2,898 research outputs found

    Single-, Dual- and Triple-band Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna

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    The paper presents a frequency reconfigurable slot dipole antenna. The antenna is capable of being switched between single-band, dual-band or triple-band operation. The antenna incorporates three pairs of pin-diodes which are located within the dipole arms. The antenna was designed to operate at 2.4 GHz, 3.5 GHz and 5.2 GHz using the aid of CST Microwave Studio. The average measured gains are 1.54, 2.92 and 1.89 dBi for low, mid and high band respectively. A prototype was then constructed in order to verify the performance of the device. A good level of agreement was observed between simulation and measurement

    Glucose detection in blood using near-infrared spectroscopy: significant wavelength for glucose detection

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    World Health Organization (WHO) stated in 2004, about 347 million people suffered from diabetes and from this statistic, about 3.4 million died from the complication of kidney failure, heart attack, body part amputation and adequately reported suffered from blindness. There are several non-invasive techniques in measuring the blood glucose level developed nowadays and among the popular technique is the near-infrared (NIR) measurement, ultrasonic sensor implementation, multisensory systems, absorbance of transmittance, bio-impedance, voltage intensity, and thermography. Among these techniques, there are several approaches that displayed a lot of potential, nonetheless some of them have produced unsatisfying results. The NIR technique has been applied in some of previous research, however the wavelength used vary for different researcher. There are several points of views on the significant wavelength range that contains suitable information regarding the peaks of glucose in blood. This paper is focusing on the experimental data collection using the near-infrared spectroscopy technique. This paper furthermore discussing on determine the significant peaks of glucose that is suitable to be used as the indicator of the glucose in blood. The highest significant peaks of blood glucose detected from the range around 1450nm and 1930nm

    Distribusi Diatom Epilitik (Bacillariophyceae) Berdasarkan Jenis Substrat pada Zona Intertidal Kawasan Pelabuhan Palimbungan Ketek Batahan Kabupaten Mandailing Natal Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2016 sampai Januari 2017 dikawasan Pelabuhan Palimbungan Ketek Batahan Kabupaten Mandailig Natal SumateraUtara dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan distribusi diatom epilitik berdasarkanjenis substrat (kayu, semen, dan batuan alam). Metode yang digunakan adalah metodesurvey dan analisis dilakukan di Laboratorium Biologi Laut Fakultas Perikanan danKelautan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa diatom yang ditemukan sebanyak 10spesies. Diatom epilitik dengan kelimpahan tertinggi yaitu spesies Isthmia sp. Rata-ratakelimpahan diatom epilitik tertinggi antar substrat terdapat pada substrat kayu sebesar7.686,46 ind/cm2. Kemudian rata rata kelimpahan tertinggi antar plot bagian terdapatpada substrat batuan alam plot I, II, dan III bagian bawah dengan rata-rata nilai kelimpahanyaitu 2.951,05 ind/cm2. Nilai rata-rata indeks keanekaragaman jenis (H\u27) berkisardari 0,963 - 1,672. keseragaman jenis (E) berkisar antara 0,230 – 0,611. indeksdominansi diatom (D) berkisar dari 0,367 – 0,592

    Single channel magnetic induction spectroscopy technique for fetal acidosis detection

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    Current fetal acidosis diagnosis needs an invasive measurement which required a doctor to puncture fetal scalp to acquire blood pH. This method introduced risk to the fetal which fetal scalp may bruise and infected. This paper discusses a noninvasive method employing a single channel magnetic induction spectroscopy technique as an alternative method to diagnose acidosis in fetal without puncturing the fetal scalp. The studies are based on numerical simulation models to investigate the most feasible sensor coil that is sensitive and effective to be implemented in hardware setup as the shape of coil influences directly the sensing performance of the magnetic induction spectroscopy system. The study has found that the circular coil is more sensitive than linear coil. The system tested with different pH samples to mimic the blood pH value. The result is very promising with good correlation approaching 1 has been achieved. Therefore, magnetic induction spectroscopy technique has good opportunity to be applied as an alternative method to detect acidosis in the fetal with circular coil is performed as the best sensing coils for MIS hardware

