20 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Purchasing Intention of Smartphone among University Students

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    AbstractMobile communication has made an impact towards interaction between people while conducting business either locally or internationally. The expansion of mobile communication technology e.g. wireless internet, mobile phone and Global Positioning System (GPS) are constantly evolving and upgrading as a result of consumers’ changing needs and preferences. Therefore, this paper examines about factors influencing purchasing intention of smartphone among university students. The result shows that three variables that are product features, brand name and social influence have significant relationship except one variable, product sacrifice that has no significant relationship with purchasing intention

    Prevalence of Bacillus cereus in food and hand swabs of night market food vendors and its relationship with their food safety knowledge, attitude, and practices

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    This paper aimed to determine Bacillus cereus prevalence in food and hand swab samples and its relationship with the level of knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) of the food vendors in the night market in northern Perak, Malaysia. A total of 140 cooked food and hand swab samples were collected in this study. About 28% (N = 83) of food and 42% (N = 57) of the food handlers’ hands were detected with B. cereus. The KAP results of the food handlers showed a (mean ± SD) moderate knowledge score (73.96±15.79%), good attitude score (91.61±7.48%), and high practices score (81.70±11.94%). Further analysis revealed that the attitude of vendors independently influenced their practices. In addition, knowledge and practice scores were found to be significantly related to B. cereus hand carriage. Hence, the findings from this study act as an eye-opener for the authorities to improve awareness of food safety and stress the importance of good attitude and hygiene practices, especially among small food vendors

    Screening of biodegradation potential for n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon among isolates from the north-western tip of Pahang

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    This study has successfully screened for a few selected enzyme activities and hydrocarbon-degrading capability of 18 bacterial isolates from the north-western tip of Pahang. The bacterial isolates were known belong to genus Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas, Acinetobacter, Serratia, Bacillus and Exiguobacterium. Among them there are more than 80% were lactase and amylase producers, while only 44% were protease and lipase producers. Gravimetric analysis was performed to test the capa- bility of degrading n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). A statistical analysis, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for hydrocarbon utilization analysis. The overall degradation of n-alkanes was revealed to be not significant. On the other hand, based on the statistical analysis PAHs utilization was significant. Isolate A3i was chosen as the best utilizer of n-alkanes, while isolate A2 was chosen for the best PAHs degrader

    Microwave torrefaction of sawdust as biomass energy source

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    Sawdust is one of the wood wastes produced by the timber industry. Sawdust has excellent potential as an energy source. However, sawdust needs to undergo some improvements by the torrefaction process as it contains higher moisture content and volatile matter. Torrefaction is a thermal method that can enhance sawdust properties as it operates at low temperatures within 200300°C with the presence of nitrogen gas. Microwave torrefaction is introduced to shorten residence time due to fast heating rather than conventional heating. This study focused on microwave torrefaction of sawdust to be used as an energy source by improving the sawdust's chemical compositions and energy potential. The experiment was conducted at different residence times (5, 10, 20 and 30 minutes) and nitrogen gas flowrate (30, 60 and 90 mL/min) for 20 minutes at 1000W microwave power. The colour of torrefied sawdust was observed, and the result showed it turned from light brown to slightly black because of the higher carbon content inside it as the removal of volatile matter during the process. The HHV values were measured by bomb calorimeter, and proximate analysis was determined using TGA. The result showed the improvement in torrefied sawdust that it becomes low in moisture content, higher carbon content and heating value due to the degradation of the structural components, mainly hemicellulose inside the sawdust that releases the volatile matter as the temperature increases. Overall, the microwave torrefaction process reduced the moisture content to 28%, increased HHV to 50%, and increased carbon to 60%, making sawdust a good energy sourc

    Kesalahan mengedar dadah oleh kanak-kanak dan hukumannya di Malaysia

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    Sebagaimana yang sedia maklum, hukuman mati tidak boleh dijatuhkan ke atas kanak-kanak yang melakukan kesalahan yang boleh membawa hukuman mati. Ini sangat bertepatan dengan prinsip perlindungan terhadap kanak-kanak yang telah digariskan oleh Konvensyen Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu Bagi Hak Kanak-Kanak (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child atau UNCRC ). Artikel 40)(1) UNCRC menjelaskan bahawa kanak-kanak yang dituduh melakukan jenayah atau yang melanggar undang-undang hendaklah diperlakukan menurut maruah mereka sebagai kanak-kanak dengan menitikberatkan hak-hak kemanusiaan serta mengambil kira umur dan keperluan mereka sebagai manusia yang bakal memainkan peranan konstruktif dalam masyarakat. Sementara itu Artikel 37 Konvensyen yang sama juga menyebutkan bahawa kanak-kanak tidak boleh dihukum secara kejam dan dengan tidak berperikemanusiaan. Kanak-kanak juga harus dikecualikan dari hukuman bunuh atau penjara seumur hidup, manakala tangkapan, penahanan dan pemenjaraan kanak-kanak mestilah mengikut undang-undang dan digunakan sebagai jalan terakhir dan untuk tempoh masa yang bersesuaian dan terpendek. Kesalahan mengedar dadah merupakan antara kesalahan yang membawa hukuman mati ke atas pelakunya sebagaimana dalam kesalahan bunuh Memandangkan hukuman mati tidak boleh dijatuhkan ke atas kanak-kanak menurut seksyen 97 Akta Kanak-kanak 2001, persoalan yang timbul ialah apakah bentuk hukuman yang dikenakan ke atas golongan kanak-kanak yang disabitkan dengan kesalahan tersebut? Artikel ini mengenal pasti dan membincangkan bentuk hukuman yang dikenakan ke atas kanak-kanak yang bersalah melakukan kesalahan di bawah seksyen 39B Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952