20 research outputs found


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    The level of meat production from purebred chickens in East Java Province from 2009 to 2019 reached 510,535.29 tons. The existence of heavy metal contamination in chickens are dangerous for human health due to the lack of good facilities and infrastructure on broiler farms including land and locations that must be environmentally friendly, and when rearing chickens in paying attention to the needs of water and feed for broiler chickens that are not polluted by heavy metals. The objective of this study was to describe the levels of heavy metals in chicken meat at X Chicken Farm in Kertosari Village, Pakusari District, Jember Regency. This research was a type of descriptive research. The subjects of this study were 20 samples of broiler chicken, well water, and 4 respondents. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. Data analysis used descriptive to describe the use of chicken feed, sources of drinking water, and the presence of heavy metal levels of Pb and Cd in chicken. The result indicate that as many as 20 samples of chicken meat contained levels of heavy metals Pb and Cd below the quality standard values according to Indonesian Nasional Standard (SNI) 7387:2009), namely (pb 0.3/kg) and (Cd <0.0200) while for water drinking water used comes from drilled wells containing Pb 0.001 mg/l and Cd 0.001 mg/l..


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    Lalat masih menjadi permasalahan hingga saat ini. Habitat lalat yang berada di lingkungan kotor menjadikan lalat sebagai vektor penyakit yang dapat menginfeksi manusia. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan pencegahan dan pengendalian dengan menggunakan insektisida. Salah satu potensial insektisida nabati adalah bawang putih (Allium sativum) karena adanya senyawa yang bersifat racun bagi serangga seperti minyak asiri yang mencapai 0,5 v/b, serta adanya senyawa lain seperti alisin, alkaloid, tanin, flavonoid, dan saponin yang bersifat racun bagi serangga. Hasil screening fitokimia menggunakan metode Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT) menunjukkan bawang putih terdeteksi mengandung minyak asiri. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan True Experiment dan desain penelitian Post Test Only Control Group Designs. Ada lima kelompok perlakuan dalam penelitian ini, konsentrasi 0% (kontol), 5%, 7,25%, 10%, dan 12,5%. Pengamatan dilakukan selama satu jam. Analisis data menggunakan uji Kruskal Wallis dengan α=0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan jumlah lalat yang hinggap pada umpan yang berupa udang karena nilai P=0,001, dan efektivitas bawang putih linear artinya semakin tinggi konsentrasi ekstrak yang digunakan maka semakin besar efektivitas ekstrak. Efektivitas tertinggi pada konsentrasi 12,5% dengan efektivitas sebesar 54%. Ekstrak bawang putih dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif insektisida yang ramah lingkungan dan mudah terurai karena terbukti dapat digunakan sebagai insektisida, khususnya lalat rumah

    Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Tingginya Angka Open Defecation (OD) di Kabupaten Jember (Studi di Desa Sumber Kalong Kecamatan Kalisat) Factors Assosiated with High Number of Open Defecation (OD) in District Jember (Studies in Sumber Kalong Village

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    Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is an approach to hygiene and sanitationbehavior change through community empowerment by triggering method. DistrictJember in 2013, recording 61,54% of households that already have access tolatrines. The Strategic Plan District Jember for family latrines in 2014, that is 86%,target of MDGs in 2014 that is 75%. Sumber Kalong village is the high number OD inDistrict Jember that is 92,04%. The purpose of this study was to determine factorsassociated with high number Open Defecation (OD) in District Jember (study inSumber Kalong village Subdistrict Kalisat). The study is an observational study withcross sectional approach. Total Sample of responden was 35 housewife/heads offamilies with proportional random sampling technique. Data analyzed using Chisquaretest (α=0,05).The results showed associated between knowledge, attitude,latrine ownership, distance from the house to defecation except latrinest, familysupport, community support with high number of OD. However, there was noassosiated age, gender, education, employment, income, type latrine, latrineconditions, supply of clean water and support health workers with high number of OD.Keywords : Community-based total sanitation, Open defecatio


