3 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Abu Sekam Pada Padi Gogo (Oryza Sativa L.) Terhadap Kandungan Silikat Dan Prolin Daun Serta Amilosa Dan Protein Biji

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi abu sekam terhadap kandungan prolin dan silikat daun serta kualitas hasil yaitu protein dan amilosa biji padi gogo dan hubungan korelasi antar keempat komponen tersebut pada kondisi pertanaman 80 persen kapasitas lapang pada skala pot. Penelitian dilakukan di polibag dalam screen house Fakultas Pertanian Unsoed dengan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok pola faktorial dengan faktor varietas (Situ patenggang, Limboto, Towuti, Batutegi dan Aek sibundong) dan faktor abu sekam (0, 2, 4, 6 t/ha), diulang tiga kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemberian abu sekam dosis 2âˆ\u276 t/ha mampu meningkatkan kandungan silikat daun antara 18,49âˆ\u2729,43% dan menurunkan kandungan amilosa biji pada lima varietas sekitar 4,19âˆ\u276,92%. Pemberian abu sekam dosis 2âˆ\u276 t/ha mampu meningkatkan kandungan prolin daun antara 27,56âˆ\u2770,63% dan protein biji antara 2,35âˆ\u2716,71%. Antarvarietas menunjukan bahwa kandungan prolin tertinggi dihasilkan oleh varietas Batu tegi 18,58 persen dan protein biji pada varietas Situ patenggang 9,55%. Terdapat korelasi antar karakter fisiologis yaitu antara silikat-prolin (0,62) dan kandungan protein-amilosa biji (-0,78)

    Pengaruh Aplikasi Pseudomonas Fluorescens P60 Terhadap Mutu Patologis, Mutu Fisiologis, Dan Pertumbuhan Bibit Padi Ir 64

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    Effect of Pseudomonas fluorescens P60 on pathological and physiological quality and growth of rice IR 64 seedlings. The research objectives were (1) detection and identification of seed-borne pathogens of IR 64 rice, (2) testing Pseudomonas fluorescents P60 in inhibiting the in vitro growth of seed-borne pathogens colonies, (3) testing P. fluorescents P60 for pathological and physiological seed quality, and (4) testing P. fluorescents P60 on the growth of seedlings in the greenhouse. The results showed that some seed-borne pathogens can be found both on farmers' IR 64 rice and factory's; they were Aspergillus flavus, Alternaria padwickii, Pseudomonas glumae, and P. syringae. Application of P. flourescens P60 was able to inhibit the in vitrogrowth of colonies of all seed-borne pathogens, except P. syringae. Related to pathological quality, the effect of P. flourescens P60 on percentage of seed-borne pathogens attack did not significantly different from that of benomil but smaller than distilled water. On the physiological quality of seeds, treatment of P. flourescens P60 has the same effect with benomil and distilled water, with germination rate was more than 80%. In the greenhouse study,treatment of seed immersion time in P. flourescens P60 suspension showed that the effect of immersion time as long as15 minutes and 25 minutes on seedling height, root length, and seedling dry weightdid not significantly different. were. However, 25 minutes immersion time resulted in fresh seedling weight and root dry weight higher than that of 15 minutes immersion time


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    Effect of Pseudomonas fluorescens P60 on pathological and physiological quality and growth of rice IR 64 seedlings. The research objectives were (1) detection and identification of seed-borne pathogens of IR 64 rice, (2) testing Pseudomonas fluorescents P60 in inhibiting the in vitro growth of seed-borne pathogens colonies, (3) testing P. fluorescents P60 for pathological and physiological seed quality, and (4) testing P. fluorescents P60 on the growth of seedlings in the greenhouse. The results showed that some seed-borne pathogens can be found both on farmers' IR 64 rice and factory's; they were Aspergillus flavus, Alternaria padwickii, Pseudomonas glumae, and P. syringae. Application of P. flourescens P60 was able to inhibit the in vitrogrowth of colonies of all seed-borne pathogens, except P. syringae. Related to pathological quality, the effect of P. flourescens P60 on percentage of seed-borne pathogens attack did not significantly different from that of benomil but smaller than distilled water. On the physiological quality of seeds, treatment of P. flourescens P60 has the same effect with benomil and distilled water, with germination rate was more than 80%. In the greenhouse study,treatment of seed immersion time in P. flourescens P60 suspension showed that the effect of immersion time as long as15 minutes and 25 minutes on seedling height, root length, and seedling dry weightdid not significantly different. were. However, 25 minutes immersion time resulted in fresh seedling weight and root dry weight higher than that of 15 minutes immersion time