255 research outputs found

    Menyimak Kerancuan dalam Hubungan Lintas Kultur dan Struktur

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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Berbasis Ict pada Mata Kuliah Ekofisiologi melalui ‘Lesson Study\u27

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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Berbasis ICT Pada Mata Kuliah Ekofisiologi Melalui ‘Lesson Study\u27 Ekofisiologi merupakan salah satu Mata Kuliah Kompetensi Utama yang wajib diprogram mahasiswa Prodi Biologi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Lesson Study, dan dilakukan pada mahasiswa Prodi Biologi Angkatan 2007. Tujuan Lesson Study Berbasis Jurusan (LSBJ) pada mata kuliah Ekofisiologi adalah (1) Meningkatkan kualitas mengajar dosen pengampu mata kuliah Ekofisiologi. (2) Mendeskripsikan proses perkuliahan Ekofisiologi pada materi adaptasi hewan terhadap lingkungan Ekstrim dan Hibernasi dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif berbasis ICT. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Kualitas mengajar dosen dengan menerapkan pembelajaran kooperatif berbasis ICT meningkat. (2) Penyampaian materi pembelajaran kooperatif berbasis ICT dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif berhasil dengan baik, karena semua mahasiswa merespon positif

    Penetapan Bahan Organik Tanah Tandus Secara Spektrofotometri & Titrimetri

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    The content of organic matter in barren land and padas has been determined spectrophotometrically and titrimetrically. Soil samples were taken from four locations, each of the two locations of barren land (I and II) and two locations (I 'and II'). The content of soil organic matter at depths of 15, 50 and 90 cm determined spectrophotometrically, is 24.48; 17.29 and 9.07% (Location I), 19.64; 15.92 and 6.24% (Location II). With the titrimetry method on solid soil, the yield obtained is 1.30; 0.94 and 0.76% (Location I '), 0.64; 0.46 and 0.31% (Location II'). It appears, that the deeper the content of organic matter the lower the soil. When compared with barren land, the content in padas is lower

    Biokomposit Bermatrik Pati Sagu Dengan Variasi Fraksi Volume Serat Rami

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    This research is applied for food container. Food container must have high bending strength, saving food contact and easy decomposes naturally. This study focus on producing the biocomposite for container application as a polystyrenes substitution. Sago extract, cytosine 40 %, Glycerol 20 % and 70 C of gelatinization temperature were used as materials in this study. The filler used in the process has no many variation, start 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% from the biocomposite volume fraction by using the bending test by ASTM C393 (1997). The result of this study was the bending strength and the migration of material to the volume fractions of jute fiber. The highest bending strength at 40% volume fraction was 6 MPa and the slowest stress at 2 MPa in 10% volume fraction. This result showed the material used in this study was safe for food container

    Media Relations di Media Massa (Analisis Deskriptif Kualitatif terhadap Kegiatan Media Relations Tvri YOGYAKARTA dan Jogja TV)

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    Every organization needs to buid it\u27s image. Media relations is one of the ways to make good image. Theactivities refer to how organization using media to affect their publics to reach organization goal. Mass mediausually be used by corporate to make corporate and product images, but it also needs to build images .This researchemphasize on media relations management in media. TVRI Jogja and Jogja TV are choosen to represent publicand commercial elect ronic media. It\u27s aim to know media orientation, technical media relations and their differences

    Peran Laminar Air Flow Cabinet Dalam Uji Mikroorganisme Bagi Mahasiswa Tugas Akhir Di Laboratorium Biokimia

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    Work safety and security in the laboratory environment is very much needed, especially those related to microorganisms. In this case the purpose of the survey is to find out what percentage of the success rate of inoculation or the planting of microorganisms using the Laminar Air Flow instrument. As for the method used based on the classification survey of the number of tools used. And from the observation / survey that the number of users of laminar water flow in the Biochemistry laboratory for 1 year (2017) shows a very significant number especially in certain months such as October - November reached 27, 31 users, overall the number of users was quite large. This means that the instrument is needed for its existence.Also from the types of activities carried out by the Final Project students so far by using these instruments can be well served means that the tool is able to help solve problems of students who are completing their research

    Exploring Plagiarism Into Perspectives of Indonesian Academics and Students

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    Plagiarism has been done by students from around the globes. There has been a heated discussion of finding reasons why plagiarism occurred in academic world and Eastern students in particular. This research wants to explore how actually students perceive plagiarism in their academic writing as well as how lecturers coped with plagiarism in the students\u27 assignments. The research participants were taken from 2 different majors, 32 English Education students and 10 Psychology students as well as 5 lecturers from English Education Department and 3 lecturers from Psychology Faculty in one of private universities in Central Java Province, Indonesia. Questionnaires were distributed to those respondents and also interviews were conducted to several lecturers and students. The results of questionnaire and interview showed that both students and lecturers knew and understand the essence of plagiarism, however, students admitted that they still plagiarised in their assignment. Lecturers, on the other hand, revealed that they could figure out when students plagiarised others\u27 works. However, it was limited to crossing over assignments between students. In other words, detecting plagiarism was done manually and restricted to students\u27 written works only. In conclusion, despite comprehending the meaning of plagiarism, student still plagiarised since there was not any real action from lecturers to encounter it
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