing grandparental stress. The paper briefly reviews theories to explain causes of grandparental stress. Based on the reviewed theories, it can be concluded that grandparental stress is a multifactorial problem that appears to affect grandparent caregivers overall well-being. The stress experienced by custodial grandparents was related to their caregiving situation, the subsequent environmental and socioeconomic status

    Adaptasi penjaga utama dalam penjagaan pesakit demensia

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    Malaysia akan diwartakan sebagai negara menua apabila populasi warga emas dikatakan terus meningkat dari semasa ke semasa. Ini adalah indikasi yang menunjukkan bahawa semakin ramai warga emas akan menghidap demensia, maka semakin ramai dikalangan kita akan menjadi penjaga kepada warga emas demensia yang memerlukan bantuan. Tujuan kajian kualitatif ini dijalankan ialah untuk memahami dan menghuraikan bagaimana penjaga utama kepada warga emas yang menghidap demensia mengadaptasi diri dengan situasi penjagaan yang mencabar. Kajian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi telah dipilih sebagai panduan untuk melaksanakan kajian ini. Kriteria inklusif peserta yang dipilih untuk kajian ini ialah penjaga yang menjaga pesakit demensia tahap ringan ke sederhana, berumur 21 tahun ke atas, dan menjadi penjaga utama kepada pesakit demensia. Sepuluh orang penjaga utama yang menemani pesakit demensia di tahap ringan ke sederhana mendapatkan rawatan di Klinik Memori di Hospital Tuanku Jaafar, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan Malaysia telah ditemubual. Hasil kajian mendapati penjaga utama mengadaptasi diri dalam penjagaan dengan bertenang, berserah kepada Tuhan, bertindak menyelesaikan masalah, dan mengelak situasi penjagaan. Adaptasi mengelak situasi penjagaan merupakan cara yang paling banyak digunakan oleh penjaga utama dalam penjagaan pesakit demensia bagi mengurangkan tekanan dan meringankan beban yang ditanggung. Cara penjaga utama mengadaptasi diri dalam situasi penjagaan masih kurang berkesan untuk mengurangkan tekanan dan beban penjagaan. Mereka masih memerlukan bantuan dan sokongan dari keluarga dan rakan apabila menghadapi tekanan dalam penjagaan. Oleh sebab itu hasil kajian ini mencadangkan kepada pihak yang memberikan perkhidmatan kesihatan dan pihak lain yang berkenaan supaya menubuhkan satu kumpulan sokongan khas buat penjaga pesakit demensia. Kumpulan sokongan ini boleh dijadikan sebagai tempat untuk penjaga berkongsi pengalaman dalam penjagaan sesama mereka, dan sebagai tempat untuk penjaga meluahkan perasaan dalam penjagaan

    Cohort comparisons: emotional well-being among adolescents and older adults

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    Background: There are several negative stereotypes about older adults that have negatively influenced people's attitude about aging. The present study compared emotional well-being between older adults and adolescents. Methods: Data for this study came from 1,403 community-dwelling elderly persons and 1,190 secondary school students and were obtained from two national cross-sectional surveys. Emotional well-being was measured using the World Health Organization-Five Well-Being Index. Data analysis was conducted using a multivariate analysis of covariance with SPSS software version 20 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA). Results: Elderly people significantly scored higher levels of emotional well-being (mean, 62.3; standard deviation, 22.55) than younger people (mean, 57.9; standard deviation, 18.46; t, 5.32; P≤0.001). The findings from the multivariate analysis of covariance revealed a significant difference between older adults and younger people in emotional well-being [F(3, 2587)=120.21; P≤0.001; η2=0.122] after controlling for sex. Conclusion: Contrary to negative stereotypes about aging, our findings show a higher level of emotional well-being among older adults compared with younger people

