10 research outputs found

    The Relationship Social Support With The Adherence To Taking ARV Medication

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    Human immunodeficiency virus or better known as HIV, is a virus that infects the human immune system. Several factors, including social support, influence compliance with PLWHA undergoing ARV treatment. Social support is verbal or non-verbal information, advice, real help, or behavior provided by people familiar with the subject in their social environment. This study aims to determine the relationship between social support and adherence to ARV treatment at peer support shelters in Gorontalo City. This study used a correlational design. The sample used was 37 respondents using the Total Sampling method. Data was collected using a questionnaire sheet and analyzed with univariate and bivariate. Based on the study's results, good social support in this study amounted to 29 respondents or 78%, while social support was not as good as 8 respondents or 21%. So, a significant relationship exists between social support and adherence to ARV medication. Suggestions from this study Nurses can implement the findings of this study in providing nursing care, especially in preventive efforts to drop out of ARV drug

    Self efficacy dalam penggunaan kondom pada Lelaki Seks Lelaki (LSL) dengan HIV/AIDS: Literature review

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    Self-efficacy for condom use related sexual risk behavior among men who have sex with men and HIV/AIDS: A literature reviewBackground: The prevalence of HIV / AIDS in the world is increasing. Men who have sex with men  (MSM) is the population most vulnerable to HIV / AIDS. Transmission occurred  because of the low use of condoms. Self-efficacy is the ability to belief of self against individual coping in specific situations that affect thinking, behavior, and emotional patterns that can affect attitudes in controlling motivation, behavior, social and the surrounding environmentPurpose: A literature study was explore self-efficacy in using condom and measurement of self-efficacy in condom useMethod: Literature studies used the online database Proquest, CINAHL, the literature was limited by criteria: in 2016-2019, full text and English language, with the keywords: "Self-Efficacy AND Condom Use", "HIV / AIDS AND MSM," HIV / AIDS AND Self EfficacyResults: Finding 9 articles that were relevant to the inclusion criteria. The results showed that there were  two categories in the assessment of self-efficacy in HIV / AIDS patients, namely Sexual Self-Efficacy, and Condom Self-EfficacyConclusion: The assessment used several different instruments, however, although the instruments used were different in the assessment of self-efficacy,  the results of the entire study showed  a link between self-efficacy in the use of condoms in MSM. The results of this literature review can be used as information material about the importance of self efficacy in improving the consistency of condom use to prevent HIV / AIDS Keywords: HIV/AIDS; Self-Efficacy, Condom Use; Sexual risk; BehaviorPendahuluan: Prevalensi HIV/AIDS di dunia semakin meningkat. Lelaki seks lelaki (LSL ) merupakan populasi yang paling mudah terkena HIV/AIDS. Penularan terjadi karena rendahnya penggunaan kondom. Self-efficacy merupakan kemampuan untuk percaya pada kemampuan diri terhadap koping individu dalam situasi yang spesifik yang mempengaruhi pemikiran, perilaku, dan pola emosional yang dapat berdampak pada sikap dalam mengontrol motivasi, perilaku, dan sosial serta lingkungan sekitar.Tujuan: Untuk mengeksplorasi  self-efficacy  dalam penggunaan kondom dan pengukuran self-efficacy dalam penggunaan kondom.Metode: Studi literatur melalui database online Proquest, CINAHL,  literature dibatasi dengan kriteria : tahun 2016-2019, full text dan berbahasa Inggris, dengan kata kunci: “Self-Efficacy AND Condom Use”,“HIV/AIDS AND MSM,”HIV/AIDS AND Self EfficacyHasil: Didapatkan self-efficacy pada pasien HIV/AIDS dibedakan menjadi Sexual Self- Efficacy, dan Condom Self-Efficacy dan penilaian menggunakan beberapa instrument yakni  sexual self-efficacy scale, the AIDS-Prevention Self-efficacy Scal, condom use self-efficacy, condom use self-efficacy scale,Simpulan: terdapat  instrumen yang berbeda namun, meskipun instrumen yang digunakan berbeda dalam penilaian self-efficacy namun seluruh hasil penelitan menunjukkan adanya keterkaitan self-efficacy dalam penggunaan kondom pada LSL. Hasil telaah literature ini dapat dijadikan bahan informasi tentang pentingnya self efficacy dalam meningkatkan konsistensi penggunaan kondom untuk mencegah HIV/AIDS

    The relationship between self-efficacy and spirituality in condom use behaviour among MSM-PLWHA in Bandung, indonesia

