2,863 research outputs found

    Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) applications in medical: non-invasive and invasive leukemia screening

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    Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) has been applied as analytical tool in numerous field of study due to its ability in non-invasive application. NIRS with the ability in providing the information on biological molecules shows a high potential as a diagnosis tool in medical as diseased related to biochemistry changes of the cell and tissue. This paper reviewed the application of NIR spectroscopy in leukemia screening and in other medical application. General comparison between invasive and non-invasive NIR spectroscopy method is provided. The author also proposed a new non-invasive NIRS method in leukemia screening and compared it with the previous invasive NIRS method

    Single-, Dual- and Triple-band Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna

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    The paper presents a frequency reconfigurable slot dipole antenna. The antenna is capable of being switched between single-band, dual-band or triple-band operation. The antenna incorporates three pairs of pin-diodes which are located within the dipole arms. The antenna was designed to operate at 2.4 GHz, 3.5 GHz and 5.2 GHz using the aid of CST Microwave Studio. The average measured gains are 1.54, 2.92 and 1.89 dBi for low, mid and high band respectively. A prototype was then constructed in order to verify the performance of the device. A good level of agreement was observed between simulation and measurement

    Glucose detection in blood using near-infrared spectroscopy: significant wavelength for glucose detection

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    World Health Organization (WHO) stated in 2004, about 347 million people suffered from diabetes and from this statistic, about 3.4 million died from the complication of kidney failure, heart attack, body part amputation and adequately reported suffered from blindness. There are several non-invasive techniques in measuring the blood glucose level developed nowadays and among the popular technique is the near-infrared (NIR) measurement, ultrasonic sensor implementation, multisensory systems, absorbance of transmittance, bio-impedance, voltage intensity, and thermography. Among these techniques, there are several approaches that displayed a lot of potential, nonetheless some of them have produced unsatisfying results. The NIR technique has been applied in some of previous research, however the wavelength used vary for different researcher. There are several points of views on the significant wavelength range that contains suitable information regarding the peaks of glucose in blood. This paper is focusing on the experimental data collection using the near-infrared spectroscopy technique. This paper furthermore discussing on determine the significant peaks of glucose that is suitable to be used as the indicator of the glucose in blood. The highest significant peaks of blood glucose detected from the range around 1450nm and 1930nm

    An Electronically Reconfigurable Patch Antenna Design for Polarization Diversity with Fixed Resonant Frequency

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    In this paper, an electronically polarization reconfigurable circular patch antenna with fixed resonant frequency operating at Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) frequency band (2.4-2.48 GHz) is presented. The structure of the proposed design consists of a circular patch as a radiating element fed by coaxial probe, cooperated with four equal-length slits etched on the edge along x-axis and y-axis. A total of four switches was used and embedded across the slits at specific locations, thus controlled the length of the slits. By activating and deactivating the switches (ON and OFF) across the slits, the current on the patch is changed, thus modifying the electric field and polarization of the antenna. Consequently, the polarization excited by the proposed antenna can be switched into three types, either linear polarization, left-hand circular polarization or right-hand circular polarization. This paper proposes a simple approach that able to switch the polarizations and excited at the same operating frequency. Simulated and measured results of ideal case (using copper strip switches) and real case (using PIN diode switches) are compared and presented to demonstrate the performance of the antenna

    Perbandingan Perilaku Sosial melalui Model Pembelajaran Group Investigation dan Think Pair Share Siswa Mata Pelajaran Fisika Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Soromandi Kab. Bima

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku sosial dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran group investigation dan model pembelajaran think pair share pada siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Soromandi Kab. Bima, sekaligus untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan perilkaku sosial dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran group investigation dan think pair share siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Soromandi Kab. Bima. Penentuan sampel purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah angket berupa skala likert dan lembar observasi sebagai pendukung penelitian. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan inferensial yaitu uji t. Hasil penelitian analisis deskriptif diperoleh gambaran perilaku sosial siswa dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran group investigation masuk kategori tinggi dengan rata-rata 84,5, dan gambaran perilaku sosial siswa dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran think pair share juga masuk dalam kategori tinggi dengan rata-rata 82,8. Sedangkan hasil inferensial yaitu thitunh ˃ ttabel sehingga Terdapat perbedaan perilaku sosial dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran group investigation dan model pembelajaran think pair and share siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Soromand

    The Influence of Risk on The Performance Project of Framework Agreement Construction

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    The contract is an important aspect that is crucial in the implementation of construction projects. Framework agreement is one of the model contracts that are still limited implementation in the construction world in Indonesia. This study aims to assess the application of Framework agreement in the construction field, especially from the aspect of risk; it starts from identification to the risk allocation of the aspect of construction contracts. The research is done in the form of a survey by capturing the opinions or perceptions, experiences, and attitudes of respondents consisted of contracting, procurement, vendor, and the project owner. From the results of the study note that the most influential risk level is variable Fossil (X8), Testing (X9), Termination of employment (X16), Delay Testing (X18), handover of some of the work ((X20), Procedure variation (X28), the Right Contractor to Halt Work (X33), the risk of service users (X36), the consequences of the risk of service users (X37) and exemption from the obligation to force majeure (X44)

    Single channel magnetic induction spectroscopy technique for fetal acidosis detection

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    Current fetal acidosis diagnosis needs an invasive measurement which required a doctor to puncture fetal scalp to acquire blood pH. This method introduced risk to the fetal which fetal scalp may bruise and infected. This paper discusses a noninvasive method employing a single channel magnetic induction spectroscopy technique as an alternative method to diagnose acidosis in fetal without puncturing the fetal scalp. The studies are based on numerical simulation models to investigate the most feasible sensor coil that is sensitive and effective to be implemented in hardware setup as the shape of coil influences directly the sensing performance of the magnetic induction spectroscopy system. The study has found that the circular coil is more sensitive than linear coil. The system tested with different pH samples to mimic the blood pH value. The result is very promising with good correlation approaching 1 has been achieved. Therefore, magnetic induction spectroscopy technique has good opportunity to be applied as an alternative method to detect acidosis in the fetal with circular coil is performed as the best sensing coils for MIS hardware

    Image Reconstruction Validation for CMOS Linear Image Sensor Based Tomography System

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    Nowadays, the fast-moving industries need a low cost, accurate, low power consumption, non-invasive and safe method for monitoring and tracking of the conveying and manufacturing process. There is many tomography based systems available in the industry, however, with limitations. This project aims to solve industrial problems of monitoring objects inside a transparent conveying pipe and determine the characteristic of the objects such as size, quantity and position. This is done through the image reconstruction of data acquired from Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) linear image sensor based on optical tomography system. Data from four projections of laser are used to avoid the aliasing problem that may occur due to fewer projections. The image can be reconstructed by using linear back projection technique. The image will undergo image processing to enhance the image for better visualization of the object. Theoretical and experimental image are compared to validate the image reconstruction. As a result, the position, size and number of a symmetrical and solid object can be determined accurately from the reconstructed image. For further improvement, the number of projection may be increased