1,579 research outputs found
Identification of Morphometry and Carcass Composition of Local Sheep at Different Growth Rate
Sheep fattening farms have been recently growing rapidly to produce better quality of sheep meat and fullfill consumer's demand. Sheep fattening and breeding farms should be developed proportionally to obtain sustainable sheep flock in the market. Twelve male lambs (less than one year old) were selected based on their average daily gain (ADG), consisting into two groups: 6 fast growing (FG) and 6 slow growing (SG) sheep. Some morphometric parameters in body and head parts of sheep and their carcass production and composition were measured and compared between the groups. The results show that chest circumference, body height, body length, head length and muzzle, top and bottom neck circumferences of FG sheep were significantly higher than in SG sheep (P0.05). It is concluded that selection of fast growing sheep can be recommended by using some morphometric parameters. The selection would not also negatively affect the weight and percentage of carcass composition
Analysis of Information and Communication Technology Literacy Capabilities to the High School Physics Teacher in Merauke
A physics teacher needs information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy skills in teaching and learning in the classroom. This study aims to analyze the ICT literacy skills of high school physics teachers in Merauke city. This type of research is descriptive quantitative research. Respondents involved in this study were 19 high school physics teachers in Merauke City (Merauke District). The instrument used to collect data was an ICT literacy ability questionnaire developed by researchers totaling 40 statements. The research data were processed using descriptive statistical analysis techniques by determining the percentage of respondents' responses. The analysis showed that the average rate of ICT literacy skills in high school physics teachers was 87%. This means that in general, the ICT literacy skills of high school physics teachers in Merauke City are in the "excellent" category
Penyakit Layu Ralstonia Solanacearum Pada Kacang Tanah Dan Strategi Pengendalian Ramah Lingkungan
Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearumis an important disease constraint of groundnut(Arachis hypogaea L.) in tropical and subtropical allover the world. It causing yield losses of 15–35%,and may reach over 65% in groundnut susceptiblevarieties. In Indonesia, the disease have been foundin some areas in North and West Sumatra, Lampung,West Java, Central Java, East Java, Bali, North andSouth Sulawesi. The wilt symptoms can be observedthree weeks after sowing. Infection of plants resultsin rapid wilting of stems and foliage, while leavesretain their green color.There is no desirable method for chemical controlof groundnut wilt, although some bactericidesthat effective against R. solanacearum have beenidentified and available commercially. Other controlstrategy by non-chemically include resistant varieties,healthy seeds, healthy cultivation, biologicalcontrol, and botanical control have been reduced thedisease. Other disease control strategies which ereenvironment-friendly are resistant variety, and theuse of bio control agents. Resistance variety is oneof the most effective means of controlling groundnutwilt and effective to control bacterial wilt in endemicarea and this method could be adopted byfarmer easily. Biocontrol agents i.e. antagonisticbacteria Psudomonas fluorescens (Pf) isolated fromlegumes rhizosphere showed inhibited effect againstbacterial wilt R. solanacearum. The plants extractof some plants such as lemon grass and nut sedgeroots, also showed suppressive effect against bacterialwilt of groundnut
Pengaruh Kebijakan Promosi terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Kartu Pasca Bayar Matrix pada PT. Indosat di Bandar Lampung
The determine policies promotion by PT Indosat in Matrix card marketing are personal contact and direct mail. Although two kind of campaigns are carried out but does not increase the percentage of customer matrix volume. The purpose of this study was to measure the influence of promotion toward the customer postpaid matrix card loyalty at PT.Indosat in Bandar Lampung. Research methods used in this research is descriptive quantitative method. Population in this research are customer or matrix card user in Lampung, on the year 2009 were 186 803 subscribers. The total sample of 100 respondents estimated through accidental Slovin sampling techniques. Data analysis techniques used are simple linear regression model and t test.Results showed that the regression equation y= 25,99 + 0,493X, the customer loyalty will still have value 25.99 without affecting variables of promotions and customer loyalty will increase by 0.493 where promotion policy is also increased by one. Degree of correlation between customer loyalty promotion policy with the level of closeness is (R= 0,486). Magnitude relationship with customer loyalty promotion policy is 23,7 % (R2 = 0,237). There is a significant influence of promotion toward the customer postpaid Matrix card loyalty at PT Indosat in Bandar Lampung (t count>t table = 5,511 > 1,662)
Perbaikan Postur Kerja pada Operator Komputer dengan Menggunakan Metode Reba
Kelelahan merupakan salah satu respon tubuh untuk meminta istirahat. Kelelahan ini menyebabkan penurunan performansi kerja baik fisik maupun mental. Pada operator komputer, kelelahan ini dapat menyebabkan cedera pada beberapa bagian tubuh. Pada penelitian ini diambil sampel dari 30 operator komputer dengan rentang usia 19 sampai 32 tahun dengan rata-rata jam kerja 42 jam per minggu. Dengan menggunakan kuesioner Nordic Body Measurement didapatkan 47% pekerja mengalami sakit punggung bagian atas selama bekerja, 73% sakit pada leher dan bahu, serta 73% mengalami sakit bahu. Hal ini memperlihatkan adanya metode kerja yang harus diperbaiki oleh operator. Oleh karena itu, dengan menggunakan analisis RULA maka didapatkan usulan metode kerja yang lebih baik sehingga dapat mengurangi kemungkinan cedera yang akan dialami oleh pekerja
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