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    Background: The prevalence of HIV/AIDS, especially among men who have sex with men (MSM), is increasing. Disease transmission occurs because of the low use of condoms. This study aimed to identify the relationship between condom self-efficacy and spirituality in condom use behavior.Design and Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design with consecutive sampling techniques. It involved 251 people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH) MSM. Chi-square test was used in bivariate analysis and then continued with the logistic regression analysis for multivariate analysis.Results: The results show that there was a significant relationship between condom self-efficacy and condom use behavior with p-value <0.05 (OR=11.298; 95% CI: 4.35-20.1, p=0.000) and spirituality towards condom use behavior p-value <0.05 (OR=3.405; 95% CI: 0.85-3.21, p=0.00). In multivariate analysis of multiple logistic regression, condom self-efficacy is the factor that predominantly influences condom use behaviour.Conclusions: To improve the consistency of condom use, nurses need to prioritize interventions such as counselling activities that focus on increasing self-confidence (self-efficacy)

    Self-Efficacy Penderita Hipertensi Di Puskesmas Kota Selatan Gorontalo

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    Prevalensi dan insidensi penyakit hipertensi semakin meningkat dan menyebabkan tingginya morbiditas dan mortalitas yang tinggi. Gorontalo merupakan Provinsi yang ikut menyumbang jumlah kumulatif kasus hipertensi. Sebagai penyakit yang dikenal dengan isitilah “silent killer”. Dalam upaya pengurangan komplikasi ini diperlukan kepatuhan dan kesadaran dri akan kemampuan dalam mencapai tujuan pengobatan yang kemudian lebih dikenal dengan isitilah self-efficacy. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif dimana pengukuran dengan menggambarkan variabel yang diteliti tanpa menganalisa hubungan antar variabel. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni purposive sampling dengan jumlah 100 sampel yang diambil berdasarkan kriteria sampel. Hasil peneltian didapatkan terdaat 65 responden berjenis kelamin laki-laki dan 35 responden berjensi kelamin perempuan . Pada penelitian ini juga didapatkan juga responden yang memiliki self-efficacy tinggi berjumlah 53, dan 47responden memiliki self-efficacy rendah. Self-efficacy memberikan kontribusi terhadap pemahaman yang lebih baik dalam proses perubahan perilaku kesehatan sehingga akan meningkatkan kemampuan seseorang dalam memahami terkait penyakit, dan memilih cara yang tepat dalam mengurangi tingkat keparahan dengan keterampilan yang terlatih

    Partner Support with Condom Use Consistency in Transmission Prevention of People with HIV AIDS

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    HIV remains a public concern with an increasing prevalence. HIV prevention can be done by considering the ABC approach; Abstinence (A), Be faithful (B), and Correct and consistent condoms (C). Globally, the use of condoms is still one of the HIV prevention interventions. However, this intervention is often overlooked, leading to inconsistent condom use. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between partner support and the consistency of condom use. This study used a cross-sectional method in Rumah Singgah Dukungan Teman Sebaya, Gorontalo City. The calculation of the Chi-square test revealed a p-value of 0.008 (p ˂ 0.05). This finding indicates a significant relationship between partner support and the consistency of condom use at Rumah Singgah Dukungan Teman Sebaya, Gorontalo City


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    Kesehatan mental merupakan salah satu unsur terpenting dalam mempersiapkan seorang dosen untuk melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran. Jika seorang dosen mengalami gangguan kesehatan mental, dikhawatirkan keadaan tersebut dapat menimbulkan berbagai gangguan dalam proses pembelajaran, bahkan lebih dikhawatirkan keadaan tersebut akan mempengaruhi kondisi mental mahasiswa. Kebaruan penelitian ini karena meneliti tentang gambaran mental health pada dosen Kesehatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran mental health dosen kesehatan di provinsi Gorontalo. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif untuk mengetahui gambaran mental health dosen kesehatan di provinsi Gorontalo. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh dosen kesehatan di provinsi Gorontalo berjumlah 35 orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel accidental sampling dan jumlah sampel yang didapatkan sebanyak 35 responden. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan kuisioner Mental Health Inventory (MHI) 38 dengan teknik analisis data unvariat. Hasil penelitian tentang gambaran kesehatan mental dosen di Universitas Negeri Gorontalo menunjukkan bahwa seluruh responden (100%) kategori kesejahteraan psikologis. Kesimpulan menunjukan bahwa seluruh dosen kesehatan berada pada kondisi psikologis yang sejahtera (psychological well-being).Kata kunci:  Dosen; Gorontalo; Kesehatan Mental AbstractMental health is one of the essential elements in preparing a lecturer to carry out learning activities. Suppose a lecturer experiences a mental health disorder. In that case, it is feared that this situation can cause various disturbances in the learning process, and it is, even more feared that this situation will affect the student's mental state. The novelty of this study is that it examines the picture of mental health in Health lecturers. This study aimed to find out the mental health picture of health lecturers in Gorontalo province. This study used a quantitative research design with a descriptive method to determine the mental health picture of health lecturers in Gorontalo province. The population in this study was all health lecturers in Gorontalo province, totaling 35 people with accidental sampling techniques, and the number of samples obtained was 35 respondents. This research instrument used the Mental Health Inventory (MHI) 38 questionnaire with univariate data analysis techniques. The study's results on the mental health picture of lecturers at Gorontalo State University showed that all respondents (100%) were in the psychological well-being category. The conclusion indicates that all health lecturers are in psychological well-being.Keywords: Lecturer; Gorontalo; Mental Health

