13 research outputs found

    Penerapan SOP Budidaya Untuk Mendukung Temulawak Sebagai Bahan Baku Obat Potensial

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    Application of Standard Operational Procedure to Support Java Turmeric as Potential Drug IngredientsJava turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) is one of Indonesian native plants cultivated in West, Central and, East Java, Yogyakarta, Bali, North Sumatera, Riau, Jambi, West and East Kalimantan, and North and South Sulawesi. Since rhizomes contain xanthorrizol, curcuminoid and essential oils, this plant has been widely used as traditional medicine (jamu), standardized herbal and phytopharmaca medicines. Applying standard operational procedure consisting of the USAge of a good variety, selection of suitable environmental condition, soil preparation, seedling and planting techniques, and post harvest technology will produce high both yield and quality of rhizomes. Turmeric propagates via main or branch rhizomes. Seed should be chosen from the healthy plants age 10-12 months after planting. Rhizomes should have shiny skin and free from pests and diseases. Rhizomes may be divided into 2 - 4 pieces, which is 20-40 g/slice and have 2-3 shoots. Organic and inorganic fertilizers ascertain quantity and quality of rhizomes. The need of inorganic fertilizers such as Urea, SP36 and KCl depends on soil fertility condition. Field in Type B climate having low N status, enough P and K status will produce 25.46 tones/ha rhizomes since it is applied with 20 ton/ha of dung manure, 300 kg/ha of Urea, 200 kg/ha of SP36 and 200 kg/ha of KCL. Plant will ready to be harvested on 10 to 12 months after planting, indicated by senescent condition. Java turmeric can be used to enhance eating appetite, cure digesting and liver malfunctions, lower blood fat, antioxidants and inhibit blood clotting

    Pola Pertumbuhan Dan Serapan Hara N, P, K Tanaman Bangle (Zingiber Purpureum Roxb.)

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    Growth pattern and nutrient uptake of N, P and K onpurple ginger (Zingiber purpureum Roxb)One of the problems in cultivation of purple ginger (Zingiberpurpureum Roxb) is limited cultivation technology. Therefore, the study on its growth pattern and nutrient uptake of N, P, and K is very importantto support its cultivation technology. The objective of the research was tofind out data of growth pattern, growth rate, nutrient uptake, and simplisiaquality. Field trial was conducted in farmers land in Bogor from May 2001to March 2002. The soil is latosol and the altitude is 250 m asl. Plot sizewas 6 x 1,5m, and plant spacing was 50 x 40 cm. Observation on thegrowth pattern and nutrient uptake were carried out at different ages of : 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 months after planting. Six samples were taken atevery growth stage of the plant. The results showed that the growth rateand the nutrient uptake of N, P, and K linearly increased, in line with theincrease of plant ages. Yield of essential oil at 10 MAP was 12.10 ml/plant. The amount of dry weight accumulation was 701.0 g/plant, to produce417.97 g simplisia/plant needed nutrient uptake of N, P and K, respectivelywas 8.48, 1.72 and 4.02 g/plant

    Pengaruh Pemupukan Terhadap Pertumbuhan, Produksi Dan Mutu Simplisia Purwoceng (Pimpinella Pruatjan Molkenb)

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    Effect of fertilizer application on production and qualityof Pimpinella pruatjan MolkenbPurwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb) is an Indonesianindigenous medicinal plant. Purwoceng is classified as an endangeredspecies, and its cultivation technology has not been devoleped. Theobjective of the research was to find out the effect of fertilizer applicationon the production and quality of purwoceng simplisia. The research wasconducted in Sikunang, Dieng, Wonosobo, Central Java from 2004 until2005. The treatments of fertilizer application on 2.4 m 2 were (1) control(without fertilizer); (2) 9.6 kg dung manure (dm); (3) 96 g urea + 48 gSP36 + 72 g KCl; (4) 9.6 kg pk + 96 g urea + 48 g SP36 + 72 g KCl; (5)9.6 kg pk + 96 g urea + 48 g SP36; (6) 96 kg pk + 9.6 g urea + 72 g KCl;(7) 9.6 kg pk + 48 g SP36 + 72 g KCl. The experiment was designed inrandomized block designed with four replications. The result of theresearch showed that the treatments of 9.6 kg dm + 96 g urea + 48 g SP36+ 72 g KCl/2.4 m 2 and 96 g urea + 48 g SP36 + 72 g KCl/2.4 m 2 increasedthe simplisia production and quality compared with control. The simplisiaproduction increased up to 40% and the stigma sterol content in the rootsincreased up to 11 – 14 times. The content of sitosterol in the plants withfertilizer application was 6.7 – 17.11 ppm but in the plants withoutfertilizer application was zero. The content of bergapten in shoot part ofplant with fertilizer application was 4.92 – 5.56 ppm, but in the shoot partwithout fertilizer application was zeros. The production and quality ofsimplisia with the fertilizer application of 96 g urea + 48 g SP36 + 72 gKCl/2.4 m 2 were not significantly different from those with fertilizerapplication of 9.6 kg pk + 96 g urea + 48 g SP36 + 72 gKCl/2.4 m 2 . Ithappened probably because the organic soil content was high, so that theapplication of 40 ton/ha of dung manure did not give any effect.Furthermore, to increase the optimum production of purwoceng simplisia(6.98 kwt/ha) with high quality it needs 283 mg N, 55 mg P dan 356 mgK/plant or 23.50 kg N, 6.30 kg P, and 38.90 K/ha