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    Keberadaan industri di Kabupaten Gresik menjadi salah satu sumber pencemaran lingkungan termasuk  terjadinya pencemaran perairan di Wilayah Industri Pesisir Kecamatan Manyar dan Gresik, tidak ada pembuangan khusus limbah Bahan Berbahaya Beracun (B3) menyebabkan banyaknya pengaduan terkait pembuangan limbah B3 secara liar. Jenis limbah B3 dari proses produksi dua diantaranya adalah kadmium dan timbal. Sifat logam berat yang dapat terakumulasi dalam tubuh makhluk hidup (salah satunya manusia) akan mempengaruhi kualitas hidup dan dapat menimbulkan masalah kesehatan pada rentang waktu tertentu. Tujuan adanya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur dan menganalisis kadar kadmium dan timbal pada ikan belanak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif observasional dengan metode survei yang dilakukan di pantai utara. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan menggunakan Teknik incidental sampling pada September 2021 yang dibantu oleh nelayan setempat dengan menggunakan jaring. Kriteria sampel, ikan belanak yang tertarik pada titik sampel yang telah ditentukan, sampel ikan yang didapatkan kemudian dianalisis dengan metode Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) di salah satu laboratorium di Surabaya. Data kadar kadmium dan timbal pada ikan belanak akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis data univariat. Hasil uji kadar kadmium dan timbal dibandingkan dengan nilai baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan dalam Standar Nasional Indonesia 7378:2009 terkait Batas Maksimum Cemaran Logam Berat dalam Pangan. Kadar kadmium di bawah 0,1 mg/kg atau berkisar antara (-1,1663 sampai -0,0751 mg/kg) sedangkan nilai timbal berada di bawah 0,3 mg/kg atau berkisar antara (-1,2414 sampai -0,5665 mg/kg). Sehingga ikan belanak layak untuk dikonsumsi masyarakat namun tidak berlebihan. Batas maksimum yang dapat ditolelir oleh manusia dalam mengonsumsi ikan belanak dalam satu minggu untuk orang dewasa 12,5 g (setengah ekor ikan belanak ukuran sedang) dan untuk anak-anak 3.75 g (seperempat ekor ikan belanak ukuran sedang). Konsumsi kadmium pada lingkungan yang tercemar jika perhari mencapai 140-260 gram/hari dapat menyebabkan proteinuria. FAO menetapkan asupan kadmium bulanan sementara yang dapat ditoleransi pada tahun 2010 adalah sebesar 25 g/kg berat badan

    Cadmium (Cd) and Mercury (Hg)in the Soil, Leachate and Ground Water at the final Waste Disposal Pakusari Jember Distric Area

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    Open dumping and controlled landfill were method that used in almost the entire final waste disposal in Indonesia. It was potentially contaminate the soil, and grand water, especially heavy metal such as cadmium and Mercury. The objective of this research is to identifying cadmium and mercury in the soil, leachate and ground water at the final waste disposal Pakusari Jember District area. This research was an observational analytical study conducted cross sectionally. There were six kavlings, three leachate ponds and five ground water. Soil Samples were collected by diagonal method for every kavlings. There were 48 soil samples with composite samples, 3 leachete and 5 water samples. The result showed that mean total cadmium (TCd) and mercury (THg) were 1,46 ppm (kavling 3); 0,859 ppm (kavling4); 0,415 ppm (kavling 5a); 0,16 ppm (kavling 5b); 0,467 ppm (kavling 6);1,459ppm (kavling 9) and not detected for THg. TCd in the leachate ponds 1,2,3 were 0,029 ppm; 0,044 ppm; 0,045 ppm. THg in the leachate ponds 1,2,3 were 0; 0,013; 0,021

    Pengelolaan Limbah Padat di Fakultas Kesehatan dan Non Kesehatan Universitas Jember (The Solid Waste Management on Health and Non Health Faculty in University of Jember)

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    Recently, the increase of students in University of Jember also resulting increased of activities.This may cause solid waste also being increase. According to UI’s GreenMetric UniversitySustainability Ranking, University of Jember have tended to decrease in realizing green campuswhich the one of criteria was solid waste management . Based on early study, health and nonhealth faculty was collected in open area in each faculty, being mixed, and burned. This researchaim to describe the solid waste management on health and non health faculty in University ofJember. This research used descriptive observational approach. Unit analysis in this researchwere all health and non health faculty in University of Jember then two health and two non healthfaculty was choosen consist of Public Health Faculty, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Agricultural,and Faculty of Economic. The result of the research showed that Faculty of Economic has thehighest mean weight of solid waste 36,88 kg/day and the mean volume 742,05 liters/day whileFaculty od Dentistry has the lowest mean weight of solid waste 19,38 kg/day and mean volume397,79 liters/day. The conclusion of this research were solid waste management includereduction of solid waste still not comprehensive and handling of solid waste still mixed, heaped inopen place, and burned.Keywords:solid waste, solid waste management, University of Jember


