
Pengaruh Pemupukan Terhadap Pertumbuhan, Produksi Dan Mutu Simplisia Purwoceng (Pimpinella Pruatjan Molkenb)


Effect of fertilizer application on production and qualityof Pimpinella pruatjan MolkenbPurwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb) is an Indonesianindigenous medicinal plant. Purwoceng is classified as an endangeredspecies, and its cultivation technology has not been devoleped. Theobjective of the research was to find out the effect of fertilizer applicationon the production and quality of purwoceng simplisia. The research wasconducted in Sikunang, Dieng, Wonosobo, Central Java from 2004 until2005. The treatments of fertilizer application on 2.4 m 2 were (1) control(without fertilizer); (2) 9.6 kg dung manure (dm); (3) 96 g urea + 48 gSP36 + 72 g KCl; (4) 9.6 kg pk + 96 g urea + 48 g SP36 + 72 g KCl; (5)9.6 kg pk + 96 g urea + 48 g SP36; (6) 96 kg pk + 9.6 g urea + 72 g KCl;(7) 9.6 kg pk + 48 g SP36 + 72 g KCl. The experiment was designed inrandomized block designed with four replications. The result of theresearch showed that the treatments of 9.6 kg dm + 96 g urea + 48 g SP36+ 72 g KCl/2.4 m 2 and 96 g urea + 48 g SP36 + 72 g KCl/2.4 m 2 increasedthe simplisia production and quality compared with control. The simplisiaproduction increased up to 40% and the stigma sterol content in the rootsincreased up to 11 – 14 times. The content of sitosterol in the plants withfertilizer application was 6.7 – 17.11 ppm but in the plants withoutfertilizer application was zero. The content of bergapten in shoot part ofplant with fertilizer application was 4.92 – 5.56 ppm, but in the shoot partwithout fertilizer application was zeros. The production and quality ofsimplisia with the fertilizer application of 96 g urea + 48 g SP36 + 72 gKCl/2.4 m 2 were not significantly different from those with fertilizerapplication of 9.6 kg pk + 96 g urea + 48 g SP36 + 72 gKCl/2.4 m 2 . Ithappened probably because the organic soil content was high, so that theapplication of 40 ton/ha of dung manure did not give any effect.Furthermore, to increase the optimum production of purwoceng simplisia(6.98 kwt/ha) with high quality it needs 283 mg N, 55 mg P dan 356 mgK/plant or 23.50 kg N, 6.30 kg P, and 38.90 K/ha

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    Last time updated on 19/08/2017