    Karakterisasi Morfologi dan Mutu Buah Mengkudu

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    Penelitian dilakukan di sentra pertanaman mengkudu di Jawa Barat (Ciampea, Cipaku, Jasinga, Tasikmalaya), Banten (tepi pantai Malingping), Jawa Tengah (Surakarta, Semarang, Yogyakarta), dan di Jawa Timur (Lamongan) pada bulan Mei- Desember 2003, untuk mengetahui ciri-ciri morfologi dan mutu buah mengkudu. Telah diperoleh tujuh tipe mengkudu dengan perbedaan sifat-sifat morfologi, fisiologi, dan mutu buahnya. Perbedaan tipe mengkudu yang mencolok adalah bentuk, ukuran, rasa, dan rendemen daging buah. Dari ketujuh tipe tersebut terdapat dua tipe yang berukuran buah besar (tipe 1, 2, 4, dan 5), dan tipe berukuran buah kecil (tipe 3, 6, dan 7). Tipe mengkudu yang ukuran buahnya besar, rendemen jus dan daging buahnya lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang buahnya berukuran kecil. Dari tipe berukuran buah besar terdapat satu tipe berbiji sedikit yang dianggap seed less, yaitu tipe 4, sehingga rendemen daging buahnya tinggi. Tipe seed less termasuk langka, karena hanya ditemukan di Surakarta dan Semarang dengan populasi terbatas. Tipe yang mempunyai daerah penyebaran luas adalah tipe 1, ditemukan di tepi pantai hingga ketinggian 600 m dpl. Tipe 5 bobot buahnya paling tinggi, buah bercabang, ditemukan di Malingping dan Tasikmalaya. Rasa daging buah, dapat dibedakan menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu asam manis dan pahit. Semua tipe yang tumbuh di tepi pantai rasa buahnya pahit, dan setelah masak buahnya tidak langsung jatuh. Kelompok yang mempunyai rasa buah tidak pahit, buah tidak langsung jatuh setelah masak

    Variasi Bahan Bioaktif dan Bioaktivitas Tiga Nomor Harapan Temulawak pada Lokasi Budidaya Berbeda

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    Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhizaRoxb.) belongs to the family Zingiberaceae, has been empirically used as herbal medicines. The research was aimed to evaluate three promising lines of Temulawak based on their high bioactive contents (xanthorrhizol and curcuminoid) and its in vitro bioactivity (antioxidant and toxicity), and to obtain information on agrobiophysic environmental condition which produced high bioactive compounds. The xanthorrhizol and curcuminoid contents were measured by HPLC. In vitro antioxidant and toxicity were determined by DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl) method and BSLT (Brine Shrimp Lethality Test). The result showed that promising line A produced the highest yield of bioactive and bioactivity, i.e. 0.157 and 0.056 g plant-1of xanthorrizol and curcuminoid respectively. The IC50 of antioxidant activity was 65.09 mg L-1and LC50of toxicity was 69.05 mg L-1. In this study, Cipenjo had the best temulawak performance than two other locations. According to the agrobiophysic parameters, Cipenjo environmental condition was suitable for temulawak cultivation with temperature 28-34 ºC, rainfall ± 223.97 mm year-1 and sandy clay soil. Keywords: antioxidant, curcuminoid, promising lines, temulawak, xanthorrhizo