    Types of support received by co-resident & non co-resident older Malaysians

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    Dependency in old age is commonly linked to declining health and financial resources and thus, older persons have to rely on family members for support. Nonetheless, family support has been found to vary widely by coresidence status. The purpose of this study is to determine the contribution of co-residence status and selected demographic variables in predicting the likelihood of older persons receiving financial and/or non-financial support from children. A sub-sample of 1,273 older persons aged 60 years and above was obtained from a nationwide survey in Malaysia in 2010. Respondents’ response on the types of support received from children were collapsed into financial (monetary assistance and payment for: treatment cost, place to stay, in-home care services, and assistive devices) and non-financial support (household chores, care when sick and others). Multinomial logistic regression was performed to assess the contribution of factors on the likelihood that respondents would receive support (0 = No support, 1 = Either financial or non-financial support, 2 = Both types of support). The model contained eight dichotomous independent variables including sex, education level, marital status, employment status, co-resident status, health problems, monthly personal income and household size. Descriptive results showed that 78.9% of older persons co-reside with their children. Majority of older persons received both financial and non-financial support (64%), compared to financial only (11%), non-financial only (9%), or no support at all (16%). Chi-square test of independence found that there was significant relationship between co-residential status and types of assistance received. Multinomial regression showed that co-residence with children was the most influential determinant of support type, followed by employment and education of older persons. The full model containing all predictors was statistically significant (Χ2 = 196.512, df = 16, p = 0.001) and correctly classified 66% of cases, which was more robust proportional by chance accuracy rate, in distinguishing respondents with different types of support received. Reference group for the model are those who received no support. If an elderly were to co-reside with adult children, they are 3 times more likely to receive both support than not getting any. Differences in the respondent’s gender and health were significant determinants of partial or full support. While co-residential status affects the overall support for the elderly in Malaysia, the relative influence of other predictors must be given due consideration. The disadvantaged elderly or older persons at-risk should be provided with assistance so that they do not face unmet needs in terms of support in old age. 「为马来西亚独居和非独居长者提供的多种支援」 摘要 老年时期的依赖性往往与健康状况转差和收入来源减少有关,因此老人需要依仗家人的照顾和支持。但即使同住,家庭支持的方式也是纷繁多样。此研究目的是尝试查明根据同住状况和特定的人口变量,看是否能有效预测老人可否从子女身上获得经济和工具性的支持。子样本的数据是从2010年在马来西亚全国进行的调查所得,共有1273位六十岁或以上的老人参与调查。调查对象的报告显示,从子女身上获得的支持可分为财政支持(金钱补贴及支付医疗费用、住宿费、家居护理服务费和辅助器材费)和非财政支持(打理家务杂事和患病时的照顾)。调查使用多项式逻辑回归分析来评估调查对象是否可获得子女支持的因素(0=没有任何支持,1=只有财政支持或只有非财政支持,2=两种支持皆有)。调查模型包括八个二分独立的可变因素,即性别、教育程度、婚姻、就业、同住、健康问题、个人月入以及家庭大小。描述性结果显示78.9%的老人与子女同住。大部份老人(64%)都获得财政支持和非财政支持;而只获得财政支持,或只有非财政支持的老人则各占11%和9%;甚么支持都没有的占16%。卡方独立性测定反映同住与获得的支持有重要关系。多项式回归分析显示与子女同住为最重要的影响,其次为老人的就业程况及教育水平。包含所有预测因子的完整模型从统计学上来说是具重要性的(X2=196.512,df=16,p=0.001),而且以机会准确值来说它有着充裕的比例,能准确地把66%的个案分类,反映模型能区分获得不同种类支持的调查对象。参照群组是由没有接受支持的老人。如老人与成年子女同住,他们获得财政支持和工具性支持的比率,比什么支持也得不到的比率高出3倍。受访对象的性别及健康亦是能否获得局部或全面的支持的决定因素。虽然同住状况影响了马来西亚长者得到的整体支持,但其他因素的相关影响亦需要注视。身体有残疾或高危长者需要获得支持,让他们不会老而无依