    Descriptions of the pupae and larvae of Stenopsyche siamensis Martynov, 1931 (Trichoptera: Stenopsychidae) with notes on larval biology

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    Detailed descriptions are given of the pupae and larvae of Stenopsyche siamensis Martynov, and comparisons are made with the immature stages of other Stenopsyche species previously described from Asia. The larval feeding biology of S. siamensis and its position in stream communities are briefly discussed

    Transformation Of Rust In The Presence Of Mangrove (Rhizophoru Apiculuta)Tannins And Phosphoric Acid.

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    The known hazardous effects of most synthetic corrosion inhibitors are reasons to search for safer and environmentally friendly natural products. The role of mangrove (Rhizaphora apiculata) tannins and phosphoric acid as rust converters by phaser transformation studies is evaluated

    Physicochemical Analysis of the Drinking Water of Al Gedarif City, Sudan

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    In the present study the highest residual chlorine level (0.2) was detected in the city inlet and the circular line of the Atbara River sources. The taste, color and odor were found acceptable, although, the ground water is a bit salty and the raw water of the main stream of Atbara River, is always brown in color, specially in the autumn season. The highest turbidity value was recorded for the main stream of Atbara River, while, the maximum electric conductivity was found in Al Azasza boreholes. The total dissolved solids were greater in the ground water sources compared to that of the surface water sources. However, the total alkalinity  and  hardness  values  were  higher  in  the  ground  water  of  Al Azaza boreholes than that of all the other sources. On the other hand, the mineral contents (calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium) were higher in the ground water. Fluorides, chlorides and bicarbonates were also higher in ground water. Similarly, were the contents of nitrates, nitrites and ammonia. However no carbonates were detected in Al Azaza and Abu Naja nor in Al Saraf dam raw water

    Enumeration of Coliform Bacteria and E. coli Contaminating the Drinking Water of Al Gedarif City

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    ABSTRACT The present study enumerated the bacteriological contamination of   the main sources of drinking water in Al Gedarif city. A total of 134 water samples (raw waters, treated waters, main reservoirs, main pipelines, and sabeel zeer waters) were tested for their total coliforms and E. coli counts, using the most probable number technique (MPN). The results indicated that the total coliform and E. coli counts were lower in the ground water sources (Al Azaza and Abu Al Naja boreholes) than that in the surface sources (Atbara River, Al Saraf and Dalassa dams). Moreover, both counts in most of the zeer water samples were higher than those of the other sources. It was also noticed that the zeers located in public areas (market) were more contaminated than the other sabeel zeers. The seasonal variations study was performed for the surface sources, where it was found that the maximum densities of coliform bacteria and   E. coli were occurred during the autumn season and the summer, while the periodical variations study was made for the ground sources, where the coliforms and E. coli densities were found almost higher during the second period of each year

    Isolation, Identification and Distribution of the Gram-Positive Bacterial Isolates Contaminating the Drinking Water of Al Gedarif City, Sudan

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    In this study, the possible aerobic Gram-positive bacteria were isolated from the main sources of the drinking water in Al Gedarif city (raw and treated waters of Atbara River, main reservoirs and zeer waters of all sources). The isolates were identified using the manual identification tests (primary and biochemical). The primary tests identified the isolates up to the genera level. The results indicated that the isolates belonged to four genera (Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, Bacillus and Corynebacterium). However, the biochemical tests identified the isolates up to the species level. The species identified included three of the genus Staphylococcus, four of the genus Micrococcus and eight of the genus Bacillus, as well as the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae. The study also included the distribution of the identified species in the different sources. It was found that Staphylococcus aureus and S. epidermidis were found in almost all sources. However, the other bacterial species were detected in some of the sources and absent in the others. On the other hand, S. saprophyticus, M. varians, M. kristinae, B. thuringiensis, B. pantothenticus and B. firmus were not detected in any of the underground sources