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    The effects of benzene exposure on living things, especially animals and humans, have been studied almost throughout this century. Short exposure and long-term exposure to benzene can cause health problems until cancer occurs. One type of work that is at risk for indoor benzene exposure is the mechanic of a motorbike repair shop. This study aims to examine benzene exposure factors (source of exposure, air concentration, exposure, duration of exposure, and frequency of exposure) in AHASS mechanics in Sumbersari and Patrang Subdistricts, Jember Regency, and compare these exposure factors with threshold values (NAB) that applies. This research is a quantitative preliminary research, carried out from April to October 2017 in 5 AHASS motorcycle workshops spread in Sumbersari and Patrang Districts, Jember Regency. The sample of this study amounted to 30 people. Based on the results of the study it was found that benzene in the air 5 AHASS workshops spread in Sumbersari and Patrang Subdistricts, the main source came from the evaporation of fuel placed in open containers and through the combustion of the customer's motorcycle engine. The greatest concentration of benzene is in Workshop V which is equal to 21.887 mg / m3. Benzene can enter the mechanical body through inhalation and absorb it through the skin. The longest exposure time occurred in mechanics in Workshop W, while the longest duration of exposure was experienced by mechanics / 28th respondents. The frequency of benzene exposure is most often experienced by mechanics working at Y Workshop, which is 341 days a year. Benzene concentrations in air Workshop V, W, X, and Z exceed NAB, while benzene concentrations in air Y Workshop do not exceed or below NAB. To avoid the risk of benzene exposure to mechanics, the manager of Workshop V, W, X and Z is expected to make efforts to minimize benzene exposure through efforts to reduce benzene concentration in the air as well as efforts to reduce time, duration and frequency of exposure. In addition, further research is needed to determine the risk of benzene exposure to mechanics in AHASS Workshop and to determine the amount of reduction in concentration, time, duration, and frequency of exposure to minimize mechanical health risks due to exposure to benzene in the workplace


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    Composting is one way to reduce waste and add something beneficial to the earth and health. It is very important to analyze the quality of compost before adding compost to the soil. pH value is one of the indicator of compost quality. The pH value is an indicator of the acidity or alkalinity of the maturity compost. The objective of this reseach is to analyzed pH value compost which added dolomit and whithout dolomit, compos quality and reduce waste. Anaerobic and aerobic composter modification from reuse plastic mineral drinking water 19 litter. The method of this research is experimental design.The row organic materials are 3 kg kithcen waste, fruits waste 1 kg (composter anaerobic 1 and aerobic 3) as control and added dolomit 0,3 kg (composter anaerobic 2 and aerobic 4 ) as treatment. The row material in the control and treatment showed that temperature at 20.2 °C and 25°C; pH value at 4.3 and 5.6; moisture at 86.3 and 88.9; carbon into nitrogen (C/N) ratios 23.4 and 14.05.  Maturity compost showed temperature and pH value are at 20°C and 6.0  (composter 3) and at 2.5 °C and 7 (composter 4). Compost Quality analyzed in NPK. The control showed NPK at 0,41; 0.1758; 0,125  (composter 1); 1.42; 0.208; 0.151 (composter 3). The treatment showed NPK at 0.97; 0,0502; 0.124 (composter 2); 1,04; 0.082; 0,222 (composter 4). Waste reduction at 93% (composter 1), 95% (composter 2), 60% (composter 3), 96,8%(composter 4). Dolomit is pH stabilitation on household waste and Effective to redue waste.   Keyword: Dolomit, composting, p

    The pH and Total Suspended Solid with Poly Alumunium Chloride (PAC) and Alumunium Sulfate in Leachate

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    Leachate water is a liquid containing waste degradation results from polluters. PAC and Aluminum Sulfate coagulant is a big molecular weight that are able to form larger clumps form flok. The purpose of the study to see the difference a lower pH and TSS using PAC and Aluminum Sulfate in water leachate. This research is a true experiment and method using Random Design complete (RAL) with six repetitions. The sample consists of the control group (C) and treatment group (T1, T2, T3). Coagulation-Flocculation is carried out using a PAC and Aluminum Sulfate with dose 1600 mg/L (T1), 2600 mg/L (T2), and 3600 mg/L (T3) for 76 minutes. Each sample is mixed with leachate is one liter and stirred by jar test with a speed of 400 rpm for one minute (stirring quickly) and 150 rpm for 15 minutes (stirring slowly), then it only 60 minutes. After that, the results were compared with a control group. The data were analyzed using kruskal-wallis test. The results showed that Aluminum Sulfate is more effective than PAC in lowering the pH and TS

    Hygiene Sanitation and Rhodamin B Dyes in Cenil: Study in Sub-District Market of Jember District

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    Cenil is still one of the traditional foods that people are interested in nowadays. To make it look attractive, cenil producers often use red coloring substance such as Rhodamine B. Rhodamin B is one type of textile dye that is prohibited from being used in food. Many cases of food poisoning or illness are caused by insecure food consumed, lack of application of hygiene sanitation and the use of hazardous chemical dyes as additional ingredients in Cenil. This research used descriptively with quantitative approach. The population of the study was the producer of the cenil as many as seven producers that are selling at the spread in 4 traditional markets in 3 sub-district of Jember District. The sample in this study is total population. The result of the knowledge level of cenil respondents related to the use of additives dye has a medium category (57%). The result hygiene sanitation of cenil has a good selection quality (57%). The result of a laboratory test to the existence of Rhodamin B dye on cenil showed two samples (29%) which contain positive Rhodamin B. Identification the difference of cenil which containing Rhodamine B have bright pink color, tend to fluoresce, there are nonhomogeneous color spots and bitter taste