    Perbandingan Sistem Pendidikan Sarjana Keperawatan Indonesia dan Inggris

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    Keperawatan merupakan bidang ilmu yang mandiri. Sebagai profesi keilmuan yang mandiri kebutuhan adanya kurikulum menjadi kewajiban utama. Adanya kurikulum yang komprehensif yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan sistem kesehatan  merupakan dasar utama dalam melatih sumber daya manusia yang dibutuhkan oleh sistem kesehatan. Kurikulum pendidikan keperawatan di desain untuk menyiapkan lulusan yang memiliki kemampuan dalam melakukan praktik keperawatan profesinal  baik dari tingkat individu, keluarga dan masyarakat dalam berbagai  situasi. Dalam upaya menemukan kurikulum yang komprehensif dan tepat sasaran berbagai upaya telah dilakukan salah satunya dengan melakukan comparative (perbandingan) kurikulum. Kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk membandingkan  kurikulum diberbagai negara dengan harapan dapat mengembangkan kurikulum baru.  Perbandingan kurikulum memiliki tujuan untuk melihat adanya perbedaan dan kesamaan dalam sistem pendidikan. Hal ini juga membantu mengetahui bahwa kurikulum ini berhasil  atau gagal dalam menghasilakn perawat yang berkompeten, sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai landasan untuk pengembangan kurikulum kedepannya. Hal ini juga membantu mengetahui bahwa kurikulum ini berhasil  atau gagal dalam menghasilakn perawat yang berkompeten, sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai landasan untuk pengembangan kurikulum kedepanny

    Coping mechanism with anxiety levels in chronic kidney disease patients undergoing hemodialysis at Toto Kabila Hospital

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    Chronic kidney disease is a progressive and irreversible renal disorder in which the body fails to maintain metabolism, balance, and electrolytes. Patients with such a disease should undergo regular hemodialysis therapy, leading to physical and psychological problems, i.e., anxiety. Inappropriately treated anxiety will cause the patients to not stick to the dietary pattern, hemodialysis, and infantilism. They need to strive to deal with their problems, known as a coping mechanism. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between coping mechanisms and anxiety levels of patients with chronic kidney disease that underwent hemodialysis at Toto Kabila Regional Public Hospital. It relied on a quantitative method with the cross-sectional approach. A total of 30 respondents were taken as the sample using the purposive sampling technique. Moreover, the Somers’D test with a questionnaire instrument was applied to analyze the data. It was shown that coping mechanisms correlated with anxiety levels of patients with chronic kidney disease who underwent hemodialysis therapy (p-Value = 0.005) in the site area

    An overview of lecturers’ and educational personnel mental health in Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

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    Mental health plays a significant role in preparing a lecturer to perform teaching activities. A lecturer with mental illness may bring some trouble in classroom lessons or even influence students’ mental state. The purpose of this study was to describe the overview of the mental health of the lecturers and educational personnel in Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. This research relied on a quantitative descriptive method to determine the mental health of human resources in Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. All 1,355 lecturers and educational personnel working in the site area were involved as the population; only 513 of which were selected as the sample using accidental sampling. Further, the research instrument was a questionnaire of Mental Health Inventory (MHI) 38 with univariate analysis. It was shown that out of all respondents, 23 respondents (4.5%) had psychological distress, implying that most educational personnel in the research area were in a mental health category of psychological well-being. It is expected that the Universitas Negeri Gorontalo can make a policy to maintain and improve the mental health of its employees, including educational personnel