    Financial practices and problems amongst elderly in Malaysia

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    Being old is often associated with poverty, as a result of limited access to financial resources due to retirement or deterioration in health. The high incidence of poverty among the elderly is a global concern. How much the elderly have is important but how they use what they have is equally important. This paper focuses on financial practice and problems of the elderly in Malaysia. Data used in the analysis were collected in 2004 from among 2,327 elderly aged between 55 and 75 years. Samples were selected using multi stage systematic sampling. Financial practice was measured using 12 statements representing four dimensions, namely, planning, cash management, credit and investment. Financial problems were measured using seven items with two dimensions, namely, daily problems and credit management. In general, the elderly in the study performed basic financial practice (planning and cash management) but a lower percentage of these elderly performed credit and investment plans. About one third of elderly had experienced at least one of the seven financial problems listed. Multiple regression analysis conducted to explore the factors explaining variation in financial practice revealed that the model explained 20.7% variation in the financial practice score. The variable significantly explained the variations in the financial practice score were gender, age, region, ethnicity, education, home ownership, health perception, and income. A further research is needed to better understand the dynamic of financial practice among the elderly

    Mismatch between older adult's expectation and smartphone user interface

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    Smartphones have become ubiquitous communication tools for everybody, including older adults to stay connected with their family and access to information. However, mobile operators and developers mainly target the youngster cohort in mobile industry. With the rising ageing population, smartphone user interface and some mobile apps are not designed to cater the needs of older adults. This could hinder them from fully utilizing the smartphone functions and its services. A mobile-user interaction study using mixed-methods (questionnaire, interview and observation) was conducted to examine usability and user interface design issues of smartphone and mobile apps among 80 older adults in Malaysia. Four tasks design were ‘making voice calls’, ‘using phonebook’, ‘installing a mobile app from GooglePlay Store’, and ‘using WhatsApp’. The results were analysed both quantitatively (for usability evaluation) and qualitatively (for interviews and observation). The usability result revealed that the ‘voice call’ task had the highest success task completion rate (83.44%), followed by ‘phonebook’(70.16%), ‘mobile app download’(63.13%) and ‘using WhatsApp’ (60.42%). Three themes were emerged from the qualitative thematic analysis, which showed a mismatch between older adults’ expectation and smartphone user interface. A majority had never downloaded a mobile app before, and they had problems down loading it from Play Store. They perceived the Play Store feature as a place for children playing games. To close the discrepancy between user expectation and mobile design, the mobile designers and developers are required to consider the older adults’ needs for better usability of smartphone user interface design

    Influence of Temperature and Blending Ratio on Product Yield for Co-gasification of Torrefied Palm Kernel Shell (TPKS) and Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)

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    This study investigated the product yields produced from the co-gasification of torrefied palm kernel shell (TPKS) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE). Prior co-gasification, PKS was undergo pre-treatment process at different temperature. The optimum parameter for torrefaction was found at 250 oC for 60 min reaction time with 4.89 wt.% moisture content and 10.48 wt.% fixed carbon. Thus, the result indicated that TPKS a suitable fuel feedstock for further thermal conversion. Then, TPKS and LDPE were gasified at different temperature and blending ratio for 60 min reaction time. The results showed that, temperature plays an important role in co-gasification. Higher gasification temperature increases the carbon conversion which improves gasification rate. By varying temperature from 600 to 1000 oC, the gas yield increased considerably from 25.88 to 45.94 wt.%, whilst tar yield decreased sharply from 49.61 to 35.03 wt.%. However, as temperature increased from 800 to 1000 oC, tar yield increased from 26.58 to 35.03 wt.%. Meanwhile, char yield decreased from 24.50 wt.% to 19.02 wt.% over the temperature range of 600 to 1000 oC. For the effect of blending ratio, through blending of TPKS and LDPE, the gas and char yield increase, while tar decrease with increase torrefied TPKS ratio. Furthermore, it was observed that the product yields obtained from the co-gasification of TPKS and LDPE at 50:50 blending ratios produce the highest gas yield with low char and tar yield than another blending ratio. Therefore, based on the effect of temperature and blending ratio on product yield shows that the optimum parameter to produce maximum gas yield with minimum tar and char yield are at 50:50 (TPKS:LDPE) blending ratio at 800oC for 60 minutes reaction time. The gas analysis exhibited the H2 composition was increased drastically with increase reaction time for TPKS:LDPE compared than UnPKS:LDPE. The high production of H2 is in accordance with the high quantity of carbon content in TPKS compared to UnPKS. As a result, the pretreatment of PKS enhanced the H2 production during co-gasification of TPKS and LDPE